Gentiles Only: No Jews Allowed in the Alt-Right

Throughout history, Jews have proven themselves to be implacable foes of Europe, whites and Christians. As a collective, Jews have schemed to injure and destroy European societies, actively facilitating Muslim invasions of Europe in order to undermine Christian authority over them.

There’s no reason to believe that this attitude and inclination of Jewish perfidy has changed. But there are innumerable reasons to believe that it hasn’t.

All of the current treacherous immigration policies of Western governments, which are in effect rapidly replacing their own native white populations with cash-hungry third worlders, were not only supported but written and lobbied for by Jewish activists and organizations. The multicultural/multi-racial and progressivist trends sweeping the West were conceived in their base forms by Jewish intellectuals, writers and activists bent on subverting Western societies and reforming them in a manner favourable to Jewish ethnic domination of their hosts. They’re partly motivated by an age-old revenge fantasy against Rome and subsequent European civilizations that “oppressed” them by not allowing them to worm their way into power and exploit the people.

This is why we must keep Jews (and those that stupidly support Jews, such as Christian Zionists) subversively attempting to enter the fray of right-wing nationalist politics at bay. It is not only left-wing but also right-wing Jews who are our enemies and work against us. That’s why Jews must be banned from alt-right collectives, organizations, etc., Those who have managed to sneak their way in already should be chased out like the Nazgul chased Frodo and Sam around Middle Earth. We must enact a strict policy against disingenuous Jews pretending to be our friends while filling our heads with poison that aims to soften our stance on their tribe. The alt-right should be a Judenfrei safe space for white males. Allowing even one Jew to start prominently influencing the alt-right will spoil the whole thing like a carton of rotten milk.

We can’t have that, and we won’t have that!

13 thoughts on “Gentiles Only: No Jews Allowed in the Alt-Right

  1. C’est un declaration de guerre!

    Boundaries. They must be set. With underlings. With thots.
    And, above all, with Christ-Killers. Always. Just as they set them with us. No ifs or buts. Designating hallowed ground is only natural.

    Nehlen doesn’t get that, btw.

    We’re constantly bombarded with messages calling for inclusion. It’s religious dogma by now.

    Well, ethnostate rahowa fighters and well-hung penthouse PUAs too lazy to join the war effort agree on one thing:
    Inclusion is for FAGS.

    The world belongs to those who exclude, who discriminate, who say a decisive NO. Nice guys finish last.

  2. ” like the Nazgul chased Frodo and Sam around Middle Earth. ”

    Better analogy perhaps would be The Scouring of the Shire episode.

  3. When that “Frame Games” started to make some waves, he was pulled down by his own tribal cousins – is now being relentlessly attacked by one “The Rebbe” figure that’s clearly playing the *Redirect Anger* game on gentiles (“it’s not us, goy, it’s the muslims!”). They hunt each other ferociously – no wonder the SS officers hadn’t much difficulty finding collaborators among them to run the labor camps.

  4. Ahem. Jews have lived in various European lands since the Middle Ages. Every European society had some Jewish minority at one point or another. Jews can be in Britain. Oliver Cromwell gave Jews rights there long ago. One of the greatest Prime Ministers of 19th century Britain Benjamin Disraeli was jewish. Surely he was good for Britain. Leon Blum, an ashkenazi jew, was Prime Minister of France. In some places they were in politics for a long, long time. A 100% jewless society may not practically exist. They live even on Fiji.

    1. Your argument sucks. You’re saying that because Jews have squatted in Europe since the middle ages, they should always be tolerated in our midst, despite their perfidious behaviour? Jews have also been banished from nearly every European country. So by that standard they should banished again.

    2. Ahem. People like Roman, Joe Sigur, “Joe Cardsbury”, and plenty of others have been commenting over here for a long time. Therefore, they should just KEEP running their stupid fucking mouths over here to keep up with the trend, right Roman? WRONG, lmao.

