False Flag Cult Comes Undone With Iran Attack


By Brandon Martinez

With Iran now blaming ISIS for an attack on its parliament and a popular religious shrine, the false flag cult has come undone, exposing itself as a fraud that, like the boy who cried wolf, only yells “false flag” when the target of the attack is in the West. If this kind of attack happened in a Western country, the false flaggers would be all over it with their redundant amateur “analysis” trying to pick holes in the story. But with the attack in Iran, none of that seems to be happening. They either ignore it completely, or simply say that it’s a real attack by ISIS, but dishonestly add that ISIS are “fake Muslims” in the pay of shadowy Westerners. They won’t ask the typical “cui bono” type questions here because in this case Iran is the beneficiary, gaining world sympathy as a fellow victim of ISIS terrorism.

These cultists consider Iran to be an innocent “victim” nation under assault by the big powers, so scrutiny is never applied to its government, which was founded by a religious fundamentalist maniac who had 30,000 “dissidents” executed in one year. Interesting that they condemn other countries in the Middle East that have “collaborated” with Western powers, but sweep aside how Iran directly helped the United States overthrow the rival Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2001, took advantage of the US invasion of Iraq to empower their Shiite proxies who had long sought to supplant Saddam Hussein (a historic foe of Iran who invaded the country in 1980), and supported the uprising against and overthrow of Libya’s Gaddafi, which they marketed as part of an “Islamic Awakening” at the time. These low-brow simpletons never call out Iran on its hypocrisy and double-dealing because that would get in the way of their current task of shilling for that regime to “avoid war,” or whatever they tell themselves to justify it.

This cognitive bias is also evident in their skewed and contradictory “analysis” of Syria. Whilst they are clearly extreme apologists for Muslims when Muslims are accused of terror against the West, they reverse themselves in the rather complex powder keg of Syria, where mainly Muslim factions are battling against the truth movement “hero” Assad. In that theater, the “truthers” claim that not only are the Muslim extremists doing all the terrorism and atrocities of the war, but they’re also behind various “false flag” attacks designed to frame the “innocent” Assad regime, which is held up as a bastion of virtue and “resistance.” So in the West these “analysts” contend radical Muslims are innocent patsies being set-up by our governments, but in Syria the narrative is exactly the opposite, where the radical Muslim rebels are portrayed as evil villains who are so dastardly and conniving that they’ve been organizing false flag massacres to frame Assad. These same people who viscerally hate the West and blame all the world’s problems on it, take the opposite line as they market Assad as a virtuous, Western-educated secularist who dresses like we do and speaks English and should thus be supported against his fundamentalist Muslim opponents. The disconnects here are stunning.

Predictably, truther scrutiny is also never applied to terror that takes place within the borders of Russia, even though most of it is usually blamed on separatist Muslims from the Caucasus. This is a case where their pro-Russian, pro-Putin bias takes precedence over their pro-Muslim bias, dusting off examples where Russia has manipulated and made scapegoats of Muslims for terror.

This is all very prototypical of politically-interested ideologues who, while falsely fronting as “truth seekers,” function as little more than emissaries propelling the propaganda of the beloved “white hat” regimes of the East. But their tricks and biases are becoming more and more apparent as time goes by.

23 thoughts on “False Flag Cult Comes Undone With Iran Attack

  1. This will no doubt sound cliched, but the truth in this regard is neither black or white, it is gray.

    It matters not how Iran positioned itself in past conflicts in the region, and whether they were allied with the West. Calling attention to this is a logical diversion which has no bearing on the matter at hand. Iraq and Sadaam were one time allies of the West as well. Ever since Israel arrived on the scene in the Middle East, political alliances are fleeting, and betrayals are commonplace.

    I arrived at this article because you dropped it in a FB comment on Chris Bollyn’s latest piece in which he cites Russian military claiming US / ISIS collusion. This is highly probable given what we already know, is it not?

  2. It matters not how Iran positioned itself in past conflicts in the region, and whether they were allied with the West.

