Feminist Cancer Killing Spain and West

Millions of screeching, hairy, unattractive feminists went on a ‘strike’ across Spain today, protesting the mythical ‘gender wage gap’ and other made up fictions that women invented to smear men and attain special privileges. These ungrateful skanks, who live in the most accommodating part of the world towards women, are still not satisfied with their five-star conditions, demanding more and more power over the men who built the societies they enjoy.

Spain is one of the worst feminist gulags in the world which has laws on the books that allow vindictive women to falsely accuse men of violence without evidence.

Feminism is a dangerous malignant tumor eating away at the West. Feminists are fighting against nature itself, which dictates that intellectually and emotionally superior men should take the lead in all functional societies. Women have the emotional temperament equivalent to small children and should thus never be trusted to make important decisions that affect the society at large.

Allowing women more privilege and power has directly led to the downfall of Western civilization, which is in the worst state that it’s ever been in. Organized Jewry has flung our borders wide open to the third world hordes, and it’s been largely these leftist women welcoming the brown colonizers with open arms, hoisting giant “refugees welcome” banners all over the place and greeting the invaders with kisses, hugs and hospitality when they enter.

Women have sold out our civilization and need to be called out for their treachery.

33 thoughts on “Feminist Cancer Killing Spain and West

  1. Spain is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy with multiparty elections, far from the one party systems that were in the gulag epoch. Gulags were forced labor camps for both men and women. The comparison not very valid and is a bit kooky. Spain was in decline for a while in an economic and world power sense. Since the Spanish-American War at least when it lost it’s colonial empire and associated revenues. Also it is seldom known that authoritarian left wing leaders (Stalin, Hoxha, Ceaucescu) would on occasion curtail some women’s rights by banning abortion and restricting divorce. Another flaw is that weak metrosexual men or soy boys also exist. And mass media encourages their behavior. Spain does not have any substantial jewish population. Around 12 thousand in some 40 million. So who flung the borders then? The mainstream delused politicians elected by an equally gullible electorate. Democracy and freedom do not always lead to smart decisions a hypothesis could be made.

  2. Feminism in the West is a major reason I will never stay in the West. It’s not the only reason, but a big reason.

    Yes dummy Roman, Luciferian, Marxist Jews and their shabbos goyim are behind and responsible for mass immigration in the West, as well as radical feminism. Media is another tool they use to promote the idea that “diversity is our strength” and the ideas that race and gender are merely “social constructs”, etc.

    Brandon, I don’t know if you’re familiar with this dude, but he’s another vet who’s really woke on a lot of things; I have to give the dude some serious props. Too bad I can’t comment on YT vids because I’d definitely comment on some of his vids on his YT channel. He’s an expat who lives in Southeast Asia (I think he’s living in Thailand at the moment). Funny as it is, he talks about how the West is stacked against white men, and he feels more comfortable in Southeast Asia and he obviously likes the women better, although he’s still MGTOW for life. Dude produces a lot of good content; check some of his stuff out when you get the time.

    1. Thanks Dana
      I watched all the video and agree with all he says.
      It’s especially true about falling into petty traps . . . have females not got better things to do than play stupid games to try to spoil someone elses day?
      Men can easily get drawn into incidents and these can happen frequently, randomly and unexpectedly.
      Men think why me? I am polite and courteous.
      At some point the man realizes that he is being talked down to . . . in patronizing and condescending tones.
      That can be after the woman is asked a simple question, that was not on her list of standard simple questions, or if the man politely interrupts her with some unexpected intelligent insight or query.
      They latch onto you complaining about them being rude and then accuse you of being rude.
      Customer service is not what it used to be, especially where a single lone man is the customer.
      Then bystanders side with the woman and the innocent man is humiliated.
      Just stay calm, enjoy it until the point you get threatened by their manager.
      It has not spoiled your day, it just served to reinforce what you already knew.
      The guy in this video sums it up very well and not only regarding those daily unexpected ‘about town’ clashes.
      Makes you want to only speak to male counter staff, to avoid all the nonsense.
      I wish him all the best.

