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The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 25, 2021): Vaccine Mandates; Afghan Refugee Push Intensifies
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The Martinez Perspective (Aug 22, 2021): Analyzing the EMJ-Taylor Race Debate
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The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 16, 2021): Amnats/Wignats Endorse Taliban; Cuckservative Acknowledges White Replacement
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MP Blocked On Telegram By Google
My main Telegram channel has been blocked by Google. To view my channel, you’ll have to delete the version of the app from Google’s playstore and get the version directly…
The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 14, 2021): Cucked Canada Run By Sociopaths; Jew Gloating About White Decline in USA
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Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh Acknowledges White Replacement
The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh has finally acknowledged that whites are being replaced in the United States. The latest US census shows that the white population has dropped to a…
The Martinez Perspective (Aug 12, 2021): ZOG Persecutes Australian Dissidents, Orban & the JQ
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The Martinez Perspective (Aug. 6, 2021): Eurasian Saviour Nonsense, Russia & China Jew Ties
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Patriot Loki Hulgaard Still Being Persecuted By Canadian Bolshevik State
I’ve received word that my friend, pro-white patriot Loki Hulgaard is still being harassed and persecuted by the Canadian Feds once again. He was charged with ‘wilfully promoting hatred’ a…
Banned from BuyMeACoffee
The main site I was using for fiat donations, BuyMeACoffee, has been banned. So now all that’s left is Entropy. If you were signed up as a member on the…
The Martinez Perspective (July 26, 2021): Covid Tyranny Advances, Black Privileging, & Jews Behind Libya War
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The Martinez Perspective (July 13, 2021): South Africa Chaos, Fuentes Twitter Nonsense, Proofs of Jewish Influence
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The Martinez Perspective (July 9, 2021): Aggressive Homos On the March, Segregation is Good & More
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The Martinez Perspective (July 5, 2021): Dindu Insurrection in Canada, Antifa as Tranny Death Cult & Latest Diversity Push in Business
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Welcome to MARTINEZPERSPECTIVE.NET! We are committed to protecting your personal information and take it very seriously. The following is our statement of privacy applied to all subscribers. INFORMATION WE COLLECT…
Dugin in 1997: Unleash “Afro-American Racists” on White America
In Dugin’s 1997 book “Foundations of Geopolitics,” a maniacal screed advocating Russian world domination, the occultist openly calls for unleashing black racists against White America as a subversion strategy. “Russia…
Dugin’s Zionist Ally Avigdor Eskin Slanders Poland, Ukraine & Baltics
Alexander Dugin’s top Jewish-Israeli ally Avigdor Eskin went on RT to condemn a Polish priest (and Poland more generally) who truthfully noted that Jews don’t believe in truth and twist…
“Novorossiya”: An Antifa Enclave
Novorossiya, Putin’s “New Russia” mercenary army occupying eastern Ukraine, is an antifa enclave. But Nazbols, Duginists and alt-right Putin cucks won’t tell you that. Virtually all of the foreign fighters…
Putin Cuck Nick Griffin Said “It’s Russia’s Turn” To Rule Europe
Is Nick Griffin, the former head of the BNP, on the Kremlin payroll? It certainly looks that way. I wasn’t aware Griffin was such a Russia cuck, but he’s right up…