Putin Wins Another Sham Election

Putin is Russia’s dictator-for-life, winning another sham election for six more years in power. All of Putin’s opposition are bought and paid for by his party as straw man candidates. The only real opposition leader, Alexei Navaly, was banned from running.

Many on the alt-right are enamoured with Putin simply because he speaks more honestly than weakling libtards in charge of many Western governments. They praise his stern form of governance yet decry the same authoritarianism when it’s inflicted on us by the liberal/leftist establishment running Europe. They’re really just hookwinked by Putin’s staged photo ops in churches which make it look like he’s some kind of Christian traditionalist.

Putin is a dictator and some on the right like that. But he’s the wrong kind of dictator without a solid ideology. His dictatorship revolves around enriching himself and his oligarch friends who support his regime, his elections and his control over all sectors of the Russian economy, media, etc. Putin has no ideology beyond a generic Russian pragmatism as well as a latent Soviet communist anti-Americanism and anti-Westernism.

Putin is demonstrably not a white nationalist. In fact, Putin has denounced white nationalism in Russia and made it a crime to express “hateful” views towards minorities in Russia. Many genuine Russian ethno-nationalists have been imprisoned under Putin’s hate speech “extremism” laws. Putin upholds a “multicultural” Russia. Under Putin’s reign Moscow and other big Russian cities have been swamped by largely Muslim migrants from Central Asia.

Putin uses his dictatorial powers to silence journalists digging into his corruption and ties to oligarchs. He offed quite a few journalists and opposition politicians looking into his links with the 1999 terrorist attacks in Moscow that codified his grip on power. Journalists get whacked in Russia like an episode of the Sopranos. Why does this make him admirable?

All Putin does is oversee an oil and gas monopoly. He’s a mob boss running a petrol regime that hires gangsters to murder business and political rivals of his ruling clan. Again, why is this admirable? Because he snubbed Obama a few times?

All Putin cares about are profits from his oil and gas empire as well as maintaining Russia’s economic influence in Eastern Europe and certain parts of the Middle East. Putin is not a “nationalist” nor is he a traditionalist either. He pays lip service to all the Abrahamic faiths because they’re popular in the country he governs.

My critique of Putin is not simply that he’s authoritarian but that his authoritarianism is not being used to forward any kind of coherent nationalist agenda for ethnic white Russians. If we’re going to praise authoritarianism for authoritarianism’s sake, then we might as well start praising the South African regime for its authoritarian moves to confiscate land from white people without compensation.

Supporting Putin because it’s an “edgy” anti-establishment position is also a dumb reactionary move that throws nuance out the window. Zionist neocons bash Islam but that doesn’t mean we should defend it. And the same goes for Putin. If Putin were using his power in the interests of European nationalism he would deserve some praise, but instead he’s ordered communists nostalgic for the Stalin regime into Ukraine to murder white people. He’s banned Holocaust denial, racism and anti-Semitism in Russia. He’s used his Russia Today propaganda factory to demonize nationalists in Eastern Europe as “Nazis” and has sanctioned their murder. Why is that admirable?

The major brunt of Putin support in the alt-right comes from the subversive NazBol wing led by Richard Spencer who has Russian ties and is close to the Dugin cult. NazBols and their fellow travellers are a trojan horse in the alt-right and should be isolated if not purged completely. They operate as hasbara trolls in our midst selling Putinism as our last hope and saviour when in fact it’s just another enemy.

26 thoughts on “Putin Wins Another Sham Election

  1. The South African ANC regime is democratic. You can democratically steal land if you have the votes necessary for that. It should be remebered that the United States Congress passed the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, which explicitly demanded the unbanning of the ANC and immediate democratic elections. Any democratic election based on univeraal suffrage in South Africa guarantees either an ANC plurality or majority. ANC as the most numerous and most well financed black party can win any election. Blacks are 70% of population. One can argue South Africa’s problems are caused by too much democracy. Blacks are not smart at voting.