  3. @Dana Hart

    MGTOW are giving up on their culture and civilization. Why would you listen to men who says “the West is stacked against white men(that is what we are fighting against), and he ‘feels’ more comfortable in Southeast Asia(coward and traitor). They decided to give away the west instead of fighting for it. I hate Jews, feminists and the replacement, but not nearly as much as I hate European men who chooses to opt out. Cowards are the worst scum on this earth.

    Ask yourself this: would the enemies of Europe and white people like or dislike MGTOW ? Does it benefit Europe in the long run?

    If you don’t plan to stay here then gtfo NOW you treacherous piece of filth.

    1. I haven’t given up yet like some of these MGTOW guys, but what’s your solution to the feminist/female problem at this point? To just ignore the gynocentric state of things and hitch yourself and your fate permanently to one of these broads in the hopes that she’s a “traditional woman” (i.e. unicorn)? These tradcons ignore female nature and act like there’s some ocean of “trad” women to choose from. Even these “trad” bitches can’t overcome their nasty female nature and could turn on a dime to embrace the feminist state against her man for some petty personal reason. Women do not ever have firmly held beliefs and will change those beliefs if it benefits them, except apparently feminism because that universally privileges women in society.

      1. The dumb bitch doesn’t have any solutions and isn’t gonna have any, just like most all the rest of her tradcunt sisters. You’re supposed to just ignore all these false rape, abuse, domestic violence, and even pedophile claims these cunts like to make. You’re supposed to just ignore the paternity fraud rates, the female divorce initiation rates of over 70%, the 50 billion dollar a year divorce industry, exorbitant child support and alimony laws, and major penalties if you somehow can’t pay them, if say you lose your job (eg, your child support payments accrue while you’re in jail, so when you finally do get out of jail, not only have you lost your job, but you owe back pay). You’re supposed to just ignore how masculine, entitled, conniving, energy and good vibes draining like fucking vampires these dirty cunts are, and a lot of their friends. It’s like the list never fucking ends with these cunts. The few ‘relationships’ and ‘marriages’ that do last often do so miserably. And you’re a “dick”, “asshole”, or “dumbass” for noticing. You’re supposed to just “man up” and pay all the bills for these dirty hoes while they watch Oprah and learn about how “hard” housework is.

        All the dumb cunts who’d come and try to argue on the Boycott American Women page didn’t have shit for arguments. They sure thought they were fucking “know-it-alls” though. Arrogant, ignorant skanks is what they were. The only responses they could muster would be the typical shit like “You’re a misogynist”, “You hate all women”, “You’re gay”, “You just can’t get laid”; yada, yada. Then there’d be some who’d actually try to debate or argue by regurgitating all the easy to debunk, lame as fuck arguments they learned out of the mainstream media, Hollywood, music industry, politicians’ speeches, and women’s studies classes: alllll of which obviously didn’t work by a light year, either. After that, all the dirty bitches would do is report the page, like the dirty, worthless skanks that they are.

        There are billions of fembots, white knights, and manginas in the West, all while untold numbers of men are being raked over the coals by these evil bitches and the system. Instead of fighting them, they have to find their way over to MGTOWs to attack them. There are so many examples of things like this, but it reminds me of when I was in my first men’s rights group and a buddy shared a meme with a dude cunt-punting a female and it said, “Payback’s a bitch, BITCH!!!” Those of us in the know thought it was hilarious, but we had a few, ‘always take the moral high-ground’, crybaby white knights and manginas getting worked up over it, and a few fembots getting their panties in a bunch about it. As you could imagine, the bitches that were protesting the meme had never protested before in the lives against women who kick men in the nuts for giggles or anger. Instead of fighting pervasive misandry in society like THIS, the cunts had to come over to tell us how “unjust” it was when never in their lives had they been cunt-punted or ever seen any women get cunt-punted, not to mention seen or known any women who had gotten their clits cut off.

        The bitches have to be avoided by the plague and treated like the sacks of douche bag, dog-shit that they are when they decide to pop their pea-brained fucking heads up. In the event of a likely, eventual economic collapse, I hope they get every last ounce of the equality they so desperately desire.

