Swedish Social Services Put Out Brochure Approving Child Marriages

Sweden’s evil leftist government is so accommodating to third world immigrants and their backwards cultures that they’ve even put out a brochure approving of child marriages.

Middle Eastern and North African migrants bring with them social customs fit for the 7th century, like child marriages and honour killings, and the nihilistic, self-hating, anti-white cultural marxists in control of Sweden approve of these practices as a way to degrade indigenous Swedes and their culture.

Sweden is a haven of out-of-control leftism and cultural marxism. The government is hell bent on replacing their own population with inferior foreigners who disproportionately commit rape, terrorism and child abuse.

The insanity of this leftism knows no bounds in Sweden where ISIS terrorists are “re-integrated” into the society and given state assistance to do so.


34 thoughts on “Swedish Social Services Put Out Brochure Approving Child Marriages

    1. From your own article:

      “You can get married as young as nine in Iran”


      “Many of these countries will either turn a blind eye to underage marriage or are struggling to crack down on it for a variety of reasons. Several other countries do not criminalise child marriage outright, the marriage is just considered invalid. Many young girls are forced to become “common law wives” before they reach the age they can be legally wed.”

      You can bet these Muslims are screwing kids left and right. In Pakistan and Afghanistan it’s common practice for men to fuck and fiddle with little boys even though homosexuality is considered a sin in Islam:


      Vid description: “In towns and cities across Pakistan, tens of thousands of vulnerable young boys have become the victims of paedophile predators who seem to have nothing to fear from the law. It’s an open secret that few acknowledge publicly and even fewer want to do anything about.

      In a society where women are hidden from view and young girls deemed untouchable, the bus stations, truck stops and alleyways have become the hunting ground for perverted men to prey on the innocent. In one survey alone, 95% of truck drivers admitted having sex with boys was their favourite entertainment.”

      1. And from Joe D’s same article:

        “Muslims are permitted to get married at 16 for men and 12 for girls and Hindus at 18 and 14. The ages for Muslim marriage are shown in the table.”

        That’s formally. It’s like slavery was formally abolished throughout the Muslim world, but this doesn’t mean slavery still isn’t PRACTICED throughout the Muslim world. There are just untold, numerous numbers of Muslim girls under 12 being married off to men much older than them.

        Joe Doucheberry is a die-hard fucking Islamophile, if not a Muslim himself. People like him seriously need to be six-feet under, or just with his “sweet-heart” Muslims somewhere in the Middle East. Fucking stains on society his ilk are.

          1. And from that same article, you can get married at age 16 in Germany, 14 in El Salvador, 15 in Estonia(that’s without parental consent), 14 in Ecuador, 15 in Lithuania, and the list goes on.

            Unfortunately to your “turn a blind eye to child marriage” assumption, it’s generally criminalized in the majority of these Muslim countries. These cops like to look good in front of their dictator, best not to annoy him.

            In any case Your “articles” are shit Brandon, it’s unfortunate that you are the only one publishing “articles” on this site. The other two writers seem to be better journalists and put time and effort into what they write, unlike you who publish articles because your pussy hurts.

            Resorting to name calling is the last thing you can do, a student of history who has traveled the world, seems to be a sabbath kafir based on personal experiences and authentic research. Like picking up an actual book and reading it, Not google or YouTube. Or in your case assumptions.

            Oh and to follow up on your article about Varg, and beta males. He’s definitely right to call you MGTOW fags betas, because you are. The fact that you are blaming “society” for not being able to follow the thousands of year old tradition of getting married, goes to show that you’re nothing but a bunch of bitches who hold no value to this world.

            Not surprisingly I doubt you would ever take a true stand against global Zionism , rather like your bitch friend you choose to hide behind the keyboard and publish your gay ass YouTube videos that no one watches.

            You’re an irrelevant loser Brandon who gets overly emotional and obsessive, much like the women you criticize. If you want to “Reconquista Europa” I suggest you step down and let Men take over. Guys who know how to think

            1. Finally I love how you cherry picked this

              ““Many of these countries will either turn a blind eye to underage marriage or are struggling to crack down on it for a variety of reasons. Several other countries do not criminalise child marriage outright, the marriage is just considered invalid. Many young girls are forced to become “common law wives” before they reach the age they can be legally wed.”

              Automatically Muslims right? Wrong, reread the article dickhead.