    It does matter because it shows that Iran is not some principled actor always on the side of the “oppressed underdog” as it and its groupies like to claim. It is just another self-interested geopolitical player that has its own expansionist ambitions, only selectively opposing wars that don’t benefit its regional interests, while supporting others that do. If Iran supported wars to topple neighbouring regimes that it didn’t like, then why should anyone stand with Iran now that its interests are threatened by other power players? They can write their own propaganda. I’m not going to help them.

    1. That’s perfectly legitimate, but it does nothing, and is rather irrelevant, when the subject matter is whether ISIS carries US made weapons, and receives medical aid from Israel; and whether Iran is targeted for elimination by Israel because Iran in fact does stand alone in the region in courageous opposition to the Israeli menace.

      I really do appreciate your hard work and dedication, and I have commented to that effect in the past, but sometimes I feel you publish work which serves to further obfuscate matters, than it does to shed light.

  3. It’s obfuscation to suggest that Iran is engaged in “courageous opposition” to Israel. As we saw during the Iran-Iraq war, Iran collaborated with Israel during Iran-Contra to get weapons via Israel for its war with Iraq. Iran is a very shady power and at most engages in lip service to the Palestinian issue for domestic consumption. Iran would never risk going to war with Israel to jeopardize its own regional ambitions to export its Shiite revolutionary ideology that has little play among mainly Sunni Palestinians.

    ISIS carries weapons from all over the place, where ever they can get it. The people fighting ISIS are also carrying mostly US-supplied weaponry, especially the Kurds and the Iraqi forces who were trained and equipped by the US army. If anything the US is letting all these factions fight each other, as Israel desires, but doesn’t really have a favourite that they want to win.

    The main point of this post was to show the absurd cognitive bias of the “false flag” truthers who only scrutinize terror incidents when it happens in the West.

    1. Roger that, I understand the main point of this post. But, back to ISIS, they fit right in with the proxy, surrogate warfare model employed by Israel in the region. To say that ISIS is a creation of the West and Israel would be accurate, in that ISIS is comprised mainly of disbanded groups that were created directly by the CIA, such as the Mujahideen and Al Qaeda in Iraq. Do you disagree with that?

  4. People always try to link it back to that 1980s gambit in Afghanistan, but there have been “Mujahideen” type groups since the dawn of Islam fighting for one reason or another. At best we can say that the US temporarily used those guys against the Russians, but the word “create” gives too much credit to something that has its origins in the Islamic religion not some Western spook agency. Providing some weapons is not the same thing as “creating” and certain Islamic regional powers had just as much if not more input into that effort (Pakistan/Saudi Arabia) as the US did. The ideology of groups like ISIS stem from an interpretation of Islam that had nothing to do with the West. Islamic thinkers came up with that stuff, not the CIA. The CIA just opportunistically uses zealots like that for short-term agendas, like they did with various rebels in Latin America during the 1980s. As for ISIS, I don’t think any one agency has total control over them, and we can see that with ISIS and al-Qaeda branches now attacking pro-US governments in Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and Afghanistan. The Obama admin seems to have given these elements that later formed ISIS a boost by supplying rebels with arms, which the extremists then took over by eliminating the more moderate elements, but they’ve simply taken those weapons and established their little Caliphate which the US is now fighting against with the Iraqis, Kurds, etc. The US is just holding off a little in Syria because they don’t like Assad either and Israel wants that war to continue indefinitely. I would bet that Saudi Arabia has more input into ISIS’s activities than the US, but even they are facing some blowback from the group.

    1. Well said, indeed. To clarify, though, I would say that although these militant groups may not be a direct creation of the West, they are, as you have said, utilized to serve Western / Israeli interests via proxy; which, one can logically conclude, that were it not for Western meddling, a lot of these groups would not be as powerful as they are, and, in some cases, may not even exist at all.

  5. Perhaps a case could be made that maybe those groups would be weaker if not for the arms flows going to them, but the ideology of Islamism has been on the rise in the Middle East and around the world, so I don’t think that would change if the West wasn’t involved in the Middle East. They’d get their weapons from somewhere. There’s always some rogue arms dealers willing to sell guns to any group for a profit.