  4. Jan, are you trying to set a record for how many incorrect, ignorant assumptions a person can jump to in the shortest period of time possible, or what, lol. Cupcake, you know this isn’t facebook and you can’t get out of a debate like this by blocking me or removing your comments, thus making sites/formats like this a place where people like myself rule in debate/argument. You know how the saying goes about assumptions, right? They’re the mother of all fuck ups. Now just like I ask some other dummies who occasionally comment over here if they can answer simple questions like a BIG BOY, can you put your BIG GIRL pants on for a moment for us? Maybe even answer some simple questions like a BIG GIRL? Lmao.

    One ignorant ASSumption you’ve made is that your statements and questions are “original” and that I “haven’t been” in arguments like this numerous times before. I’ve been a MGHOW since 2011, but a quasi-MGHOW since 2009, before I had ever heard of the term. Started administrating the Boycott American Women page in 2012, and the reason the page doesn’t still exist on FB isn’t because we “lost” the fukin debates; we destroyed hordes or dumb cunts like yourself and white knights and manginas, but the page was “against FB rules” and could never last long on FB. If it did and you could see the page then, I guarantee you’d quickly realize you don’t have a single fukin argument and that if you went to comment on the page like a typical Ameriskank, you’d get a foot up the ass.

    You said, “Ask yourself this: would the enemies of Europe and white people like or dislike MGTOW ? Does it benefit Europe in the long run?”

    Listen dumb broad, I’ve asked myself such questions long ago. What bimbos like you don’t understand is that millions of men are trapped in rat races they can’t escape. One obvious example is a good friend of mine. Know why you’ll practically never see him in any kind of activism, be it for whites or for men? Because he aiiiiin’t got time fo’ that shit. Why? He’s too goddamned busy working his 60 hours a week, paying bills and paying exorbitant child support to cunty, skanky mothers for kids he can’t even see on a regular basis. If he doesn’t pay his child support, guess where he goes? He goes where any man who doesn’t pay or falls behind on his child support goes: jail. The little extra free time he does have, he spends doing on things like trying to catch up on sleep. I know this is hard for “downtrodden”, “oppressed”, loud-mouthed women like yourself to understand though. Another problem is that his tax money is going to pay for tha ‘minoritaaays’ such as women on welfare. If people like him weren’t paying taxes, bitchy cunts like yourself wouldn’t have state funds to rely on when you pop out 5 different children all from different fathers. Sure ain’t women paying the vast majority of taxes here and putting in all the over-time or making up 94% of deaths on the job; it’s men.

    You hate feminists? What, do you think fembots are only like 10% of the population or what? Been through this over and over again: the vast majority of Western women are femcunts… it ain’t some “small number” like tradcons such as Lana Lokteff would have people believe. Has Lana ever dated a woman? No? Did you know that talking to women and dating women are two entirely different things? Did you know that lesbian ‘relationships’ are the least likely of the three intimate ‘relationships’ to work out? Must be a “coincidence” n sheeeit, lol.

    Another ignorant ASSumption you make is that MGTOWs are “traitors” and “cowards”. Dumb cunt, another reason why Patrick (in that video) lives in SE Asia is because it’s cheap… cheaper than the West. Know what happens when Westernskanks such as yourself (likely an Ameriskank while we’re at it) go to places like Thailand? You soon realize that dudes don’t want anything to do with you. A white dude can pull way more Asian women than a white female can pull Asian men. What dudes like us are exposing is the anti-male, anti-white agenda, amongst others. What are YOU doing to expose the anti-male agenda? Obviously not a whole goddamned lot, but on the contrary, attacking MGTOWs like me.

    You also assume that whites don’t live anywhere but the West. Well they do, dumb cunt. There are places like Russia, for instance. Or take a look at Southern Brazilians trying to segregate from the rest of Brazil because they’re being arbitrarily charged higher taxes than the rest of the country. Many MGTOW also want to segregate from women in the workforce, not to mention they don’t want the cunts living with them in their homes. Make women pay their own goddamned bills. MGTOW men like me want to be segregated from all femcunts like yourself, and we’re working on it (as you can see MGTOW rapidly growing). I’d already be out of the states had I not been hampered by some chronic injuries and hadn’t spent so much time in activism like getting MGTOW off the ground. The only purpose for me to come back to the US is to see some family, friends, and for poker tournaments/cash games like the World Series of Poker. BTW, not much more fulfilling than taking Ameriskanks’ money at the poker tables, lmao. You betcher ass women are only 5% of poker players… that’s because Ameriskanks are fukin stupid, to say the least, lol.

