French Femcunts Push “Sexual Harassment” Street Law

Cucked France under mangina Emanuel Macron announced it is introducing on-the-spot fines for “sexual harassment” in the street. The legislation was pushed by France’s femcunt “Minister for Gender Equality” Marlène Schiappa and supported by Macron.

So that “women are not afraid to be outside” said Macron on the necessity of this ridiculous femcunt law. On what constitutes “sexual harassment” according to the legislation, the Guardian writes:

The crackdown on sexual harassment would mean fines for “degrading or humiliating comments” or hostile and offensive “sexual or sexist” behaviour towards a person in a public place. The minister for gender equality, Marlène Schiappa, has explained this could include situations such as men aggressively asking a woman for her phone number dozens of times when she is clear she is not interested, as well as sexual intimidation and harassment on public transport.

So telling a bitchy broad off in terms she understands is now illegal. And asking for a phone number more than once. No guy actually asks a woman for her number “dozens of times,” but I can imagine femcunts reporting men for asking for their number even once if they don’t like the guy. This law is guaranteed to be abused by femcunts to punish any man with the nerve to make a move on a broad in the street. Pick-up-artists are totally out of business in France now. Of course, the law says nothing about females committing sexual harassment against men. That’s because it was specifically designed and pushed by French femcunts to tyrannize over men.

This bullshit in addition to new measures banning “man spreading” on subways are part of an ongoing feminist cultural war against men in public spaces. The feminist left are psychotic villains whose principal drive is to destroy the lives of men. Femcunts want to make life unbearable for men as a measure of “vengeance” for the alleged mistreatment of women decades ago. Vindictive and vicious femcunts ultimately seek to drive men to suicide. They’re evil.

The French law was unsurprisingly influenced specifically by the fraudulent #MeToo movement which is nothing more than false or exaggerated allegations of sexual assault and harassment by attention-whoring washed up failed actresses trying to screw over men who didn’t give them the promotions they wanted in Hollywood.

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