Delusional Muslim Woman: ‘There are too many Finns in Finland’

An insane Muslim woman has claimed that there are ‘too many Finns’ in Finland, but that this problem of too many Finnish people in their own country can be solved with mass immigration, she said. Watch the shocking video below:

Can you believe the arrogance of this Muslim femcunt? Demanding that Finland have less Finnish people and more ugly, backwards Muslim immigrants like her! Notice she is not saying that there are too many Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, etc. Obviously she would feel more comfortable living among her own people in the Middle East, but instead she chose to invade a white nation in order to take advantage of a successful European economy.

These parasitic immigrants are upset that not every white country has been transformed into mini-versions of failed states like Bangaldesh and Pakistan, like we see in London, Paris, etc.

Whatever country she comes from is most likely not very high on “diversity” either. Most likely if you’re a non-Muslim living in her country you’ll have your head hewn off and put on a spike, like her brothers in ISIS are doing on a regular basis. Muslims are so savage and intolerant that they even slaughter and behead other Muslims who are members of a “heretical” sect of the religion.

Importing more Muslims to Europe will import with it terrorism, grooming gangs, and child brides. These Muslim welfare bums go to Scandinavia because those countries have generous welfare programs for these bums to sponge off of.

Remove these kebabs immediately!

50 thoughts on “Delusional Muslim Woman: ‘There are too many Finns in Finland’

  1. Her behavior is Ken O’Keefe, Trevor Labonte, Naveed Khanverse, Jonathan Azaziah, Kevin Barrett, Mark Glenn, Alan Sabrosky, David Icke, and truthertard approved, lol.

    Isn’t it both hilarious and entertaining at the same time how so many Muslims are professional victims and dindu nuffins when faced with the fact that so many Muslims are subversive, racist, supremacist leeches totally incompatible with Western societies (not to mention non-Western societies)? Minority groups in the West are a bunch of professional dindus who generally add no value to these societies and are in most ways, major net negatives to them.

    1. If there’s one huge wannabe victim on this planet, it’s you. I’ve never seen muslims post comments like you do. You’re more extremist than any terrorist or islamist could ever be. You’re just the same, you just support “the other side” of extremism. No difference at all.

      You love being a wannabe victim, judging by the number of comments you leave here, where you rant and complain all the time. If you hate people who pull the victim card all the time so much, then shut the fuck up for once, because your victim card is bigger than any other delusional person I’ve ever seen on the internet.

      1. Douche bag “Pyotr”, was my comment here from almost fifteen days ago addressed to YOU? Then why the fuck are you reading it? Whaaat happened, douche; I thought you “weren’t” reading my comments:

        “Pyotr April 10, 2018 at 11:35 am
        Wow you’re not really smart are you? I never said “JewTube” or anything like that, nor did I say Youtube is a bad source. That was the other guy (who owns you at almost every discussion btw).

        And stop posting 5 replies to one comment. You really think I’m going to read all your shit?”

    2. They [the analysts you mention] are completely right but you have not yet grapsed it, The “Alt Right” is controlled by Jews and that’s why they are agitating against Islam. Any so called nationalist promtoing hate against Islam is a Shabboz Goyim.

      1. Lasse Anckarman, I remember your old, dumb, low-IQ, die-hard Islamophile ass from over a year ago on facebook.

        What you have not grasped and very likely never will, even by the time you’re on your death bed is that, no, Islam is NOT some “religion of peace” and brown Islamic Arabs and others are NOT “benefits” to Western or white society, but DETRIMENTS. You also haven’t grasped that if your IQ is struggling, politics are NOT your thing.

        Many of the *prominent leaders* in the alt-right are degens, ops, fools, and/or Marxist Jews, but I know this goes right over your head Lasse: the anti-white and anti-male agendas don’t take a “genius” to spot and some of us spotted them and were exposing them long before they ever heard of the alt-right or any of the more well-known people in the alt-right.

        Quick question out of curiosity, Lasse, would you eat this Muslim woman’s shit from the video I posted on this article below, or would you think it’s just cute because she must be blessed by Allah or something?

        1. Tell us what crimes Muslims commit, Lasse, just so we know you don’t actually think Islam is “superior” to the West and that you’re not some Islamic convert, by chance. And if you ARE, WHY haven’t you LEFT for an ISLAMIC country already? It really makes no sense for you Islamophiles to be in any non-Islamic country, don’t you think?

          1. Hey old-man Lasse, can you do me a favor and invite all the people I mentioned over here before I got off da interwebs? Not only do I want to fight this out with them, but I wanna slap them upside the fucking HEADS to say the least, and hopefully will get a chance to.