  5. Yeah, Western women need to be taught a serious lesson in humility. I know they’re totally indoctrinated with “girl power”, ideas such as “women can do anything a man can do, if not better”, endless Hollywood movies and even songs and women’s studies courses and prominent politicians pontificating on how “capable”, “benevolent”, “precious”, and “oppressed” the little twats are.

    One way to do this would be for all white men to quit paying taxes and quit agreeing to have their money taken by big brother to pay for these skanks, and opposing affirmative action policies and all politicians, courts and police to do women’s bidding. Ceasing to pay taxes or somehow re-routing how tax money gets used is very important, but I’m not talking about doing it in Ken O’Keefe, World Citizen Solution fashion. I know that dummy hasn’t taken the time to look into what groups pay out the most in taxes per capita and what groups are drawing in the highest amounts of welfare per capita, because if he had, he’d want to re-brand his World Citizen Solution to something that caters more to the biggest obvious tax payers per capita here, and they sure ain’t women and blacks, for example. White men really are the stars of the West. White, heterosexual, cisgender, Christian males, to be more specific. Northeast Asians are doing a pretty good job as well when it comes to paying taxes and committing low crime, but they’re still more liberal than white men and they also work subversively because they’re not white and obviously not white first, but Asian first. They’re definitely more conservative, patriotic, and better members of society than blacks, though, for instance. Ken doesn’t seem to understand that very few blacks are going to actually pay for something like a WCS because so many of the mofos are on the dole to begin with. Why pay to stop getting free handouts. Same with a lot of women out there, including white women. There will be some white women he’ll have signing up who are stay-at-home mothers and such, because they don’t want to keep seeing their husband’s tax dollars going to pay for messed up policies, including anti-liberal policies they believe work against da ‘minorities’. He still doesn’t really seem to understand that multiculturalism doesn’t work and he’s not a race realist yet either, and probably never will be.

    In a place like America, woke folks can’t just charge the government because the military, the national guard, and the police are all working under big brother’s orders. White dudes have to try to form their own enclaves in states that aren’t liberal (liberal states like California as opposed to more non-liberal states like Texas). Certain cities will need to do in the meantime as well. All until enough people can get on the same pages. Like I say, the enclaves don’t have to be all white men, and they can include non-feminized women (obviously not many women Western women are non-feminized these days though) who are pro-white male, and can include pro-white non-whites.

    Either way we cut it, Westernized society is going to continually decay and become poorer and poorer, and many countries in the West may very possibly collapse on their own anyway. If/when that happens, one group that’s going to learn how pathetic they really are is Western women. Thank God for that.

    1. Excellent post Dana.
      I was going to post a comment regarding those little conflict situations that escalate very quickly.
      In europe political correctness has poisoned society to such a degree that women can and do use it to terrorize men.
      Their manipulative tendencies coupled with the empowerment and entitlement of feminism means that they know they will always win if they initiate a scene.
      Men have to be very careful and have to back down in a public altercation, lest they find themselves in very deep water.
      She has the tyrannical power of the system on her side and an equally brainwashed set of onlookers gathering in a queue behind the man, he is unaware of them.
      She is confident the onlookers are also shocked at this display of male unpc assertiveness, which she has caused to happen.
      So a smiling and friendly female assistant can turn very quickly into a hostile self appointed authority figure at the flip of a switch.
      That instant change is often due to an innocent, logical and truthful comment made by the man, that she might find disagreeable.
      In times past, male assertiveness was accepted, now with feminism in charge the woman is empowered to react strongly.
      In some cases the public facing, initial smiling and friendliness is very shallow and is all an act, in fact it is a trap.
      Sorry women but that is the way it is now and it is how many men see it.
      I really hope things change soon.
      Well that will do for my comment.