    1. If da US Congress passed da CAA of 86, this must mean that da US Congress be run by whites n sheeeit, right?!

  2. Trying to alert brits to this is difficult as they are mostly brainwashed by the online echo chamber of social media.
    Some of them are also taken in by the daily kremlin propaganda from RT.
    These brits are pro putin’s russia without doing very much of their own research.
    Nick Griffin (ex bnp) alerts people to white genocide and the kalergi plan and muslim grooming gangs (good that he does that) however he always seems to be pro putin and pro trump.
    He exposes civic nationalist groups whilst not exposing putin’s civic nationalism and corruption, which he must know about.
    People tend to be lazy and simply trust the “experts” and I think that Nick Griffin is one of those “experts” that people secretly trust and they follow what he says.
    He says that russia is the “last bastion of the white race” which yes that is probably true for now, but it is not going to last forever with putin’s plan for a multicultural russia.
    Putin is on the same page as the european politicians who are actively seeking to destroy the white race in their part of the world and make europe multi ethnic, flooding it with immigrants.
    RT might be removed from the airwaves in britain, well I think that scare is all part of the plan, just like the fall of the berlin wall was known about and ok’d by the “powers that be” several weeks before it occured.
    A lot of what we see on the mainstream is portrayed as spontaneous whereas in actual fact it is quite often part of a planned psyop.
    Nick Griffin claims that russian elections are fairer than elections in the west.
    When people hear that from him, do they bother to verify those claims?
    If they say they have done research then it is either not very good research or at the end of the day they actually agree with civic nationalism, multiculturalism and corruption.
    As you point out Brandon true russian white nationalists are not all cheering putin on.
    In fact they have big problems voicing their opinions in putin’s russia and are they often thrown in jail for their opinions.
    Back to britain . . . and everywhere else . . . social media “likes and shares” cause false information to go viral and to be believed by the masses.
    Websites, sometimes assumed to be home-grown, are sometimes master-minded and run from america or russia or israel and might often be financed by shady entities.
    Do not be taken in by them.
    It is far better to spend hours researching and thinking critically and also be willing to admit that your previous beliefs now seem questionable.
    Most people want a “quick fix” from the news and they absorb unquestioningly that with which they are presented.
    They are convinced by the flimsiest of evidence.
    They ridicule people who speak out and ridicule people who are “ahead of the curve”.
    Search engines have algorithms to hide the truth whilst directing everyone to the lies.
    I avoid the social media completely and mostly avoid mainstream news outlets, preferring to dig into sites like this, where important things are picked up on and then real debates occur.
    You are doing a great job Brandon of “cutting to the chase”.


    We need to redouble our efforts to wake people up because unfortunately they still worship putin.
    Keep on repeating it.
    A website front page with ten articles should have at least one article highlighting this information.
    An article every now and then will help to alert people.
    Here’s one regarding Alexander Dugin (dugin is often given airtime on RT).

  3. Excellent article, Brandon! There is indeed a strong pro-Russia views in the alt-media/conspiracy/alt-right circles. I remember starting my journey in the ”conspiracy” fields:

    1. Basic green/environmentalist stuff – GMOs, global warming, Zeitgeist movie, marijuana vs big pharma issues

    2. USA’s oil wars, globalism, 9/11, Illuminati, Israel-palestinian issues. David Icke, Corbett report, Alex Jones, Ron Paul.

    3. American imperialism, CIA guilty for everything, USA funding ISIS, USA funding all uprisings and revolutions, zionist control of USA, middle eastern wars hurting nice muslims, anti-NATO stuff, David Duke, Red Ice. Painting Russia as a victim of vicious americans, Putin the opposition.

    4. Trump, alt-right attracts attention. Red pilling on many topics. Anti-SJW stuff – skeptic stuff –> alt-right –> white nationalism. Putin – ”based christian” and ”anti-zionist”, “pro white warrior”. ”Trump will save everything together with Putin”. Russia good, America evil. Islam bad. Got attracted to libertarianism ideas. Ironically, Self-hate and cucking (wanting to be invaded) for geopolitical enemies in alt-right circles.

    5. Got sick of pro-Putin disinfo and constant nagging of USA and The West. Distanced myself from alt-right/ conservative pundits. Investigated subversion, demoralization, controlled opposition. Come to a consclusion that many people are disingenuous, paid for or are simply idiotic. Realized i’m being played to take sides because my identity is under attack. Now – pro NATO, pro USA (not the subverted portion), pro-West. Realized that the West must not be detroyed, but rather cleaned up.

