Red Pill Germany On Chameleon Nature of Nationalist Women

Red Pill Germany is the most red-pilled MGTOW out there. He sympathizes with the alt-right and ethnonationalism, but also calls out the gynocentrism and female worship of the alt-right. In this video he talks about female chameleons who are coming out of the wood work as right-wing nationalists now that it’s gaining traction.

Like RPG says, women don’t actually care about nationalism, but are flocking to it because it’s gained a more acceptable status in society. Women will flock to any ideology, movement or trend that attains “status”. The alt-right will say that’s ok with them so long as they submit to the men. But the problem is that the gynocracy and state-backed feminism still gives these women the option to screw over the men in their lives. So until patriarchy is restored, it’s still a danger to get involved with these broads.

2 thoughts on “Red Pill Germany On Chameleon Nature of Nationalist Women

  1. Women totally aren’t loyal to ‘relationships’ or ‘ideologies’ and definitely flock to whatever is fashionable at the time.

    For instance, I remember when growing up, Amerindians were the largest “minority” group in the area. As some know, as a group, Amerindians hit puberty before white dudes. They definitely were dating white chicks in disproportionate numbers compared to white dudes, too. As time went on, the situation reversed itself as white dudes surpassed them.

    These die-hard white knights who are pro-white have badly deceived themselves into thinking white women are “loyal”, lmao. They aren’t. They’re opportunists. Not to isolate white women for it because all races of women are like that and will use any good opportunity they perceive that may come their way.

    Dudes who can’t think for themselves are the same way. I remember for instance, Bernard Chapin talking all this shit about MGTOW, just to change his stance on it about a year and a half later after MGTOW had gained so much traction. That dude is slow AF to me, and I can understand why he has never played higher than 1/2 No Limit Hold ‘Em even though he had been reading the 2 plus 2 forum since like 2003. Because he’s not real bright, lol. I can understand why he’s a die-hard Trumptard too, lol.

    Looks kinda like your comment on the video, Brandon 🙂

    1 year ago
    Most men in the Alt right are not MGTOW or red piller. Most of them are tradcons and women worshipers.

    A woman don´t need to be a manipulative expert in order to get plenty of traditionalist men. A woman only need to say that she is anti feminist and most men get crazy believing that they found the unicorn

    Women are not even good at manipulating, most of them are very bad at manipulating but the get all they want due to men weakness for female attention.
    Young and beautiful women get all they want from men, when they get older they lose their power.
    Women power reside in their beauty and not in any sophisticated technique.”

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