Mentally Ill Anti-White SJWs Reject White South African Refugees

Leftist SJWs at a pro-refugee rally in Australia uniformly rejected the idea of accepting white South Africans, who are currently under threat of genocide by blacks, as refugees.

This illuminates the mental disease of leftism. Here we have white people expressing absolute hatred and contempt for their own. Virtually all of the Australian rally-goers said that it’s “racist” and “fascist” to even suggest white people in South Africa are persecuted by non-whites. That’s because these insane leftists believe that white people can’t be victims of dark-skinned people. It’s not possible according to their demented ideology which says that “white privilege” rules the world and is the leading oppressive force.

These mentally ill leftists actually support the genocide of white people. Some of them even excused the abuse of whites in South Africa, saying that their ancestors “stole the land.” That claim is not true. White Dutch Boers arrived in that area of South Africa before it was settled by black tribes later. So leftists apply collective guilt and punishment to all white people, but don’t do the same for brown or black people, who have likewise committed genocide, land theft and every imaginable atrocity that leftists attribute exclusively to whites. Hypocritical scum!

Meanwhile, these same leftist whites have no problem making their home in Australia, which was also, technically, colonized and taken away from brown aboriginees. So why don’t they exile themselves from Australia? They won’t do that because it’s all about virtue-signalling and acting righteous while benefiting from a white society.

11 thoughts on “Mentally Ill Anti-White SJWs Reject White South African Refugees

  1. Those libtards are like Ken O’Keefes out there talking about how he’s “from privilege” (meaning he has “white privilege”) but then has to keep asking for money. If he has so much gotdamned “white privilege”, why isn’t the “pro-white government” giving him money and free handouts where his dumb ass has to ask for money (he’s asking whites who largely worked for their money, while he’s at it).

    While it’s good Avi is exposing this, I take it we won’t be seeing Avi talking about stuff like this:

    1. Yeah, he’s definitely an alt-light Jewish gatekeeper. There’s some Zionists that sympathize with whites in South Africa only because the former apartheid regime (stupidly) supported Israel.

  2. To see the latest Israeli perspective and what developments they foresee in the near future.
    It is available in HD on satellite and it is a quality channel.
    Use it for informational purposes like you would RT.
    Sift out useful facts from propaganda.

  3. That sinking feeling you get when you realize you are talking to a lefty.
    They are so certain of their views . . . brainwasher on an extra rinse and a violent fast spin.

  4. When the inevitable famine ensues in South Africa, White SJWs should volunteer to be slaughtered, canned and marketed as Purina Zulu Chow. It would be the ultimate in virtue-signalling.

  5. Slightly off-topic, but it does illustrate how bad things can get in an inner city.
    It shows how “out of control” things can get and how the police are often too scared to enter some areas.
    It was on brazilian TV yesterday 24 April 2018.
    The tv news report also showed the morning after (not shown in this clip) . . . with the store owner cleaning up the mess.
    His product display cabinets were all empty glass display cubes with only air and dust inside.
    This clip of the looting I found on youtube.

    Some background info from 2013 from the Guardian website.
    “Some call it a human zoo or a horror show, others a zombie tourist attraction or Brazil’s shame. But the most common name for the district south-west of São Paulo’s Luz station is Cracolândia.”
    That recent Cracolândia incident might appear on the following youtube channel at some stage.

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