            It’s hilarious that you and “Joe Cardsbury’s” “anti-Islamic” antennas are so in-tune that you either endlessly go looking around for any self-perceived “anti-Islamic” article like some kind of warped antibody, and like Pavlovian dogs, you can’t keep yourselves from commenting on anything “anti-Islam”, and/or you Islamophiles have some kind of network where you keep in touch with each other and let each other know what this or that person is saying about da “religion of peace” and then come in with hurt feelings and good little kuffar or maybe even Muslims yourselves to talk shit and “correct” “Islamophobes”. Well infidel fukin PRIDE over here, scum.

            1. Something else that’s just hysterical about you, Lasse, is you’re talking to me like I can’t think for myself. The problem in reality though is that you can’t think for YOURSELF and have to mindlessly regurgitate the shit you’re told by others. That’s a sad state of affairs and the typical sign of a loser. Sorry old man, but you’re wasting my fucking time again and my feeling about people who like to waste my time is that I want to waste their fucking lives.

  2. “Pyotr”, AKA “Joe Cardsbury”, the die-hard Islamophile and libtard has a major aversion to answering simple questions because doing so would expose him and his retarded fucking comments and arguments. The way these d-bags operate is that ONE fucking sentence that contradicts their asinine views of the world is “too much” for them to read, lmao. They desperately don’t want their snowflake feewings hurt and their delusional views of the world exposed for being the complete garbage that they are. We’ll just hold on to them for dear life at everybody else’s expense though because we’re utter douche bags and fuck ups.

    “Pyotr”, the mentally challenged and handicapped: really quick, what’s wrong with using your real name over here? What is your real name, Holmes, for future reference?

    And Islamophiles are some of the biggest scum of the Earth. Just ignore all the d-bag Muslims out there, defend anything wrong they do (the list is endless), and then attack anybody exposing the douche bags as if “they” are the “evil” ones. They love using all the same, old, weak, meaningless arguments too.

    And WTF does the number of comments I leave here have anything to do with me being a “victim”? I leave a lot of comments here to help some of the people who are behind the curve or way behind the curve on these issues to start catching up. The large number of your dumb ass assumptions are just like “Joe Cardsbury’s” in both quantity and quality, Joey D.

    And yes, WTF is so hard to understand about there being so many racist, white-hating, douche bag fucking Muslims out there? I ASKED if you are a Muslim convert, “Pyotr”. Yes or no? It’d make perfect sense judging by the way you come rushing in to defend any “anti-Islamic” comments and even falsely ridicule those from the West like myself as being “Bible thumpers”. Well, you’re DUMB enough to have converted to Islam.

    You need to be hanging around and living around MUSLIMS, NOT the West. Did you MOVE to a Muslim country already, I asked, DOUCHE?

  3. Another “genius” Muslim female fanatic over here. If she just screamed Allah a little louder, he would have came down and saved her from whatever injustice she was imagining in her mind at the time:

  4. Now isn’t this a pleasant sound. What is this, the Islamic call to prayer, lolz. We need more of these broads because we don’t have enough already n stuff:

  5. Muslim woman “enriching” the hospital floor. You can imagine die-hard Islamophiles like “Joe Cardsbury” AKA “Pyotr” over here going and lapping her excrement up like a dog, thinking it has been “blessed” by Allah, lmao:

    1. I knew someone 5 years ago who told me that his online pseudonym was “Paris Claims”.
      Strictly no clues . . . though he did tell me how he came up with the name, I am not going to repeat it here.

    2. Perhaps it was a staged, but it looks real enough.
      In a hospital of all places.
      She might have had a mental condition too, or just been plain ignorant.
      Maybe the toilets were out of order.

        1. I don’t know, but why go through the effort to stage something like that, if it’s really even possible at that hospital to begin with?

          Firstly, it’s still a common thing in many third-world countries to defecate in the open like that. For about a billion people in the world. And many of these people are also from Muslim countries.

          Secondly, many Muslims have mental issues. Not just from high inbreeding rates, but because the religion itself is extremely backwards when taken literally. In her case, maybe the toilets were facing east or west, lol:

          “Islamic toilet etiquette – Wikipedia

          Narrated Abu Aiyub Al-Ansari: The Prophet said, “While defecating, neither face nor turn your back to the Qibla but face either east or west.”

        2. I don’t know, but why go through the effort to stage something like that, if it’s really even possible at that hospital to begin with?

          Firstly, it’s still a common thing in many third-world countries to defecate in the open like that. For about a billion people in the world. And many of these people are also from Muslim countries.

