Compromised Rightists Support Assad’s Liberalism in Syria?

Some “Russia First” operators on the alt-right have a weird love-in with Syrian President Bashar Assad. Every time Trump threatens to strike against Syria, out comes Assad’s alt-right fanboys complaining about it and imploring Trump to make friends with the Syrian leader.

Richard Spencer’s ceaseless adulation of Assad is born of his creepy deference to Russia. Since Assad is Putin’s Arab puppet, Spencer backs him. It’s that simple. It’s plain as day that Spencer works towards Putin’s interests and advocates policies that serve Moscow. Spencer has led the alt-right astray into a Kremlin First worship cult for Putin. The times when Spencer is most vocal against Trump is when Trump threatens to move against Assad and Russia in Syria. That says it all.

It makes little sense why alt-righters would support Assad on his own merits. First of all, he’s Arab and Muslim, and the alt-right has no good words for Arabs or Muslims normally. In the Middle East context, Assad is effectively a liberal who is hated by religious conservatives in his country and across the region, with the exception of the opportunistic Shia fundamentalists in Iran who are in conflict with their Sunni fundamentalist counterparts.

Assad lacks any distinct ideology beyond an outdated Arab socialism which carries with it many leftist elements. Assad’s Syria is for all intents and purposes a liberal haven in the Middle East. Assad’s diehard groupies on the far-left credit him with running a socially liberal regime that empowers women and minorities, suppressing the wishes of the Sunni Muslim majority. I distinctly remember seeing the pro-female propaganda of Assad groupies years ago. They bandied around videos of Syrian women walking around in public in Western-style clothing without hijabs and they boasted of an all-female Syrian military sniper unit, as if to say females are just as capable and good as males on the battlefield. In fact, the supposedly “fascist” Italian group CasaPound specifically cited Assad’s liberal feminism as earning their respect.

I recall a bunch of attention-whoring Syrian women coming out as shoddy “geopolitical analysts,” like the pro-Assad propagandist “Syrian Partisan Girl,” also known as Mimi al-Laham. She’s an immigrant living in the white nation of Australia, yet spends all her free time shilling for the regime of Assad, which her parents obviously didn’t think was very good since they fled (years before the civil war) to Australia. Why doesn’t that skank go back to Syria and fight for Assad? She knows the getting is too good for immigrants in Australia. Other Syrian women – whom often live in the West having left Syria decades ago for greener pastures – came out of the woodwork as Assad supporters after the civil war started, trying to pimp themselves as experts on the situation, when they were obviously just regurgitating the Syrian regime’s scripted talking points about the war.

Syrian Partisan Girl doing the typical femnoid pucker-lips slutface for the camera. This is how she gets people to listen to her unspectacular analysis.

I remember back in my conspiratard days, one Syrian skank asked me to interview her about the war. She had the Michael Jackson plastic surgery look going on, obviously having pumped her lips with too much collagen. She was clearly trying to imitate Syrian Partisan Girl to get herself some undeserved attention. I ended up interviewing her,  but deleted it shortly later because her poor English and unintelligible babbling was an embarrassment. The broad thought having a face full of caked-on makeup would override her poor English and noticeable lack of insight. Many Syrian women try to pass themselves off as Western to gain our favour. So it’s pretty clear why a lot of Syrian women support Assad: because he’s a liberal mangina who supports feminism in his country, whereas his opposition is dominated by religious conservatives who want to put Syrian women back in the kitchen. It’s really that simple.

It’s bizarre to see the alt-right champion liberalism in the Middle East, while vehemently opposing it in the West. They actually brandish Assad as the protector of  the Christian minority in Syria. Since when do alt-righters care about minority rights or Arabs who happen to be Christians? Would they show the same concern for Black African Christians?

This is just so weird and contradictory. It’s totally inconsistent with what they promote in the West, scoffing at any virtue-signalling towards minorities. But they reverse themselves when it comes to Syria and Assad, and I suspect it’s because they’re just doing Russia’s bidding on this issue.

