SuperSimp Cooks, Feeds and Pampers 750 lbs LandWhale!

This is the saddest and grossest thing I’ve seen in awhile. Here we have the king of beta simps who has willingly entered a relationship with the fattest woman on earth who is deliberately trying to GAIN weight, despite being morbidly obese already. The SuperSimp cooks for and spoon-feeds the landwhale as if she was his baby. What the hell is wrong with this dude? He must be mentally ill. But women these days just have it so tough, eh, where even obese broads can find degenerate cucks like this to be their personal chefs, nannies, and caretakers while they function as leeches on others and society!

18 thoughts on “SuperSimp Cooks, Feeds and Pampers 750 lbs LandWhale!

  1. In your video.
    She is definitely not the largest person on earth.
    I have seen documentaries where people end up bed ridden and even have to be taken to their own wedding in bed on the back of a truck.
    You have to feel sorry for them although it seems this woman wants to get even fatter.
    I would say she has an addiction – food – and needs to deal with it.
    As you point out he is really not helping her by going along with it.

    1. This also illustrates that people with addictions face a battle not only inside their own minds, but also with the other people who reinforce their bad habits and lifestyles . . . if they want to snap out of it.
      The ultimate control is with them and ‘it is their decision’ – this cannot be understated.
      I think she is at the stage of denial and not seeing it as a problem.
      If the person is shall we say, slow or not very smart, or is an attention seeker, then he/she will not easily be able to, or will never take control.
      Especially when someone they love is providing encouragement and rituals and attention they love.
      Even if this is a fake where they are acting like that to try to encourage others . . . it is still a fact that couples like this really do exist.
      And it isn’t always obesity that is the problem too, this could equally apply to other addictions.

      1. Encouragement for addictions might not simply be from a deluded helper, a doctor or a drug dealer.
        It might also be that the addicted person thinks that it upsets someone that they want to upset.
        Maybe out of spite and revenge or even pride of never being wrong.
        Or even they are secretly helping another person by being like that.
        So many possible reasons, mostly mental.
        Obvious negative consequences, mostly physical.
        She can probably still be turned around though . . . but he will need to change too.

        1. He is a qualified as a chef so that is a good match . . . he loves cooking and she loves eating.
          Just shows there is someone for everyone.
          It must be expensive though.
          They are not poor, poor people have to economise with their food spending.
          Imagine having to spend 10 times what you do now on food.

      2. Found an error “cannot be overstated” was what I meant to say rather than “cannot be understated”.
        A common error if you are in a hurry and not checking properly.
        I didn’t realize writing was so difficult until I actually tried it.

    2. Only approximately 2% of people have a legitimate thyroid condition. The vast majority of the rest are fat because they do it to themselves. And when you’re a female, it’s un-PC to fat shame them, as society has endless excuses for them, hence why we’ve got so many fat ass she-beasts in the West today. Talking nicely to or about them suuure as shit hasn’t helped, lol. Bitches need to be put on starvation diets and put in boot-camps for years where they’re driven with whips and chains, lol.

    1. In Britain she might get some kind of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) welfare.
      The care giver might get paid too.
      I am not sure how that would work if it was found out that her condition was self inflicted and that she was knowingly trying to make it worse by getting fatter.

  2. Women are soooo “objectified” in the West that any fat, fugly, nasty, smelly, old, masculine, and/or mean bitch can pull practically any white knight or mangina many notches above them with little effort. They’re living in peeny paradise (lol) yet have the gall to whine and bitch to no end about how “badly” they’re being treated and about how “hard” it is on them.

    A room-mate of mine was on a laid-less drought for over 6 months. His mindset though was the typical, low-standard-having, white knight cliche: “pussy is pussy”. I tried to re-assure him that, no, pussy ain’t pussy, lol. It didn’t work out well, lol. Guess what he did? He was a skinny 180 lbs and finally found this fewhale who was 260 lbs. She wasn’t just fat, but an ignorant loud-mouth, and you can imagine the broad was ugly. I seriously doubt she was even fertile, yet she was of a fertile age, lol. She couldn’t give him an erection (because it’s kinda like Sasquatch giving you an erection lol) and the only way he could get one was artificially via Cialis. Extremely un-natural and way too many dudes are so badly brainwashed that they travel to the proverbial deep, deep depths of the ocean trying to convince themselves that a Pinto is a Porsche, lol. A hut is a mansion, lol. Gotta use Cialis and/or Viagra and/or beer goggles and/or extreme mental gymnastics to convince themselves that she’s even bangable, lol.

    Far from the only dude I’ve known with the problem. These dudes are so brainwashed into thinking that these bitches are so “glorious” and “benevolent” that there’s just no end to how low they’ll stoop, all the while fukin it up for the rest of us.

  3. There can never be any conflict with any enemy in our lands if this degeneracy continues. There is no need for Social Conservatism. There is just need for ACTIVE moral nihilism. Just “sterlize” her and any woman which feeds parasitically off our society and our OWN SELVES.