  6. Is there an Oded Yinon plan for Iran? Or maybe a holohoax narrative to prop it up? Did Iran have a key role in 9/11? Who has Iran invaded? Did Iran blow up the King David Hotel? Was Iran behind the USS Liberty. Were Iranians dancing while filming the the twin towers fall? Of course Iran has its darker side but to claim other than Zionism is the main global disease is preposterous.

  7. @ Charles

    All of that is irrelevant to what I’ve written here. If anything, what I’ve shown is that Iran supported a significant portion of the Yinon plan that took down its regional rivals but then put its foot down when it came to their doorstep. Your flawed argument seems to be, other governments do bad stuff too, so when Iran does we should ignore it. That’s just misdirection. You’re stuck in the stanard Zionist reductionism of most truthers. You can’t see any other evil in the world besides Zionism so everything else must either be downplayed or ignored.

  8. Firstly you write, “the false flag cult has come undone, exposing itself as a fraud that, like the boy who cried wolf, only yells ‘false flag’ when the target of the attack is in the West”. Where are your sources? Anyone who recognizes false flag attacks are aware they are not limited to Western countries.

    Secondly, you write, “These cultists consider Iran to be an innocent ‘victim’ nation under assault by the big powers, so scrutiny is never applied to its government.” Who in the world are you talking about? I’ve never even talked to a Muslim who supports the government of Iran. But, regardless, that is neither here nor there. You make so many claims, Brandon, and aren’t showing your readers who these “cultists” are.

    Thirdly, you write, “…The ‘truthers’ claim that not only are the Muslim extremists doing all the terrorism and atrocities of the war, but they’re also behind various ‘false flag’ attacks designed to frame the ‘innocent’ Assad regime.”

    If an alleged “truther” “only yells ‘false flag’ when the target of the attack is in the West” then they would not logically consider an attack on Syria to be a false flag, unless of course you think Syria is a part of the west.

    All this causes me to arrive at three conclusions: 1) You’re talking to unlearned people in Canada who don’t know what the fuck is going on and these are the “truthers” you speak of; 2) You make vague assertions about unnamed people because these are ideas crafted from your own mind; or 3) You’re attempting to expose people who actually do promote truth by using mental distortions from the incoherent babblings of Christian “truth” pages/channels instead who throw a fit over people doing a magic trick with a deck of cards, scream Satanism, and then go on a tirade about 666 and how Robert Plant and Led Zeppelin are tied to the Illuminati.

    Even what you’re writing people in the comments (such as Charles), “You can’t see any other evil in the world besides Zionism so everything else must either be downplayed or ignored.” Charles didn’t even say that. You put words in his mouth to support the failed points you made in the article. He was replying to a specific point.

    Also, you fail to realize the reason why someone such as myself would focus more on the USA and Israel than Iran. For starters, I’m an American citizen and both countries’ policies are over my life, stamped in my land, and hurting people in this world I care deeply about. Secondly, you are completely wrong to conclude that people who value truth conclude certain things about the attack in Iran. You want to know what I think about it? I heard “ISIS claims responsibility” and I sighed inside and thought, “Here we go again.” I do not have enough evidence on it to form a conclusion yet as to what actually occurred. What I do know is that I hear this shot in the dark fired of “ISIS has claimed responsibility” whenever there is an attack. I am skeptical of it whenever I hear it.

    At any rate, I see all of these evolved views of yours to be nothing more than a way to self-rationalize a justification for not being interested in focusing on current events. Because if it’s all malarkey and nincompoop from the viewpoint of people spreading “truth” then what’s the point, right? All this tells me is that you do not understand the end game of Israel or what they’re actually planning to do. In other things you’ve written you act as though the problems with Zionism are limited to the Middle East. If that’s how you think, you are in for a very rude awakening in the future.

  9. @Jaci

    Who in the world are you talking about? I’ve never even talked to a Muslim who supports the government of Iran. But, regardless, that is neither here nor there. You make so many claims, Brandon, and aren’t showing your readers who these “cultists” are.