After this latest chemical attack and Trump’s response (which was identical to the incident that happened last year), alt-righters and alt-lighters came out with the same scripted narrative that it was a “false flag,” that Assad is an innocent angel, and that Russia is our friend and ally. This synchronistic response lends some credence to the Russian bot theory. For the most part these alt-righters, alt-lighters and the conspiratard community just recycle the propaganda from Russia Today and Russian Twitter bots on this and other issues of foreign policy.

To me, Assad seems to be a run-of-the-mill third world dictator without a robust ideology. He’s content to just rule Syria as a fiefdom for his dynastic family, similarly to how Kim Jung-un runs North Korea. Assad fell afoul of Israel and certain globalists for vague reasons. I guess it’s just his alliance with Iran that bothers these insane Zionists, but they’re happy to just have all sides continue to kill each other. But that alone doesn’t make him a hero or praiseworthy. ISIS has also fallen afoul of those same forces, but I doubt the alt-right will start praising ISIS any time soon.

In any case, none of this concerns us much. From a European nationalist perspective, what happens in Syria is irrelevant. Who really cares which faction comes out victorious in that mess? It doesn’t help us one bit. Mindlessly cheerleading for one side or the other is idiotic and shows how non-Europeans have succeeded in dragging Europeans into their clannish squabbles in foreign countries. Instead of inserting ourselves into the affairs of Arabs and worrying about the outcome of gang-fights in foreign lands, we should be fortifying our own borders and nations from migrant invaders. We should be sending our military to seal-up our borders as well as to detain and deport legal and illegal migrants who are intent on breeding us out of existence. Trump valiantly promised to do this recently with the Mexican border, and it looks like he’s getting his wish. His counter-signalling of Putin and Assad, who’re not the heroes that low-capacity Kremlin-cucked rightists claim them to be, only makes me like him even more.

37 thoughts on “Compromised Rightists Support Assad’s Liberalism in Syria?

  1. I remember Mimi saying on her FB page that Arabs are “white”, lol. It sure seemed to me like she was more interested in pushing the narrative that whites should just accept Arabs with open arms because Arabs and whites are ‘the same’. She’s also a believer in the typical Marxist idea that ‘poverty causes crime’, when in reality, it’s quite the opposite.

    Da alt-right backs Assad?! More like the alt-light backs Assad and Putin, and Trump.

    Just because all three of them say some good things at times, (and some would argue *do* some good things at times), this must mean that everything else they do is “benevolent” and *not* malevolent too, lol.

    1. That broad is a broken record, repeating the same tired talking point day in, day out. Infowars calls on this skank to give her redundant “analysis” any time something happens in Syria. She’s a typical attention-whoring female who’s sole goal is to extract compliments from men online in order to boost her self-esteem.

      1. Makes you wonder how much big-lipped Mimi has made in donations from either dudes that don’t know any better or just thirsty dudes. Like 500k,possibly? Maybe a mill? Maybe 1.5 million or more? I’m thinking if Jordan Peterson can pull 50k a month via Patreon, that Mimi has pulled in lots of cashola during all her years involved.

        While she does at least have a pleasant vibe about her, she is still very Marxist in a lot of ways. Obviously she is pro-Putin as well. I still have never seen her or any other libtard expose the Alan Kurdi fraud… because it goes against the narrative that Muslims aren’t anything “but” demonized in the MSM. They’re “never” angelized and “never” do any of their past or present crimes go covered up, n stuff.

    2. There are no good leaders, not here, note in Russia, not anywhere. And by the way, Arabs are white. There are three primary races, Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.

      1. Elizabeth MacDrid, “There are no good leaders, not here, note in Russia, not anywhere.”

        Did you figure that out all by yourself, cupcake?! I guess so. The least you could do over here is give Brandon a compliment for writing creative, highly accurate articles that cover things very few people have either talked about or figured out themselves before.

        “And by the way, Arabs are white. There are three primary races, Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.”

        Woooah, my bad. I guess you should be the one writing over here and everyone else should be listening to you, lmao.

