American Alt-Right Still Blind on Russia and Putin’s Treachery

Red Ice and much of the alt-right continue to blindly support Putin and refuse to scrutinize his policies. They simply react to the criticism from “liberal” media circles of Putin to gallantly line up behind him. They refuse to accept nuance in the situation or look beyond the surface.

When confronted with issues like Putin’s horrid crackdowns on free speech, where putting out anti-Putin memes on social media will land you in jail, the alt-right are silent. On Putin’s anti-nationalist crackdowns against Russian racialists opposed to immigration, they remain mute. On Putin’s close links to and empowerment of Jewish billionaires and Chabad Lubavitch, nothing. On Putin’s affirmation of a “multicultural” Russia and importation of thousands of Muslims from Central Asia, not a word. On his imposition of Holocaust denial and anti-Nazi laws, which the alt-right opposes everywhere else, not a peep.

Is this a case of Russia paying off certain members of the alt-right to keep them quiet about Putin’s treachery? Could be. Russia’s influence operations stretch across the political spectrum in the West, with leftists and rightists dancing to Moscow’s tune.

37 thoughts on “American Alt-Right Still Blind on Russia and Putin’s Treachery

        1. General information here . . .
          Mikheil Saakashvili: ‘Ukraine needs to be rescued’

          and for completeness the interview referred to in the above article.

          and for more info on Mikheil Saakashvili Georgia and Ukraine

          and Ukraine wiki > history and up to date stuff.

          Obviously also do your own research.

        1. Thanks Danish-SS.
          Lots of information on that web page.
          I admit I do not know much about Ukrainian history.
          Recent events in the news are complex and it depends who you listen to and who you believe.
          Where would be a good place to start and to get the white nationalist perspective on Ukraine?
          Crimea is also a subject that I would like to be able to debate with people.
          Most people I know say that Crimea always was russian, I say it was not always russian and russia annexed it, but I do not have enough proof of that to argue the case.
          They probably watch only mainstream western news and RT.
          There is an english Ukranian satellite channel, is that worth watching or is it very biased in the same way that RT is?
          Links to useful websites are appreciated.

          1. Crimea was muslim Ottoman land until Tsarist Russia taken it in 1774-1783. There was no ukraine back then like there was no Macedonia and no many other eastern european states created only recently in the 1990s. In many 19th century statistics books like the British Statesman’s Yearbook of 1864 one cannot find any mention of slovakia, slovenia, macedonia, ukraine and several other newly made nations. There were no palestinians back then either interestingly. There existed for centuries these large traditional monarchical states which spanned large territories. Everything from Albania to Yemen was one country- the Sublime Ottoman State. Everything from Tyrol to the Carpathians was the Austrian Habsburg realm. And everything from Crimea and Odessa to the borders of China was the Russian Romanov state. Numerous so-called nations today did not exist in the 19th century. There was often not a single mention of them.

          2. Tell them that Russian nation died in 1919 and ukrainians choose to be european because they are european

            1. Choosing to be european means being an EU member? Switzerland and Norway are not EU members and therefore not european. The EU commission also demands migrant quotas. Follow that, since following EU demands is european. In 1919 form of government and economy changed in Russia. Change in form of government and economy is not equal to the death of any ethnic group. For that to happen every single member of that ethnic group must vanish.

            2. Roman said “Choosing to be european means being an EU member?”
              No definitely not.
              So a country can be european without being in the EU.
              European nationalists look to culture and history and identity.
              Switzerland is in europe, Norway is in europe. Ukraine also.
              I am no expert on it but I can tell you what I do know and I will try to link to where more information can be found.
              Books help me sometimes:
              European History 1848 – 1945 by T A Morris,
              Collins Educational
              Chapter 12
              The Russian revolutions: 1914-24
              paraphrasing the details for around the time 1919 . . .
              2 revolutions in 1917.
              Red army formed in January 1918.
              By August 1919 the Red Army numbered 300,000.
              By January 1920 it boasted over 5,000,000 members.
              Civil War in European Russia 1918-21 (map) whites vs bolsheviks.
              From April 1920 only the force in the Crimea under P.N. Wrangel stood between the Red Army and victory.
              By mid November he, too, with 135,000 soldiers and civilains, evacuated the Crimea, the last stronghold of the White cause.

