Hypocrite Jews Demand Free Speech on Holocaust After Polish Law

Poland recently passed a law making it illegal to imply Polish complicity in the Holocaust. The move angered world Jewry who have, for years, pointed fingers at not only Germany but Poland and other European nations in the questionable event.

World Jewry has spent millions of dollars lobbying European nations to adopt Holocaust denial laws banning investigation, research and opinions of the Holocaust which don’t conform to Jewry’s self-serving sacred narrative. Hundreds of Europeans have been victimized by these evil laws that authoritarian Jews installed to protect their lies from scrutiny.

But now that Poland has turned the tables on the Jews, they’re whining and invoking the need for “free speech” on the subject so that Jews can guilt-trip and slander whoever they please. This is classic Jewish chutzpah. They’ve schemed for years to throw countless writers and researchers in jail for “denying” the sacred six million. Yet now they’re fronting as free speech advocates when they’re own assertions about Polish guilt have been made illegal.

This is the behaviour of intolerable sociopaths. They bring hatred upon themselves acting in such a dishonourable hypocritical fashion. The Holocaust forms the backbone of Jewish power, used to justify the existence of Israel as a Jewish ethno-state, and the suppression of criticism of Jews globally. It is their hand-made ideological sledgehammer to disable enemies and project their sinister power over gentiles.

19 thoughts on “Hypocrite Jews Demand Free Speech on Holocaust After Polish Law

  1. When Henrik thinks ”far from perfect” and ”has many issues” regarding Poland, he thinks ”not completely submissive to Russia” or ”Not as based as Russia”. I’ve been following Red Ice for t least 2-3 years and their cucking to Russia is mind boggling. Don’t they see what Kremlin is up to and who Putin surrounds himself with?

    As for the segment: Isn’t it ironically that this jewish guy (from Israel!) is plaformed by RT and is having anti-polish views? Why didn’t Red Ice pick up on that?

    My guess is that polish government has some dubious operatives who push this ”anti-semitic” narrative . Why? Because what it looks from outside is that Poland is ”neo-nazi” and ”fascist”. Russian media loves this narrative. Everyone is eastern europe is ”fascist” and if only that narrative could be official… Serves the russian media constant narrative. It can now be justified to attack Poland or to have vile anti-polish propaganda. In Russia, nazis/fascists are the ultimate evil. They celebrate the 9th of may every year – the communist victory and the eatern front. Jews and russians are the ultimate victim etc. There is little sympathy for (real) russian nationalists and zero for nazis and fascists in Russia.

    This is only my speculation. I hope i’m wrong.

    1. Yeah I’m not sure what Henrik was saying with the “Poland has some issues” deal. Could be that they’re not pro-Russian enough for his tastes. Unfortunately he’s cucked out to the Spencer faction of the alt-right who work either directly or indirectly for Putin’s Kremlin.

    2. Henrik and Lana are cucked-out on Putin, Trump, feminism, and paganism… maybe another or other issues as well, like evolution. It’s like they’re in lock-step together on practically every issue (which I guess is good for a marriage, but not good for logic and critical thinking).

      But it’s like Henrik touting the pro-Trump line that the MSM and establishment are soooo ‘against’ Trump, when the reality is he has all kinds of ‘right-wing’ support like Fox News, Breitbart, who knows how many prominent Christian Zionists, etc, and it’s so painfully obvious to see. Evolution can be debunked up and down, left and right, for weeks, and pagans are just not a spiritually aware group (I mean worshiping the friggin eye of Ra and the likes, as many of them do, and just not being keen on Luciferianism).

      1. For example, they’re both against white genocide and I assume abortion, but I’ve never heard them say a single critical thing about Wicca/Paganism, (including Wiccans’ favorable views on abortion) and magick when there’s so much to criticize. And never heard anything of the sort about it from that magickal clown Augustus Invictus either, lol. This is an excerpt from interesting interview with an ex-High Wizard named Zachary King:

        “L.I. – Would you say that [high profile abortion facilities] attract members of the occult because of the opportunity to perform ritual abortions?