        Dumb broad: For starters, just because some Arabs have some white admixture and some look white, this doesn’t mean they “are white”. Secondly, and as groups, there aren’t only significant color differences between the two, but there are also significant IQ differences between them, and neither of these can be changed. Thirdly, have your eyes been closed with too much mascara and eye-liner to notice all these racist, trash-talking Arabs who love talking shit about whites while they’re all about Arab pride? Lots of Arabs are like this, and no, not only aren’t they “white”, but they don’t consider themselves white either, but consider whites as the enemy, and they can suck a straight up dick and die.

        Or you don’t think so? Are you gonna be like the typical dummy detractor over here who drops in one-liners and then run off because they have no valid arguments and don’t know WTF they’re talking about?

        BTW, on the same thread Mimi said this on, this Arab dude was like, I’m not white, I’m brown. He clearly was by his profile pic, and Mimi told him he wasn’t brown, but “swarthy”, lolz. And are Ethiopians, Somalians, Eritreans, and others from the Horn of Africa, “white” because they’re considered by many to be Caucasoid (not to be confused with people from the Caucasus region)? And Aborigines are technically Australoid… even so, their skin is black and they have some other Afro features like big lips and wide noses and extremely low IQs (often even a bit lower than sub-Saharan Africans). I personally consider them black before anything else because of all this, even though they’re “Australoids”.

        Or you think Arabs have the same IQs as whites and we’re all “da same” n can all just “get along” n “hold hands” n stuff?

  2. Hahaha. Never read so much bullshit on the same place before ever lol. What a kike article.
    The reason people support Assad is that he’s against the globalist agenda. And against ISIS. And against the petro dollar system and that whole concept. So nothing strange w-h-a-t-s-o-e-v-e-r.
    It’s the same with Putin.
    This is another war for Israel for no reason whatsoever. If you’re against ISIS then you’re on Assads side. Or you’re with IS. We know who US and Israel are supporting so stop writing so much bullcrap with no connection to reality whatsoever.

    1. You people just repeat the same talking points over and over again. No, there are plenty more options than “with or against Assad” “with or against ISIS”. They’re both pretty shit in many respects. Europeans don’t need to choose a side in that squabble, and I don’t take one, I’m just noting the obvious Russia cucking going on with the alt-right in their blind worship of Assad. It’s all about serving Russia’s interests first. The current governments of Nigeria, Egypt, Libya and others are faced with the same ISIS-type insurgency, yet I don’t see anyone glorifying the leaders of those countries like they do with Assad. It’s clearly a case of Russian internet propaganda brainwashing people.

      1. Lmao at these low to mediocre IQ buffoons repeating the same scripts that have been going around by proponents of Assad and Putin for fucking years like they’re “profound”.

        Dummy says: “The reason people support Assad is that he’s against the globalist agenda. And against ISIS. And against the petro dollar system and that whole concept. So nothing strange w-h-a-t-s-o-e-v-e-r.
        It’s the same with Putin.”

        Geeeeeee, lemme write that down right now!!! “Nevuh” heard dat before!!! Lmfao. That’s only like the 500th fukin time I’ve heard such a thing. Silence everybody: We’ve got a “professional mind and soul reader” in da building who knows “exactly” WTF Assad and Putin are up to, lmfao.

        1. ^You can tell that dummy has been on the Assad and Trump trains for years. Who knows how many people this “genius” has told just how *sure* and *certain* he is of the sheer “benevolence” of Assad’s and Putin’s intentions.

          It’s like “Joe Cardsbury” coming in, being the “know-it-all” that he is, and letting everybody know over here how Islam is a “religion of balance”, lmao. You can tell dummy Joey has been at the same bullshit for years as well.

          Fucking mentally challenged numb skulls.

    1. Lmao, speaking of Ryan Dawson, I just saw this in my YT sidebar. Ryan commits the cardinal, anti-SJW sin in this video of not blaming whitey for sub-Saharan Africa’s poverty, which we know is really gonna piss off pro-blacks and libtards to no end.