      1. Thanks, Dorset, and good to see ya 🙂

        Yeah, political correctness is no joke, and it isn’t just a cancer in Europe, but everywhere else in the world, including and depending on the specific topic/s we’re talking about. In the West, the topics are quite uniform in nature (they generally revolve around Marxism as ‘truth’ for example), but outside the West, quite a few other main topics are also anti-PC/taboo. What can be done about all this, in the West, though? First of all, skanks like “Jan” over here can actually bring themselves to recognize the fucking quagmire men in the West are in, and this conundrum includes issues all issues of liberalism. If the bitches actually did a little bit of research on the topic, they’d start to understand that it is WHITE MEN being oppressed and disenfranchised in the West, NOT women, and to a lesser degree: not WHITE WOMEN. We can’t count on the vast majority of women doing that, though, and so men have to take these matters into their own hands. And yes, white men often have far more freedom of speech regarding home base, outside the West than when they’re inside the West.

        It also should be noted for any MGTOWs out there: it’s one thing to have a backbone and to be an “asshole” by Western women’s standards, and it’s another thing to criticize a female’s hero, lol. A rather recent example of mine is that I was talking to a cute, feminine EE chick on FB and we got along great. After awhile, we got involved in a political discussion and she told me how she got into some trouble for being pro-Hitler. All I said was that she didn’t have to be pro-Hitler to be pro-white (I said all this respectfully), and she never spoke to me again. She really took my respectful disagreement of her icon as some kind of insult and wouldn’t talk to me anymore. If we encountered each other on the street and had didn’t know each other’s political views, it’s very safe to say she’d bang me, but after knowing what I thought about Hitler, she was totally turned off, lol.

        Some solutions to this, as I see it, are as follows:

        #1. We need to understand that we’re not all made out of the same cloth and our talents and work ethics are different. And as a general rule, our particular talents and work ethics are largely genetic.

        #2. Given the above, we need to start recognizing each others’ differences, and forming and separating in groups according to these differences.

        A third option for Western men is to relocate/expat outside the West, where they have more freedom of speech in regards to the West, if need be. I can be very anti-PC because I’m a poker player by profession and don’t have to worry so much about getting ‘fired’. I do have to worry about possibly pissing people off, though, and potentially restricting my future travels in the West, as well as having to deal with potential unexpected laws emerging. So I have more leeway than the average dude, but I still have to be careful. The vast majority of working-class Western dudes don’t have this luxury though, and tradcon skanks like “Jan” over here seem to ignore this; and wouldn’t be such a big deal if it was accidentally, but a lot of these skanks do it intentionally…. this all is another of countless elements that makes safely navigating around for a male, (especially a white male), hazardous.

        1. But yeah, as a general principle of game, it’s much better to say “I hate yellow” when a female is wearing a yellow shirt or skirt. But it’s generally a much different story to say “I hate Lady Gaga” when a female really likes Lady Gaga, though. When it comes to pop icons like Gaga or Madonna, etc., it’s much better to say you like them, and/but if you have to say, “but I don’t completely agree with what she did/said here/there” etc. That goes by way better (even if a girl really wants to bang you) than just coming right out and saying you hate Lady Gag Gag or the Material Girl, lol.

          1. Many young women seem to be very interested in celebrities and icons.
            The media knows this and so it serves them up with plenty of what they want.
            On TV, in magazines and on websites.
            The media is doing it mainly for financial reasons, to get a bigger audience and to monetize it.
            The media is also doing it for more sinister reasons, ie. social change and agendas.
            Now and again I need to view news articles on websites like dailymail.co.uk (mailonline).
            I try to avoid doing that unless absolutely necessary.
            The reason to avoid it is the sheer quantity of ‘celebrity’ content on every page.
            Going to mailonline with a normal browser and you are flooded with celebrity images and crap.
            I counted 380 thumbnail images on one particular page.
            Best to use a text only browser or write a script to scrape the page for relevant text and not download any images.
            I am simply not interested in celebrity gossip, many women seem to crave it.

  6. Brandon, i love it that they call themselves fuerte yet they need to band together like a band of bullies or socialists (not much of a difference) to even be heared….

  7. A question. Is there any difference in the outreach of the blight of feminism in the different areas of spain and if so for what reason. This one out of curiosity. I ve been in catalunya

  8. So, you are going to solve the problems of the West by becoming MGTOWs? The birth rate is low enough already. I really don’t get it.

