Russian media is upset that patriotism is rising in Spain against the Kremlin and Israeli-backed Catalan separatists. RT has been pumping out videos showing proud Spaniards shouting “Viva Espana!” and…
Author: Martinez Perspective
Putin Visits Former KGB Boss
How touching. Putin paid a visit to his former KGB boss. The two must have fond memories of the good old Soviet glory days plotting out the subversion of “enemy…
A Somali Controls Canada’s Immigration Policies & Predictably Lets In Somalian Refugees Who Do Terror
With a Somalian Muslim immigrant in charge of Canada’s immigration policies, you can only expect he will let in more of his countrymen who, inevitably, will kill Canadians in ISIS-inspired…
Julian Assange Confirmed as Kremlin Stooge
Effeminate Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is a Kremlin stooge and is doing Russia’s bidding once again by using his Wikileaks megaphone to support Catalonian independence from Spain. Russia supports Catalan separatism…
Kremlin and Controlled Alt-Media Supporting Break Up of Spain
By Brandon Martinez The Kremlin tools over at are whining about the Spanish newspaper El Pais’ coverage of Russian meddling in Spain’s internal crisis with the separatist drive in…
Inviting Barbarism to Our Lands
This video shows Shia Muslims ritually cutting themselves and bleeding out. They do this to mourn the death of their prophet’s grandson in some ancient battle. Nothing the least bit…
Nationalists Must Be On Guard of Entryism from Jews, Muslims and Russians
By Brandon Martinez Nationalists are being subverted on multiple fronts to prioritize the interests of foreign alien groups. Jews, Muslims and Russians have infiltrated nationalist groups and online communities in…
Islam Encourages Breast Feeding of Grown Men
Apparently, Islam permits the breastfeeding of grown men in order to reduce sexual tension. Once the grown Muslim man is breastfed by the woman he lusts for, Allah says he…
Russian Mouthpiece Jay Dyer Still Promoting Dugin
By Brandon Martinez Opportunist Russian mouthpiece and professional conspiracist, Jay Dyer, has a new video book report about his idol and likely paymaster Alexander Dugin. Dyer is an American internet…
Dugin’s Published Plan to Destroy the West
By Brandon Martinez Creepy Russian occultist and mystic Alexander Dugin published a screed, entitled “Principles and Strategy of Coming War,” laying out his game-plan for an apocalyptic “end times” war…
Dictator Groupie Eva Bartlett Now in North Korea
By Brandon Martinez Globe-trotting Social Justice Warrior and dictator-groupie Eva Bartlett has surfaced in North Korea, showing her “solidarity” with the Kim Jung-Un dictatorship by waving around that country’s flag…
Phony Anti-War Zealots Work for Iran & Russia
By Brandon Martinez I’ve written before about how “anti-war” zealots calling themselves truthers are actually just subversive agents of Russian and Iranian expansionism. This video proves that George Galloway is…
“Anti-War” Libertarians and the Truther Cult Now Support War On Terror
By Brandon Martinez Isn’t it amazing that the Western-based anti-war and 9/11 truther cult, who spent the last 10 years railing against the US-led war on terror, have (for the…
Former Anti-Islam Activist Wants Me to Stop Criticizing Muslims
By Brandon Martinez The other day I responded to the non-arguments of a woman named Jaci Stanton. She’s a former liberal atheist anti-Islam activist who bizarrely wants me to stop…
IslamoCuck Truther Girl Can’t Muster an Argument
By Brandon Martinez The “truthers” have no serious arguments against what I’ve said in various articles critiquing them on this blog. Case in point is this piece about me by…
George Galloway’s Absurd Double Standards
By Brandon Martinez This video does a good job exposing the absurdist double standards of leftist British politician George Galloway. Galloway is shown headlining an “anti-war” protest in 2015 when…
False Flag Cult Comes Undone With Iran Attack
By Brandon Martinez With Iran now blaming ISIS for an attack on its parliament and a popular religious shrine, the false flag cult has come undone, exposing itself as a…
George Galloway – Classic Sabbath Kaffir
By Brandon Martinez I recently found this video pretty much proving with his own words that former British MP George Galloway is a crypto-Muslim. Galloway made a career out of…
Confused Truthers
By Brandon Martinez On the one hand various “truthers” proclaim that al-Qaeda doesn’t exist. James Corbett even released a documentary some years ago with the title, “Al-Qaeda Doesn’t Exist.” But…
Diversity in London Brings Terror
By Brandon Martinez Another day, another terror attack in Europe. Soon enough this will be a daily occurrence. Muslim radicals seem to have a thing for vans, trucks and knives,…