Duration: 1:15:00 Topics: We hit on a number of topics such as Trump/Biden election, feminism, MGTOW/incels, clout chasers, Israel and more. TIPS Share this… Twitter Facebook Whatsapp Telegram Skype Vk…
Martinez Politix (July 3, 2024) | Le Pen rises in France; Orban forms group in EU
Duration: 3h 19min 13sec Topics: Marine Le Pen wins first round of French elections; Macron the globalist may soon be defeated; this is a good step forward for the French…
Martinez Politix (June 26, 2024) | Interview: Emmet Connor on the Marxist Cult
Duration: 1:24:00Topics: Emmet Connor joins the stream to discuss his new book “Red Pandemic: The Global Marxist Cult” in which he deep dives into the mutations of the Marxist cult…
Martinez Politix (June 24, 2024) | Trump blasts gender ideology
Duration: 2h 46min 11sec Topics: First half I cover the Islamic terror attack in Dagestan; the second Islamic attack in months in Putin’s multicultural Russia; the dictator wasted no time…
Martinez Politix (June 21, 2024) | Disney is Anti-White
Duration: 4h 4min 15sec Topics: First half I cover the O’Keefe revelations that Disney is partaking in explicit anti-White hiring practices; guy at Disney is filmed saying they won’t promote…
Martinez Politix (June 19, 2024) | Israel Knew About Oct. 7 Attacks
Duration: 2h 34min 31sec Topics: First half I cover an article in Haaretz detailing once again that Israel had detailed foreknowledge of an impending Hamas attack; full details of the…
Martinez Politix (June 17, 2024) | Meloni gives ultimatum to Putin; Orban calls out the GR
Duration: 2h 27min 51sec Topics: First half I cover Biden’s gaffes at G7; Meloni takes a strong stand against Putin’s invasion of Ukraine; Victor Orban calls out the Great Replacement…
Martinez Politix (June 14, 2024) | Candace continues lame Ukraine takes
Duration: 3h 9min 59sec Topics: First half I cover parts of the Candace-Piers interview; Owens does not divulge much about her feud with Daily Wire but it mostly stemmed from…
Martinez Politix (June 12, 2024) | Marine Le Pen inches closer to power in France
Duration: 02:42:00 Topics: I cover the rise of Marine le Pen in France; she is on the brink of winning a snap election; in her first speech since the EU…
Martinez Politix (June 10, 2024) | Right-wing surges in Euro elections
Duration: 1h 3min 14sec Topics: I cover the results of the European elections; big wins for the right in Germany, Hungary, France and Netherlands; Spain and Scandinavia lag behind with…
Martinez Politix (JUNE 7 2024) | Austria cop stabbed; Polish soldier attacks on border
Duration: 2h 26min 36sec Topics: First half I look at the latest clown world clips; Muslim stabbers on a rampage in Europe attacking a cop in Austria & a Polish…
Martinez Politix (JUNE 6 2024) | Islamic attakcs in Germany+ OMETV
Duration: 1h 39min 54sec Topics: First half I monologue about the recent Islamic attacks in Germany; Islam is the mortal threat to White well-being; anyone who coddles Islam or advocates…
Martinez Politix (June 3, 2024) | Is Trump being railroaded into prison? + Debunking Davis on Hitler/WW2
Duration: 2h 27min Topics: First part I look at how Canada is a hell-hole; hate speech laws, great replacement, gaylordism; country is on suicide watch; Democrats are trying to railroad…
Martinez Politix (May 30, 2024) | The Nordicist Schizo Question w/ Gigachud
Duration: 2:50:00 Topics: We cover a lot of topics; National Socialism is a Nordicist race cult that imitates Jewish supremacy; master race vs chosen people; Hitler’s main mission was to…
Martinez Politix (May 29, 2024) | DeNiro has Trump Derangement Syndrome; Sanchez’s wife still under investigation
Duration: 2h 2min 23sec Topics: I cover Robert DeNiro’s Trump Derangement Syndrome; the reason he’s a leftist is because he married and reproduced with a black woman; next I look…
Martinez Politix (May 27, 2024) | Russia bombs Kharkiv; Netanyahu Indicted by ICC
Duration: 2h 32min Topics: I looked at Putin’s latest deadly assault in Kharkiv; he is desperately trying to recover the territory they lost at the beginning of the war; the…
Martinez Politix (May 24, 2024) | Leftist-Islamic alliance
Duration: 2h 58min 50sec Topics: I look at the phenomenon of radical leftists all throwing their weight behind Palestine; Spanish leftists are repeating Hamas slogans; Leftists are useful idiots for…
Martinez Politix (May 22, 2024) | Sanchez causes chaos with attacks on Milei
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Interviewing Spaniards at Vox’s annual event!
Duration: 31min 11sec Topics: I attended Vox’s annual Viva24 event where national conservatives from around Europe and the world came together to lambast globalism to a crowd of thousands. Attendees…
Martinez Politix (May 15, 2024) | The devolution of the Manosphere into pick up artistry
Duration: 2h 20min 28sec Topics: I look at an article in a Spanish paper complaining about the Manosphere; push-back to feminism is growing; mainstream parties in Spain like Vox have…