        King – I would say that yes, that is absolutely a true statement. You know, you’ve got the people that belong to NOW [the National Organization of Women], and a lot of those people are wiccan, and the wiccans, though they profess to have a stance for the preservation of life, they’re allowed to “smite” or “smote” anyone who goes against them in any way, which is to say that they’re allowed to destroy them by any means necessary, which is through magick for them. For instance, as Christians, we pray for their conversion. Well, they see that as open season on Christians. They as well see the female figure, the woman, like Mother Earth, or Gaia. So, they have this womanly figure that they worship and they imagine that she as she is the goddess, a child takes away from that, and so abortion is a satanic sacrament so to speak.”


      2. Being a follower of Red Ice, i can say for sure they have a pro-russian and pro-Putin bias. A few years ago they were more suspicious. I guess it’s easier to have good guy/bad guy view of the World, especially when media demonizes someone. I don’t blame them for this human tendency, maybe only for choice of ”good guy”.

        They have turned away and become skeptical of Trump. They initially supported him for strategic reasons. Like, ”it’s the best we have” and ”alternative is worse”. At the time, i shared similiar sentiments. Then again, potentially good relationships with Russia was one of the reasons for their support for Trump. The Syria strikes were a huge no-no.

        Feminism? They are against it. On the other hand, they don’t want to return to 50’s America. They are in favor for apropriate gender roles and boundaries within them.

        Paganism? I don’t see a problem there – that is what europeans originally were and to a minor degree still are. I see a problem if you’re a christian or something also regarding evolution.

        1. Yooo, PAY ATTENTION: the things I’m talking about here are old news and I don’t feel like explaining/repeating myself in-depth on these issues since I’ve done it so many times before. If these things have to be explained to you, you’re way behind the curve.

          When it comes to feminism, they’re very alt-light (and yes, I call this cucked-out on it) and I could tell this the first time I heard Lana talk about feminism. Lana for instance has called MGTOWs “beta males” and is a staunch tradcon (both are). (I know there are dumb, and over-the-top MGTOWs out there, but there are dumb, over-the-top extremists in every good movement out there) but this doesn’t mean the movement isn’t a “good movement” with a good philosophy. Matter of fact, if you’re a dude and you get married in the West today (obviously because all the risks and detriments of marriage haven’t dawned on you), then you are trad and alt-light. One can go on and on about the differences between men and women, female crime and shortcomings that we don’t hear about and/or that are too “un-PC” to talk about, and how society (the politicians, laws, courts, universities, MSM, etc) disenfranchises and demonizes men while they empower and lionize women. Anyone who says MGTOWs are ‘beta-males’ has no idea WTF they’re talking about.

          1. I listened to a RI vid Henrik did a few months back where he was talking about Trump and saying the MSM is “against him” lol (obviously Fox News is pro-Trump). Been a few months, but gotdamn, if it has taken anyone so long to realize that if the MSM were against Trump, he never would have made it, they just don’t know what’s going on in the realm of US presidential politics. And are you saying he now believes that Fox News is pro-Trump? (I seriously doubt it). I know Lana has at least distanced herself a bit from Trump, but her criticisms of Trump are very light: alt-light; and Henrik’s criticisms of him are very weak as well. Last I saw, Henrik was still on the Trump train. Are you saying he’s not on the Trump train anymore and isn’t still pro-Trump, overall?

            Ya think Paganism was around before Christianity in Europe?! Gee… I “didn’t” know that n stuff, lol. This doesn’t mean that it was/is a superior “religion” just because it was there before Christianity. Tree worship, witchcraft, etc., is inferior, and today, Lucifer has a massive grip on much of society around the world and Pagan gods aren’t gonna be helping. Casting spells, for example, is a demonic practice.

