13 thoughts on “The Feminist War on Men

  1. Nice rant, Brandon.

    Yeah these women love saying women have “been oppressed for centuries” and talking about how so-called “benevolent” women have been to society. It adds to their massive entitlement, “men owe me” complexes that all “minority groups” have to greater or lesser extents for bourgeois groups (men, whites, heterosexuals, cisgenders, Christians). They think they’re owed something by all men simply for having a vajayjay, and don’t mind lying, stealing, etc., to get it, hence another of many reasons why they’re so immoral and bitchy/nasty.

    Paul Elam had some good stuff on that back in 09 and many other people such as Barbarossaa and sites like the UnknownHistoryofMisandry, but I don’t know anyone who had the history of it covered better before Paul. I’ve noticed Paul has also come along on other things too, like the sheer ridiculousness of the BLM movement and other Marxist things, but still has a ways to go figuring things out from what I’ve seen. I’ve seen quite a few MGTOWs catching on to a lot of the other shit which is great:



  2. Nice rant, Brandon.

    Yeah these women love saying women have “been oppressed for centuries” and talking about how so-called “benevolent” women have been to society. It adds to their massive entitlement, “men owe me” complexes that all “minority groups” have to greater or lesser extents for bourgeois groups (men, whites, heterosexuals, cisgenders, Christians). They think they’re owed something by all men simply for having a vajayjay, and don’t mind lying, stealing, etc., to get it, hence another of many reasons why they’re so immoral and bitchy/nasty.

    Paul Elam had some good stuff on that back in 09 and many other people such as Barbarossaa and sites like the UnknownHistoryofMisandry, but I don’t know anyone who had the history of it covered better before Paul. I’ve noticed Paul has also come along on other things too, like the sheer ridiculousness of the BLM movement and other Marxist things, but still has a ways to go figuring things out from what I’ve seen. I’ve seen quite a few MGTOWs catching on to a lot of the other shit which is great:

  3. Can anybody who can comment on YT tell Ken O’Keefe that it’s not just “one” group of people you can’t criticize in the West (he means Jews), but all minority groups. This means groups like:

    1. Women. For instance, how many times has the YouTuber ‘Violent Women Among Us’ had his channels deleted? At least four times, and you can’t find him on YT anymore that I know of. How many Tom Leykis videos have been deleted? Like thousands?

    2. Blacks. FI, how does Colin Flaherty, a retired reporter who talks in a very polite manner, get his channels deleted? He doesn’t just expose the massive wave of black-on-white crime, but also the rampant black-on-every-other-benevolent-oppressed-minority-group out there, such as black-on-women, black-on-gays, black-on-Muslim, black-on-Asian, black-on-Hispanic, and black-on-Jewish crime? How does Tommy Sotomayor who’s black himself get his channels deleted going in on black women?

    3. How do people get fired or suspended on FB for talking “bad” about gays, transgenders, Hispanics, Amerindians, illegal immigrants, refugees (and even in certain ways, Muslims)?

    BTW, why doesn’t Ken’s Islamophile ass ever bring up Muslim slavery (not just of blacks, but whites; whether we’re talking by Arabs, Turks, or Berbers), colonialism, racism, crime, and welfare use when we can expose this shit for weeks? Why doesn’t he ever mention all the other Muslim countries who are involved in various conflicts in the Middle East like Syria? Why does he act like this is all a “war on Islam” when many other Muslim countries outside of the Oded Yinon area have gone virtually untouched by the West? Why is the worldwide Arab population still growing (if Muslims are being so badly oppressed) and/but why is the white population rapidly declining? Why hasn’t he even bothered to expose such fraudulent MSM incidents like Alan Kurdi? We know: he’s an Islamophile.