            2. Joe Douchebagberry, I love how you claim YouTube vids are bunk because they’re made by amateurs and because of all the censorship, yet you give me a YT vid yourself.

              Joe D-bagberry, something tells me your punk ass is out of shape and that if you have a “girlfriend” or “wife”, she’s gonna be like so many women in “relationships” out there and will bang my while she’s in a so-called “relationship” with you. I love it.

            3. Joe DOUCHE BAG, didn’t I fucking ask you about all these YouTube videos of racist Israelis? They must be bunk because they’re merely YouTube videos, RIGHT? HELLO??? Anybody HOME McFly???

            4. Joe D-bag, Ummmm, no, you don’t know how to think worth a shit. I’m always up for some chess games with you on chess dot com and we can post the results right here if you think your dumb ass can prove me wrong, though. If your IQ was even a hundo, it’d seriously surprise me. Joe, take up poker, my man. 😉

            5. @Dana I doubt any girl would converse with you let alone fuck you. You like your counterpart here act like the MGTOW betas you are. Knee jerk, pussy in pain reactions for everything. I am pretty sure the only thing you have ever screwed are desperate fat bitches or prostitutes….or men lol

            6. @Dana and lastly I never said all YouTube is bad, but I did say it shouldn’t be a primary source. Two different things.

              Also IQ is a Jewish construct and in truth doesn’t determine overall intelligence. In fact 50% of your IQ is determined by environment not genetics. education, healthcare system, crime, etc all factor in to that.

              Judging by the way you talk my guess is your environment is one of the main reasons why you’re such a dense fucker.

            7. Joe D-bag, didn’t I tell you that you can’t think for shit? You know one of my saving graces in my late-teens and up until I became MGTOW was that I’ve always been a picky mofo. Unfortunately for you, I’ve never banged any fat fuglies or even average looking broads. And yes, girls really are attracted to handsome, stacked dudes and will bang them with a quickness, especially when they’re ovulating. I could be like so many of my acquaintances and friends who got sucked into getting so many of these conniving, vindictive bitches pregnant and paying the serious price for it.

              And as for your view of MGTOW, I knew you were a top-of-the-line libtard. Yes, dudes like me really bang women in “relationships” left and right… I know it hurts your feelings n stuff cuz you’re a pussy white knight. As long as you pussies are paying for kids from men like me, I can stand you. When you start supporting pedophilia and Islam, though, I start thinking you need to be fucking exterminated.

            8. No Joey D, every fukin YT video I put up regarding Islam, you call it “JewTube”, but when you put them up, suddenly they’re “truth”. Islam ain’t no goddamned “religion of balance” you fool. Your problem is that you’re a die-hard Islamophile whose also a fucking fool while he’s at it (not many sharp Islamophiles out there). I know I’ll never be seeing you at the poker tables BTW, because dudes like you get your asses kicked at the tables. Just die, Joey D, just die.

            9. @Dana most likely the “banging girls left and right” is BS, I doubt you’re very attractive either. My guess is you’re one of those guys who is too scared to put his picture on his fb profile, because of how fucking gross you are.

              Other than prostitutes or women who are basically prostitutes, I don’t think you could get any girl. You’re a bitch and a beta MGTOW who is a sorry ass piece of shit.

              Even if what you say is true that you sleep with married women, it would back up my claims that you are nothing but a useless piece of shit. Probably best you move to the woods with no people around you.

              Ironically nothing I am saying is liberal. The idea behind not getting married or MGTOW is definitely a liberal Judaic agenda. It’s actually what Jews want you to do and your sorry ass fell for it. You see family is a construct that offers stability and the less that people do it the more instability is created at least at the goyim level, not with the elite. The elite don’t really care about marriage, they just want you to be a hyper sexual, materialistic, self centered individual.

              I’m fully aware of how western women act but going MGTOW because you’re too scared of raising your own family goes to show your nothing but a bitch, beta, pussy, whatever you want to call it. You’re giving up a practice that has been going on for thousands of years because a group of little dick Jews made you sad and scared. Mind as well turn gay because of “society” too.

              Fucking faggot, stick to poker and try not spreading that beta seed of yours.

