Slattery & Collett Annihilate Jewish Apologists

The two dipshit Jewish apologists on this debate should be embarrassed. They completely failed in arguing that Jewish power is not a pervasive threat to Western civilization. Halsey is some kind of professional liar sent in to annoy the alt-right with straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks. The other buffoon just babbled on and on but didn’t really say much.

Their tactic was to blame leftism and Marxism for the problems we see in the West and not Jewish ethnic activism which gave rise to it in the first place. Marxism was a Jewish invention and tool to overthrow Christian authority in Europe and Russia. So arguing that Marxism is responsible is a sleight of hand to keep hidden the Jewish element which stands behind it.

This is quite typical of Jewish apologists: pointing to the ideology that Jews created to undermine us while ignoring the Jews who created it and their motives for doing so. Another tactic they use is pointing out the Gentile front-men for Jewish power like Obama, Merkel, May and other politicians who are bought and paid for by the Jewish lobby. They want us to believe all of their policies and decisions are independent from the Jewish lobby and money power behind the scenes. This is just an asinine deflection from the overwhelming influence of Jewish money in democratic elections, not to mention the strong Jewish control of the media and thus their ability to influence voting towards their preferred candidates.

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