    1. It’s very likely that this blob of a broad already is infertile. She could lose 300 lbs and would still very likely be infertile. Marxists love to say that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and fool themselves into acting like there aren’t any universal traits of beauty, but they’re fools. Actually there is a certain hip to waist ratio that men find most attractive as a collective, and it’s used when making Barbie Dolls. This ratio also deals with fertility: the closer a female is to this ratio, the more fertile she is; the further away from it, the less fertile she is.

      1. Notice how tradcons (who are white knights and fembots by nature, although some just are to a lesser degree than others) never expose cases like this. In their minds, this is “cute”. This low-testosterone, door mat, dumb ass of a dude is supporting this huge, disgusting bitch, and they’re not having kids and aren’t gonna be having them, (which is a good thing, of course, but let’s just chastise certain MGTOWs for not wanting to have kids with and/or marry these worthless women, but not say a fukin thing about ‘relationshits’ like this because the couple is “together” in a tradcon kinda way).

        Reverse the genders and trads would be up in arms. They’d say, what? He’s not protecting and providing for her while she slaves away feeding his worthless ass? But this way, it’s “lovely”; “romantic”; etc. Long-term relationshits of any kind be “good” n sheeeit to tradcons.

        One of the only ways you could get that dummy to fight to the death is to threaten to exterminate his gigantic pork chop of a ‘significant other’. She could order him to the death too, I’m sure, but then she’d have to go through the trouble of finding someone else who’s as good of a cook, etc. As these trads say, though, at least they’re removing their genes from the gene pool; we just won’t be hearing trads say so about this case for obvious reasons.

        1. Well the problem is that there are grey areas. And if you JUST SUBTRACT the fatness from this story, it is not very different than the 80% of relationships in western countries, certainly in Greece where I live, I can assure you of that.

          The solutions are pretty clear. As i said before and I will loudly proclaim it again: FUCK TRADITION. Tradition is flawed, to the point of being a fucking surrealist hell. The “”grow up find a job and start a family, to slave for her and the little monkeys that will dwell in facebook and instagram for all they care”” is no longer a useful model for us. Useless stuff should be discarded because they add up weight which has to be carried, pretty litteraly some times lol, by MORE WORK by the drone class. Which is the everyday males.

          While I am not calling for any violent stuff, about 80% of women should be immediately discarded from the gene pool. The only real problem with that is that then the male to female ratio would change radically and the society will collapse. But guess what, about 80% of males are unsavable at this point and they should be removed also. This would lead to a population decrease and while spaces open again, spiritual and economic growth of our people will follow.

          1. Good to hear you’re also a fan of eugenics.

            Yeah, as unfortunate as it is to say, there’s just no getting around the fact that the global white population needs a significant culling in the short-run to be able to eventually get better in the long-run. And while it’s true that there are libtards who aren’t having children, there are also those libtards who are. The latter group has them because they can’t think ahead to save their fucking lives. They get horny and throw all caution to the wind, no matter who has to take care of their inferior offspring.

            Trads have a seriously delusional, and even Hollywood-esque view of how “relationships” are. It’s like, if you go to get car insurance, one of the questions you’re asked is your age. The obvious reason is that certain age groups are at greater risk of accidents than others, and the same goes for marriages. Trads aren’t into exposing the 50% divorce rate in Western countries, nor do they talk about the fact that the younger the couple, the higher the likelihood they have of divorce (meaning for a relationship to last until the kids are raised, the most important age factor is that the dude is the older one in the relationship). They don’t take into account countless other things like females live 6-7 years longer than men these days, and it’s not like a couple gets married and “dies together” in the vast, vast majority of cases, lol. Or the fact that a female married today does not have to do nearly the same amount of work she had to before dumb, lazy, evil men invented modern appliances for these broads, lol.

            We might have a different view on violence in this situation, though. My view is that for all the women who have been and are threatening men with violence and dishing out violence, talking rationally with them hasn’t been and isn’t working, and they need rude awakenings.

            1. Well, yes, maybe the response must be equal to the threat, and I certainly do not suggest even telling women what should be done with them, let alone letting them decide their own future. However violence is risky, because of two reasons 1) It is of course an “assist” as they say in footbal, to our Enemies to score a goal and declare us NNNAAAZZZI or something. 2) It might give the false idea to animals (like Golden Dawn members) that we are welcoming the thug/hooligan class, which is as dumb as the “ruling” class if not worse for heaven’s sake. Lol

              However, if someone has a detailed strategic plan which involves violence, I… oops! 😉

  4. P.S. to what I said about the hooligan class: No actually GD would be against eugenics because they need soldiers for their moronic Megali Idea to be killed and raped by Turks.

  5. Anyone/Anything THAT tremendously morbidly obese, grotesque, disgusting, unattractive, useless, worthless, horrific, blubberous, and resource wasting or larger should all be institutionalized in a nuthouse or just shot on sight! Mentally defective Whalosauruses like that hog make me absolutely nauseous! I wouldn’t let my DOG sniff her Elephanottomous butt! The worst part about these turds is that they have absolutely NO fucking shame, dignity, pride, value or common sense and are always easily triggered, irrational, confrontational and looney! They do NOT deserve to waste our air!

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