            10. Joey D, are you one of these dummies who thinks “looks don’t matter” and that Chippendale-looking dudes (with a bit of charisma) can’t bang women in “relationships” left and right, and that if you just buy “princess” flowers and dinner and diamond rings n sheeeit that you’re now a “stud muffin” who all the bitches wanna bang? Quite likely. It also seems like you don’t bang many broads and haven’t banged many either, like the average dude. I know this is hard for you tossers to understand, but yes, there are dudes who girls just wanna fuck, and they’ll fuck them with a quickness, regardless of whether they’re in “relationships” or not. I can see you being one of these dummies who thinks women who say “I do” or say they’re “in committed relationships” actually mean it, lmao.

              And no, I’ve never put up a photo on FB, even on my last account when I had a bunch of personal friends on it. For one thing, there are companies out there like ‘face.com’ (more recently acquired by FB) that record your facial structure. For another thing, anyone can put up any fake fukin photos they want on FB. And speaking of not putting up any photos and very little personal information (apparently because I’m a “pussy”), why can’t you use your real name and answer simple questions about what country you’re from or when you were in the Middle East and what kind of occupation you do for a living?

              You are batting absolute fukin zero over here, dummy. Your ASSumptions are absolute garbage. You have no business even commenting on any political matters. BTW, it doesn’t take a gotdamn “genius” to know that Jews wield massively disproportionate levels of power, and yes, they do indeed conspire together. I knew this years ago, fool, just like I knew years ago that Jews edit Wikipedia. In your dumb ass mind, I nevuh heard of any of this n sheeeit.

              Lmao, as if your dumb ass is gonna be able to stop me from spreading my seed into white knights’ and manginas’ “significant others”. And some of these clowns who think they raised such a “sweet little pea” and defend her to the death, when they actually raised entitled little femcunts need to learn a hard lesson, too.

              How many women have you banged, Joey D? Real “hot broads”, right?!

            11. Joey D be over here defendin’ these lil’ “princesses’ honor” n sheeeit, lol. These broads have so much “honor” it’s downright incredible, right Joey D?! Joey D knows, women in “relationships” hit on him all the time n sheeeit; he’s a real “lady’s man”, lmao.

              Joey D, you don’t by chance have a daughter out there who you’re trying to tell to meet a “nice guy” do you? Or maybe you just think girls “like” nice guys like the typical white knight buffoon?

            12. Yo Joey D, where’ja go, Holmes. Are you American, or something else? If so, I wanna know how many Americans you know who are married to child brides. You seem to know so many Muslims, whether in the Middle East or in Turkey, and you seem to be an expert on child marriages in those countries, and so you must also be an expert on child marriages in America, (even if you don’t live in America, because you probably know a lot of Americans, too). So how many do you know? Especially under the age of 13 and under the age of 10… I’m all ears…

            13. @Dana you have wayyy too much time on your hands, firstly they don’t need face.com to gather your facial structure, city wide security cameras can do the same thing, as do drivers licenses. So nice try on the excuse but in truth, you’re just a fat out of shape loser that needs a good ass whoopin.

              White knight buffoon? You think I’m not aware that looks can get women? Let me clue you in cause you’re a bit new to the game here. It’s clear judging by your comments most of the women “you got” were ugly or cocked.

              You don’t need to be a white night to get a girl, you just need gameLooks will get women, possibly for a 1 night stand but not always. I know dudes you could consider good looking but have zero game and that in turn leads to zero pussy.

              Also if you are looking for that long term relationship, most girls even western girls from my experience don’t need “gifts” and all that cliche gentleman bullshit. You need game and if you don’t have that, we’ll then you’re chances of getting with any woman both temporary and long term are a lot slimmer, unless the woman is disgusting, desperate or hammered.

              Oh and please don’t lecture me on “well I banged girls left and right” and “I bang girls who are married to white knights” cause by now it’s obvious that’s bullshit…again unless they are nasty as fuck or hammered.

              I partied hard my college years with people from all over the world and even to some extent after. Plenty of pussy out there and it ain’t just looks that matter.

              Now about child marriages i recognize it’s a problem in the Muslim world, especially within certain specific countries, but in my travels I found that most Muslims generally get married in their early to mid twenties. That’s a fact that can be backed up with some sources that I have provided here.

              I agree that the central focus here is immigration and while I agree with most Europeans that mass immigration of any kind is wrong and is a Jewish construct, the constant demonization of a people Muslims and White People specifically, is getting old and can be disproven using proper research and statistics. Not Zionist funded websites.