    Tell him I made the comment and to come and comment over here if he thinks he can “win” in any kind of debate on this (he can’t; he’ll get badly smoked) and/but yet he stills wants to tow the libtard ‘truther’ line about ‘divide and conquer’ and act like everybody else just “gets along” if it weren’t for Jews and whites or some shit. Fucking archaic, and/but he still talks this way in the goddamned year 2018. Pathetic. Same goes for the fools Trevor Labonte, Naveed Khanverse, Alan Sabroski, and virtually every other prominent, clown “truther” out there…

    1. That guy literally just drones on with the same bleeding heart speech about the middle east, the “powers that be”, Oded Yinon,etc. He is literally just milking this old material to squeeze beta bucks from anti-Zionists still obsessed over these conflict zones.

      1. Notice how around the 5 minute mark, Ken gets talking about how the whole point of what the PTB are doing in the ME right now is to get Assad out of there, and how you have to be ‘absent a few brain cells’ not to understand this.

        Ken, employing his master-telepathic skills again is claiming to know without a doubt that Assad is *not* compromised, but a ‘good guy’; just doing what’s best for Syria’s interests. Even though, for example, he and his father have been there for decades (sounds like ‘fair elections’ to me), like North Korea’s heads of state. Even though he has been complicit with Putin (another ‘good guy’) while he’s at it.

        So Syria is now a complete basket case, as Ken would put it… this must mean that Assad is doing a “fantastic job” resisting the Oded Yinon plan n sheeeit, because how much of this has happened under his reign. And if he were removed from power, he just “knows” via his psychic mind-reading skills that it would only get worse.

        Here’s a couple steps up in logic for Ken O’Keefe, if he has the brain cells to understand them Not only is he NOT a professional goddamned mind-reader or even close to it, but what we could also say here is that IF the Kabal really wanted Assad out of there, it’s very likely they could have taken him out long ago.

        Being a libtard, da Muslims are ‘precious’, ‘innocent, benevolent lil angels’, ‘religion of peace and balance’ like he and the vast majority of the struggling-IQ “truther” community is, Ken can’t seem to bring himself to figure out that battles between various different sects of sweet, caring, cuddly-wuddly, fun-loving Muslims have been going on long before the 1900s – they’ve been going back since the beginning of fukin Islam. I guess “we created” them, too. Maybe Ken’s dumb ass created them. He seems to just flat-out ignore all these racist, punk ass, preposterous Muslims who operate on the net and in real life, whether they’re Arabs, Berbers, Indians, etc… it’s as if he thinks they’re simply agents or something, and being the pussy that he is, he turns a blind eye to it. It’s as if he doesn’t know that Muslims are not only NOT monolithic with themselves, but many aren’t even on the same pages on topics like Assad, Hezbollah, and Hamas.

        I know Ken having a tooth-pick-legged, plain Jane, lying, occult-loving bimbo, who Ken has “master-mind-read” again, like he does, she has really “helped” Ken to figure all this out, too. Women are sooo “intellectual”, it’s “mind-blowing”. The last times I was on FB, Ken was sharing Islamophilic memes on his page and sharing anti-white propaganda written by the likes of Adam Hocschild (a Marxist Jew). Notice how dumb ass Ken will never bring himself to share any information exposing white-hating Jews (except for maybe on the Holocaust), but he’ll sure share their information when it comes to lying about whites, like Adam Hochschild, or parroting any kind of culturally Marxist anti-white, anti-male propaganda. If it weren’t for fools like Ken, Mark Glenn, Kevin Barrett, etc., etc., we wouldn’t have so many die-hard goddamned libtards every fukin where.

        The dummy also acts like Europe is the only one having problems with Muslims. They aren’t. The rest of the West is having problems with them, whether we’re talking about the US, Australia, or Canada. Not to mention all the non-majority white and Christian countries having problems with them. And no, Muslims aren’t uniform in their opinions on Assad. Which one is it here, Ken? Either the “precious Palestinians” need a few more brain cells, or “lovely Assad” needs more brain cells. We could use them all in the West cuz they’ll make society “better” or at least “just as good” n sheeeit… Ken fo’ President n sheeeeit!!!

        1. O’Keefe is a washed up professional truther who can’t get a normal job so he continues to parrot the truther script about Middle Eastern wars that nobody other than Muslims and leftists care about. He’s absolutely terrible on every issue besides Zionists and their power. In other words, he sucks balls and should be mocked for the loser he is.