    Spending time in these alt movements made a supporter of Putin for 5 minutes, but being from a specific european region helped me to keep my head leveled regarding him. I’ve known his (Kremlin’s) agendas here for years and the past expierences of my nation are not forgotten.

    1. Great summary. Yes, the alt-media both left and right bow to the Putin regime. It’s sick. Russian propaganda operations really are vast, expansive and sophisticated and it shows. So many are hoodwinked by the disinfo of Kremlin trolls who have infiltrated every political group/movement/trend in the West.

      1. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

        Most fellow nationalists I meet are pro russia and pro putin.
        Most christians I meet are pro israel and pro zionism.
        I have been advised that it is not a good idea to criticize the jews.

        So I have to say my piece quickly and then shut up.
        Maybe one day these people will agree with me.
        One can only hope.

        1. Much truth there, Dorset. However/also/but, most Pagans I meet are pro-Israel and pro-Zionism. Same as most atheists I meet.

          It’s not like one day any major group/s will shut up. It’s more like said major group/s can will get clowned in arguments, and segregation from not only said groups but corrupted politicians/governments in bed with said groups become/s a higher and higher priority. Can’t forget eugenics and possible wars, either.

          1. I’d say that when speaking to large groups of people, the speaker has to be more inclusive to potentially be on the same pages as the largest number/s of the audience possible.

            It also becomes a fine line between inviting any/all naysayers to your way of thinking and turning any/all naysayers off of your way of thinking.

            I’ve noticed, for instance, that Red Ice will hold their own self-debates, and this isn’t a particularly bad idea. What I mean is, they’ll give an argument and counter-arguments themselves and thus can avoid arguments with other people and naysayers. Not a bad method and/or tactic; even very good in many ways. However, when people come along who can best their arguments (say on Putin or traditional conservatism), they avoid the shit like the plague, and/or even chastise critics like MGTOW as being so-called ‘beta males’, lol. Another example is Lana Lokteff welcoming in all feminists with ‘open arms’, yet she makes no mention of imposters and/or of welcoming in all ex-misogynists/MGTOWs with open arms . She’s a tradcunt… sorry to say.

            1. Another good thing might be to pretend you’re ‘friends’ with people like Lana, just to get a point across, and/but then call tradcon women cunts like they are. It ain’t like I need any tradcunt American female friends and/or like if/when SHTF I’m gonna need any either, lol. Nothing like having a tradcunt and/or worse an Ameriskank behind your back in a physical battle, right, lol.

            2. ^ Excuse me, meant to say Lana welcoming all *ex-feminists*. Sorry to say, cupcake Lana, but many self-proclaimed fembots and even ex-fembots are just straight up douche bags for people, and welcoming them makes it harder for everyone else who isn’t. This also means that large numbers will be willing to change their name/s and/or what they say just for pretend and certain advantages among certain groups of people. It’s like some people know what crypto-Jews are… well, such things as crypto-feminists exist, just like many other crypto kinds.

            3. Yes Dana I agree.
              And the larger the group, the more potential there is for splits and off-shoots , , , and the more critical it is for politicians to tread carefully so as to unite people and not fragment them.
              Nigel Farage had to remain silent on certain issues to do with brexit so as to not jeopardise his brexit campaign.
              Tim Sebastian interviewer on DW English often puts politicians on the spot by saying to them . . . “You let it happen . . . you let it happen . . . you said nothing”. Tim has a very confrontational and direct style, which makes for great viewing.
              DW is a mainstream media outlet so beware of the sprinklings of propaganda, veiled as seemingly innocuous “statements of fact”.
              Here is the Tim Sebastian Conflict Zone You Tube Playlist.
              Conflict Zone: Confronting the Powerful
              Again on your point “the speaker has to be more inclusive to potentially be on the same pages as the largest number/s of the audience possible”
              I would also like to add . . .
              There is a saying “Try to please too many people and you end up pleasing no-one”.

            4. From my previous comment:
              “Here is the Tim Sebastian Conflict Zone You Tube Playlist”
              Correction – Change to:
              “Here is the Conflict Zone You Tube Playlist”
              You will have to find the ones hosted by Tim Sebastian.

            5. Dorset, yeah public speaking on politics is very, very tricky. You have to cater messages to audiences so that you’re neither too far over their heads and/but be intellectually stimulating/controversial enough that you are still slipping inconvenient and/or complex truths/points in.