      So on one hand, he places himself to the right of SJWs. However, he goes on to say the alt-right knows nothing about nothing, either, and thinks they believe IQ is everything when it absolutely isn’t. IQ has a correlation to income of about .4. That’s a significant number, but obviously far from everything. So he uses obvious examples that go against the rule like North and South Korea and Ireland and England, and then goes on to say that IQ “doesn’t matter”. So, as he says in the video, ‘People wanna blame everything on one thing and not see the rest.’ Well he does the same shit by saying that economic success is purely due to free markets and has nothing to do with IQ, lol.

      While it’s obvious that free markets contribute to making places economically successful (and yes, I’d also call this free-market capitalism), he doesn’t seem to wanna talk about why blacks aren’t just the poorest mofos on the planet in sub-Saharan Africa, but in virtually every other place in the world, from Asia, to the Middle East, to North America, to Europe, to Latin America. In America, blacks have been given approximately 22 trillion, largely by da “white demon taxpayers” since the “war on poverty” was instituted and are still virtually the poorest fukin people in America. And Aborigines in Australia are obviously poor AF and live in squalor too.

      What spurns Ryan on to make such an ill-informed video without doing more research on it is typical of what the average dummy does in life: jumps to a bunch of false conclusions and rambles on and on while knowing little or nothing about WTF they’re talking about. These fools are a “big help” to humanity n stuff.

      1. ^At 6:30, the clown basically says, if you look at Detroit versus Charleston for example: exact same demographics, but one hasn’t caved into the unions and liberal policies, and Detroit is a total shit-hole that has.

        Lmao. Can somebody tell dummy Ryan on his video (since I can’t comment on YT vids), that no, the two don’t have the ‘exact same demographics’, but they’re very different. Fukin dude is smokin crack, lol.

        Charleston is about 73% white and 23% black, whereas Detroit is about 83% black and 10.6% white:

          1. Oh, and at 11:07, Dawson says, I wish you IQ guys would sign up for a debate, because you do well in your own echo-chamber.

            Lmmfao. I’d debate Ryan any fukin time on aaaanything. I’ve been TRYING to debate these anti-ID politics fools for years and the fucking clowns just ignore, block or run because they don’t HAVE any fukin debates.

            Brandon, can you tell Ryan I’m up for any debate with him ANY time over here in no-block fashion and he’ll lose *miserably*, lol. Another gotdamned libtard is what he is: so standard for “truthers”… and he’s like a pseudo-truther while he’s at it, lol.

  3. There are just so many oddities about Middle Eastern leaders that I don’t know how TF anybody just jumps on board with them, thinking they “just know” what this or that one is “all about”, and how they automatically “just know” how “good” they are. We know, for instance, that Saddam Hussein was put in by the CIA via the Baath Party. But from the Saudi royal family to Al Sisi to Ahmadinejad to others: if people claim to know these mofos weren’t/aren’t compromised, they’re just fooling themselves.

    Take Gaddafi for instance (and there are many more links one could add here):

    “Forget about politics or poetry or literature , Qaddafi was found in reading books about occult ,sorcery , Kabbalah and Talmud !! Of course I think he is interested in reading in Talmud not like General Mohamed Naguib to understand the Jewish and the Zionist way of thinking or because his aunty is Jew as it is currently spread online but it has to do with the Kabbalah.
    With bankers and books we find ourselves in front amazing classic type of dictators we only though that it existed only in fiction !!”

    1. Hadn’t seen that one, but good. Looks like the view count on that vid has been tampered with. But the information on Trumps’ myriad Jewish and shady connections has been out there for years for anyone to find, so has the info on US presidential vote-rigging; this shit is nothing new, but really old news.

      Trumpians’ eyes glaze over looking at videos like that, though. They experience many short-circuits of the brain and have numerous ‘nobody-is-home’ moments.

      Hadn’t heard David Duke say that, but what a clown.

