How Russia Took Over the “Alternative” Media

This guy is fantastically well-informed on the Russia question. Here he details how Russia slowly, but surely, hijacked the truth/patriot movement and alternative media in the West. Russia meticulously infiltrated and subverted the alternative media with propaganda and hype about Putin’s conservatism and support of Christianity.

37 thoughts on “How Russia Took Over the “Alternative” Media

    1. Watched some other videos and yeah well he’s limited. But he’s on point about Russian influence in “alternative” circles, no doubt.

  1. Extremely important and enlightening, can’t thank you enough for posting! Keep up your good work and writing, it is vital stuff.

  2. Wow. I liked the cold-blooded logic. That guy seems sincere. Gracias, Brandon.

    This leads me to think about something I have been thinking for about 2 years now but it falls slightly outside the realm of alt-right thought and goes into hardline conspiracy area. I have been researching about nuclear weapons and the ability (or not) to deliver them at such huge scale, in 0 time, as they claim. I don’t think so, certainly not in WWII and not even in the Cuban Missile Crisis. If I am correct (and I do not have enough evidence yet to speak with 100% certainty, although I have a background in science and engineering and the investigation is ongoing), then the Cold War was almost fake. An agreement by the victors of WWII to fake stuff so each one can show the enemy’s “power” and demand for more STASI/KGB/CIA/NSA styled centralization as a “response to the threat”.

    There is some guy named re-revisionist (in youtube) who has done some research in the nuke/CW staff, he has a background in mathematics I think, he is aware on the J issue, but he is very robotic and the quality of his evidence is almost non-existence. I can certainly, personally vouch that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not exactly what we thought since they were repopulated relatively quickly. I can also say with 99,999999% certainty that (and this is no joke) the first “nuclear tests” are NOT REAL. I can give evidence to anybody interested.

    Bottom line, if that was done back then, why not now? However I have to admit that Russia is surprisingly aggressive now. What if they were allowed to establish Russian agents (or turn normal cooks into agents) like Alex Jones in CIA territory (USA) for the purpose of “being exposed” and OH THE HUMANITY, now we need more social media/internet censorship or something. Any thought anyone?

    1. I have read a lot of rerevisionist(Rae West)’s work at and and being from a scientific and engineering background myself I question and think from an open minded and logical perspective.
      I consider what he has to say and then think through his reasoning to see if I think there might be some truth in it.
      I do believe a lot of what he says and I find it frustrating that he froze and locked the forum in 2012, although I can see why he did it, as what is there is sufficient to get people on board and to keep the discussions going would be a huge task for one man.
      I agree with you Fox about Hiroshima and Nagaski, although we have to be careful these days commenting on certain sacred historical events . . . even questioning them can be dangerous.
      Rae West’s youtube channel and websites do get updated regularly so we can be thankful for that.
      I am glad you mentioned rerevisionist, thanks.

        1. Exactly. Science doesn’t care whether you believe something is true or not. Dorset, an unrelated question, simply because you reminded me of something with that quote: Do you know Bill Gaede?

          Anyway, a small correction, rerevisionit’s quality of evidence is actually pretty good. But as I said he is quite robotic. I meant in his YT channel. Maybe he has gotten so much fire for what he said that he reached a point of mental zen where he answers immediately and very bluntly. But he speaks as if he is 900000% sure. And I rephrase: the quality of his “proof” is almost non-existent. Well he is a true conspiracy dude who sees the inconsistencies, and presents a theory, this is good, but he has to be more “packaged” if you know what I mean.

          While I agree with you that we should be careful questioning certain historical events. But hey? Doesn’t that apply to the fucking Holocaust? That is a certain historical event which there is a lot of proof to be presented. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not much different but there is a lot less independent investigation conducted throught the decades. Why you ask me? Because conspiracy theorists at least in Greece are right wingers, sometimes stupid right wingers, who would not search about Hiro/Naga because it is handy for them to call out the Americans on that every single year, thus express their right-wing antiamericanism, but on the other hand dissect the Holocaust very happily. For them denying the nuke would be something like denying that Dresden was bombed. Too much of a conspiracy theory for those conspiracy theorists because (in their minds, not in my mind, I am not one of them) that would mean that they have less cannon fodder for the enemy (the US).