    1. The opinion of one small political party is never the opinion of the whole government. The business elite in ukraine also hold Israeli citizenship. Jews are good at business.

      1. Yeah Roman, we already know you’re a Jewish apologist who also happens to be pro-Putin. You’re a moron.

        1. I am not pro Putin you fool. I am against excessively demonizing any politician. Any politician is trapped by the constraints of the system, by unelected elites in deep states, by sins and failures of their predecessors. Jews are good at business. That is a fact everywhere. Even in ukraine they are and were the major bankers. Jews have the know how for a good gesheft.

          1. Lmfao. You’re pro-fucking-Putin over here, fool. And in your deluded fucking mind he’s being “excessively demonized” over here.

            Jews are good at business, you say? Jews are good at swindling the goyim and setting up banking schemes is a lot more fucking like it, chump. Jews like Lloyd Blankfein and Bernie Madoff are “good people” n stuff. Did you see the trillions these “too big to fail” banks made working in collusion with the US government in 08, at the tax payers’ expense? Yay. Especially central banking of usury where they charge these governments interest on money that shouldn’t be at interest in the first place.

            You know Jews are very anti-white too, right? Probably not because you’re a fucktard.

            1. It’s becoming more fashionable to see both pro-Jew and pro-Putin sentiment, often in conjunction with one another. It’s not a surprise because Putin is extremely pro-Jewish whose best friends and supporters and Jewish billionaires.

            2. Informative article:
              Jewish Oligarch Boris Spiegel Behind Kremlin’s Propaganda Against Ukraine and the Baltics
              Netanya was mentioned in Sean’s article:
              Twin towned with bournemouth, dorset, UK, and probably why we sometimes see an israeli flag flying high above our seafront promenade by the pier.
              There is also a chabad office in bournemouth.
              Just little factoids for those who are interested.

      1. Yes it was ok yesterday, but it is gone today.
        The page has a 404 not found message.
        There is also a message at
        “This account has been suspended.
        Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.”
        So maybe too many people went for a look and the server couldn’t cope with the extra traffic.
        Or it could be a case of . . .
        Close it down . . . the goyim know.

  1. Henrik and Lana are alt-light. Same as Richard Spencer, Jay Dyer, Paul Kersey, Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, etc. To truly be alt-right, you really have to have spent them time in the trenches on every issue, and to have swallowed all possible major red-pills in regards to ideologies such as Marxism. There are thousands of details to learn about every red-pill issue, and one can always learn more, but one doesn’t have to know every detail to be able to swallow a red pill about the issue. Like, I don’t know what happened to the planes that went off radar on 9/11, but I don’t need to know that in order to know those buildings were controlled demolitions.

    This is not to say they aren’t experts on certain, or even many issues. All the above are seriously lacking research/red-pill swallowing on at least one issue or more, however.

    Like on the topic of feminism, Henrik and Lana have a very watered-down view and understanding of it. They dabbled in studying it and came to conclusions on this dabbling prematurely, without going much deeper into the subject. As time goes on, more and more people will get deeper and deeper on all these topics as things become more and more apparent over time. When you’re ahead of the curve, you take all the heat for it, unfortunately, until people catch up. It was the same with MGTOW. At the very beginning, it was just a fight to try to get dudes past the friggin purple-pill stages, lol. We weren’t even worried about trying to deal with all the other issues, by and large, because it was so hard just getting dudes in semi-red-pill zones. MGTOW has that now with it’s numbers where far more than enough dudes are red-pilled enough on it that it won’t be stopped from getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Now we see, more and more, different factions of MGTOW branching off into what kinds of MGTOW they are on the political spectrum. When things like the LGBTQ agendas came up, or the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case, these all naturally caused lots of infighting because people are in different stages of their red-pill processes. I see even Sandman talking about race differences in IQ now, and he’ll continue to learn, and so will many, many more MGTOW.

