Russia Firsters Up In Arms Over Trump’s Syria Attack

With the help of the UK and France, Trump has launched several airstrikes against Syrian regime targets.

As soon as the news broke, the “Russia First” crowd went up in arms. Alex Jones cussed out Trump and said he was “ashamed” of him. He even cheered on a Russia counter-attack against the US!

Jones has been a pro-Putin mouthpiece for awhile now. He gets mountains of favourable coverage and interviews on RT, which has led to accusations that he’s working for the Russians. Amazingly, Jones revealed that in 2015 he was interviewed by Russian intelligence agents who tried to flatter him by suggesting that Putin and big-wigs in Moscow listen to his show and think he’s a genius. This is around the same time that Jones took a noticable pro-Kremlin editorial line on Infowars .

Alt-righters, alt-lighters and even libertarians all line up behind Putin’s Moscow on this and other issues of foreign policy. That shows that Moscow has coopted most “dissident” elements in the West to forward Putin’s foreign policy agenda. Kremlin imperialist ideologue Alexander Dugin wrote of how Russia must infiltrate and subvert dissident Westerners to suck them into Putin’s orbit of useful idiots. Notably, Dugin has been on Alex Jones’ show and vice versa, confirming that Dugin’s strategy to hijack anti-establishment voices in the West has been successful and that Russian infiltration of these circles is very much a reality.

Moscow has long given favourable coverage to American libertarians because of their commitment to dismantling the US military. Libertarians seek to weaken the US federal government and completely gut the military, which serves Kremlin interests immensely. That’s why Russian channels like RT give a major voice to American libertarians (like Ron Paul and his ilk),  anti-war leftists and anarchists who’re all intent on neutering US military capabilities so as to empower Russia and China.

What I find interesting is that the pro-Assad crowd hem and haw over limited airstrikes against Syria, but have very little to say about US military involvement in Afghanistan where the fight is against the Taliban and ISIS splinter groups. Hell, the US and NATO have been bombing ISIS throughout Iraq and Syria for years now, but the Russia Firsters only complain when attacks are directed at Putin’s puppet Assad – a clear display of the Russia First orientation of these hacks. Reports have come out suggesting that Russia is supporting the Taliban to frustrate US efforts in Afghanistan. The pro-Putin cucks have nothing to say about that because they’re nothing more than propagandists reading scripts sent in from KGB headquarters.

The anti-war left (and, evidently, some compromised voices on the far-right) are in favour of war when it’s being waged by Russia, China, or a third world dictator. This illustrates their deep-seated anti-Westernism. When Russia occupied and annexed Crimea, they supported that too. And when Putin launched his proxy war against Ukraine with Russian rebels who took over eastern parts of that country, the “anti-war” brigade backed the Russian insurgency and criticized the Ukrainian government for engaging its military to combat it.

These kooks are clearly pushing Dugin’s “multipolarity” model, backing any regime, insurgency and war that could potentially challenge or damage the hegemony of the Western NATO bloc. This makes them useful idiots at best, traitors at worst.

What we need to do is get NATO back in the hands of competent nationalists who recognize that its mission was at its inception and should continue to be to combat Russian aggression in Europe. Bogging NATO down in the Middle East has only helped the Kremlin who patiently rebuilt its military while we were degrading ourselves and depleting our resources fighting goat-herders in mountain cave hideouts. That’s what the Kremlin wants and that’s why they’re now backing the Taliban to keep us stuck in that quagmire. We’ve got to be smarter than Putin who is the ringleader of the anti-Western BRICS bloc.

Of course, we’d have no issue with genuine Russian nationalists who recognize and respect the sovereignty of Eastern Europe, and who want to work with other nationalists against our main challenge: mass immigration from the third world. But that’s not who’s in power right now in Russia. Those genuine Russian nationalist voices are fiercely suppressed by Putin who is a neo-Bolshevik not a nationalist. The Putin clique is an oligarchic petrol mafia in bed with other mafias in Israel, Syria and Iran. Sometimes the interests of those mafias collide, but none of them are “good” or deserving of our support.

20 thoughts on “Russia Firsters Up In Arms Over Trump’s Syria Attack

  1. I’m done with alt-media by large in regards to geopolitics. Enough time has passed to see clear patterns in their sympathies and shilling for certain forces, which are never NATO or USA of course. There can be valid criticisms of these factions, but what the alt-media has done is overplayed this USA-NATO “Evil empire” card (the same as SJWs with calling everyone nazi) so much that it has worn off.