          1. There are so many routine fallacious thoughts, claims and conclusions the average person not only makes in politics but also in everyday life. They don’t have to make them, but they do time and again out of lack of being able to think correctly and accurately for any number of various different reasons, whether it’s arrogance, ignorance, possibly just low-IQ, laziness, lack of will, and/or lack of time.

            It’s like the arguments over whether or not Hitler was a bad guy, a good guy, or possibly even somewhere in-between. Ken has taken the idea that Hitler was a morally good guy. (BTW, he’s another one of all kinds of people who’s proof that just because somebody is pro-Hitler, this doesn’t mean they’re “pro-white” or even close to it… it seems a lot of die-hard Hitlerians don’t understand this). He has said, for instance, that Hitler’s greatest crime was pulling Germany out of the Jewish banking system. That’s a statement and assumption which is just impossible for anybody to know. If you don’t have a video camera that can magically go back in time and record all the things Hitler ever did before and during these wars, there is just no friggin way you’re gonna know this. Especially given that being a pivotal figure in a major event in this time period where a person plays a role (good or bad) where millions of people die and get seriously injured, this means it’s also a very high-stress period. How can anyone possibly know it was Hitler’s ‘greatest crime’? The simple fact is they can’t.

            Given that we’re dealing with partial information because none of us could be there in person to see absolutely everything that prominent figures like Hitler have done and do, this also relates to poker. Poker is a game of partial information because you’re dealing with cards you can’t see. At no time do you know what anyone else has with 100% certainty (obviously unless they show you their cards). What does happen though is that there are certain times where you know with a very high certainty what somebody has, or you can narrow their hand range down to a few different hands. If a player ever says they know with 100% certainty what anybody has, they’re full of shit.

            To make matters worse, we get people who jump to false assumptions/conclusions like this all the time in politics. The problem is even at epidemic proportions. And when somebody haphazardly jumps to one false assumption/conclusion, there’s a very good chance they jump to others (even many others).

            So Ken jumps to this conclusion that he just “knows” that Assad is a “good guy”, and then he does the same for Hitler. Given that I’ve listened to many of Ken’s talks, I know he does the same with many other topics, like say, “black oppression” (what a complete joke that is, and I can tell Ken has spent practically no time researching the other side of the coin on it, because if he did, he’d know that not only *aren’t* blacks “oppressed”, but it’s the complete opposite and they’re being intentionally propped up, and whites are the ones being oppressed here). He has done the same with the female topic. We see people doing this with countless other ‘heroes’ (and ‘villains’) they’ve made up in their minds like Trump, Putin, etc.

            My rule for these things is it’s very natural for people not to know certain subjects because of factors like lack of time, information, etc., etc. The obvious *problem* comes about when people don’t know the subjects, but then carry on as if they DO know the gotdamned subjects. This kind of thing is increeeedibly costly to humanity today. And when they do this kind of thing, it can be seen as a form of bullying and disrespect to certain groups of people, and it’s why I have such little respect for these types. Some of us believe people should get what they give, and this includes Ken, and it’s why I have such little respect for him, especially when I’ve spent time trying to give him information that he hasn’t seen, including the vast, vast majority of other people, because it took me a long time and a lot of focus to dig up. Just can’t respect that shit, and especially again when these things negatively impact so many people.

            Like I always say, if a person thinks they’re “just that good” at gotdamned mind and/or soul-reading and knowing the unknowable, they need to stop WTF they’re doing right now, and just make a quick fortune at the poker tables. Another place they could make quick fortunes is at the “psychic-reading” tables. Some of us know they’ll *never* be doing that shit though, for obvious fukin reasons, lol.

            1. O’Keefe is a very poor researcher. I remember when he was doing his 9/11 episode for his show on David Icke’s short-lived TV channel, and he asked me to make the script for him with virtually no input from him. He was too lazy to do it himself so he begged me to do it. I gave him a rough outline of Israeli links to 9/11 and he added a couple one-liners to spruce it up for the show. He does the same with every other topic, relying entirely on other people’s research and insights which he just parrots and dolls up with his outraged angry-man emotional schtick.