          As Dana Heart calls the “Holocaust”, “holohoax” and I don’t think that’s very dangerous because he is an independent commenter (not a writer on this site), so I found it relevant to comment about that Rae West dude and the nukes. I would never want Brandon Martinez for example to write an article claiming Hiroshima was bogus because a) it would be as I said a matter on the fringes of the “right” and more into hardline conspiracy land. b) It would drag this site in the compost of conspiracy theorizing. But the holocaust is not different, the only, ONLY difference is that the researchers of the Nukes (Rae West) are just waaaay more weak compared to the researchers of the holocaust. David Cole was pretty hot early on. That’s what I call “proof”. On the other Hand the TOPIC is not much different and if you ask me the nuke thing is more close to the alt-right as a topic because if it invalidates the CW, well then…. what can I say. It is a geopolitical matter that is directly related to the current status quo. I still say that it would be a stretegic mistake to write an article about that. But on the comments section, especialy talking about russia which reminds us of the CW, then I find no danger there.

          Think about something else: We claim that there is an assault on white males via the feminist bullshit and at this point it has reached genocidal craziness. Some uninformed and/or stupid men think this is a huge, ridiculous conspiracy nutcase theory. However if there is proof of this, I don’t give a shit how weird it sounds. A friend of mine once said “If someone proves me there is a UFO in my balcony, I will consider it even if it is invisible”.

          If you don’t know bill gaede and you have a scientific background, look for his YT “bgaede” and watch his “einstein’s idiots” series/playlist. Enjoy real science 😉

          1. I haven’t looked at the arguments that nuke deniers use for their hypothesis that nukes don’t exist. But I do know that the Earth is naturally radioactive and you encounter radiation everywhere, just in very low doses. Some sites and sources have definitely over-exaggerated the harmful effects of certain amounts of radiation. Like the Fukushima incident attracted all kinds of doomsdayers totally blowing the situation out of proportion, talking about how terrible it was and how many people and different fish it was gonna kill. There is also misinfo out there about harmful effects of certain low-doses of radiation.

            However, radiation poisoning is also real, just like the side effects from radiation therapy. People I’ve known who’ve gotten radiation therapy have legit had side effects like hair loss and heavy fatigue. There are also such things as nuclear power and nuclear reactors that also produce high amounts of radiation. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible to create a device with highly-concentrated radiation levels. So I haven’t looked at the arguments nuke denialists give, but I’m highly skeptical that no nuke-like devices with extremely strong radiation levels can be built.

            I use the word ‘Holohoax’ around certain circles and not others. I remember when I first started researching it that I’d get mad at the word, but it was just a problem with semantics more than anything. I use it as a simple way of saying that the official story of the Holocaust is a total joke and insult to a thinking mind’s intelligence. I don’t use it to say no Ashkenazis died, because they obviously did, and they were obviously put into camps. But the idea that there was this plan to exterminate them en masse and all the super-exaggerated stories about how “terribly” they were treated, as if there aren’t blatant and obvious, intentional agendas here to angelize certain groups while demonizing others, a massive jokes. It’s the same kind of sob story for virtually all other minority groups; from women, to blacks, to Amerindians, to others. So I use the term in a certain context and don’t mind others doing so as well; but when I used to before, until I realized I was getting mad for an unjust reason dealing with a misinterpretation of mine. If I’m in circles that know nothing about it, I’ll just say that the official story of it is full of lies.

            In the US Navy, aircraft carriers and submarines use nuclear power and can very long periods of time without having to refuel. Well, there has also been a lot of talk about water shortages. Water shortages are more fear-porn because there are such things called de-salinization plants that convert salt water to fresh water. It does take power to do, though, but so much power can potentially be harnessed that intentionally isn’t being, from wave to wind to solar, to many other kinds.