    I’m talking about the vast majority of people who identify as “truthers” of one stripe or another. I’ve spent enough time around these people to know what their general positions are and I still see it all the time floating around the web and social media. I’m also referring to the truther “gurus” like Kevin Barrett and others who most of the lemming truthers parrot like drones. People like Barrett usually set the tone for truther/false-flag discourse and the others fall in line. Muslims themselves are divided on Iran, Shiites support it whereas most Sunnis are skeptical, but the majority of self-identified “truthers” worship Iran as some bulwark against the NWO.

    If an alleged “truther” “only yells ‘false flag’ when the target of the attack is in the West” then they would not logically consider an attack on Syria to be a false flag, unless of course you think Syria is a part of the west.

    Many truthers make an exception for Syria where they’re now committed to writing propaganda for the Assad regime. So any atrocities blamed on Assad are called “false flags” by these people. But their narrative falls apart because they want to say that the main point of false flags has been to frame and vilify Muslims, yet with Syria they say that the radical Muslims are the ones doing all the false flags to frame the “innocent” secularist regime of Assad. Their narrative is a convoluted mess. But generally they avoid commenting on terrorism that happens outside the borders of the West because it would be too hard to maintain that it’s all staged.

    Here’s my critique of Barrett specifically

    Charles didn’t even say that. You put words in his mouth to support the failed points you made in the article. He was replying to a specific point.

    No, he listed off some historical events and Israeli crimes that had nothing to do with Iran. It was misdirection. Then he said Iran “has its dark side” but essentially said we shouldn’t really bother looking at it because Zionism is the main “global disease” and thus everything else pales in comparison.

    Also, you fail to realize the reason why someone such as myself would focus more on the USA and Israel than Iran.

    I can understand the reasons but my point is that such a focus is heavily partisan for Muslim-Arab interests/causes. You can also see why many Western/white nationalists don’t really care what goes on the Middle East and would rather focus on the migrant problem here in the West.

    Secondly, you are completely wrong to conclude that people who value truth conclude certain things about the attack in Iran. You want to know what I think about it? I heard “ISIS claims responsibility” and I sighed inside and thought, “Here we go again.” I do not have enough evidence on it to form a conclusion yet as to what actually occurred. What I do know is that I hear this shot in the dark fired of “ISIS has claimed responsibility” whenever there is an attack. I am skeptical of it whenever I hear it.

    That might have been your reaction but the general consensus among truther-type bloggers/pundits is that when ISIS attacks Assad/Iran, etc., it’s “real” but when ISIS attacks the West it’s “fake”. They do this because they are partisan for those regimes and write propaganda for them. So naturally their “false flag” scrutiny is only applied to Western nations. In other words, they’re biased hacks with no credibility.

    All this tells me is that you do not understand the end game of Israel or what they’re actually planning to do. In other things you’ve written you act as though the problems with Zionism are limited to the Middle East.

    The Zionists are generally focused on the Middle East, but obviously their reach is beyond that in the form of lobbies in our countries. I oppose those lobbies and Jewish neocon meddling in our foreign policy, but to focus on that would be prioritizing Arab/Muslim interests above my own people, which I’ve come to realize was a mistake considering the West’s existential crisis with mass immigration and cultural marxism.

  10. I read all your comments. Good information but I notice you use very binary language. In your eyes a Christian is either a nominal Christian or fundamentalist crank. A Muslim is either an invader who wants ISIS to subjugate the West to Sharriah law or hates White people because of colonialism. A skeptical person who questions the official stories about terrorists is either an obsessive cultist or an apologist for Muslims. A European can either defend Europeans or defend Palestinians, he can’t do both. As a Christian who is concerned about Europeans and the rest of humanity I choose to do both. I do it also because I am attached to the Holy Land that Christians have been gradually expelled from since the creation of the state of Israel. The way you describe groups of people in very general terms as either bad or bad is detached from reality.