            Unlike the typical person you encounter online, when I say things like evolution can be debunked for weeks, or anything else for that matter, I actually mean it.

            For instance, tell me what you see here and why you’re not spreading awareness about cases like these (I at least presume you’re not, because you seem to be in favor of the idea of evolution)… and when I debate people and ask them questions, I expect them to actually ANSWER the questions instead of DODGING them like the average person with cognitive dissonance (or dummy/chump) does.

            But if you think that dust and water were able to combine themselves together to form a cell with it’s own innate intelligence and highly complex individual processes, I’m gonna tell you that you couldn’t have thought about that for too long, to say the least… same goes if you believe Darwin and Marx were telling the “truth”; or that universities don’t have any agendas for teaching the theory of evolution; or that there are “all these missing links and transitional fossils to be found out there from species to species) lol.

            Many hoaxes uncovered here and I’ll just put up an excerpt on the Neanderthal Man, since it comes up frequently in discussions of European ancestry. These beg the question: Why the gotdamned need to create hoaxes if evolution is so ubiquitous? The simple answer is there *wouldn’t* be a need for it to fukin begin with:

            “Neanderthal man, another deliberate fraud by evolutionist scientists.
            Neanderthal fraud man.
            Neanderthal fraud man.

            “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” Most of us have heard this piece of advice on more than one occasion. Yet, this was exactly the case with a famous Neanderthal fossil discovered in a peat bog near Hamburg, Germany. Prior to its discovery, the evolutionary timeline of ape-like creatures remained extremely “fuzzy” as it approached modern man. There simply were not any fossils that shed light on this period. But a single discovery dated by Professor Reiner Protsch cleared up the picture. Many years ago, he was invited to date the famous skull, which he later pronounced to be the vital missing link between Neanderthals and modern humans. He dated the skull at 36,000 years old, allowing it to fall neatly into the evolutionists’ timeline between Neanderthals and modern man. Finally, thanks to Protsch, the gap had been filled. All the pieces were in place.

            For evolutionists, it was too good to be true. And indeed, it was. On February 18, 2005, Protsch was forced to retire in disgrace after a Frankfurt University panel ruled he had “fabricated data and plagiarized the work of his colleagues” (see “Anthropologist Resigns in ‘Dating Disaster,’ ” 2005). Once believed to be a world-renowned expert on carbon dating, Protsch’s entire professional career is now being questioned. The university noted: “The commission finds that Prof. Protsch has forged and manipulated scientific facts over the past 30 years” (“Anthropologist Resigns…”).

            Protsch’s work first attracted suspicion when scientists at Oxford wanted to double-check the authenticity of his dates and verify the ages of many previously reported fossils using modern techniques. Oxford officials insist that this “dating disaster” was discovered during a routine examination, and was not an attempt to discredit Professor Protsch. The fossils he had dated were just in a long line of others that were being rechecked. According to Thomas Terberger, the archaeologist who discovered the hoax: “[A]nthropology is going to have to completely revise its picture of modern man between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago” (as quoted in Harding, 2005). He continued: “Prof. Protsch’s work appeared to prove that anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals had co-existed, and perhaps even had children together. This now appears to be rubbish” (emp. added).

            But the Neanderthal skull was not the only forgery Oxford discovered. Protsch also had paraded “Binshof-Speyer” woman before the public, stating that she was 21,300 years old. Yet the new Oxford date puts this woman living at 1,300 B.C. Protsch also claimed that “Paderborn-Sande Man” walked the Earth 27,400 B.C., and yet the corrected figure reveals that he died only a couple hundred years ago—in A.D. 1750! Futhermore, Protsch also is being investigated for a scandal in which he allegedly tried to sell 280 chimpanzee skulls to individuals in the United States for $70,000.