            The water-shortages can easily be dealt with, just like electricity shortages. Something else that has been fear-porn is “peak oil”. For decades, the myth that oil is a “fossil fuel” and that there’s “only so much of it” has been intentionally promoted to drive the price of oil up. The Rockefellers were one, if not the chief, purveyors of this idea. Well, the reality is that oil is a naturally regenerating substance that regenerates on it’s own, and people don’t have to worry about ever running out of oil, per se, although many oil wells can be used up temporarily.

            1. Rae West on talks about nuclear power as being a big money making scam (like global warming) and the nuclear power stations are actually like giant electric kettles or load dumps which sink excess capacity when required, he says all the gauges and dials are actually showing power in and not power out.
              He says that nuclear powered subs are probably a fiction and that they are actually electric and diesel powered and go to the surface to run their diesel engines to charge the batteries.
              It sounds like crazy stuff until you start thinking about it and then realize that yes there is a remote chance that it could be true.
              A very remote chance but not inconceivable.
              Remember that certain industries are highly compartmentalised and prefer to use contractors.
              Those contractors are kept from knowing anything other than what they “need to know”.
              Only those at the top know the full picture and plan.
              First Class Skeptic was a commenter on forum who made many valid points.
              On a different matter:
              I read somewhere that the word holocaust only appeared in 1972 and was never used before that time, regarding ww2 camps.
              The word was coined at a meeting in New York in 1972 by a certain group of people wanting to industrialise the concept to further their interests and agendas.
              It is difficult to verify such claims other than to check the records and indeed find no mention of the catchy phrase holocaust before 1972.
              Another one is the historical crumb trail showing an obsession with the number 6 million which was mentioned repeatedly many times and for many decades before the alleged events.

            2. In the US Navy, the nuke program is the most academically arduous and longest school there is. The school is about 2 years long, has a high drop-out rate, and I don’t know how many billions are spent a year on it, but it’s a lot. My brother was a nuclear engineer and officer on a sub and I know quite a few others who went that route. I met a dude at BUD/S who was a wash out from the nuclear program. He told me that the school was very hard and that it’s something you have to have a passion for or else you’ll have a very hard time; kind of like law school, but the nuke program is significantly harder. He said you’d see some of the smartest mofos in the world at the school, lol. But I’ve heard absolutely nothing about any of it being a scam.

              It’s like you’ll never see any naval officer or just personnel on YT talking about how the Earth is “flat” because it isn’t, but you can easily find quite a bit of info and personal stories about what it’s like to live and work on a nuclear sub on YT.

            3. Dana. Take a look at that. No need to present a huge theory. Just watch at least an hour of that.

              Tell me if the tests are real lol! WARNING: don’t trust the uploader AT NO TIME AT ALL. He is a misinfo agent. I SAY AGAIN. FUCK THE UPLOADER. HE IS A MISINFO AGENT. Just watch this specific video period. Especially the first minutes that show the early Nuke Tests which are a fuckin hoax if you ask me.

              About submarines I don’t know. I don’t deny nuclear energy personally. Let me clarify and be more clear and “packaged” than Rae West.

              IN MY HUMBLE OPINION

              1) Hiro/Naga were firebombed. The photos are edited. You can see two plumes that maybe they were superimposed in some early, analogue photo, vid editing. Probably with layers. The cities were rebuilt relatively quickly and now from what I know they are thriving cities. Not Mad-max style nuclear fallout lands. This is in the video at 3:40.

              2) At least the early tests are complete video fuckin hoax. Made with miniatures. Watch the vid and listen to what they say about the camera. The miniature house gets FUCKIN BLOWN away, but the immovable, god/camera doesnt even MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is in the first couple of minutes of the video.

              3) The theory that Nuclear Power Plants are dumploads. A kind of sink to actually “waste” power. Because think of that: The normal power plants have a certain capacity which (for social reasons) is enough to power lets say the city with a lot of shit working simply because you’ll get mad if you turned on your dishwasher and suddenly power was gone 😛 lol –Now think, the sun goes down and it’s a mild May night and it’s 3:43am… Now do you realise how much LESS power is consumed (even if you put a timer on everything and try to normalize your consumption, most others won’t care). Ask yourself, where does the surplus power produced by the generators go? Does it disappear into thin air? No it doesn’t work this way. There would be huge problems if that happen but I won’t get into details.