  11. Thomas, I can tell you what my personal opinion of Palestine is. I don’t think there’s anything wrong at all with calling out the obvious subjugation of Palestinians by the Israelis and it’s a good cause to understand because this is how the tribe operates. Beyond that, however, we have problems. The kind of problems I foresee here go something like this:

    1. Kevin MacDonald was at some conference where there were a lot of Palestinians and he said when he brought up the idea that Palestinians shouldn’t immigrate to the West due to ethnic and religious differences, this was anathema to the Palestinians. I’ve noticed the same kind of thought process from different Palestinians I’ve interacted with.

    2. It took me a good deal of time, research and dedication to get to my current understanding of all the different issues negatively impacting whites. There are more things I can and will learn. Not to brag, but I pick up information and new ideas, I’d say, abnormally fast. If it’s taken me this long to do it, we can bet most Palestinians are never gonna do it. People tend to be self-interested, and this includes the Palestinians. No, I don’t think most Palestinians are really ever going to give a shit about whites and so I take the likewise position. I’m sure I’ve done more for Palestinians than the vast, vast majority ever will do for whites. Oh, and while Palestinians are being subjugated, their population is still growing. Whites can’t say the same.

    My personal feeling about Muslims and immigration is that, as long as you’re pro-white and don’t try to proselytize or come off as holier than thou or like whites “owe” them, I don’t have a problem with it. What I *do* understand, however, is this is simply far too much for most, and possibly even the vast majority of Muslims. Since this is the case, most, or the vast majority need to be expelled. There are plenty of other non-Muslim, non-white countries they can go where people will accept them with open arms (sarcasm).

    Muslims like this, though, I can work with and he strikes me as the type that’s probably learned more about the migrant crisis and other issues affecting whites, since; but like I said, stuff like this is just going to be too much for most Muslims, I’m afraid, and since time is of the essence, most or the vast majority have to go:

  12. “We’re all Palestinians” is a common phrase used in the ‘truth movement’. It sounds humanitarian enough, but it’s not really true. The Palestinian population is increasing and the white population is rapidly decreasing. While the Palestinians are being subjected to certain kinds of suffering that whites are not, whites are also being subjected to certain kinds of suffering that the Palestinians are not. It’s also not like Arabs are exceptional inventors. I wouldn’t say they’re bad inventors, but certainly not prolific inventors.

    Whites donating money to Palestinians when the same money could be donated to whites that have lost their jobs or can’t get jobs due to affirmative action or to whites that live in extremely diverse neighborhoods and are being attacked but are too poor to be able to leave or whites that are in countries like South Africa or Zimbabwe where whites are being attacked and killed on the daily is who whites should be donating money to. Not to Africa or Holyhaux ‘survivors’ or Palestinians or adopting orphaned non-whites or giving money to other groups of non-whites. White cucks do this stuff enough as it is already.

  13. Hello Dana.

    I understand you don’t give a shit about Palestinians because you believe they don’t give a shit about Whites and because the Palestinian population is growing and ours is not, also because Arab inventors, Zimbabwe and South Africa. I’m sorry you feel exceptionally enlightened while so confused and incoherent in your thinking.
    I’m not going to explain why the peanuts the Africans don’t force us to pay them don’t help them one bit especially in a system where they have to put all their money in private foreign banks, deal in foreign currencies that can be printed out of thin air, or get punished by a swift coup d’etat or campaign of bombardment.
    The Zionists appreciate you not giving a shit about Palestinians and the rest of the people they oppress and whose current state is the future of your children, that is if the Israeli industry of degeneracy doesn’t make us go extinct first. With more people like you the Zionists will be saving on their hasbara.

  14. Hello Thomas.

    Ohhhh, my “bad”. I guess you just “know more” about this stuff than I do. “Genius” over here just “knows” confusion and incoherence when he sees it n stuff.

    Da “peanuts” da Africans don’t force us to pay them… hey dummy, how many trillions in “peanuts” have been given in foreign aid to Africa by Western governments? Western governments don’t get this money from tax payers or anything, do they? It’s all just “printed out of thin air”, is it? Why is the black African population exploding? I guess it’s because they have to put all this foreign aid into “private foreign banks”. And how many trillion peanuts have been spent on the “war on poverty” in America? I guess da peanuts must be being given from blacks to whites, or it must just be “evening out between da races” n sheeeit. How many black families have adopted white children? How many attacks and murders are committed every year on whites by blacks?