              He spends probably no more than 1 hour researching a topic before jumping on a radio show to start pontificating on the issue like a guru. He’s a typical charlatan who presents himself as an authority on subjects he has little knowledge of. This is part of his endless ruse to squeeze money out of gullible fans. He’s nothing more than a snake-oil salesman who sells fantasist utopian “world peace” new age kumbaya garbage to make a buck. I see him no differently than a religious charlatan or fake “psychic”.

            2. Yeah, I saw Ken say in one of his talks that he doesn’t spend a lot of time watching videos and things. He didn’t have to tell me twice, lmao; I could tell. It makes you wonder what the hell he does with all his time to be so far behind on so many issues and/or just flat-out wrong/incorrect on them. BTW, we live in the information age and if you haven’t been and aren’t spending a lot of time watching vids, reading articles, etc., you just are nooot gonna know WTF is going on. You’re also missing out on all kinds of hidden gems of information and insight.

              What boggles my mind is that he had such a big head-start on so many people such as myself. Like he says he knew 9/11 was an inside job when it happened. Personally, I had no clue. Another one of my problems is I didn’t have any gotdamned time to research the shit because I was in the military working too many gotdamned long hours to have much of any free-time.

              Knowing 9/11 was an inside job at that time would have meant he had to have known the US government (and others) were incredibly corrupt. Knowing that, you’d think the fukin dude would have at least had a good idea about what it’s other agendas are by this time, besides him knowing basic things about the gun-control agenda. It means though that he was a full eight years ahead of me finding out about it and I came from way behind to overtake him on so many other things, lol.

              I remember just finding out about it and creating an FB account dealing with it and other issues of US government corruption, and even Jewish control. I built up a big account where my friend list was almost maxed-out. I remember seeing Ken talking about 9/11 and saying, damn, this dude knows his shit about it, and I continued to research it. I remember coming across one of your vids at that time, too, Brandon, that had been labelled something like ‘The History of Zionist Crime That You Weren’t Taught In School’. Aside from Missing Links, I think I had one of the first, most in-depth mass-tags on the topic with also a bunch of my own research and info on some peculiar things I had found. Back then, people were getting their panties in a bunch when you talked about how 9/11 was a Jewish job and I took all kinds of heat for it at the time. Eventually more and more people caught on, but it took long enough. I did that as a mass tag and I had another mass tag on how Obama was the ‘Rothschild’s Choice’. where I took Texe Marrs’ meme and hooked it up with a shitload of information under the photo, lol They both got a lot of likes, and shortly afterwards, my account got deleted without warning. I had absolutely no desire to try to re-find everybody and wanted to start working on exposing feminism. I knew on that account that if I had shared the information I knew about feminism (which was complex for it’s time, but still quite limited), it’d cause a whole lot of strife and division because hardly anyone knew shit about feminism back then.

              I remember coming across Holohoax information before that account was deleted and I remember seeing Ken talk about it and the way he was talking about it was like he was brand new to the shit, lol. Like it took him so many years to figure out what a total joke the official story on it was. I was like, what the hell? It didn’t take me long from when I first started researching in the latter part of 09 to get to the Holohoax and see it for being a big joke. I think that was somewhere around mid-2010, and/but I kept learning more shit about it over the following months.

              In any case, it’s easy to be a very popular dude when you only focus on a few politically incorrect issues, and I was a popular dude on my first account. When I got involved in men’s rights, the vast majority of those fukin dudes were way behind not only on men’s rights issues but they didn’t know shit about politics either, lol. The reason/s I was so far ahead was because I was of a good age to have good life experience which gave me my own good insights; I had good instincts; and I researched like a fiend, basically trying to leave no stone un-turned. I’ve long since learned that very few people are really willing to leave no stone un-turned and that brings me to Ken’s WCS solution and many of the people he has surrounded himself with.