    I could see somebody like Jay Dyer or Richard Spencer being paid off. The others, I have no idea about. I don’t get the feeling Henrik is paid off, just that he is extremely purple or even blue-pilled on certain issues like Putin and Trump. Just because the more well-known figures in a movement think in certain ways doesn’t mean there aren’t different factions brewing underneath the surface, because there are and always will be. Being able to win in debates with solid evidence and information will always win in the end. It’s like so many people still haven’t figured out though that if you can’t win in a gotdamned debate on any argument or position, then you’re just dead wrong. When you can, you know you’re in the right, or at least just going in the right direction. There is a sense of shamelessness I see many people have when they can’t win in a debate but still won’t to hold on to obsolete and/or incorrect views at all costs anyway.

    1. All true.
      Excellent post Dana.
      Your chess and poker playing thought processes are an advantage . . . indeed a big plus when navigating the quagmire.
      I know you said you try not to talk politics in real life situations.
      Trying to make people do a 180 turn on a subject is difficult even if they are open minded and not so stubborn.
      Then years afterwards you might start hearing those people who could not be swayed telling you things you told them years before.
      When you point out that you were saying that years ago they don’t remember.
      They were probably not listening to it ALL or their brains could not process ALL the information in one big hit.
      Roll forward the years and now they are telling you at least some of what you were telling them years ago.
      During the intervening years they took bite size chunks from here and there and finally arrived at the correct answer.
      To get them to agree on the spot is like closing a sale, if they walk without agreeing then they are lost for now.
      It is also very dependent on whether they are good listeners and good learners and whether you can keep their attention.
      So you have to be a good salesman AND a good teacher.
      And we have all probably had the experience of realizing what somebody was saying but 25 years after they said it.
      The penny finally dropped, due to some random trigger and train of thought.
      Slowness and laziness are common human traits.
      Sometimes though you realize that certain people are quick and bright and yet still disagree with your reasoning.
      That could be because you are wrong . . . but you know for a fact you aren’t.
      Or they have agendas and self interests that would be scuppered by your information.
      People often say to me ” I don’t think there is a jewish conspiracy”.
      These sorts of people often have jewish connections.
      The fake altright movements are good at selling their dodgy wares.
      Using tabloid newspaper type sensationalism and headlines that grab attention.
      So that is what we are up against.
      We need to mirror and use some of the same tactics of our enemies.
      When people reject our ideas it is the first step.
      At least our ideas have actually registered in their brains.
      Keep working on them and we will eventually succeed.

      1. Thanks much for the positive thoughts and comments, Dorset. 🙂 I might get a positive/thought comment once every two months, lol.

        You said, “So you have to be a good salesman AND a good teacher.”

        Totally true. And I’ve come to learn that as a truth more and more over time. Red-pill-rage is one thing, and/but using this rage to humanity’s advantage is often very different.

        Maybe the easiest and biggest lesson any chess-player can learn and utilize is to think before they act; not vice versa. 🙂

  2. Like Colin Flaherty would consider himself ‘right-leaning’ and he really has done a lot of great work exposing black crime. His problem is that it’s basically all he has done since like 2011. Paul Kersey has done a lot of great work on the topic as well and he’s been at it since about 2009. They’re both experts on the topic. The problem is they don’t stop to smell the roses to investigate all these other issues, like feminism for example. So you’ll hear Colin say “Black victimization is the biggest hoax of our time.” It’s definitely a total hoax, and if all you studied was black crime and you knew nothing else, you’d come to the conclusion that it is the biggest hoax of our time. The obvious problem is it’s not the biggest hoax of our time as there are so many mega hoaxes out there, and they’re all equally as grand, IMO. In a way though, they sort of can’t because once you build a following, you have to keep producing material to maintain the following and this means you’re like in an endless loop of constantly researching and keeping up with current events. I’ve felt like that before on my first FB account and don’t like the feeling of being tied down and having to constantly try to stay ahead of the curve on certain topics.