              4) Watch 2:06:32 in the video. This Galen Winsor dude.. I don’t know man. Watch everything he says and does, until the end of the whole youtube video. He seems very believable. I don’t know…

              That’s all I had to say about this. Just FOUR point. I don’t deny anything more than these 4.

            4. Like this video, for instance. I haven’t watched it yet, but there is one thing I do have to say about this comment on it:

              “Mark Farparan
              2 months ago
              Again as I stated in another video… Let me understand this… There is a sailor in jail for taking a couple of pictures of a sub, but we can all enjoy a much more detailed operation of a modern sub… Hmm… Something just doesn’t seem right!!!”

              I felt the same way, but I was never on sub, just in the regular fleet. The rules were such that you couldn’t tell anybody back home what you were doing, what you were gonna be doing, this and that, and they made this huge deal out of it. They’d say if you said anything close to about what you’re doing or where you’re gonna be or anything about any of the technology, etc., you’d get court marshaled. What seriously pissed me off is they’d say this stuff over and over again, and you’d have very limited communication with friends and family back home because of the rules, yet I’d look and see on the fucking mainstream media how they’d telegraph your punches and reveal all kinds of shit about what certain ships and certain groups of ships were going to be doing that you could never say as a naval personnel on a ship. It was just total bullshit.

            5. Alright Fox, I’ll watch the vid, but these things do me pain man, lol.

              Something else is, and assuming nukes are real, I’m just not worried about all-out nuclear war. I’m a big believer in spirituality and life after death, as well as in the belief that this life on Earth was/is just a big trial/test to both learn and persevere, and to also see what you c/w/ould do for your fellow man. In the event that dark forces wanted to destroy all life above ground with nukes, I do believe some divine intervention would take place because this Earth couldn’t be a testing ground anymore. But that’s just me, lol.

            6. Fox . . . in the UK we cannot view the video you posted.
              Youtube has a blocking message:

              This video contains content from Channel 4, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
              Sorry about that.

              I even tried the command line program youtube-dl and that responds with.
              ERROR: w8vUfLrWkvo: YouTube said: Invalid parameters

            7. @Dorset. Allright.

              my points with different sources

              4) Galen Winsor


              1) Hiro/Naga


              2) Video fucking hoax


              Now take a deep breath. Open your mouth. and LAUGH ahahahhahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

              3) The Dumpload thing, well that’s Rae West. You already know him. For anyone else interested it is rerevisionist on YT.

              Enjoy! Well tbh the video (of my point #2 in THIS post) is absolutely laughably fake, to the point of seeming like deliberately bad so they can gather with their menorahs and laugh at the sheep who believe that. Sorry, but it is absolutely fake.

              About bgaede. This is so deep that it needs like 400 times watching the same video to get it. It took me 1 year. However it’s worth it if you are a scientist. I am talking only about his einsteins idiots playlist though. I do not find his apocalyptic stuff very intersting albeit plausible.

            8. Dorset, that reminds me, when you’re on deployment in the US Navy and you’re not stationed on an aircraft carrier or a sub, every couple weeks or so you have supply ships carrying fuel that come by and they send over a line that you hook up to your own ship’s fuel orifice while they pump in the fuel; takes about half an hour or so, depending on how big of a ship you’re on.

              Something you’ll never see is aircraft carriers taking in fuel from supply ships or any ships at all, for that matter, because they’re nuclear powered, brotha. It’s not like aircraft carriers are going back-and-forth into port to get fuel; they’re out there just like you, but they don’t need supply ships to give them fuel, or water for that matter.

              Rae West is smokin crack on what he thinks about submarines, and we can include aircraft carriers here as well.