      1. There has long been the argument coming from certain pro-whites out there that if these presidential elections were really rigged, why wouldn’t they just put Hillary in office instead of Trump, given that she’s so openly Marxist, including of course, anti-white, whereas Trump isn’t so bad; many are so bad that they even think he’s some kind of second-coming of Christ or some shit, lol. I don’t know precisely, but I can think of some extremely likely contributing factors:

        1. Trump winning has helped restore faith in “elections” and even some alt-light right-wing MSM news outlets.

        2. This has served to placate many pro-whites because instead of them thinking they have to take matters into their own hands, they have a ‘savior’ to rely on who will ‘take care of it all for him’.

        3. They’re still doing their dirty work with Trump in, it’s just taking longer.

        4. Last but not least, the bitch Hillary has been having all kinds of health issues from sudden fainting spells, to coughing spells, to what appear to be seizures and/or MK-Ultra glitches, meaning her health and low stress tolerance levels can’t be trusted for a 4-year or 8-year cycle. Lotta information out there on it and this vid covers some of it:

  4. Carl, I’m glad Brendon has gotten to the point where he just doesn’t give a shit anymore about who he offends or whose feelings he might hurt. After all, this is a race against time and there’s only so much hand-holding you can do trying to wait for people to catch up. Walking on egg shells and worrying about who you might or might not offend is a real pain in the ass. The bottom line is that some people can and will catch on quickly, and these are the people who need to organize. The rest are either slow, to seriously slow, or just never will.

    Lol, I saw Brendon kind of clowning Ken O’Keefe on one if Ken’s recent vids, and Ken wasn’t a fan of it, lol. Of the two, though, Brendon is a lot more in tune with reality than Ken.

    I had never heard of Brendon until my last few months on FB when another Aussie alerted me of him. I friended him on FB and tagged him in a post or two. I know he was very busy at the time and may not have even read much of anything I posted, lol.

    Brendon knows a lot of things, although he’s still way behind on cultural Marxism and you can tell he’s still kind of anti-white, talking about indigenous rights and calling certain whites racist, lol. I imagine that he reserves the word ‘racist’ for whites, as well as Jews, and doesn’t use it on non-whites, lol. Hopefully he catches up in this area, and I have no doubt he will if he keeps at it. I mean there are hordes of anti-white Jews out there to be found if he starts looking and/or paying attention.

    I don’t find Gilad Atzmon arrogant, but I noticed he does seem to have something against me, lol. Never did he like a single comment of mine of FB, lol. I’ve seen him like many others, but never mine, lol. Gilad is a civ-nat and non-race and non-gender realist as well who shuns all forms of ID politics, lol.

    I’ve watched very few of Ryan Dawson’s vids and don’t know much about him. He was on my first account and I noticed he wasn’t a very social dude on FB and came off as pretty arrogant. Some of the shit he says is ridiculously fukin stupid and it makes you wonder if he’s just stupid or is compromised lol.

    Brendon’s onto the idea that sex sells for these more notable women like Mimi, although he seems to still have kind of a benevolent view of her. And when it comes to the Talmud, it was something I found earlier on listening to others, and thought of it as like the backbone of prominent and notable Jews. Sure, prominent Jews like the Rothschilds are Talmudic, but as time went on, the more and more I noticed that the Talmud isn’t really of great significance in the occult, and found the Kabbalah as being ubiquitous in the field. I know of all kinds of well-known Luciferians who aren’t into the Talmud, or not that can be traced, but all kinds into Kabbalah. Really, Kabbalah is the text that people should really be aware of when wondering about the occult, secret societies, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, etc. I’ve noticed people in the ‘truth movement’ place way too much emphasis on the Babylonian Talmud and way too little on the Jewish Kabbalah.

    1. O’Connell is way behind on a lot of issues. He’s an Islamophile who literally tried to move to Iran to become a human shield for that regime. But he fell out with them because they didn’t give him the red carpet treatment he was expecting. He finally snapped out of his Putin/Iran/Assad worship and began saying the same things I was saying. He’s also obsessed with some thing called Operation Talpiot, some kind of Mossad cyber-op, acting like this is the most important issue of our time. Ultimately he’s just a lefty anti-Zionist who never talks about the plight of whites or the Jewish/leftist agenda against the West. He just drones on and on about the poor Palestinians and other Arabs.

