Duration: 2h 47min 16sec Topics: Spanish leftists are hell-bent on destroying Spain; Yolanda Diaz introduces new measure to force private companies to pander to LGBT employees; Pedro Sanchez pledges to…
Tag: Leftism
The “Anti-Woke” Reboot of Marxism
You’re starting to see a variant of “anti-woke” Marxism pop up that is trying to steer right-wingers into the Marxist orbit. You see examples like Hinkle/Haz in America (American Communist…
Dictator Groupie Eva Bartlett Now in North Korea
By Brandon Martinez Globe-trotting Social Justice Warrior and dictator-groupie Eva Bartlett has surfaced in North Korea, showing her “solidarity” with the Kim Jung-Un dictatorship by waving around that country’s flag…
George Galloway’s Absurd Double Standards
By Brandon Martinez This video does a good job exposing the absurdist double standards of leftist British politician George Galloway. Galloway is shown headlining an “anti-war” protest in 2015 when…