            Evolutionists are quick to point out that this is how science works—that it is self-correcting. And there is a great deal of truth to that statement. However, one must question how such scientists can continue to support evolution being taught as “fact,” knowing that much of what we believe to be true today will have to be “self-corrected” in the future. Why not allow students to “examine the controversy” and discuss possible problems with evolutionary theory? How many students did Professor Protsch affect with his forged information? Likely, that number is in the thousands. After all, his dates “looked good” and “fit the evolutionary timeline,” which meant textbooks would be quick to pick them up. Never mind that the material was a complete hoax.

            According to the World Net Daily Web site, Rudolf Steinberg, Frankfurt University’s president, “apologized for the University’s failure to curb Protsch’s misconduct for decades. ‘A lot of people looked the other way,’ he said.” But what good does that apology do when it comes to unraveling the lie that was sold to the public for so many years? The article went on to report: “Chris Stringer, a Stone Age specialist and head of human origins at London’s Natural History Museum, said: ‘What was considered a major piece of evidence showing that the Neanderthals once lived in northern Europe has fallen by the wayside. We are having to rewrite prehistory’ ” (2005). How many times must we rewrite evolutionary history? Don’t students deserve better? Don’t we all deserve better?

            Neandethal man, just a modern human with disease.

            After discovering the first Neanderthal skullcap in 1856 in the Neander Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany, German anatomist Ruldolph Virchow said in essence that the fossil was the remains of a modern man afflicted with rickets and osteoporosis. In 1958, at the International Congress of Zoology, A.J.E. Cave stated that his examination of the famous Neanderthal skeleton established that it was simply an old man who had suffered from arthritis. Francis Ivanhoe authored an article that appeared in Nature titled “Was Virchow Right About Neanderthal?” (1970). Virchow had reported that the Neanderthal’s ape-like appearance was due to a condition known as rickets, which is a vitamin-D deficiency characterized by overproduction (and deficient calcification) of bone tissue. The disease causes skeletal deformities, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and generalized tenderness throughout the body. Dr. Cave noted that every Neanderthal child’s skull that had been studied up to that point in time apparently was affected by severe rickets. When rickets occurs in children, it commonly produces a large head due to late closure of the epiphysis and fontanels.

            Even though Ivanhoe was an evolutionist, he nevertheless went on to note that the wide distribution of Neanderthal finds in various parts of the world explained the differences seen in bone configuration. The extreme variation in locations of these Neanderthal discoveries probably played a role in the diversity of the fossils assigned to the Neanderthal group. The differences likely were a result of different amounts of sunlight for a given area, which prevented or retarded vitamin D production (vitamin D is manufactured in the skin upon exposure to sunlight). In adults, a lack of vitamin D causes osteomalacia, a softening of the bones that often results in longer bones “bowing” (a condition reported in many Neanderthal fossils).

            Scientists have debated long and hard concerning whether there exists any difference between Neanderthal specimens and modern humans. One of the world’s foremost authorities on the Neanderthals, Erik Trinkaus, concluded:

            Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans (1978, 87[10]:58).”


        2. @F-Fghs: Just like their Trump-worship, their Putin-worship is as naïve and treacherous in fact because it shows they’re not consistent or principled. Their “good-guy/bad-boy” draconian view of the world is also very naïve.

          They always love to talk about how the Spencerite wing of the Alt-Right is “poking fun” and “trolling” the media, but the reality is that Red Ice doesn’t know the first thing about the media – and this is proven by their childish view that the media “attacks” Trump and Putin.

          They don’t understand that’s the very nature of a dialectic: One side attacks the other based on superficial distractions, making sure the parameters of the discourse already set for them by those at the top are never infringed upon.

          The media made Trump and basically won him the election, by pretending to “attack” him. Its the same with Putin. They attack him based around non-issues and not for the things that he actually should be attacked for, because they know that will allow him to pose as some “opposition” figure and that yet another side of the dialectic which rants about “alternative media” can be shepherded towards that puppet.