          1. Secondly, many Muslims have mental issues. Not just from high inbreeding rates, but because the religion itself is extremely backwards when taken literally. In her case, maybe the toilets weren’t facing east or west, lol:

            “Islamic toilet etiquette – Wikipedia
            Narrated Abu Aiyub Al-Ansari: The Prophet said, “While defecating, neither face nor turn your back to the Qibla but face either east or west.”

            1. Or by staged, maybe you mean some older lady dressed up in a Muslim outfit and did it to frame Muslim broads or something and she knew where security was and all that to be able to get away with it, not that it was like a false flag event or the likes. Well, way too many Muslims are into open defecation… there’d have to be untold thousands of false flags like it for them all to be ‘staged’, lol.

          2. Urrrgh, that’s disgusting.
            I thought they at least used a hose pipe and water.
            No going in with a rolled up newspaper (to read) under your arm then?
            No smoking presumably.
            Thanks for the links Dana.
            Learn something everyday.

    3. At least it is quite near the wall around the corner and out of the way.

      Modern etiquette and progressive thinking means we must make allowances for this sort of thing.

      To make a fuss about it and to complain about it is frowned upon by the authorities.

      Anyways . . . always look where you are going in case you step in something.

  6. Muslim woman putting her hijab to good use. That damned thing is like a hoodie that blacks love to wear to help hide their faces when stealing:

  7. Old man Lasse, I know this is gonna go right over your Islamophile head, but what do I mean by being able to think for myself? I could give numerous examples, but one would be that I had my own Islamophile stage for couple years after learning that 9/11 was blamed on Muslims and about other certain false flags with “Muslim” culprits. Given that I was still a newb in da “truth movement”, I didn’t yet have a good grasp or understanding of all factors involved here or even close to it. When I FIRST really realized Muslims were gonna be a problem was in men’s rights activism many years ago. I know you don’t know shit about men’s rights activism because your Islamophile leaders never tell you about it, but when the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case came out and I was seeing these fukin Muslims that I personally knew, who loved to say the MSM is controlled, taking the hoodrat and father whose a Mason, Trayvon’s side and talking shit about whites. Any moron who researches that case knows that the MSM uses cases like that and countless others to demonize whites, but my “genius” white-hating fucking Muslims somehow just couldn’t figure it out. Fuck those clowns, and I mean the MOST of ’em.

    Meanwhile we’ve got Ken O’Keefe yapping his ignorant mouth as usual in one of his most recent videos talking about how the West sees Arabs as “sand-niggers” but then not saying a fucking word about all the endless white Islamophile libtards in the West or about these racist, holier than thou, douche bag fucking Arabs talking shit about whites, or the fact that Palestinians aren’t gonna be “exterminated” because not only is the worldwide Arab population GROWING, but there are millions of Palestinian refugees and immigrants not only in many other Arab countries, but around the world. Real “hard” to figure out n stuff, though.

    We’ve got pro-black, anti-white Khanverse not ever mentioning a single fukin anti-white Jew and doing interviews with blacks talking about da “great migration” of blacks into northern states. It was a “great migration” alright, a great migration of low-IQ, high-crime committing blacks fucking shit up everywhere they go and the “evil white demon” getting their tax moneys stolen from them to pay for the poor, “oppressed” blacks here. “Thanks” for telling us, CONverse, and Lasse.

  8. It’s takes these dumb bastards like Lasse ten fukin mintues to respond to the simplest of questions; if they ever even do, which they don’t the vast, vast majority of the time because if they answered them, it’d reveal they either don’t have a fucking clue what they’re talking about, or just their full support of douchebaggery. They looooove avoiding questions and wasting people’s fucking time to no end.

    I take people trolling me, wasting my mother fucking time, lying to me, and supporting terrorists as a serious, serious offense, punishable by potential mother fucking beheading. Lasse Ancharman and his ilk could really do people a favor by fucking DYING. I plan on helping them die in the not too distant future.

    1. Looks like you now works full time for the JWO now, miss Friedmann. Well, you better buy something useful for those shekels, like some lessons in behaviour and respect, as well as learning true Islam and true Judaism.

      Talking about hysteria, did I upset you? Or are your six (6!!!!!!) responses to my single comment proof of your mental capacity lest intellectual stringens?

      This is for you:

      1. Moron Lasse, you must have a very short fukin memory because you and I argued about this before (if you don’t remember my gotdamned name) and the debate went just like me and “Joe Cardsbury” or “Pyotr” over here. You wasted my fucking time before and you’re back wasting my fucking time again.