    There “wouldn’t” be any inherent differences in IQ between races, would there? There wouldn’t be any “differences” in impulse-driven behavior between races or anything like that, would there? IQ wouldn’t be mostly heritable and it wouldn’t significantly correlate with crime and income, would it? If more trillions in peanuts are just given to blacks, they’ll eventually just “catch up” to whites, both mentally and economically, right?

    Da Zionists appreciate me not giving a shit about Palestinians, you say? But if I just “give enough of a shit” about Palestinians, then Palestinians will just take up white causes and give a shit about me, in return, right? Not only is what your dumb ass telling me hypocritical, but I think it is YOU who needs to donate money to them, if you even ever have before. In fact, I hope you don’t live in any majority white country or white neighborhood. You need to be living in Arab countries or African countries so you can be HELPING them, first hand. People like you and I need to be SEPARATED or we’re gonna have PROBLEMS. The way I see cucks and arrogant chumps like you is that if you HAVEN’T donated enough money to them but want to guilt-trip me into doing so, then I see whatever possessions you may have as MINE. Your possessions, (and I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t have a whole lot in terms of net worth) should be mine and your punk ass needs to be GONE.

  15. Hello Dana.

    It is incorrect to say we give Africans trillions. I suggest you research the African debt, the colonial tax, who owns the biggest businesses in Africa, and how African revolutions have been repeatedly crushed bringing nowhere near as much sovereignty to the people as what we have in our ZOG run European countries. The Palestinian tragedy is a similar situation. Israel seizes their water, their land and billions worth of resources then our Zionist occupied institutions send a few hundred million to make their leaders friendly to Israelis. Like I said, seeing yourself as the only victim that matters plays right into the hands of the Zionists. It saves them the trouble of even having to brainwash you into thinking other people they oppress are irrelevant and bad. That’s how bad your “I don’t give a shit” mentality is. The childish parts and the straw men I won’t respond to. Have a pleasant day.

  16. @Thomas

    Why is it only Palestinians you’re so concerned about? There are hundreds of other injustices in the world to complain about. So why do you demand we all focus our energies on just that one?

    There’s very little I can personally do to help the Palestinians. And it’s not my fight. I’m not going to go die for a foreign cause and there’s nothing I can do that will magically reverse what’s happening there. Most people in any society focus almost exclusively on taking care of their own immediate family and don’t worry themselves with other peoples’ problems. Yet we’re supposed to put down what we’re doing and go to bat for Palestinians half way across the world? You won’t find people in the Middle East, Africa or Asia randomly taking up the struggles of Europeans in our countries. And I don’t blame them. So neither should we for them.

    The best we can do regarding Palestine is implore our own politicians to stop supporting Israel. And that’s the most we should do. Europe is facing a demographic catastrophe. If it’s not reversed it could spell the end of our continent and way of life forever. If you’re European that’s what you should be focusing on because that’s what affects you, your family, friends, and countrymen.

  17. Foreign aid to sub-Saharan Africa from different Western governments literally adds up to nearly a trillion dollars. There are non-Western governments that have given aid to Africa as well, of course. But like Obama said, ‘The United States has a moral obligation to lead the fight against hunger and malnutrition.’ You can bet Obama himself has been donating much of his ‘hard earned’ money for the cause. I think I’ll listen to you and Obama, lmao.

    The rapid population growth of black Africans, in part due to this foreign aid has been causing major demographic problems as many of those of parental age are over-burdened with children and not enough people of working age.

    G-20 countries have given about 2.3 trillion in foreign aid over a period of 5 decades. At the same time, since the “war on poverty” has been declared, over 22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs by US tax payers. The bulk of this money hasn’t been taken from blacks and given to whites. However, blacks have used up far more than their fair share of the money, and whites have paid far more than their fair share into this money.

