The Myth of Women’s Oppression

Men’s rights activist Paul Elam breaks down the myth of female oppression historically. Not only were women not oppressed, they were given preferential treatment in disaster situations, like during the sinking of the Titanic where women were given the life rafts while all the males were left to die.

Traditional notions of chivalry encouraged treating females like queens and princesses. Under chivalry men are obliged to open doors for women, offer their seat on a train or bus, and give over their jacket to keep a woman warm if it’s cold outside or protect her from rain.

Even during the times when women had less rights to do things like vote in elections, women were still treated like pampered princesses, staying home baking cookies while the men did gruelling labour jobs, fought and died in wars to protect the homeland, and all manner of dangerous tasks to provide food and shelter for these broads.

In return for risking our lives to protect and pamper women, they reciprocated our sacrifice with a little sex and romance, even though they receive the same benefits that we do from sex. So why does the man have to make all the sacrifices in life just to get some sex from a woman? It’s obviously not worth the squeeze.

Modern dating dynamics allows women to totally take advantage of men, essentially giving over nothing to the man who is expected to wine and dine, pamper and please her. And all she gives in return is sex and some cuddles. Even during sex the woman usually does very little and just lies on her back while the man does all the work to make her orgasm, often foregoing his own orgasm to satisfy her. Women are the most spoiled, pampered, overindulged group in the world, yet have the nerve to moan about oppression.

These arrogant princesses absolutely suck! No man should spend a nickel on one of these broads unless she is reciprocating in spades.

15 thoughts on “The Myth of Women’s Oppression

  1. All right, be against (((feminism))), but not against women. What you did was to apply Marxist historicism to put men and women against each other.
    Women have more biological value then men, this is obvious, as you can repopulate better with 10 women and 1 men, instead of with 10 men and 1 women. They also needed their historical privileges because they’re often naive, gullible and fragile.
    There’s no problem with any of the historical unbalance, because, as men did all the crap and shit, they also had all the glory and power.

    Now it’s different though, we do all the crap and shit and we are denied the glory and power. Of course it would cause resentment, but hating women is the main goal of feminism and if you do you’re just playing in the enemie’s game of destroying the white family.

    1. Modern women are intolerable. The magical NAWALT that some white nationalists talk about are nearly impossible to find. These pro-female white nationalists probably just beat their wives to keep them in line and then shame the rest of us for not being manly enough to attract the mythical “good woman.”

      1. Okay, good to know why the Alt-Right brand died.
        You’re just MGTOWs, the male version of feminism, you have fallen to the divide and conquer and are spreading poison to the race.
        Also, the video isn’t even good, the cuck goes on mentioning “gas chambers” and people being oppressed by their “wrong color” all the while only having one argument for why men had more political and social power, which is, that they fought wars. That’s only one of the many reasons for that, and he couldn’t even articulate anything intelligent beyond.
        What a fucking waste of time listen to this intellectual light weight and you who thinks this guy was good enough to reblog and praise.

        1. You sound like a male feminist, justifying preferential treatment of women because they can habour babies. You’re one of these female-worshippers because you only care about reproducing white babies so you’ll kiss female ass if you can get them to pop out some more white children, ignoring all the intolerable baggage that comes with maintaining a broad. You essentially uphold the gynocentric assertion of male disposability.

          Have you a legitimate rebuttal to the critique of schizophrenic female nature? Or the evils of our current gynocentric society? Men are being raked over the coals because feminist women now control the state and legal systems in most Western countries, yet all you can say is that we just gotta keep loving and bowing to these women? When women get power over men they act out their innate vindictiveness.

        2. Moron Name, I don’t know why it doesn’t occur to you slow-to-learn white knights that MGTOW is NOT the fukin “male version of feminism”. You dummies say that over and over and over again, but you CAN’T back your arguments up.

          BTW, the video was created in 09… I know it was “hard to notice”. What did you know about gas chambers in 09? Or about lynching? Or “oppressing the wrong color”? I sure didn’t know shit about them. I haven’t conversed much with Paul, just more-or-less as an acquaintance on his AVfM FB page, and he is a little bit active on his personal page, and/but one thing I’ve seen Paul come along on is so-called “black oppression”. His view on it these days has shifted more to the right and that BLM and black victim-hood are jokes. The MRM/Manosphere originally started out more-or-less race blind, (except for many of the racist blacks you’d often encounter), and it too has shifted more right as more and more people are figuring out race dynamics. Many people discover red-pills on an issue or two and stop right there.