        We’re gonna play a game, Lasse, it’s a real “hard one”; it’s called: Answer the fukin QUESTION. Are you ready? Do you have all 95 IQ points available to answer these questions?

        I’ll ask only a few at a time so that your brain cells don’t get too fried.

        #1. Are you a Muslim convert, or just an Islamophile?

        @2. Given you’re either an Islamophile or a Muslim convert, why haven’t you already left Sweden and gone to any Muslim majority country outside of the Oded Yinon map where you can be around all the Muslims you want to be and you don’t offend us others who don’t fukin like Islam?

        1. BTW Lasse, when you call me “miss Friedmann”, it seems like you’re assuming that I’m the same person as the “Alice Friedmann” account on facebook. Is that what you’re thinking? If so, you’re completely wrong. That was another person entirely, and this is me, Holmes.

        2. I search the truth unlike you, Shabboz Goyim serving the JWO. And debating the issue you do not dare.

          1. Lasse Anckarman, you did NOT answer my questions, old man; you’re DODGING them. Being a 9/11 truther, this might resonate a bit with you: Do you remember when Luke Rudkowski was recorded questioning Larry Silverstein about what Larry meant by the words “Pull it”, and Larry REFUSED to answer his question?
            Why do you suppose he refused to answer his question? Takes a “genius” to figure out, right?

            1. You know if you came up to me in real life and started giving me false claims and gibberish and then refused to answer specific questions I asked you about why you’re making these claims and talking this gibberish and just kept going on and on, I’d call that intentional HARASSMENT. I don’t take harassment kindly and personally feel that if somebody is going to harass me, they need their fucking head cracked open, to say the very least.

              Now I’m gonna ask again, Lasse; and I have many more simple questions for you, and if you refuse to answer these simple questions, you know what box I’m putting you in, right? Yes, we’re going to be life-long enemies for your last years in life. Blood enemies.

              #1. Are you a Muslim convert, or just an Islamophile?

              #2. Given you’re either an Islamophile or a Muslim convert, why haven’t you already left Sweden and gone to any Muslim majority country outside of the Oded Yinon map where you can be around all the Muslims you want to be and you don’t offend us others who don’t fukin like Islam?

              #3. Are you assuming I’m “Alice Friedmann”?

            2. Yes, I’m deliberatly dodging your silly questions because you’re a nut, a mental case. GFYS!

            3. Old man Lasse, what is your opinion of the “poor refugee” Alan Kurdi fraud? Do you ever expose it or do you believe the mainstream media was “telling the truth” on that one? More “nutty” questions, right old-man “genius” Lasse?

      2. Dude, you’re waaay behind. You’re still stuck in the Islamophile stage of trutherism. Muslims are just manipulating old leftist, bleeding heart white hippies like yourself to support their Islamic colonization of Europe. And Iran is in on that scheme. You’re a useful idiot for the Kalergi plan. Both Jews and Muslims are enemies of Europe. That’s what the inquisition was all about. We need a new one.

        1. This dude Lasse is a real mental case. The sheer, die-hard Islamophilia displayed by people like him and Trevor Labonte is absolutely astounding, and I don’t see these dummies ever snapping out of it.

          The dummy comes over here and doesn’t even bother to look at any of the information but just wants to drive-by troll. In his tunnel-vision manner, he just blocks out everything that doesn’t align with his views, then wants to pipe up and expects to be heard. Real fukin stupid, not to mention disrespectful.

          I remember debating this fool before and it would literally take him ten fukin minutes to reply to simple comments and questions. “Joe Cardsbury/Pyotr” is the exact same way.
          These fools avoid simple questions like the plague because they have no answers to them and yet have the audacity to still expect you to listen to them. Socially inept, learning impaired, dishonest, embarrassing, time and civilization wasting whack-jobs are what these clowns are.

        2. I’ll give the same reply to you as to Dana. Character assassination is all you got, because you lack the info to debunk me. Hope you feel good serving the JWO.

          1. There’s nothing to debunk. You haven’t made a coherent argument. We’re telling you that Islam is no friend of Europe, and all you gotta say is “you’re shills for the JWO” if you criticize Islam. So Islam is above criticism in your delusional mind? The JWO is using Islam against Europe. We’re taking our own side – that of European Whites – against all the forces lined up against us which includes elite Jews, leftists of all stripes, and the hordes of Muslims, blacks and other non-white immigrants trying to replace us.