              Ultimately your fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam stems a lot from your time in the military. Without doubt having to do with some skeletons in the closet.

              Also You may very well find me disproving the argument of “white privilege” as it is equally moronic. So let’s not assume things here, one day I’m an Islamophile the next day I’m a white supremacist. In other words I don’t like bullshit and you seem to love it.

              My honest advice to you is to realize that while I definitely agree with laws that ban child marriages, the reality is you rewind things 100 years ago, back in Europe child marriages were VERY common and still are to this day in Eastern Europe. It is actually the Jews that pushed for reform along with many other social constructs of the modern day.

              Again I don’t condone child marriage, but to target Muslim countries or Muslims for all the worlds problems including this one, is simply naive. It actually explains why they are all going Left now.

              Of course the idiot Martinez would say that they are the fifth column, where as the reality is that is partially true, but they are primarily just fearful.

            14. Joey D, if you’re talking to me right now, YOU might have a lot of time on your hands too, might-cha? Naaaaw.

              I didn’t know city security cams and driver’s licenses know WTF I say on FB if I’ve never put a personal photo on it. That’s a new one. Lemme just write that down right now with a special note that says “Joey D tolme”, lmao.

              If you’re gonna call somebody fat, out of shape, and a loser, shouldn’t you be willing to take a challenge of their’s in the gym? You know the SEAL program is for fat, out of shape pussies n stuff.

              You think my “fear” and “hatred for Muslims” came from my time being in the military? Is that like your “expert diagnosis” that I’m a “Bible thumper”? When have I ever preached the fukin Bible to you? And how do you know I don’t like trash, shit-talking, racist, entitled, double-standard having fucking Muslims? You block all that shit out because you’re a fucking Islamophile who thinks Islam is a “religion of balance”. That BTW, was one of the dumbest fucking things I’ve heard a person say. “It’s not a religion of peace… it’s a religion of balance.” Lmmfao. And who the fuck is “targeting Muslims for all the world’s problems” over here? You say some of the stupidest fucking things and have a serious problem with accurate comprehension.

              “Let’s not assume things here”?! Lmfao. You’ve made one dumb ass assumption after another over here.

              Actually, you’re always an Islamophile. Pointing out that the notion of “white privilege” is a joke is beyond rudimentary and old news. I sure haven’t seen you debating anti-whites. If you did, it sure wouldn’t be impressive because I can tell you’d agree with a lot of the things they say, plus, you wouldn’t know WTF you’re talking about so much of the time and people are bound to think you’re a fukin moron.

              Never said looks are all that matter, jack ass. They suuuure do help though. And if a dude is part of the very high percentile, many girls will get excited/wet just looking at him; and yes dummy, this also means married women and women with BFs. Aaaand, yes, very handsome dudes (with both a face AND a body, with a bit of charisma can bang like mad, fool).
              Obviously you’re not a looker and never have been. The vast, vast, vast majority of dudes aren’t. Being ‘handsome’ just doesn’t cut it. A lot of dudes could be considered handsome by a lot of people… that’s not WTF I’m talking about.

              And you STILL aren’t answering my fucking questions, and/but I notice you like to use projection. Do YOU put your photo on FB? You can’t even use your real name over here or say where you’re from or what kind of job you had when you were in the ME (and Israel). BTW, you’re around Brandon’s age, you say, right? And you could “just tell” 9/11 was an inside job as soon when it happened, right?

              And I asked you how many Americans you know so that you can tell us about all these American child brides, and you didn’t answer. There are child marriages in the US, but a few things arise when speaking about them. One is they’re very few. Actually, in all my time, I only personally know of one. But it’s not like the female was 9 or some shit. She was 15 and the dude was 22. Aaaand they liked each other, aaaand they had parental consent. Forced child marriages in the US are an extreme rarity indeed, and a lot of it has to do with f’d up parents. What we have in Islamic countries isn’t just extremely young ages for these girls, but also, so many of them are forced child marriages. Are you trying to fucking say that the child marriages in Europe were “forced” in large numbers?

              My problem with people like you is that besides not knowing WTF you’re talking about with a very high frequency, you don’t experience shame about it, and you don’t know when to STFU. Your Islamophile ass needs to be living in the fucking Middle East. Aaaand, if you’re up for a powerlifting competition in the gym, let me the fuck know, chump.