          It is pathetic that the catalyst that made many of them turn against Trump was only when he pursued a policy that Papa Vlad didn’t approve of. Even though the Syria strike was just a lot of smoke in mirrors – it didn’t do much damage and was basically just to keep up appearances. Trump has largely taken a “hands off” approach to Syria since. But I did enjoy watching all the Trumpists implode, with those who preferred Putin over Trump being left confused as hell!

        3. The Putin cucking is the worst aspect of the American alt-right, which is dominated by people with, ironically, Russian (possibly mail-order) spouses. Russia is trying to influence all political trends in the West, including the leftists who also cuck hard for Russia on issues of foreign policy and do little else but bash America and the West for “imperialism”. It’s interesting that some of these alt-righters oppose any historical critique of Western imperialism/colonialism as a promulgation of white guilt yet essentially parrot leftist talking points about Western imperialism in foreign policy today. They know that line will please Putin, their Soviet master.

      3. @Dana: Wicca is far from being representative of actual paganism. Its nothing but a confused hodge-podge of New Age Leftist Feminism mixed in with a perversion of actual Celtic Paganism. Its definitely not any accurate reflection of Celtic Pagan societies, which I suspect they latched upon largely because there were female Celtic tribal leaders so as New Age feminists its for that superficial reason, but aside from that Wiccans could care less about any actual Celtic heritage, blood and tradition.

        Within Pagan communities, there is a divide between universalism, folkism and tribalism. The universalists are basically the Leftists, New Agers, who bastardize actual ancestral Paganism by turning them into basically versions of Christianity and Islam, i.e. saying that all can be part of a religion with no regard to ethnicity or the folk. In many ways, they’re very similar to your typical Unitarian or Mainline Liberal Protestant Christian denomination, with the only difference being they pay lip service to Paganism.

        Folkists and Tribalists recognize that any ancestral Paganism is inconceivable without knowing how its completely tied to and reflective of one specific ethnic group or tribe. Its not universal or across “color” barriers, and the Folkists and Tribalists are also more traditionalist when it comes to social issues such as abortion and homosexuality etc.. They recognize there can be no spiritual tradition without bloodlines and ancestors, so that Germanic Paganism for example should be for those with Germanic blood, etc..

        ‘Red Ice’ actually seems to downplay Christian-Pagan disputes exactly because they don’t want to offend their Christian readers. Henrik and Lana are obviously Pagan though, but very soft and “pagan-lite” about it….I fully agree with the other three aspects (Trump-worship, Putin-worship, and Feminism) of your criticism of Red Ice though.

        1. Sean, yeah they’re definitely alt-light on those three issues, and they’re Pagans.

          When it comes to Pagans, spirituality, etc., I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a single Pagan denounce sorcery, but I hope they exist somewhere. Conversely, I sure have seen a whole bunch of Pagans into the stuff though. How many have you seen against sorcery? And if you’ve seen them, how many would you say are against it, and would you say they’re collectively pro-sorcery or anti-sorcery?

          1. Not only have I met and know quite a few Pagans personally (people I’ve known before my political views had become way right and I had encountered a bunch of pro-whites on the net) and what their general views on sorcery are (the ones I know are in favor of it, and one in particular thinks Kabbalah is ‘great’, lol), but when I enter ‘Pagans against sorcery’ into Google, I don’t find any Pagans against it, and I find sites like this instead. This person says he/she is not a Wiccan, and here a few excerpts:

            “Here you will find information to learn about the basics of the religion of Witchcraft, a few of it’s traditions, and general magik. What you need, and how to get started, and what you need to consider as you practice this spiritual path. Learn a little history of Ireland, magik and witchcraft. Get an understanding of the basic principles, beliefs and practices of pagans through ritual, ceremony and a spiritual way of life.

            I’d like to make it clear that this site is not Wiccan and nor am I. This site is dedicated to pagan beliefs as a whole, which includes many traditions of Witchcraft and Shamanism, Wicca being only one of the many.”