      Yeah and his little shot at Syrian Girl was very weak. He actually thinks that broad’s garbage analysis is “great”.

      1. Lol. With all the endless Western/ized Islamophiles in the “truth movement” like Brendon, Ken, Kevin Barrett, Mark Glenn, Trevor Labonte, Naveed, George Galloway, Azaziah, “Joe Cardsbury”, Samira Benomar, Gilad Atzmon, Zachary AnarchoPinko Rose, the fat, old dentist, etc., you’d think you’d be seeing them leaving the West permanently and moving to the oil-rich, medium to high GDP per capita Islamic countries by the droves. The thing is, I can’t name a single Islamophile I’ve known who has left permanently to live in an Islamic country. They have to be out there, but I haven’t seen a single one. That not only isn’t a good look, it’s also very hypocritical in many ways.

  5. Another one I didn’t mention: Yasser Arafat. (Guess who else is on this list? Assad’s father, Hafez).

    Other honorable Muslim mentions for the “incorruptible religion” (as they like to call it under Sharia law) are Indonesia’s Habibie, Iran’s Khatami, Malaysia’s Mahathir and bin-Mohamad, Egypt’s Mubarak, and Lebanon’s Hariri. We know dawg, we know: Yasser and Hafez wuz playin’ dat 5 dimensional chess like Donald Trump be n sheeeit.

    And dumb ass Ken O’Keefe being so sure that Assad is a good dude is like his dumb ass being so sure that the d-bag, Nelson Mandela was a “good dude”:

    “Here is the partial guest list obtained by WorldNetDaily:

    Ackerman, Duane – CEO Bell South
    Ahern, Bertie – Prime Minister of Ireland
    Alberthal, Les – CEO of Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
    Albright, Madeleine – U.S. Secretary of State
    Al Saud, Waleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz – Saudi Prince
    Amichai, Yehuda – Israeli poet
    Annan, Kofi – U.N. Secretary General
    Arafat, Yasser – Chairman Palestinian Authority
    Armstrong, Michael – CEO of AT&T Corrporation
    Arison, Ted – Israeli Financier
    Assad, Hafez – President of Syria”

  6. Unreal how so many “truthers” either couldn’t figure out that US presidential elections are rigged and have been for decades, or like Ryan Dawson, they thought that Trump wasn’t bought or in on it himself because he was already wealthy. Trump had many shady connections long ago. And when somebody is as wealthy as Trump, it really does call into question their integrity and motives. Trump is also an attention whore and a bullshitter. And, as Henry Kissinger has said, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”

    Typical Trump:

    “But Trump’s tweets around the time that President Obama considered seeking congressional approval for military action in Syria — an idea discarded after the Syrian government agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpiles on September 10, 2013 in an agreement jointly negotiated with Russia — indicate an agreement with Obama’s ultimate decision not to act, if not his methods.

    Show less
    June 15, 2013: We should stay the hell out of Syria, the “rebels” are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO

    August 29, 2013: @walaa_3ssaf No, dopey, I would not go into Syria, but if I did it would be by surprise and not blurted all over the media like fools.

    August 29, 2013: What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.

    September 1, 2013: President Obama’s weakness and indecision may have saved us from doing a horrible and very costly (in more ways than money) attack on Syria!

    September 2, 2013: If the U.S. attacks Syria and hits the wrong targets, killing civilians, there will be worldwide hell to pay. Stay away and fix broken U.S.

    September 3, 2013: What I am saying is stay out of Syria.

    September 5, 2013: The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A.


    September 7, 2013: President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your “powder” for another (and more important) day!

    September 9, 2013: Don’t attack Syria – an attack that will bring nothing but trouble for the U.S. Focus on making our country strong and great again!”