            15. That also reminds me: besides the young ages of these girls, as well as grooming gangs, the forced marriages also include those of incest. The suicide and self-immolation rates of these are an obvious by-product; and yes, these are high in various Muslim countries like Afghanistan. But in Germany, for example, the damn near all the forced marriages in 2011 were from Muslim Arabs.

              Speaking of FB, what’s your name on FB, Joey D? I can only imagine that you’re a serious Islamophile on there with no interest in exposing Islamic crime, deficiencies, etc. You’ve obviously got serious investment in the idea that Islam is a “religion of balance” though. Too bad you’re so completely fucking wrong. So bad that you need an ass whipping for it, and much worse. Seriously.

              “Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done yeoman work on Muslim immigrants. An article August of last year details the consequences of Muslim inbreeding (“Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society.“) Sennels cites data showing that on average around 50% of marriages in the Muslim world are consanguineous, with predictable effects of low intelligence and mental and physical disorders. Consanguineous marriage is lower among immigrants to the West than in the immigrant-sending countries–e.g., 55% among Pakistani immigrants to Britain versus 70% in Pakistan. The consequences to Western societies are obvious:

              Expenses related to mentally and physically handicapped Muslim immigrants drains the budget for other public services: “When cousins have children together, they are twice as likely to have a disabled child – it costs municipal funds dearly. Disabled immigrant children costs Danish municipalities millions. In Copenhagen County alone, the number of disabled children in the overall increase of 100 percent at 10 years. … Meredith Lefelt has contacted 330 families with disabled children in Copenhagen. She estimates that one third of their clients have a foreign cultural background.” (BT, 10/11 2003 Immigrants inbreeding costing one million.

              On top come the expenses for Muslim immigrants who – because of different consequences of being born from blood related parents – are not able to live up to the challenges of our Western work market: Muslim immigrants and their descendants in Europe have a very high rate of unemployment.

              The same goes for Muslims in USA, where the Gallup Institute made a study involving 300.000 people concluding “The majority of Muslims in USA have a lower income, are less educated and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.” (Berlingske Tidende, d. 3. marts 2009: Muslims thrive in USA.

              The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding might explain why non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.” (TV 2 Nyhederne, 13/6 2007 Immigrants flunk army test.

              It probably also explains – at least partly – why two thirds of all immigrant school children with Arabic backgrounds are illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system: “Those who speak Arabic with their parents have an extreme tendency to lack reading abilities – 64 percent are illiterate. … No matter if it concerns reading abilities, mathematics or science, the pattern is the same: The bilingual (largely Muslim) immigrants’ skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish classmates.” (Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, May 2007: Ethnic students does not make Danish children worse.\”


            16. And from that same article, you can get married at age 16 in Germany,

              You’re a typical libtard who desperately tries to “prove” that we’re “just as backwards” in the West when child marriages are basically unheard of here. When was the last time you saw or heard about a child getting married in the West?

              Child marriage is by no means the only problem coming from these largely Islamic immigrants, it is merely one more backwards practice impacting our culture negatively from these savages.

              In any case Your “articles” are shit Brandon, it’s unfortunate that you are the only one publishing “articles” on this site. The other two writers seem to be better journalists and put time and effort into what they write, unlike you who publish articles because your pussy hurts.

              Yeah, they’re “shit” which is why you keep coming back here to read them and post your Islamophilic, leftist commentaries under them. I maintain this website. The other two writers don’t have the time to keep up with it. Posting only 1000 word essays every couple months would sink this site in no time. I’ve done plenty of those long research type pieces and have a book which lays it all out. A website must be maintained with shorter commentary that is also entertaining, which I provide. You, on the other hand, are a nobody who’s accomplished nothing in this sphere so it’s rich for you to talk.

              Resorting to name calling is the last thing you can do, a student of history who has traveled the world, seems to be a sabbath kafir based on personal experiences and authentic research. Like picking up an actual book and reading it, Not google or YouTube. Or in your case assumptions.

              So you admit you’re a sabbath kaffir. Thanks.

              Oh and to follow up on your article about Varg, and beta males. He’s definitely right to call you MGTOW fags betas, because you are.