            “Magik Symbology
            Mushroom/Fairy Ring
            History Of The Pentagram
            King Solomon’s Seal
            The Triquetra”

            ^ The site has all kinds of things pertaining to sorcery/magick, and even Crowley, but not a singe denunciation of any of them that I see. It just can’t be more obvious these days that sorcery is demonic, but I’m not seeing any Pagans around me saying a single word against the stuff. To them, it’s like it’s either ‘cool’, or is just irrelevant or something… boggles my mind.

            Also, the last sentence on the site says: ” That is the true nature of the divine spirit within us all.” You know Kabbalah promotes this “I am God” belief, and that the divine is ‘already inside me’…


            1. That website you linked to – “paganspath” – has all the characteristics of nothing but a universalist, New Age, charlatan “paganism”: i.e. someone who claims to be “Cherokee”; talks about “Shamanism” although that’s strictly restricted to certain traditions native to Siberia and the Ural-Altaic regions; and citing Druid, Celtic and Egyptian – which is classic Wicca to specifically name those three in a syncretic fashion which simply can’t happen.

              Aside from those features, I’ve noticed that such New Age bastardizations are also kabbalistic. Some are even led by Jews, much like all the pseudo-Hindu and Buddhist sects led by Kosher “gurus”. For their confused hodge-podge of ahistorical reconstructions of actual paganism, I also see many having more to do with making money – “Shamanism” is often such a buzzword for a get-rich-quick scheme, such as the site you linked to.

              The Paganism that resonates most with me is the Folkish Germanic Paganism, whether they call themselves Asatru or Odinist/Wotanist; I have a respect towards any authentic paganism that is faithful to its ancestral traditions of a specific people. Some Asatruar unfortunately jumped on the Trump bandwagon, so they’re cucked on that issue, but on all the other issues they are on point and are at polar opposites from these liberal, leftist, New Age wannabee pagans.

              And much of what is known as “witchcraft” is a mirror-image of Christianity: Its people who rebelled against Christianity, by inverting its symbols and imagery and using it against Christianity. This has nothing to do with Paganism, since its still centered around Christian symbols and imagery, not Pagan. I.e. such as the pentagram, talking about “satan”, etc..

              But I know from my own personal experience that advocates of the two universal Abrahamic desert religions have a tendency to dismiss as “satanic” whatever is not their respective religious cult. When the Christians conquered and forcibly converted Europe, it turned the deities of the previous indigenous traditions either into the “demons” of the new religions or otherwise turned them into the saints so that gradually what was revered in the past would become associated with Christianity. None of this stopped them from appropriating and claiming as their own what were our European pagan traditions. There are innumerable examples of this process.

            2. Well brotha, not that I don’t find any things or ideas that are appealing about ancient Paganism, but for all those who follow non-New Age Paganism, at the very least, they’re seriously outnumbered by those who either think the occult is a ‘good thing’ or they’re just indifferent to it. I’ve never been aided by any Pagans in the past in exposing sorcery. I’ve definitely been attacked by Pagans for doing it, though, and I’ve yet to see any Pagans calling out openly occultic Pagans (like Augustus Invictus). Exposing sorcery and the occult is a majorly uphill battle around Pagans today, no doubt, and possibly may always have been (I’m not completely sure, but possibly).

              I know this video is talking about New Age Wicca, but will we have people like Lana exposing/producing information like this about Wicca? It seems to me like it’s gonna be a long, long time before she does that, lol:


          2. “And much of what is known as “witchcraft” is a mirror-image of Christianity: Its people who rebelled against Christianity, by inverting its symbols and imagery and using it against Christianity.”