            9. ^Not to say carriers never refuel, but when they do refuel, it’s like once in a blue moon and I sure never saw it from anything I remember. Those supply ships are often refueling two ships at the same time with one on both sides. I’ve seen lots of other ships refueling, but never an aircraft carrier refueling out there from what I remember.

            10. @Fox
              Yes I have seen all the video stuff and the old public education film using miniatures. It is dealt with thoroughly on Rae West’s forum.
              Along with the aftermath of hiroshima with discussions and links to photos of the little bpy and fat man “fake” bombs that were filmset props (RAF bombs with modified tail fins).
              Discussions regarding plausibility of hitting the target from 35000 feet etc.etc.
              This is all from memory as I read all this a few years ago.
              So I agree with you on that.
              With all the explanations Rae gives and photographic and video talking points and book and article references, he really does research quite deeply.
              Rae might not be the best one at putting his theories into words and sometimes on phone-ins and radio talk shows he might seem to ramble a bit/lot and jump from one topic to another, but overall he knows his stuff . . . just maybe not always good at speaking his thoughts.
              In his written articles and forum comments he is much better and he does not fear away from highlighting where he thinks there is jewish involvement in scams, cover ups and deceptions.
              In fact it is so obvious that I think he is on a quest to tie them in with these things wherever possible.
              The jq is always in the back of his mind.
              Nothing wrong with that as someone has to look at things from that angle, the mainstream media is not going to tell us these things.
              I have spent many interesting evenings reading Rae West’s websites.

            11. @Fox thanks
              Your point 1
              1) Hiro/Naga

              NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews

              rerevisionist and FirstClassSkeptic talked to and disagreed with TVOW here in 2011 (4 page thread):

              TVOW then went and deleted most of his own comments on that thread in Rae’s forum.
              TVOW film is quite a long one so I will look tomorrow.

          2. Thanks Fox I will look for bgaede on yt.
            One thing I noticed about Rae West is that he does admit to changing his mind on some topics.
            So that is good and it is better than being more concerned with your own public image of never being wrong.
            The matter of “Shakespeare’s works and their true authorship” is one where he found someone with a new theory and he now backs that one as it fits in really well with his other theories (many of them having a jq link)..

            1. There is a lot to digest on bgaede on yt.
              I will definitely spend some time and hear what he has to say
              When you mention Neanderthals all I know is that I once read that an important scientist-archeologist who discovered them fabricated it all (made a hoax) and eventually came clean and admitted it. That was the rumor, so I will have to debunk that misinformation first, because Neanderthals cannot disappear if they weren’t there in the first place.
              Sometimes I just “don’t go there” with certain side-track issues as it takes up a lot of time and I just want to concentrate on the “here and now” of the decline of the west and halting immigration and closing borders and destroying cultural marxism etc.
              But when I am bored and have some spare time I do look at these side-track issues (go down the rabbit hole).
              Uncovering deceptions is useful in the long run as it exposes the perpetrators and makes people a bit more cautious and wise to future deceptions.


              Bill Gaede has an interesting story. His einsteins idiots playlist’s first two vids talking about the “point” and the line are the most important. Very nicely leading up to the 3rd about length contraction which made my jaw drop when I realized that he is absolutely correct in what he says about the “length” vs “distance travelled”. Length being something static. And distance travelled being actualy f(t) with t as time, it is a dynamic concept. So what the hell “contracts” according to the Relativity experts. One? the other? both? Bill Gaede helped me understand clearly that everything after the Michelson Morley experiment is trying to explain the unexplainable, thus falling in circles. And because if a geometric theory is corrupt and crazy… crazy stuff begin to pop up like black holes. The morons like Hawking (whoever that guy was) tell us that the singularity of a black hole has infinite density. They actually divide by zero and get infinity, and play with it. As if division by zero is allowed. Ppl like Hawking are such unfathomable MORONS that they cannot understand the difference between Lim F(x) x–>0+ or/and 0- or/and simple 0 (if x is in the denominator) with an actual fucking 10/0=inf. All relativity is shit (for a million other reasons that I won’t go into since its 6am).

              Cheers. You can also YT search Stephen Crothers (a much more conventional but mathematical Bill Gaede). You’ll like it I think. You seem open minded.

