Controlled Opposition Alt-Lighters Rally “For Freedom” in London

On May 6th a gang of alt-lighters will be putting on a “Day for Freedom” in London where, presumably, they will inform us of the revolutionary truths that “free speech is cool,” that Islam is misogynistic and homophobic, and that Israel is our greatest friend and ally.

Is it at all surprising that this gang of alt-lighters, and the alt-light in general, is full of women, homosexuals, non-whites, Jews and white degenerates? This particular line-up boasts Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone, Stefan Molyneux, Milo Yiannopoulos, Raheem Kassam, Gavin McInnes, Caolan Robertson, Tommy Robinson, Sargon of Akaad, and others.

The stupid media is calling these fakes “far-right,” when in fact they’re liberals who champion all of the ills of modern society, and only oppose Muslim immigration because it’s a threat to their feminist, homosexual, drug-infused lifestyles.

The best I can say about the alt-light is that they often criticize the radicalism of the far-left and the cultural marxist mythology surrounding “white privilege” and “patriarchy.” But all they do on those fronts is deny that white privilege or patriarchy exists, claiming it’s a leftist boogeyman. They’re right that the current system is not only not partial to whites or males, but completely rigged against us, favouring minorities and women in every respect. But the critique of leftist delusions about this shouldn’t stop at saying that these things are myths, but that white privilege and patriarchy were good things and should rightfully be reinstated in our societies to make them healthy and prosperous again.

Alt-light attacks on feminism are ok, but certainly not sufficient. They simply oppose third wave feminism, but abhor suggestions that first and second wave feminism were equally damaging and should be reversed. They’ll certainly never talk about the taboo topics of hypergamy or female nature, which are only discussed in the red-pilled manosphere.

Insofar as they oppose Muslim immigration, it’s better than not opposing immigration at all. But they’ve consistently criticized and opposed far-right nationalists as well, decrying our white identity politics. They want us all to sing kumbaya in a liberal civic nationalist melting pot bound by common libtard values.

Their worst issue is the Jews, whom they support with vile propaganda justifying their control and domination over us. The fact that so many alt-lighters are Jews themselves, have connections to Jews and/or work for Jewish controlled media outlets like Rebel and Breitbart, shows just how compromised the alt-light is, servicing and running cover for our enemy where it counts the most. It is the finest controlled opposition Jewish money can buy.

One thought on “Controlled Opposition Alt-Lighters Rally “For Freedom” in London

  1. “Based” trash. Between these clowns and the autistic Russophiles, the system hopes to asphyxiate true dissidents. Must not let that happen.

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