  7. “”There’s almost not a single dollar legally going into the state’s coffers,” says a former close friend of the al-Assad clan. “The oil wells are now under the control of the rebels or of the Kurds. People don’t pay their taxes anymore, nor their water or electricity bills. All the regime has left to pay the civil servants’ wages are its schemes and direct aid from Iran and Iraq.”

    In terms of scheming, the master is still Rami Makhlouf. A cousin of Bashar al-Assad’s, he controls large sections of the Syrian economy, including the country’s main mobile network Syriatel. With Ayman Jaber and Abdel Kader Sabra, two businessmen from the coast, and Samir Hassan, a former employee at Nestlé, he invested in imports of food supplies, in particular wheat, rice, sugar and tea. This new market appeared after the previous year’s bad harvests and after the rebels took control of vast rural areas. And unlike oil, food supplies do not fall under the European embargo.”

  8. One cannot expect a careful analysis of Syrian war from typical alt-righters as they’re just dumb followers of Putin’s media propaganda. It doesn’t matter whether Assad’s regime is internally right or left, muslim or Christian, likewise most alt-righters and WNs would support North Korea over their South in the possible war. Just look how they drastically switched opinion on Erdogan when he was at odds with Putin and when Turkey and Russia became friends again.

  9. Never heard of this dude, Chris Dorsey, before, but this is actually a great discussion from a couple years back between him and Kyle Hunt. Dude is definitely in-tune and very knowledgeable about many things, including Putin and Trump. Kyle as well.

    Kyle would be really on top of things if he wasn’t such a dummy on the topic of feminism. He hasn’t realized that whites’ rights and men’s rights are practically identical, it’s just that one deals with race while the other deals with gender; and/but almost all the same dynamics.

    Kyle is also a pagan, isn’t he? Organized and mainstream Christianity definitely deserves a shit load of criticism, but pagans are fukin morons on the topic of spirituality. And if Christianity were so inherently gotdamned “evil” as Kyle and Sinead seem to think it is, there wouldn’t have been such a massive, long, and tireless effort put into subverting it. And when’s the last time you saw a pagan perform something like an exorcism? I sure haven’t seen it. I sure have seen the dummies involved in the occult, and believing dumb shit like all the supposed ‘benefits’ of white magic, though.

    The dude Chris seems to have a good understanding of Christianity from the few things he has said about spirituality here. If Chris was also on top of feminism like he is pretty much everything else, he’d really be on top of shit. I doubt it though, because I spent a good two years or so doing nothing but researching the ins and outs of feminism, and I seriously doubt this dude Chris has done the same thing. He could definitely learn a lot from MGTOWs though, just like every other dude who hasn’t looked into feminism, misandry, and gynocentrism. The information on it all is out like it never has been before, with the exception of some great channels that have been deleted on it off YT.

    1. There is a jewish website called:
      C H A B A D M A F I A
      which trys to disassociate jews from chabad.
      It says:
      “Chabad is a religious cult and a criminal organization. Chabad is bad for the Jews.”
      “chabad-lubavitch is not a jewish organization, keep yourself, your children, and your money, away from it!”
      What do you think of that website Dana?
      Is it genuine or is it yet more “smoke and mirrors” to deflect attention and confuse us all?
      I remember, I think it was you, a few weeks ago, expressed negative opinions of NK, saying they are not what they seem.

      1. Lolz @ that site, Dorset. A few other good lines from it, lol:

        “When these criminal activities are discovered and exposed to the public, and because Chabad poses as a Jewish organization, anti-Jewish hatred is created. That is, Chabad creates anti-semitism in the world.”



        ^Just thinking out loud and making a comparison, but the first statement is kind of like the expression, “Misogynists are not born, they’re made.” And the last two remind me of me 6 years ago when I was heavily promoting the Boycott American Women idea and was basically just using American women in place of Chabad, lol.

        Yes, it was me from a few weeks back who said NK Jews are basically a joke. I don’t know if they’re ops or just genuinely ignorant and/or deluded, but so many things they say are totally untrue and, in the process, they take attention away from the fact that Kabbalistic and Talmudic Judaism is evil.