            3. Not to mention that the Prognosis is a life expectancy of 2 – 4 for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ALS. There is also proof (not evidence) in interviews that he, whoever he was I say again, was picking pre-made-up big answers (with 3, 4 sentences) with his “computer aid”, and actually a probability that he was also sleeping in some of them. But I won’t go on, because this place is not and some might think I am derailing conversations so I shut up 😛 hahahaha

            4. Just a clarification. I just woke up and was a bit messy with my post and my english. I was talking about Stephen Hawking and I meant prognosis: life expectancy of 2-4 years. His DIAGNOSIS was in 1963. I want the statistical probabilities on someone with ALS living fifty-something years after the diagnosis. Have a nice day 😉

  3. There’s a Hungarian news blog that was kickstarted with funds from Soros or something like that. Recently they produced a series of video documentaries on Russian influence in Hungary proxied by the the Orban goverment. It seems to me too something is happening there. Of course Orban is also venerated and shilled by alt-right types. (And even Breitbart and recently friendly support on the side of the government came from Israel against Soros’ meddling.)

    Here’s a video about Russian media influence in the country:

    At 7:34 they show articles on the website of the news show of the government funded public broadcaster that are sourced from RT and Sputnik, which is interesting.

  4. Fox, in regards to some of your comments above, when you said:

    “2) At least the early tests are complete video fuckin hoax. Made with miniatures. Watch the vid and listen to what they say about the camera. The miniature house gets FUCKIN BLOWN away, but the immovable, god/camera doesnt even MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is in the first couple of minutes of the video.

    4) Watch 2:06:32 in the video. This Galen Winsor dude.. I don’t know man. Watch everything he says and does, until the end of the whole youtube video. He seems very believable. I don’t know…”

    For point 2, I know what you’re saying about that miniature house. I don’t know when exactly that footage was shot, but the only way it would make sense would be if the camera was attached to a plane in the air, a long distance away. I don’t know the details or claims behind that footage though, or if there are many.

    As for point 4, that Galen Winsor dude definitely comes across as though he believes what he’s saying, although if he’s bullshitting, he’d be far from the first bullshitter to come across convincingly.

    I’d definitely have to research this all more and don’t really know either. It’s kind of interesting but ATM I don’t even feel like researching it because I’m trying to get off here and don’t know how long it’d take me to come to any solid conclusions on it, if I did.

    One thing about Hiroshima, according to what appears to be the official story, is that only a small number of people went to live in the area after the blast, and one source I’ve read said only 6,500 people went back to living within a kilometer of ground zero, so they didn’t rapidly repopulate the area very close to ground zero.

    There is also this site about Galen that says he’s a fraud. I’ve only glanced over it and haven’t researched much of any of it; don’t know if you’ve seen it before:;read=69373

    1. It would be interesting to find the claims of the makers of the video, but if there were none, and this was an educational video just dumped on the public, which I assume is likely then I just watch the video with critical thinking and reach some conclusions.

      The camera doesn’t move.

      Devils advocate: Maybe it is fixed on a mountain far away and is extremely zoomed in.

      Yeah could be, but why is there no background? Why does it seem that this “house” is on the moon or something? Look there is not even a glimpse of a hill or a mountain. Did they film it on some kind of mesa plateau? Because it even looks like it even curves downward on the horizon. What about EMP? How far was the camera?

      1:01 in the video, the footage inside the “house” (featuring a doll btw), watch it on the slowest speed possible in YT, the bomb is detonated. And when the blast comes, the camera DOES seem to move. But you can see smoke and darkness. Wow it survived the blast for some seconds?

      Bottom line, it looks fake man.

  5. Dorset, I should have mentioned this as well, but my ‘rate’ (job) in the Navy was a sonar technician. I wasn’t wild about sonar and only picked it because there are only a handful of jobs you could pick to get into the SEAL program. The vast majority of jobs don’t qualify and sonar looked the most interesting to me and so I picked it.