              I definitely like DW’s aggressive debate style. I believe it’s most effective in many situations but I wouldn’t use it on people you know or have to interact with on a frequent basis because the style tends to make people resent you and make you enemies. Often people will resent you just for politely speaking simple truths anyway, but they tend to really resent you for doing it in an aggressive fashion, especially when you do things like make people answer simple questions. If you want to make the fewest enemies possible or want to debate close friends/family members, potential business partners, etc., Jared Taylor’s style is most effective.

              Personally, I like the Boycott American Women format the best for arguing because it’s like a winner-takes-all, everyone for themselves kind of debate/argument where somebody is going to win massively and someone else is going to lose terribly, lol, but it’s not the kind of thing that’s gonna make you a lot of friends because you appear like a mean asshole to a lot of people, even when you may not be.

              People like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are great public speakers and they’re persuasive, but it’s much easier when you’re politically correct. It’s not like they say controversial shit; it’s all Marxist mumbo jumbo. There’s a poker player named Antonio Esfandiari who went to one of Bill’s speeches and said that he just had this amazing charm about him that he proceeded to donate a good portion of money to the Clinton Foundation (as if the Clinton’s need any more money, lol). Obviously Antonio knows little/nothing about politics because if he did, he wouldn’t be donating to them, but it is a testament as to showing the importance of being persuasive and smooth in public speech and debate.

              There’s an anti-feminist site called ‘angryharry’ and he posted an article about how comedians tailor their jokes towards what women laugh at because if women laugh, then it follows that the men are going to laugh. Conversely, they don’t tailor their jokes to the men in the audience because the men won’t laugh if the women won’t.

              The same thing applies to all “oppressed minority” groups. As another example, there was a comedian on I believe Joe Rogan’s podcast, and he talked about how if the blacks in the audience laughed, then the whites would laugh. If the blacks didn’t laugh, whites would check and would refrain from laughing. So he’d naturally tailor his jokes to pleasing blacks.
              It’s political correctness and great sympathy for ‘minority groups’ (when there shouldn’t be any) that drives this behavior.

            6. I agree with your comment regarding “DW’s aggressive debate style” (especially on conflict zone).
              It is good but that style is not appropriate everywhere.
              Political correctness, trying not to offend certain groups, is very limiting sometimes.
              Yes, of course Jared Taylor . . . he has a calm, polite and assertive style that makes you listen.
              Some cannot do it like that and are more highly strung.
              I admire the speaking and debating skills of various politicians and their shining ability to get out of almost every accusation and criticism.
              However it does sometimes give me the impression that they are dishonest, evasive and slippery as eels.
              Tony Blair had the nickname “Teflon Tony”.

              Being outrageous and controversial can sometimes get you instant attention and publicity.
              Bad publicity is better than no publicity.
              “Squeaky clean” or “covered in mud” doesn’t seem to matter to some politicians, they are able to steal the focus and deflect attention with ease.
              It is all too easy to judge and dismiss them based on stupid gossip and media sensationalism.
              Many have got where they are by putting in years of preparation and hard work.

          2. I mean Lana and Henrik and Pagans in general on this Impivaara kick, for example, … I just laugh my ass of at that… sorry to say.

            I’m not gonna be needing any Pagans or traditionalists helping me out… I can help my own self out, if ya know what I’m saying. I won’t be forgetting things like I can even cook better than the average Ameriksank, including tradcunts… lmao.

    2. The government of USA is not faultless. American Imperialism has a name: neoconservatism. Imposing democracy worldwide is part of neoconservative ideology. CIA does fund and arm a lot of uprisings and revolutions. How did ISIS get TOW missiles and Humvees? They had hundreds of those. Somebody in the ruling elite of USA must have given them. Perhaps though it is more prudent to talk about factions inside elites and governments (democratic or authoritarian) are not monolithic. The average voter everywhere will never get to vote on elite decisions. Putin is no perfect man, but many politicians are sinners or are trapped by the system and circumstances. Also the author does not understand many societies do not have traditions of elections and democracy. The political traditions of Russia, China, Middle East, Latin America are so different that Anglo-American concepts of elections and democracy might be incompatible over there. Hard to rule many countries without being authoritarian or a monarch.

      1. Roman, yes the US government isn’t faultless. The US government is incredibly corrupt, as a matter of fact, as everybody here knows.