    1. MGTOW is a short term solution for men who don’t want to deal with these evil vindictive women. Obviously MGTOW is not a solution to the demographic problem. But right now Western women absolutely suck, are out of control, and are energy vampires on us men. At this point I don’t want to nail myself down to one of these whores knowing she could screw me over in a million ways if it doesn’t work out. Another solution could be to have some kids but don’t marry the broad and live separately.

      1. Truth defender… this has been said over and over and over again. A white dude who has gone MGTOW (and righteously so) doesn’t have to declare absolute celibacy to help the West. He can bang many different women and reproduce, IF he’s not some kind of mark that everyone knows or the woman wants to expose.

        Have you heard of, for instance, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?

        1. We know the birth rate is low, but many of us can do much more than our fare share in reproducing, lol. Don’t be a tradcon (or white knight, for that matter) who just automatically assumes that a or any dude who’s MGTOW can’t/doesn’t reproduce… totally false.

          Truthfully, it’s best for studs to reproduce and have the hordes of white knights take care of their offspring.

          1. I mean by the time a virile dude meets a young female these days, she very likely isn’t even a virgin anyway.

            And yes, the more dudes a female has banged, the less bonding hormone she produces with each successive one. Might be one the main reasons why married Western women are generally so easy to bang… but “just a guess”, lol.

  9. Truth defender, are you gonna solve the problems of the West by being a white knight like the vast majority of other dudes already are?

  10. I am a woman and there are still many women out there who don’t follow any feminist agenda. But we don’t want to be undermined either. I want to have my own opinions while being traditional. Do not fall for stupid white sharia ideas because what would be the point? We want to be better than the Muslims, not fall into the same backward ideas.

    1. Women who don’t follow feminist dogma are few and far between, but the nastiness of female nature goes beyond just feminist ideology, and is present in each and every woman on earth. These women know that they can simply turn into a raging feminist and use the misandrist state against their spouse if they don’t get what they want in the relationship. Meaning none of them can be trusted.

      You want your own opinions which is little more than female empowerment. What do you do besides denounce “white sharia”?

      1. Lol at that Heimbach article, Brandon. That’s like some Jerry Springer shit, lol. How in the hell that dude Parrott got choked out twice by somebody so chubby, out-of-shape, and slow and weak looking, especially when Heimbach was trying to bang Parrott’s wife (not the other way around) is beyond me, lol.

        Trads just don’t know shit about feminism and/or don’t care to know, or else they wouldn’t be trad.

        ‘Truth defender’ apparently doesn’t have much of any answer as to what she does besides denouncing white sharia. Never mind that the system and Western society is stacked against dudes and not women… it’s immaterial to tradcons. It’s also very shameful not to be able to answer simple questions. You’d think people would figure out these days in the environment of all this public debate that if they can’t answer simple questions, they might wanna re-examine their positions, or at the very least, do themselves and everyone else a favor and refrain themselves from talking.

        I also have to say that out of prominent people in the ‘alt-right’, outside of Johnny Monoxide who seems cool as hell and a few other exceptions, the rest of the people I either don’t know, don’t care to know and/or just don’t like. Bunch o’ clowns and dummies to me, and people who truly are alt-right need to be able to recognize them for what they are and do their own thinking, planning, organizing, etc.

  11. ‘Truth defender’… do you know how arrogant that name sounds? You’re implying that you have/know the truth, while much of us all here must not. Just out of curiosity, you’re not “Jan” from before, are you?

    Have you even bothered to read much of anything here?

    Like you say ‘still many women who don’t follow any feminist agenda’… I mean, did I not ask how many women that tradcons like you have dated? Haven’t dated many?! Ohhhh, ‘shocker’!!!

    Did I start men’s rights activism and Boycott American Women activism with anybody holding my hand?! You’re implying that I did; you know that right? And who said I was in favor of any Muslim ideals, here?

  12. HOW many women have you dated, cupcake? And if you have dated any, tell us how that turned out. And if you HAVEN’T, why in the world would you act like you’re some kina connoisseur on dating/banging/marrying them? You just “know” what that’s like n stuff, right?

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