          Now back to feminism… how do you know it’s not YOU who is the fucking light weight here, fool? Is it WOMEN who are being demonized and disenfranchised, or MEN?

          You said, “They also needed their historical privileges because they’re often naive, gullible and fragile.” Don’t forget, BITCHES.

          If the West had a ratio of 10 women to 1 men today, these dudes would be taxed into oblivion and society would fucking crumble because these twats sure couldn’t make society run.

          And you’re using the moronic argument that feminism is “anti-white” when it’s anti-MALE. The anti-white agenda is a SEPARATE agenda, fool.

          1. Fucking white knight douche bags in the so-called “alt-right” (alt-light) are legion. Listen to this fools fucking arrogance while we’re at it, lol. It’s dudes like these that want to make me impregnate any and every married female or female with a “boyfriend” so that these cucks raise the baby/ies for me. The only problem is that way too many Ameriskanks are fukin ugly, obese, bitchy, nasty, and every other bad quality you can think of.

            As Lana Lokteff says, let’s just accept ex-feminists (cunts who are largely still feminist but pay lip service to some evils of feminism) because the alt-right doesn’t already have ENOUGH of the buffoons, lmao.

          2. They always push that feminism and MGTOW are “divide and conquer” but never actually talk about how MGTOW is a reaction to out-of-control females raking men over the coals in divorce courts, levelling false rape/sex assault accusations, pushing for laws banning “man spreading” and catcalling to make life difficult for men. Men are not doing these things and men are not benefitting from these things, women are, yet the manginas in the alt-right just want us to ignore state-sanctioned anti-male misandry and the negative aspects of female nature. They want us to just dive into a marriage with the first white female we find in order to make some white babies, despite all the obvious dangers and risks that go along with it.

            1. Yeah, just jump on the shrapnel-filled grenades that these bitches are and live “happily ever after” lmao. These stupid motherfuckers don’t know shit about feminism, gynocentrism, and misandry. They think it’s like Richard Gere in ‘Pretty Woman’ where a well-to-do dude wifes up a hoe and it “works out” like magic, lol. They repeat these same, tired arguments again and again like racially aware MGTOW haven’t heard them and like they’re “original”.

              An interesting tidbit about this is that when I had some black MGTOW friends add me to the group ‘Relationship Talk’, a group comprised of like 98% blacks, us MGTOW got attacked endlessly. The white knights and manginas of the group (which was a whole shit load of them; the vast majority of them) had this theory that MGTOW is a “white supremacist movement” that is “anti-black” and it was formed to try to stop blacks from reproducing, lolz. This was like in 2014, and they’d never seen anyone like us before except that some dudes had heard of Tom Leykis. I painfully realize that the relationship between whites and blacks can never work out (talk about some seriously hateful sons of bitches: you will never see anything like it from more goddamned people), start focusing my attention on race because I had gotten to a level where my knowledge and understanding of feminism was sufficient enough for me, and lo and behold, I run into these whites in the alt-light saying the same dumb shit the low-IQ blacks were saying, lol.

              Dudes of all races are getting the screws put to them by these women, laws, and society in general. Yes, all races. I could give countless examples of this, and one would be the case of Brian Banks who was a star running back and was set up to go the the NFL, but just before he was able to make it, some black cunt falsely accused him of rape. He did something like 8 years in prison when she finally confessed to falsely accusing him. Needless to say, it destroyed his hopes of every playing in the NFL.

              Feminism negatively impacts men of all races while empowering women, but the victim hierarchy is such that all minorities are “victims” with Jews having a special victim-hood status over the other “minorities”, and white women have the least victim-hood status of all “minorities”. White women still are far more privileged than white men, though, and these low-life pieces of shit totally ignore it. Can’t stand these fucking scum bags. If karma had it’s way, they’d all raise MGTOW men’s seed and be forced to pay the offspring child support for the full 18 years, and these women divorce these men afterwards and takes half of all they own and then falsely accuse them of rape and throw them in the slammer for 30 fukin years, lmao.

  2. Yeah these white knight and mangina clowns have been listening to way too much fem/libtard Lana Lokteff, Sinead McCarthy, Philosophicat, etc., about what feminism is and means and how it be “anti-white” n sheeeit. Most women “aren’t” feminists n sheeeit, n MGTOW be beta-losers n sheeeit. Some deluded bitches, man.