      I’d love to think that people seriously couldn’t be as goddamned dumb as you fucktards and that you were all just some kind of Cointelpro, Mossad, and/or government shills (or just part of some kind of sick, twisted, never-ending nightmare resembling the zombies in Night of the Living Dead or something), but I know better than to just jump to the conclusion (I know incessantly *jumping to completely false, asinine conclusions* is “absolutely unheard of” for you ‘geniuses’) that people like you folks don’t actually exist in real life because you sadly do and always will.

      A strong, strong plan of separation, segregation, and eugenics is called for, or people like you will eventually take us all down. Even bullets to the brain in cases like yours are going to need to start being called for and carried out. (It’s long past-due, if you ask me).

      BTW, Roman, did you hear about the Jews who were expelled from a Guatemalan village in 2014? It was cause we can all just “get along” n sheeeit, lol.

      Aren’t there some sports games or something that you can all comment on instead? Because politics, strategy, and thinking for yourselves is just not you guys’ forte and never will be. You should focus on commenting on and thinking about things that don’t really matter and that don’t affect so many people… you can “come back home”. as it were. where you don’t have to worry about trying to put on and wear your big boy pants anymore, instead of trying to hold others down. Help to hold your own selves down, not others.

    3. Oh, and by the way, what, in your effeminate opinion, made Benjamin Disraeli one of the “greatest” Prime Minister’s of Britain, you blatant and obvious Hasbara troll???

  5. FYI, Mike Enoch is Jewish. I more less agree with that but I don’t subscribe to all Jews are evil bullshit that Jam and Delaney pushed. Though I would allow Jews in supportive roles only until loyalty was proven. Jew status must be made known to the extent it is known or we assume the worst of the target’s motives
    I also believe it’s not so much the Jews we know about that are the problem but more, the Jews pretending to be white like Weev, Enoch, etc.. It’s Jewish talmudic thinking, do they exhibit it. Finally, it’s a matter of watching closely and not giving folks the benefit of the doubt. Would a group like that be allowed to grow. Looking at the current demonization of anything that questions Jewish reality, (including Parkland)possibly not.
    I simply don’t buy your need to believe Jewish tall tales and respin them in support (staged events, false flags)

    1. Scott Roberts is another subscriber to the ‘all ethnic Jews are evil’ theory, and he’s been on that train since like 2008. As much as he knows about Jewish crime, you’d think by now he’d have realized that there is a faction of Jews who are straight up Luciferians and they literally worship Lucifer and believe he is the “light” (Illuminati) and do Lucifer’s bidding. There’s a difference between these Jews and Jews who are very Marxist and tribal in thought but who aren’t Luciferians. He’s an agnostic though and talking about spirituality goes right over his head.

      That also reminds me, Scott is pro-Hitler, and besides the Anglin-subscribing types, I’ve noticed the pro-Hitler crowd tends to be very feminized and pro-female. One of the reasons I can see for this is because they idolize Hitler and many of them think Hitler was like an infallible angel/god, and/but Hitler practically never talked about men’s rights or the plight of men. One of the first men’s rights groups in the world was formed in Vienna in 1926, but didn’t get any support from Hitler. I mean the Bolsheviks instituted no-fault divorce laws and other forms of feminism as soon as they took power, but Hitler never touched the issue (at least not that I know of, and I’ve never seen Hitlerians talking about it). So their reasoning goes something like: Well, if this were really an issue, certainly our genius savior Hitler would have informed everybody about it, lol.

      When it comes to Anglin, not only are many of his antics whacked out, and not only is he pro-Trump and pro-Putin, but the dude has this thing about white women and to me, it’s really stupid. All westernized women suck, no matter the race, but white women aren’t even the worst women in a place like America; black hoodrats (the most of ’em) take the absolute cake for being the worst women, and very arguably the worst women in the world (if there are any worse women, I sure don’t know about them, lol). He really strikes me as being highly likely to be some kind of plant and I don’t throw the word around lightly (like some people over here, lol).

      Oh, and I do give props to JAM for picking MGTOW up so quickly in the last year or so. It’s inevitable that anyone with a thinking mind who’s truly objective and curious will pick it up.

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