    One of the things you know as a sonar technician though is that diesel submarines give off their own distinct audible signatures and they’re loud, and this is why they were only used in old submarines before nuclear reactors were used. So you can tell when a sub is running a diesel engine and the US Navy is known for having high-tech subs that don’t use diesel because of this. Rae could make a case for them using electrical power, just that thousands or untold numbers of Navy personnel know that those subs use nuclear reactors, lol; they all know.

    When it comes to carriers, those damn things are beasts. They’re massive, first of all, but they’re damned fast, too. They’re the fastest ships in the fleet, believe it or not, of course aside from some small SWCC attack boats and things that are built for speed. But carriers can do like 60 knots and at top speed, they can be stopped and going in reverse within 4 body lengths. Electric engines just aren’t gonna be capable of this type of thing. And the carriers only need fuel for their jets, but they don’t have to fly their jets when traveling if they don’t want to.

    1. Glad to hear you are a technical thinker Dana . . . and a critical thinker.
      About the Rae West nukelies website:
      When articles/posts there give theories, they are convincing enough and are usually backed up by evidence . . . however we then have some statements that are, to be honest, quite far-fetched and not really substantiated well enough.
      So yes, the diesel recharging the electric batteries idea, that would, as you say, be detectable using sonar.

      There is on the web, talk of hydrogen from seawater, but that is currently at the development stage – so we are told.
      There is always the possibility of a secret (maybe free…ish) energy source technology that the powers that be would rather we didn’t know about.
      Rather we didn’t know about because it would break the existing monopolies and cartels and upset the status quo.
      Following the money trail often uncovers a lot.

      1. The name sounds more technical than it is, lol. It wasn’t like I was a special kind of technician or anything, and I had little interest in sonar and had to choke it down to do what I wanted to do. It’s one of those jobs that doesn’t have any relevance outside the military unless you go the electrician-sonar-technician route where you learn a good deal about electronics. It was a 6 week long A-school for me which gave me precisely 6 weeks to get 6 weeks along on the twelve weeks to BUD/S workout to then get transferred to BUD/S for what was known as the beatdown of a lifetime, lol. People like Dan Bilzerian was a Quartermaster and got 4 months to train before showing up from A-school, lol.

        The nuclear program in the Navy is real, just like nuclear power is real, and the US uses lots of nuclear power. When a person is stationed on a nuclear submarine in the US Navy, for instance, it’s extremely important that this person knows all the basics of how nuclear power works because they’re spread very thin on subs and can and often do face life-threatening situations where a small mistake has major ramifications. This also obviously includes people who specialize in nuclear engineering. And countless examples like this can be found:

        Obviously there are untold amounts of free energy and untold numbers of ways it can be harnessed and this isn’t rocket science to understand, but for Rae West not to know that nuclear submarines and US carriers don’t legit use nuclear power is some ridiculously dumb shit. He has no idea WTF he’s talking about and It reminds me of “flat Earthers” talking in “know-it-all” fashion about how when a ship at sea descends beyond the horizon that all you have to do is pull out binos and the ship reappears and doesn’t go anywhere… these mofos are stupid motherfuckers who are an insult to the intelligence of anyone who has observed the total contrary. For anyone to say there isn’t nuclear power or to have such a hard time grasping the idea is like flat-Earth buffoons having such a hard time grasping that the Earth isn’t flat, lol.

  6. One repulsive piece of anti-Putin ad hominem propaganda. Sly, sleazy, sick with oodles of subtle satanic schmooze Entirely based on shoddy research, a sole and warped fixation on Mossad puppet Alex Jones and crew. The video is shot-through with blatant bias. How this guy sees Putin as a ‘thug’ and comparable (God grant him sense) to Bush Jr. That dear man, is where it all comes apart at the seams. That and the stab-in-the-back of Putin progressing over the chronic national abuse of Russian children. Was it Melania Trump’bosis that suggested that needle prick? Pathetic that you imagine by throwing enough dirt some will stick. Well, in fact not some but all of it sticks … on you, the thrower or pitcher, as in propaganda pitcher. H’Alt right there!

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