        So they say shit like, “Zionism is the problem, not Judaism.” But then they can’t explain how Jews were expelled so many times long before modern political Zionism came about. They can’t explain all these racist and supremacist passages out of the Kabbalah and the Talmud.
        They say other things like “Jews and Muslims lived in peace before Zionism.” I mean, when I was wet behind the ears and didn’t know shit about it, it seemed like a more legitimate thing to say, but the truth is neither of the two are “peaceful” to begin with, lol, and while there may have been small pockets of Jews and Muslims here and there who were living in peace temporarily, it was just that. Like Gad Saad talked about what it was like being raised as an atheist Jew in Lebanon and said he had many hair-raising experiences with Muslims, lol. Hell no Muslims and Jews haven’t gotten along, lol. Both groups fight with fukin everybody, lol, it’s just that in one group, certain factions actually intentionally conjure up demonic entities and are beholden unto them.

        Either out of ignorance or something else, the site doesn’t mention that even if Chabad were removed entirely from the equation, there would still be big problems with Jews. For one thing, there are Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, who Henry Makow talks about all the time. And there are still various other sects where many of their memberships are still into Kabbalah and the Talmud, like Hasidic Jews. This is far beyond merely being a problem only with Chabad, but Chabad is so easy to expose for anyone who knows anything about them, lol.

      2. Hey Dorset, I don’t know what your sense of humor is like, but to me, this is funny shit and I love pranks and practical jokes (unless they’re being performed on me, that is), lol.

        This dude Ownage Pranks is a voice actor and comedian who is a professional prank caller. One of the many things he does is call people who’ve had things stolen and he acts like he was the person who stole them and is now having a change of heart and growing a conscience. Something I’ve noticed is that the calls he does for stolen items were stolen by blacks and Arabs at vastly disproportionate numbers. He just produced this prank right now and you might find it to be very funny, lol:

        1. Dana, yes, the intention is that they are funny, which to a point they are.
          It is a fine line . . . and some people are put off when the bad language starts.
          Some really serious types (of all faiths) would also see prankstering as ungodly.
          As long as the comedy sketch/call is short and to the point and has minimal swearing, then I usually find it amusing.
          I must say though, that I am offended by bad language and profanity and really hate to hear it.
          I also find if I spend too much time with foul mouthed types then I even start to use bad words myself.
          Some things can make you laugh even without words.
          Like losing something . . . the loss causes you to do a lot of other things . . . then later on you find the item in a really silly or obvious place.

          Dufrais’ Fence | Fonejacker – Season 2 Episode 1

          the fonejacker terry tibbs

          1. Ah, another prankster, but British. Respect, lol.

            Many of Ownage’s pranks don’t have profanity, but then many do have lots of profanity and can be quite over the top at times. Some of his pranks go really far, and too much so for many people’s taste, but ironically he takes quite a bit of criticism for not going far enough and being too light about things. Can’t please everybody. The dude really is talented though. He can do like 7 different accents and people can’t tell it’s the same dude doing them all. Dude is crazy good at creativity and spontaneity too, lol.

            My primary purpose of posting that vid is because he does some funny pranks with Brits that I thought you might find entertaining, and he just came out with it today. The person who stole the target’s car in that vid is not known, but I’ve noticed that in many of the other pranks he has done in Europe, the people really had cars, wallets, phones, and other things stolen, and these people very often either got them stolen by blacks or Arabs. I know the mofos are big in to the gibs me dats and many will steal when given the chance like the amoral chumps that they are. As talented as Ownage is at what he does, unfortunately he’s quite Marxist in view and reserves the word “racist” for whites and not anybody else.

  10. assa family all should be fed to rats,they are all vermin,getting there soldiers too kill puppys,rediculous women soldiers too bite off snakes heads,what a load of scum bags ,send assad family to me i will give them justice,scum of the earth,chickens, posted lawrence tyler london come ,you f,,king dumb assed bastards x

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