              So not only are you a leftist Islamophile but a mangina too. MGTOWs are “betas,” that’s funny. MGTOWs are men who refuse to allow inferior women to rule their lives and guide their fate. They’ve got a hell of a lot more self-control than the beta pussy hounds who can’t control their urges and end up getting used by gold digging whores. Getting married in this feminist gynocracy we live in today is a death-wish for men and only weak cucks can’t see that. Women today are not worth the squeeze, certainly not worth risking one’s time, resources and well-being in order to prop up a lousy, bitchy hoe called a modern woman. You’re most likely married to some fat ugly hoe and let her boss you around like the weakling you are. Yet MGTOWs are betas? Please.

              Not surprisingly I doubt you would ever take a true stand against global Zionism , rather like your bitch friend you choose to hide behind the keyboard and publish your gay ass YouTube videos that no one watches.

              Yeah, I’ve only been actively exposing the Jewish problem since 2009, have a good book about it, and have helped pushed this discourse into prominence now with the alt-right. What the alt-right is talking about now, I and a few others were exposing years ago when it was extremely unpopular to do so. As for youtube, the most degenerate clickbait scum have hugely successful channels on there, as do charlatans like Alex Jones, so the fact that your measuring stick is how many clicks I’m getting shows what a dumbass you are. This website is my main hub and it gets decent hits. Youtube is the domain of attention-whoring females and manginas like you.

              You’re an irrelevant loser Brandon who gets overly emotional and obsessive, much like the women you criticize. If you want to “Reconquista Europa” I suggest you step down and let Men take over. Guys who know how to think

              Wow look at little Islamocuck Joey here. If I’m such an “irrelevant loser” then why are you here on my website wasting your time? Obviously I am not irrelevant and far from a Islamophilic mangina loser like yourself. My incisive commentary obviously struck a nerve. You were “triggered” hard.

            17. @Dana Muslims I think he US specifically are thriving compared to the rest of the population.

              They are the best educated https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/amphtml/USA/2016/1214/Hindus-Muslims-among-America-s-best-educated-groups-report-finds

              They tend to qualify for better jobs too


              As far as the cousin marriage thing, I understand from a cultural point of view it’s odd, but let’s move away from Anti Islam sources and look and see what geneticists and anthropologists have to say.

              Firstly prior to the early 20th century, cousin marriage was common everywhere. I knew Italians who’s grandparents were cousins.

              80% of marriages were between second cousins or closer http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/02/people-stop-thinking-appropriate-cousins-marry/

              There is actually little or no harm in marrying your cousin https://www.cousincouples.com/?page=facts

              Science agrees https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/science/theres-nothing-wrong-with-cousins-getting-married-scientists-say-1210072.html%3Famp

              Hell I knew a group of middle eastern students studying to become MDs. Very intelligent people and I seem to recall half of them having parents that were cousins.

              I’m not really sure how we got here, but the sooner you cease to exist the better, you can’t seem to differentiate between the truth and falsehood. Your beta genetics will no doubt be a detriment upon humanity. Please park your car in a garage, close the garage, start the engine and sit there.

            18. Lmao. “Joe Cardsbury” is such a douche that it’s incredible. He actually sounds similar to a Ken O’Keefe drone-bot talking about the “powers that be” and defending Islam at all costs, while white knighting for these “poor, oppressed women”. Loves commenting and reading over here while contributing nothing of value while he’s at it. He can’t answer questions for shit, either.

              “Joe Cardsbury”, what’s your FB profile just so we can make sure you’re practicing what you preach by putting your real photo and real name on it, and to get a better idea of what you’ve done to fight the ‘powers that be’.

          2. “You’re a typical libtard who desperately tries to “prove” that we’re “just as backwards” in the West when child marriages are basically unheard of here. When was the last time you saw or heard about a child getting married in the West?”

            Firstly read this, Muslim countries have this issue, but others do as well http://eeca.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/Child%20Marriage%20EECA%20Regional%20Overview.pdf

            You forgot about these countries El Salvador, 15 in Estonia(that’s without parental consent), 14 in Ecuador, 15 in Lithuania, and the list goes on

            USA: https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/child-marriage/united-states/

            “Yeah, they’re “shit” which is why you keep coming back here to read them and post your Islamophilic, leftist commentaries under them. I maintain this website. The other two writers don’t have the time to keep up with it. Posting only 1000 word essays every couple months would sink this site in no time. I’ve done plenty of those long research type pieces and have a book which lays it all out. A website must be maintained with shorter commentary that is also entertaining, which I provide. You, on the other hand, are a nobody who’s accomplished nothing in this sphere so it’s rich for you to talk.”