        Just because this is the case, this doesn’t mean the bill should just stop at expressions like “Putin is no perfect man, but”… Putin is no perfect man, just for STARTERS, lol. That’s a lot like the argument: NAWALT (Not All Women Are Like That)… that argument is a totally dead horse… damn near every female says NAWALT… doesn’t take away from the fact that most or the vast majority of women ARE like that, lol.

        Democracy just may be entirely incompatible in a place like Africa, for example. That’s why Africa is largely tribal still to this day. What can you really do in a place like Africa. It comes down to the fact that some Africans can do democracy, but so many can’t. It goes back to the need for segregation, and yes, even for people of the same race/s.

  4. Anybody who thinks anyone who has won any major election isn’t compromised; like the average masses decide who comes into power and rule/s: Betta rethink some things. Come at me bro, lol.

    1. Yes and when a politician is compromised he or she says whatever is necessary to remain safe and even if that means telling lies or not acting when they should act . . . keeping quiet about something that they know they should really speak out about.
      That is probably why compromised people will always go far because they are controllable – a little bit controllable or totally.
      COMPROMISED can include being driven by legitimate financial incentives and by owing favors to associates, so it is not just confined to bribery and blackmail threats.
      Regarding the buried past, I like to see the official printed story first . . . even if it is selective and probably biased. It might even convince me to rethink certain topics or to do further research.
      It is well worth picking up cheap second hand copies of autobigraphies of powerful people.
      To find out what makes them tick.
      A recent buy of mine was “Decision Points” by George W. Bush (2010) normally £25.
      I picked it up for £0.99.

      1. autobiographies not autobigraphies.
        In some cases though my mis-spelled word is more appropriate I think.
        A measure of COMPROMISED can also occur when a politician is being strategic and they are acting in a particular mode whereby “the means justifies the end”.
        So they are twisting and turning to get the result they desire, leaving a path of destruction and discontent, but at the end of the day they might actually succeed and get what they want.
        On reflection they did what they had to do and the tricks they pulled will, they hope, be forgiven and forgotten.

        1. “the means justifies the end”
          I always “write that wrong” – it should be:
          “the end justifies the means”

  5. What fires me up about Lana Lokteff is that she’s like a year older than me and STILL is a trad broad. Yes Lana, if you ever read this by chance, I’m calling you a trad broad. I might even call you a tradcunt if you get me started, lol. I was in the very forefront of the Boycott American Women movement; yeeears ago… talkin 2011, but so much of the info on it was out long before that. And now I’m seeing so many of these ‘precious’ women just starting to fukin talk about feminism. The bitches are INSANELY behind, that’s just how bad it is. Then they often get arrogant while they’re at it, like they’re some kind of “professors” on the goddamned topic. When it comes to women like Brittany Pettibone, who’s like 24-25, she at least has the young-age excuse and will likely learn a lot more about feminism as time goes on. Somebody like Lana, on the other hand, just doesn’t have any excuses.

    And when dummy Lana talks about accepting ex-feminists with open arms, she obviously isn’t even aware that these bitches have been making the shift for years. They call themselves anti-feminists and even ‘independent’ women, but they’re STILL goddamned fembots. I’m talking a very large number of them, and dummy Lana hasn’t even noticed. Sure, some truly have become anti-feminists, but we’re talking small numbers of them. She probably would accept ex-MGTOWs with open arms, but the problem is that very, very few MGTOWs who were/are truly MGTOW will ever revert because they know the truth already and can’t go back. You’ll never hear Lana say she accepts ex-MGTOWs with open arms though, because she’s a tradcunt who will only say it for ex-fembots because she’s more pro-female than pro-male… and this late in the game it’s just a fucking disgrace.

    1. Oh yeah, and something else you won’t be hearing Lana talk about is that the chances a female has of having offspring continually increase the closer a female gets to menopause. Know how many bitches you will piss off by stating such a simple fact? Women are veeeery sensitive about their age, for those who may not have noticed. And yes, far more sensitive than men about it. The bitches are so molly-coddled by society that they think they’ll never age, and/or they can just trick people into thinking they’re a different age than they actually are. It’s just the tip of the iceberg. Most women aren’t ‘feminists’ n stuff though, as ding bat Lana and every other fembot likes to say.

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