    As for who owns the biggest businesses in Africa? Lemme guess: White tax payers own them. And they pay money right back into the coffers of white tax payers. Just joking. It’s like these fools that think when the US government goes to war overseas and does things involving itself in the cultivation of opium fields that this money gets siphoned back into some “secret”, “private” account for every white person, lmfao. People like Ernest Oppenheimer wouldn’t be Jewish, would they?

    Lemme guess: Blacks are “good” at creating, building, and maintaining businesses, right? “Just as good” as other races of folks n sheeeit. Even Chinese companies like to hire black workers when starting businesses in Africa, right? It be “whites'” fault, or da white man’s burden dat Africa be in da predicament dat it be in, right? Same as in Haiti or any other place blacks can be found on the globe, be it Pakistan or Iraq or India or China, right?

    Fool, I did not say I am the *ONLY* person that matters, here, or that whites are the only race that matters. You’re a fucking idiot is WTF your problem is. You’re a cuck while you’re at it.

    “Thanks” for answering my IQ, crime and income questions, BTW. Yeees, blacks are a poor and high-crime group and ALWAYS will be. This ain’t *my* fault. Arabs are not exactly a high-income and low-crime group either and NEVER will be. This is *not* my fault, either. Why aren’t you pressuring these blacks that have a gift for basketball, football, jumping and sprinting to send their money over to these black Africans. Why are black Americans the richest blacks in the world? Why aren’t you telling me about the oppression of blacks all over the world that don’t live in white countries or around whites? Why aren’t you telling me about all the conflicts and attacks that Arabs have committed on other people? You won’t be because you’re fucking stupid and you’re babbling along over here wasting my fukin time over here for shit you could look up for yourself. You might as well consider yourself a waste of space in the West, Holmes.

  18. Da “war on poverty”. This shit has worked like a “charm”. Anytime groups of people lag, just throw money at them and they’ll “correct” themselves cuz we “all da same” n sheeeit. Race and gender be “merely social constructs”. It’s like da IQ gaps be “narrowing” too between da races and da genders.


    A strong eugenics programs needs to definitely be implemented. Giving money and food to black Africans that don’t like to plan for pregnancies but instead breed like proverbial rabbits is absolutely not helping matters here:


  19. I looked up the definition of the word ‘Thomas’ on YT and this is what I found, lolz:

    What a “surprise”. You know, I think eugenics needs to be applied to about 30% of the white population because they’re stupid AF and they’re fukin it up for the rest of us. Cucks are definitely some of these people that could use serious eugenics and even eradication:

    “We have become accustomed to seeing white parents with black and brown kids. We see them in People Magazine and standing in front of us in the grocery store line. Far more unusual, however, are black families adopting white kids. Why?

    How Many Black Parents Adopt White Kids?

    I posted a blog on this topic a couple of years ago and several people have asked me how common it is. Statistics on African-American parents adopting Caucasian babies or children are surprisingly hard to come by. I’ve read that 8%* of white kids in foster care are adopted by black or interracial families and 2% of adoptions in general were of black parents adopting white kids.

    Caucasian families adopting black or brown kids is far more common-approximately 40% of all adoptions in the US are now interracial. Transracial adoptions (white parents/black or brown adoptee) vary by type of adoption.”



    “Many of these young Muslim men who supposedly can’t find gainful employment don’t want to work. Why would they, when welfare checks are normally 70% to 80% of their income?

    Not having a job is a conscious decision. Many see it as their religious duty not to make any economic contribution to the “kaffir” state hosting them. By not holding regular jobs, they have time to make “hijrah” to Syria, where they can train for jihad and return with other “skills” like manufacturing nail bombs in safe houses unmolested by authorities (who agree not to make raids at night out of respect for Muslim neighborhoods).

    Far from being mistreated, Belgian Muslims are one of the most pampered minorities in Western history.

    Lest it offend its burgeoning Muslim population, Belgium has “de-Christianized” its Christian holidays. The holiday previously known as All Saints Day is now referred to as Autumn Leave, Christmas Vacation is now Winter Vacation, Lenten Vacation is now Rest and Relaxation Leave and Easter is now Spring Vacation.”