    You, Brandon, Christopher J. Bjerknes, Kyle Hunt (Renegade Broadcasting), Nick Spero, Brendan O’ Connell, Joel Skousen, Jeff Niquist, Anatoliy Golytsin, Eustace Mullins, Freedom Alternative and others have shaped and transformed my geopolitcal views forever despite each of you sometimes holding views i cannot agree with in other topics. That said, I can no longer stomach the geopolitics of these alt-light/right/libertarian types.

    I recently discovered a great channel called “RecentR”. Thought you might be interested in its content if you don’t already know about it. It has interesting analysis on alt-media, Alex Jones, Russia and overall happenings in geo-politics. Since it’s based in Germany, Zionism, leftistm and Culture war is barely if never touched upon. You can’t have it all, i guess.

    The worst of the alternative media industry

    Alex Jones spreads actual Russian propaganda since 2008 (SATIRE)

    Alex Jones admits he doesn’t read any books

    How Russia stole the truth movement

    Russia ALWAYS meddles in US elections and media

    The actual, crazy reason the US supports Russian dissidents

    New FAKE cold war between the US and Russia

    Russiagate: Donald, the double agent

    1. Good vids. Dude is solid on a lot of things. He says he was never pro-Trump to begin with (I believe him) and/but he’s also aware of the evil of Hillary and how Western elites are occultists. He’s also very on point about Putin, what the Kremlin has been up to over the last few decades, about the idea that it’s not just the Western elites/leaders who are occultists but they can be found and are all around the world, Alex Jones, and on the Bilderbergers. Assad’s father was unsurprisingly a Bilderberger.

      He’s definitely not up to speed on the JQ though and is like a Jewish apologist, so he won’t be covering all of Putin’s shady Jewish connections, or the rest of the picture. Hopefully he’s just ignorant about it and catches up; hopefully he isn’t compromised himself.

  2. Brandon I disagree. We need to have national defenses against Russocommunist aggression. Volunteers can go fight for Ukraine if they want. NATO should be abolished right now. Hitler saved us from the communist takeover and something like that should be established now, however with the difference that we should not have plans for expanding into Russian territory. This is not “normal” European lands. Europe culturally certainly at this point of history ends much nearer than the fuckin Urals. We should be prepared. Some kind of alliance might be useful but what the fuck has the US to do with all this particularly european subject. Fuck them. No I think NATO is a very dangerous machine.

    Brandon, I also think that you should write an article about the direct involvment of Israel in the bombings of Syria. We might be culturally alien and incompatible but we have the same enemy as the Levant arabs (and the whites in these countries).

    1. Man, I haven’t gotten a single idea off of Hitler and won’t be needing to, either lol. For example, what did Hitler do for the plight of men in the West? I didn’t learn a gotdamned thing off of Hitler about, say, anti-feminism, and ask I pro-Hitlerian anti-feminists what specifically they learned off of Hitler about it, or just what they thought Hitler’s views of it all were. If I thought like Hitler when it came to feminism, don’t you think I’d regress back into more white knightism? Or maybe there’s some secret book out there I haven’t heard of like Hitler’s anti-feminist memoirs or something, lol.

      And the West has become very communist/Marxist compared to what it was before. Many of the Frankfurt schoolers also came to the other side of the Atlantic after fleeing Germany… wasn’t like they were ‘eradicated’ or something; and to make matters worse, their influence was added into global popular culture via mega-media platforms like Hollywood, the American music industry, etc. Not to say they were the only ones involved in it, but cultural Marxism gained massive traction in the West, and especially in America in the 60s.

      1. While we’re at it, there are all kinds of white knights and anti-whites who are pro-Hitler. Some basic examples would be Ken O’Keefe, Joe Sigur, Trevor Labonte, and Mark Glenn. Plenty pro-Hitlerian anti-whites can also be found in anti-Zionist movements even though Hitler helped establish the state of Israel.

        1. Yes Dana . . . that is what Henry Makow says too (

          “Hitler was groomed and funded for the purpose of destroying Germany’s national aspirations and to provide a pretext for the State of Israel.”

          How the “British” Used “Appeasement” to Trick Hitler into a Two-Front War

          I sometimes check Henry’s twitter feed and usually find something interesting there.

          1. Indeed that Makow has done quite a lot of good, in-depth work, Dorset, and I’ve read a significant amount of his content over the years.

            A couple things he could improve on are his views of the Holohoax and his position on being a tradcon. His site ‘save the males’ sounds pro-male, but being a trad these days is anti-male.