              His GF for instance, blocked me on FB. She put up some occultist vid of hers and I came asking her some respectful questions about occultism trying to figure out how much she knew about it, why she was into it, etc., and the dumb cunt blocked me for it. To me, that shit is extremely disrespectful, and it makes me thinking she’s a lying bitch. She also has said some things on her own page that make her look like a scheming douche bag. How Ken didn’t notice, I have no gotdamned idea… other than I can tell that he suffers from delusions and mega cognitive dissonance on certain issues. He claims he’s not a lot of things when he actually is, like a fucktard.

              And his WCS is a lot like Lana Lokteff talking about excepting these ex-feminists with “open arms”… it’s not nearly exclusive enough. If you have so low of standards for people you are willing to accept and work with then not only will you all be unequally yoked, but you’re gonna have a lot of fights and disagreements. People in life are just unequally yoked. There are people who are very hard workers and can’t help it because it’s like it’s natural. There are others who are just lazy, and basically by nature. It goes this way all the way down the line, and pretending we’re all the same or are just gonna be is a total joke. It’s like in poker, I’ve tried to teach close friends how to play the game thinking they too could do well at it. I’ve long since realized that it’s just a waste of my time. Not only aren’t so many people going to have the passion for it, but they aren’t gonna have the natural talent for it either.

              Ken’s only requirements for people who want to join his WCS are that these people understand most governments around the world are corrupt and that they need to stop paying them taxes, and that all these different people from various different religions, cultures, races, and genders all just “respect each other”. Well they fukin can’t; sorry. These different groups of people are all going to be unequally yoked in their own, various ways and need to focus on what is real: their personal identities and what groups they belong in (if they’re ever going to be able to form in large groups). Like, why do I want to see more people from Africa have abilities to come to the West, just because these people may know that these governments are corrupt and just because they claim they want to “respect others”. Most blacks in the US already think the US government is incredibly corrupt and is “white daddy”, but they’re absolute shit for US citizens and see themselves as a different entity anyway. All these different groups of people can only get along superficially for a short period of time, like in a “biting their own-tongue” kind of way. Major conflicts can and inevitably will break out amongst them given time, too. Ken treats it like it’s just some “master plan” that will totally put an end to these corrupted governments and they’re doing everything in their power to stop it, lolz. Fukin dude is delusional about so many things.

  4. Wasn’t even aware that Leykis and Elam did a/this show together, but they’re two of the great pioneers for the pro-male cause.

    If you’re a fool like Ken O’Keefe and/or like basically every other prominent truthtard who goes around giving speeches about how “it’s starting to get better for women”, or that being pro-male is “divide and conquer n sheeeeit”, you might need yourself a massive injection of goddamned brain cells. In Ken’s case, he should just say fuggit, and get another tattoo on his face: this one should say: “I’m a goddamned libtard who needs brain cell injections like stem cells”… lmao:

    1. ^ Let’s not forget all these white knights, manginas, and fembots who consider themselves “alt-right”, either. Let’s just accept these ex anti-male and/or borderline anti-male cunts with “open arms” as alt-light, anti-male Lana Lokteff (she’s really kind of a libtard herself) is gonna do and make it even harder on all the other truly pro-male activists out there.

  5. Lol, Brandon. You’ve got a couple comments from douche bags on your video. They look like they’re very likely from dumb buffoons who’ve been unquestioningly believing, parroting, and preaching the prevailing narratives about how “special”, “oppressed”, and even “superior” silly women are, for years. Logic, critical thinking, simple questioning and fact checking hurt these people’s/loser’s brains.

    They can always come over here where I can actually comment if they want to debate/argue. The scum bags aren’t gonna have much more to say than simple one-liners and repeats they learned off shit like “The View”, the MSM, out of their favorite Hollywood chic flick, or out of their women’s “studies” classes, though, lolz.

    Not only are the truthertard and libtard movements absolutely infested with these scum of the Earths, but so is the so-called alt-“right” (light).

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