    Plan B?! We’ve already got plan A! Thomas will straighten this all out by telling him he need to send mo’ monay to Afreekuh!

    “African counties commonly derive some 50 percent of their government budgets from foreign aid. This is a recipe for dependency and for bloated governments that maintain a small percent of the population at high incomes, yet fail to reach the people in villages and slums with development programs. In my experience, Tanzanian government employees are often corrupt and undereducated. Yet they are the very people on whom conventional donors depend for the crucial “last mile” of aid program implementation. Many of these bureaucrats demand “sitting fees”—starting at five dollars a day for villagers and rising to hundreds of dollars a day for regional and district heads—just to participate in development projects.

    On top of that, far too much aid money is frittered away on new cars, the construction of new offices, stays in high-end hotels and generous per diem payments for government staff. I can always tell when nongovernmental organizations or government bodies are meeting in Dodoma, because fleets of new Toyota Land Cruisers and other sports utility vehicles dominate the city. I recall chatting one time with a Tanzanian at the bar in a high-end tourist hotel in Arusha. He worked for the highway-building division and was staying at this $250-per-night hotel on the government’s tab. (I couldn’t help thinking of my experience during the 1980s working for the state of California, with an economy bigger than all of sub-Saharan Africa’s. We stayed at $30-per-night hotels.)

    Africans outside these power loops rightly resent such misuse of money, which runs counter to donors’ development goals. But then failing to develop and remaining poor are, of course, the qualifications for more aid. In such an environment of self-feeding corruption it is nearly impossible to do effective development work.”


    Another globalist fraud who sounds a lot like Thomas and these Marxist truthers to me (David Cameron). As much as these dummies claim to hate these western governments and politicians, they sure do love parroting their talking points:

    “David Cameron speaks compellingly about international aid. Eradicating poverty, he says, means certain institutional changes: rights for women and minorities, a free media and integrity in government. It means the freedom to participate in society and have a say over how your country is run. We wholeheartedly agree and were flattered to see the Prime Minister tell this magazine that he is ‘obsessed’ by our book on the subject, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. But diagnosing a problem is one thing; fixing it another. And we don’t yet see the political will — in Britain or elsewhere — that could turn this analysis into a practical agenda.”


  20. Hello Brandon.

    ” Why is it only Palestinians you’re so concerned about? There are hundreds of other injustices in the world to complain about. So why do you demand we all focus our energies on just that one?

    There’s very little I can personally do to help the Palestinians. And it’s not my fight. I’m not going to go die for a foreign cause and there’s nothing I can do that will magically reverse what’s happening there. Most people in any society focus almost exclusively on taking care of their own immediate family and don’t worry themselves with other peoples’ problems. Yet we’re supposed to put down what we’re doing and go to bat for Palestinians half way across the world? You won’t find people in the Middle East, Africa or Asia randomly taking up the struggles of Europeans in our countries. And I don’t blame them. So neither should we for them. ”

    Didn’t say that.

    ” The best we can do regarding Palestine is implore our own politicians to stop supporting Israel. And that’s the most we should do. Europe is facing a demographic catastrophe. If it’s not reversed it could spell the end of our continent and way of life forever. If you’re European that’s what you should be focusing on because that’s what affects you, your family, friends, and countrymen. ”

    If we are going to implore politicians who are bought and paid for then we might as well beg Bibi Netanyahu to leave us alone. If all the White man can do is beg then we should capitulate right now. I believe we should fight the ideological battle. We can hurt the Zionists in many ways, by countering hasbara, boycotting the Israeli state, going after the Jewish lobby, the Israeli dual nationals whose allegiance is to a foreign state. We can get people to stop sending their money to Israel and later our governments to stop sending billions there as well. All this helps us and the Palestinians. We can fight the propaganda that teaches our children eternal White guilt. We can cleanse our societies from the Israeli industry of pornography and decadence, the ideology of feminism, homosexual marriage, genocide by abortion, mass immigration and all these anti-White agendas pushed against us by international Jewry and that have led to the decline of family values and ultimately the White birthrate.

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