            I have an anti-feminist buddy I actually met on FB like 5 years ago from Singapore and he started his research off about the JWO studying Makow’s site. When he later learned more about anti-feminism and MGTOW, he was just incensed that Makow was such a white knight and so into trad relationships. He calls Singapore ‘Simpgapore’ BTW, lol. 😉

            1. Does anyone have any realiable sources about Hitler’s private life which is not a Jewish Hoax. Just for educational purposes.

              Btw, thats just why I said LIKE Hitler not the same as Hitler. Hitler certainly did colossal mistakes which lead to the final UNIVERSE FACEPALM (not exactly the final victory) that happened during the end of WWII to Western Civilization.

              With the knowledge that this might be very offensive to some people in the alt-right related crowd, Hitler unfortunately represents the bizarre lust for power combined with WORKING with the parasites to remove them lol which is something that we do, again, and again, and again, and again. Finally, maybe Madagascar is an option. Or south of Madagascar (the ocean).

            2. Fox, this book if you can get a copy:
              by John Toland
              Hutchinson . . . hardback
              465 photographs, 11 in full color
              Visually supports John Toland’s companion volume Adolf Hitler (biography by John Toland).
              Photographs drawn from private collections . . . provide a fascinating insight.
              Fox Mulder said
              “Does anyone have any reliable sources about Hitler’s private life which is not a Jewish Hoax. Just for educational purposes”

              Well the photos are a reliable insight into his life, assuming they are genuine of course.

            3. The 11 “colour” pictures are not of Hitler himself.
              They are examples of some of his water colour paintings, some german postcards, a five hundred million mark note converted into one for twenty billion, the standard flag for his mercedes etc. etc.
              And not all the b+w photos are of him.
              Nevertheless, a book worth owning if the subject interests you.

            4. Makow is a moron. His identification of the relationship/sex problem of the occident is perhaps 80% correct in my opinion. But he uses the ‘win button’ of tradition again… It is a relatively easy fall back position for these trad morons because I think they innately fear that after they ‘convince’ some lost soul (which I don’t think it will happen en masse with this kind of preaching) that the lost soul will ask: so what’s your plan? And then baaang, we have the Mexican soap opera which is their fall back position. You know, traditional kind hearted women etc hard working god fearing men.

              I sincerely think that the trads got their fallback position partly from the system they hate, which is the motion pictures etc. When I was a little dude I used to watch La Usurpadora and such Mexican or generally latin soap opera. This is so similar to their trad shit. It is practically exactly the same. While I cannot prove it I think that they were enamored with such stories, which might be from novels not necessarily telenovelas. But it is VERY telenovelish… lol

              This is very suspicious shit if you dive into the rabbit hole. There is the possibility that the elite, including the chosen ones of course, has historically pushed this telenovelish kind of heaven on earth, where everyone is working together in a community blah blah, and women are kind hearted angels that support their hard working men and love them to the end without ever even taking a glimpse of some other man. Why would they push it? New tax payers will be born ad infinitum with this propaganda. However the things do seem to have changed recently because they probably now want to annihilate us completely because for some reason we dont fit the profile of the perfect consumer/drone they had in the past. Maybe only for us whites males.

          2. Speaking of Makow, he documented this photo of Putin giving a masonic handshake to Henry Kissinger. In a regular handshake, the fingers naturally go underneath the bottom-side of the other person’s hand, making masonic handshakes very unnatural. Also, in masonic handshakes the thumb doesn’t stay straight, but instead covers the top of the other person’s hand.


          3. Thanks Fox and Dana regarding HM.
            Fox, David Irving wrote books about Hitler.
            He is a well respected historian who gained access to archives and got direct help from families of the people he writes about.
            Although some readers might be suspicious of all that extra archive access and preferential treatment?

            1. I have watched some of David Irving’s speeches in YT. I must find a copy of one of his books about Hitler sometime. Only thing that bothers me is that, at least in his speeches, he seems like a narcissistic and egocentric SOB. To the point that he just starts speaking about something, and loses it and jumps from one personal history to the other. He actually reminds me of Hitler himself! ahahha lol. He also reminds me of Fritz Berg. Man…. that’s a difficult group to find a normal person unfortunately.

    2. We need NATO to protect Eastern Europe from the Ruskies. We just need nationalists to take it over. All the power that NATO has it would be a waste to throw it away (the Kremlin and China would be beside themselves with joy if we did that).

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