    Prominent people in the alt-right have way too much tunnel vision, as well as just people in general. I know on Lana’s FB page, she’s got a lot of Ameriskanks who are femcunts because she’s so weak on the topic of feminism and covers it very little. Anyone who says most women aren’t feminists is a feminist themselves. She may not be the rabid type, but she is a feminist nonetheless. Just because a female isn’t waving around signs saying all men should die, doesn’t mean she doesn’t think like a femcunt and doesn’t parrot their fembot talking points. But so many people in the alt-right seem to not want to investigate things that might cause them pain (the fear of cognitive dissonance) and they’re lazy researchers and thinkers too.

    Some people say that IQ makes no difference on people’s political stances but I think it has to because part of IQ tests is pattern recognition. If you don’t have good pattern recognition abilities, I don’t see how it’s not going to impede you from noticing things and/or making grand realizations/epiphanies. I don’t think there is much of anything anyone can do if they have poor pattern recognition skills either, besides maybe studying up on logic and critical thinking. So while high-IQ types often go to these fancy universities and get badly brainwashed where they are so very often highly Marxist in view and thought which makes them pains in the asses, I’m a big believer that if they were left to their own devices and never went to school, they’d naturally have a better grasp of what’s going on than low-IQ folk.

    And with that said, and even with all the weakness of so many people in the “alt-right” (alt-light), they’re still head and shoulders above blacks, lol. If you want to see a straight up gaggle fest, clusterfuck, just take a look at blacks, especially black Americans. They’re the most unproductive, pathetic, helpless group of fukin people on the planet. They couldn’t figure this shit out if their lives depended on it, lol. Too bad, but they’re always gonna be that way, and it’s why the need for separation/segregation is so important. LBJ had bad intentions when he forced integration; it’s been a total nightmare for whites who have to live around blacks.

  3. Trad women like Lana, Brittany Pettibone, Sinead McCarthy, etc., operate from the faulty paradigm that marriage is a “good thing” and do whatever they can to uphold this faulty paradigm. Not being willing to adjust one’s paradigm in the face of counter-evidence is a massive mistake. So you’ll never see them exposing things like paternity fraud or all these anti-male laws or the f’d up, misandric marriage laws and family courts, the high rates of divorce, etc., because it goes against their own paradigms and especially when they’ve been preaching these faulty paradigms for years. Like libtard “Joe Cardsbury” over here who clings to this idea that Islam is a “religion of balance” with all the strength he can muster, no matter how completely fucking backwards Islam is. You can tell “Joe Cardsbury” has been preaching that shit for years and facing the fact that it isn’t would make him look like a real dumb ass.

    Of the three women I mentioned above though, there are noticeable differences between them all. Sinead is the most rabid feminist of the three and I couldn’t stand being around the bitch for long. Lana is in the middle and I could probably stand being around her for a bit but not for very long. Brittany is the least feminist of them all and actually has a pleasant personality. She says she doesn’t condone what MGTOWs say about women and that MGTOW isn’t good for reproduction, but these trads seem to either be unaware or hiding the fact that women are more likely to cheat than men and so many will quickly do so with dudes that get them wet. I know this shit goes right over “Joe Cardsbury’s” head too, but when women come to Vegas without their male counterparts, they wanna fuck and fuck they will do. And yes, there are dudes who women find extremely attractive and they can pull left and right. The dumb ass white knights can’t comprehend this shit, hence why they’re white knights in the first place.

    And people like Scott Roberts piss me off because he’s such a fucking white knight and can’t/won’t debate over it. None of these fucking clowns will debate it because they know they’ll lose, or they figure out real quick that they can’t win and then run off, like this chump Joe punk ass “Cardsbury”. I’d definitely debate absolutely anybody from the alt-light on feminism, any fukin day; they got nothin’.

    Brandon, you should try to do an interview with Brittany if you can. She said she’ll do an interview with anyone (which I find to be really cool), although these days she probably has lots of people trying to do interviews with her and just doesn’t have much time. But it’d be a good opportunity to enlighten some of these die-hard alt-lighters and tradthots on MGTOW. 🙂

  4. Renegade is leading the fight against Jewish power and encourages white men and women to reproduce. Brandon can you do an interview with Kyle please?