            Nooo, brotha, inversion is Kabbalism; Satanism… not Christianity…

    3. Poland is far from being neo-nazi or fascist, it is lead by a christian conservative party who got annoyed with some dishonest Israeli Jewish claims about the Holocaust. This same christian conservative party still bans all nazi SS symbols, Poland was an Allied country during WWII. Duh. At the same time Poland recieves economic subsidies from the EU and must tow the EU line against Russia now. Russian nationalists are fragmented and disunited. If one does not have unified organized party, then the chance of winning an election is near zero. The left wing in Russia has a greater chance of winning anything because it is more unified and has large size party. Some countries have very organized left-wing economic socialist parties. Greece, Spain and Portugal have that tendency, there anti-establishment far left can be more organized and numerous. In most places nazis or fascists have zero ability to win an election.

      1. @Roman: You put too much credence in political parties, rather than looking deeper to the cultural and metapolitical trends within a country. But the main thing I take issue with is your claim that Poland “must tow the EU line against Russia now”.

        Quite the contrary, the EU is generally conciliatory towards Putin’s Russia, always careful not to anger him lest he disrupt their oil and gas supplies. And its actually the countries of Intermarium that generally have a harsher line against Russia exactly because of their historical experience. A primary example is Ukraine: The EU basically abandoned it to fend for itself and deal with the Kremlin-backed separatists on its own. Its even more the case with the Baltic Countries, which the EU – fearful of Putin – would easily sell out in a heartbeat to Russia.

        As an aside, having been to Greece – second time after Syriza won the election, and the third time shortly after Tsipras went against the results of the very referendum he called for in the first place – I can tell you that even the far-leftist base of Syriza felt betrayed by them. I saw so much anger and discontent on the streets of Athens against the government, although it was somewhat subdued by the time I reached there. Unless you mean the movements even more anti-establishment than them?

        As has so often occurred in history, when alleged “anti-establishment” parties take power they often show themselves to be just as much or even more corrupt than the openly establishment parties. So I put little faith in political parties, ESPECIALLY if they claim to be “anti-establishment”. Its what we had here in the United States with Obama on the left and Trump on the right, each claiming to be the “outsider” but being nothing of the sort except to their ignorant drone followers.

        1. This fool Roman rolls around these parts like once a month to tell us that leftists are cool because they have numbers, and rightists are not cool because we don’t have numbers, and that the Jews are “good” because they have accrued money and power through criminal chicanery. This idiot is obviously a troll.

  2. Kampf gegen Merkel-Nazis und kampf gegen Antifa-Nazis! Ich distanziert auch von Gedankenpolizei und Sicht fiktiver Dritter! Der Gersteinbericht ist offenkundig! Den Herrschaften mit den zionistischen Auswüchsen bezüglich „NWO“ fehlt LIEBE! Die Liebevolle Umarmung fehlt den Globalfaschisten von ARD bis ZDF von CDU-SPD-FDP-Grün-Linke von TAZ bis FAZ! Nur die Nichtleugnung des Holocaust kann auch die kriegslust des IS-Mossad bändigen (1)! Ich glaube 700 bis 800 Menschen auf 25 Quadratmetern 45 Kubikmetern, für 2 Stunden 49 Minuten! Ho·no·ra·ti·o̱·ren mit einer Packdichte von 32 Ho·no·ra·ti·o̱·ren je Quadratmeter heilen uns und sind gleichzeitig Garant für die Entnazifizierung von Bundesregierung und Justiz. In einer Luftblase von 45/800 Kubikmetern (zirka 60 Liter Luft) 2 Stunden 49 Minuten zu atmen wäre eine alternative Gewissensprüfung bezüglich der Treue zue europäischen Zivilreligion Holocaust. Wir brauchen Exorzismus gegen NAZIS, NAZIS in den Schlüsselpositionen bekämpfen bedeutet auch mit den Gersteinbericht den Holocaust glauben und mit dieser Nichtleugnung des Holocaust Deutschland Palästina und die Welt befreien! (1) Edward Snowden sagt aus: ISIS ist eine Schöpfung von CIA und Mossad, Abu Bakr vom Westen ausgebildet Gruß Niehmann Ralf-Peter

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