            I keep coming back here because of the other writers and unfortunately you are the only one publishing anything.
            By the way talking about things wont change anything regardless of what you write about, public action is needed in order for this to work.

            “Youtube is the domain of attention-whoring females and manginas like you.”

            Reread some of my comments here about youtube.

            “Wow look at little Islamocuck Joey here. If I’m such an “irrelevant loser” then why are you here on my website wasting your time? Obviously I am not irrelevant and far from a Islamophilic mangina loser like yourself. My incisive commentary obviously struck a nerve. You were “triggered” hard.”

            “Islamocuck” where the fuck do you come up with these things? Whats amazing about the internet is faggots like you would run from a fair fight, but on the internet you’re as tough as can be.
            I am on the website because of the other writers. Your commentary is retarded and overly simplistic, i clearly struck a nerve given your response here.

            “So you admit you’re a sabbath kaffir. Thanks.”
            No dumb fuck, you are very slow. Reread what i just said. I unlike you am a student of religion, I study these things, and i agree the main focus here is immigration and that immigration to Europe must be halted. I also wont let falsehood of any sort take over. Whether its anti white propaganda or anti Islam propaganda, granted there are things that could be criticized for each, but the majority of the criticism is bias, unreasonable, or unfounded.

            PS MGTOW is for fucking betas who have bent the knee to the Jewish constructs in their societies.

  1. Libtard extraordinaire, dumb ass and douche bag “Joe Cardsbury”… first of all, if you’re gonna keep commenting over here, what’s the fucking problem with using your real name for future reference?

    Secondly, slavery is formally illegal but still practiced pervasively in Muslim countries, isn’t it. This also means that we “just know” that just because child brides are formally illegal throughout Muslim countries that Muslims “wouldn’t” practice them cuz Aisha was “mature” when Mohammed married and deflowered her n stuff, right?

    For instance, tell us real quick what’s going on in this video:

    1. ^At the 40 second mark, and via no surprise, the Muslim says, “A nine-year old is considered an adult.”

      Beheadings and/or just bullets in the head are sounding better and better for libtards and Muslim fundamentalists alike.

      1. Who knows, maybe douche bag “Joe” is a Muslim. In that case, Joe, you have already EXPATRIATED to a Muslim country where you belong, right? RIGHT?

      2. I’m aware of Muhammad’s supposed “marriage” to Aisha. how about instead of YouTube you go research laws in Muslim countries and perhaps visit them because you obviously haven’t done that. It’s not that I’m a libtard it’s that you’re too fucking simple to understand anything and a keyboard warrior too. Way to big of a bitch to say this outside of the internet. If you’re that butt hurt and weak, have the self control not to reply to my comments or defend your butt buddy omega Brandon Martinez

        1. We’re not talking about LAWS here, fool; we’re talking about Islamic PRACTICES. Muslims have all kinds of fucked up practices, you fuck up. They’re a very backwards people in so many ways.

          WAIT a minute, if you’re gonna accuse me of having PTSD like you did before, how do you know I didn’t get it when I was in the military and in the Middle East??? I’m “not” a vet or anything, am I?

          1. Instead of YouTube? You don’t use YouTube videos to prove to people that 9/11 was an inside job? Or about Jewish crime? Have you ever been to Israel?

            1. No I don’t use Jewtube at least as not a primary source. It’s heavily censored and run by amateurs. Why would I need video proof about 911. The story itself is fucking retarded.

              Oh and yes, I’ve been to Israel.

            2. Ohhhh, I “didn’t know” YouTube was heavily censored. Juuuus kidding you fuck up. Now tell us which videos we should and shouldn’t use for making a case that 9/11 was an inside job… or what you seem to be saying is NO YT videos about 9/11 and/or Jewish crime can be used, right?

            3. You’ve been to Israel, you say. So you will also confirm that the YouTube videos about racist Israelis are all fake because of all the heavy censorship and because all the vids were produced by amateurs, right?

  2. This video is from YouTube. This means, in Joe douchebagbury’s mind that she never actually gave this talk because YouTube can’t and doesn’t produce any authentic videos now does it, doucheberry? Joe Douchebury is gonna give us his “expert opinion and insight” on this video n sheeeit…

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