            1. I forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. The JWO uses Wahhabism, NOT Islam, a fact you should have known if you were educated, which you are not, because you serve the JWO. It’s NOT this and that and “all the forces lined up against us”, it’s the World against Judaism, little man. Do you live in Europe? I guess not. 😉

  9. @ Lasse

    It’s not just “Wahhabism” – Sunni and Shia Islam have basically the same concepts and beliefs apart from some minuscule bullshit that they quibble over. They both have hatred and disdain for us infidels and, if they had the power, would subjugate us under Sharia law. In its infancy Islam was spread by the sword and Muslims are notorious culture destroyers, erasing any remnant of the previous culture and religion they conquered. We certainly don’t want these Hajis ruling us in Europe! They have their own spaces in the Middle East where they can enact their barbarism. The only thing I credit Muslims for is their patriarchal approach to women, but apart from that see nothing desirable in their religion or culture. You’re still stuck in trutherist Islamophilia and it’s sad, really. You really haven’t evolved past the “Muslims are innocent victims” 9/11 truther phase and seem to be stuck in a timewarp.

    1. As good as “mind-readers” and as “omniscient” as these Islamophiliac “truthers” claim to be or present themselves as, if you did nothing but read and follow the shit they say, thinking they must have some kind of “innate”, “genius” skillz or something that you could copy and apply, you’d get your ass handed to you at the poker tables, just like they would, lol.

      I remember last time arguing with this dummy and I gave him a case of an Islamic attack in Sweden, and the moron said he lived in Sweden and therefore knows everything about Sweden and everything that ever happens in it to say that the case was false and “didn’t happen”. Now he’s doing the same shit with Europe, because well, he lives in Europe and “knows everything that happens there”. It’s like if you tried to give him a case about what happens on planet Earth, well he lives on planet Earth and therefore knows everything that is happening on the planet. Same with the solar system; if you told him what was happening on Jupiter, well, he lives in this solar system and knows everything that’s going on, on the planet. The same with this galaxy and universe: he lives in this galaxy and universe and therefore knows everything happening here. Lmfao.

    2. I honestly can’t think of anything that Islam has contributed to the modern world. Hell, they haven’t even CAUGHT UP to the modern world – they’re still stuck in the VII century AD! Everyone else has evolved and grown, Islam and Shari’a started out so ossified as to be paralyzed. And, it’s not so much a “failure to grow” as a “refusal to grow” – Shari’a has /never/ experienced the Renaissance that the rest of the world has.

  10. You’re acting is so kosher it’s unbelievable. You think you’re smart but you’re not.

    “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

    Now I will patiently wait for the censorship. 🙂

    1. Dumb ass Lasse, you’re the fool here who thinks you’re smart but you’re playing these little child-games like “I know you are but what am I?” “I know you are but what am I?” You geeky truthertards are like little fucking mosquitoes that come around harassing you but have absolutely nothing of value to offer. I really don’t like you stupid motherfuckers and would love to see deported or beheaded.

      Hopefully your do get banned over here permanently. you time-wasting fucking loser.

      1. “I know I can out mind-read everybody at the poker tables but I refuse to play!” “I know I can out mind-read everybody at the poker tables but I refuse to play!” Lmao, fuck outta here clown.

          1. Is that all I got? No. A bullet in your head for your coup de grace would be hot. When these societies finally collapse economically, it’s gonna be open season on you libtards.

  11. Muslims are good for nothing . A few more 9-11 s will wake those who suckle Muslims up. Sad people want to be so pc they will commit suicide. Where muslims go terror follows. I do not believe in diversity. Diversity is wrong, it is cultural suicide.

    1. Hey Gloria.. I absolutely agree that Diversity is a cultural suicide (“killing” is a better word, because it’s mostly deliberate by the elite) however:

      1) 911 was video fakery. please research that. And it was organized by ???, not muslims.

      2) Where muslims go terror follows. SURE. But muslims are mostly used as patsies. They (muslims) are just de facto allied with the ??? at this point because they are pursuing their own aims (Saudi Arabia mosques). Kick ’em out of europe.

      3) Muslims have better (more fitting to their own nature) social structure than us, because they realize that most (BUT certainly NOT ALL OF) women (of any race) are just breeders. So they put them in the right place which is the home. Islam is pure shit but they (muslims) don’t have sex-and-the-city-style bullshit in their societies.

      No offense here ma’am. You might be an exception and I am absolutely open and embracing to real nationalist women (0,1%). But I think you should agree that most women are useless in philosophy/politics. You might be not one of the useless ones (99,9%) but take a look around you. Women are just trend-following machines.

      Regardless of sex. Keep defending western civilization ppl! That’s the only thing we have left. Our culture (what’s left of it after the chosen people operation of the 60’s sexual revolution).

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