    1. Bulldog, have you read anything I’ve said here? Are you looking at any of Brandon’s articles and vids on MGTOW? You couldn’t have because it’s not so simple as just getting white men and women to reproduce. There are countless traps and pitfalls that come along with it for the average dude.

      And Kyle is a white knight. Knows a lot about Jews, but he’s terrible on the topic of feminism. I have no idea how he can even stand to be married to Sinead; fukin shit would drive me crazy.

      I’d definitely debate Kyle on feminism over here if he wants to, though. He’ll get smoked while he’s at it, lol.

      1. Damn some of you dudes have cognitive dissonance so gotdamned bad. A lot of dudes are just so badly brainwashed with this Hollywood shit where they think they “absolutely need a woman to complete them”, yada, yada. It’s terrible.

        And as I’ve mentioned many times before, you can be MGTOW and reproduce. You can bang married women or women with “boyfriends” or even those that are single. All kinds of dudes have no problems getting involved in pre-made families and supporting other dude’s children because these dudes’ standards are so low. Another potential option is you can hire a surrogate mother if you have the money for it.

        1. These white knights and fembots trash-talk MGTOW because they absolutely can’t comprehend that just because someone is MGTOW, it doesn’t mean they’re not reproducing and/or can’t/don’t reproduce.

          As a matter of fact, there’s an old dude who was found to be a father of over a thousand children. If you get married, how many kids can you have with that woman at the most? Maybe 12 or so? This dude never married any of these women, he just banged them. Let me see if I can find the article somewhere.

            1. It’s a f’d up thing that you can’t even mention to a lot of women without pissing them off that the older they get and closer they get to menopause, the higher the risks they have of giving birth to offspring with birth defects. So many of these deluded bitches hit 40 or 45 and then start talking about having kids, lmao. These bitches are deluded.

              And you know what else? I knew a dude who’s your typical white knight (the vast majority of dudes are) and he was telling me how he wanted to have children. Dude was quite a bit older than me and I was trying to fill him in on feminism a bit. I was telling him to listen to people like Tom Leykis and Sandman to help his white knight syndrome and he said they’re “depressing” lmao. I was like nooo man, they’re liberating. This dude owed back child support on his two daughters in their early fukin 20s and was in terrible financial shape; lost his business in his divorce and all that. He walked in on his wife giving another dude a blow-job and he said it took him three years to accept; no bullshit. Anyway, we go to this bar and he walks up to this old female bartender in her 50s and goes Don Juan on her, lmao. He was so bad that he was even telling her how he wanted to be married and have more children. Afterwards I was like, yo, she’s past menopause and can’t have children. Didn’t really seem to phase him, lol. I tried to help the dude but couldn’t keep talking to him, lol. I’m telling you what, these dudes are just so goddamned bad it’s almost beyond belief.

      2. Yeah, he’s married to an utter lunatic, but is willing to put up with her unhinged outbursts for the “greater good” of the white race. I’m simply not willing to put up with such depravity. I care about the West, but not to the point where I’ll subordinate myself to a bipolar skank just to produce some white babies.

        1. For certain dudes, it makes sense for them to settle down and produce babies. It takes a certain personality type and certain circumstances. These tradcons in the alt-light take an extremely un-nuanced/uneducated view of this and think all white dudes should be married to white females and producing babies. It aaaain’t for everybody. It takes a lot of patience to be a father that I don’t have. It takes emotional tolerance for BS (like the female’s BS and temper tantrums) that I don’t have either. Some dudes do, and some dudes naturally make great dads and love being dads. I don’t see myself ever being able to do it. Obviously marriage is a terrible proposition for the male, too.

          They don’t take into account either that when dudes have babies that these babies tie them down in many ways, including financially. It pays to THINK before you have babies you want to take care of, and it also pays to be in a good enough financial situation to do it. If you do it prematurely, it’s gonna cause a lot of potential unnecessary suffering. These dudes are not fukin thinking, and I know a lot of these females are aware of how f’d up the laws are against men and welcome the idea of marriage because it benefits them and not the dude, and they stay close-lipped about it being the deceptive skanks that they are.

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