    Something people who aren’t familiar with the MRM likely don’t know is that the first men’s rights group I was ever in on FB had an Indian admin, from India. Why? It’s cuz they don’t gots no problems wit dat femnism in India n sheeeit cuz femnizm be “anti-white” n sheeeit.

    I’m sorry, but not all whites are created equally. Some whites are well-to-do and some aren’t, and there’s just not much that can be done about it… there always will be class divides among whites. And white knight buffoons like these I’ll always see as my sort of caste underlings. Oh well.

    The reality though is that India has had all kinds of problems with feminism. Might not be quite as bad as the West, and especially America, but they definitely have serious problems in their own respects. One example is all female trains. Nowhere have I ever seen or heard of all female trains anywhere in the West, but India actually has them. How pathetic…

    And one comment from the vid:

    3 years ago
    MGTOW in India is growing. No surprise really.”

      1. As we know, Jews are massively over-represented per capita in feminism, homosexuality, gun control, pedophilia, snivel rights, and every other Marxist movement. I’ve compiled a lot of articles about Jewish women’s massively disproportionate involvement in feminism if anyone wants to post them to Sandman’s video there.

        As Gloria Steinem said, “When I feel most drawn to Judaism it’s not the law part that attracts me, it’s the mystical part, the Kabbalah, the Shechinah [female aspect of God].”

        What it really boils down to is that Kabbalah is all about inversion. Invert crosses, dress in drag, place women above men, masculinize women and emasculate men, commit sodomy instead of have sex with the opposite gender, etc. These things are how you please and gain favor with Lucifer, and given that so many Jews are literal Luciferians per capita (far more than any other group), it’s not hard to understand why they do what they do.

        1. As a matter of fact, one of the few legitimate complaints that blacks have had is that so many of their famous black men have been made to wear dresses (dress in drag) in the entertainment business. Dave Chappelle even talked about this and said he was approached by higher ups wanting him to wear a dress and he adamantly refused. This was the last time his cousin said he ever talked to Dave again, because he couldn’t get a hold of him afterwards, like Dave had vanished and was cloned (the new Dave interestingly looks a lot different than the old Dave, and even sounds and acts differently).

          Kevin Hart, for example, was asked about what he thought about all these black dudes wearing dresses. He said basically that he’d never do that because he “has boundaries”. Within a short time later, guess what Kevin was doing? Wearing a fukin dress, lol.

          The only problem is they act like this is only being done to blacks and not whites and/or others, because so many blacks see this is a “white conspiracy” to “dehumanize and keep blacks down”, when Jews are entirely different than whites religiously and culturally.

          But yeah, feminism is anti-MALE and what is and has been taking these clowns so long to figure it out just blows my mind. The shit isn’t rocket science.

  3. This video went viral back in 2013. Get a load of all these scum bag white knights and manginas who charged the dude after he slapped the diva bitch who slapped him first. This is a testament to how feminized their society has gotten. But, if you’re a white knight or mangina in the West, don’t watch the video because it doesn’t agree with your flawed paradigms that feminism be “anti-white” n sheeeit:

  4. It pisses me off that so many of these good, anti-PC videos go missing, but one I wanted to put up (I see it must have been deleted, like the video of the lawyer who was put in jail by a greedy cunt because he couldn’t pay his exorbitant child support) was called “Why women lie about rape”.

    In the video, all the women were black and Hispanic, and it talked about why women will lie about it (for attention, and/or sympathy, and/or for perceived vengeance), and how much these fukin investigations cost tax payers.

    Another notable example (there are so gotdamned many) was Heidi Jones, below.

    In the US, over half of rape accusations are false. What happens to the vast majority of these women? Not much. What should happen? They should get the exact same sentences and penalties that the man would have gotten had he been convicted. Feminism be anti-white n sheeeit though, so we gotsta save the precious little skanks.

    My contention has always been that American women are the worst women on the planet. Not that Western women as a group aren’t shit (because they are), but especially American women. This hasn’t just been because of personal experiences I’ve had with both American and non-American Western women, but a few stats point in this direction as well. One is that American women are the most obese people in the industrialized world. Another is that “rape” is a major epidemic in America… I think some stats have shown that it has the highest reported number per capita. Given over half of these are false, it tells you what kind of cunts you’re dealing with. Another is that 1 in 4 have genital herpes, and another 1 in 4 are on psyche meds. These numbers will also vary according to what particular race/s of American women we’re talking about. Anyways:

  5. The women in the putin camp
    Are bunch of single mothers asking nudes from all the cucks both white men and pakistanis

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