Russia Cucking: Trading Wars for Israel With Wars for Iran & Syria

Another component of Russia cucking is trading wars for Israel with wars for Iran and Syria. Those two states have strong ties to Russia politically and financially, and the Kremlin acts as their guardian on the grand chessboard in the same way that America safeguards Israeli security and interests.

Some Russia First Cucks (RFCs) decry Western subservience to Israel and criticize interventions seen as beneficial to Israel. But the sinister aspect here is that the RFCs often seek to replace the Israel First cucking of some Western politicians with Russia First cucking, which includes waging wars in the Middle East on behalf of Arab/Muslim states in Russia’s orbit.

The RFCs cheered Putin’s invasion and grinding up of Syria, touting that war as just and necessary. So we can see the RFC template: feign anti-war stances when the beneficiaries of said wars are Israel or Western countries and elites, but cheerlead interventions that serve the interests of Middle Eastern states that function as satellites of Russia.

The interests of the regimes of Syria and Iran mean little to average Russians, but they do mean something to the Russian business elite who make billions off of infrastructure and weapons contracts in those countries. So from the perspective of the RFCs, fighting wars for Israel is bad, but prosecuting wars on behalf of certain factions of Arabs and Muslims is good. They’re simply trading up Israel First foreign policy with Shia/Baathist First foreign policy. They’ve simply joined the other team.

Putin is willing to sacrifice hundreds of Russian lives to fend off the enemies of the regimes in Iran and Syria. Why does that make him good? He’s wasting billions of dollars and Russian lives intervening in an inter-Muslim squabble in a foreign hellhole. That makes him awful.

Putin’s also willing to extinguish the lives of thousands of White Christian Ukrainians because they’re not submitting to his Bolshevik Petroleum Caliphate. Why does that make him good? That makes him awful.

Wars for Syria and Iran are no better than wars for Israel. It’s all a big waste of white resources and blood. Our best option is to let Semites squabble among Semites and stay out of it. These Shia Muslims and Arab Baathists – acting analogously to Israeli lobbyists in the West – are manipulating Russians to do their dirty work in the Middle East, and moron RFCs in the alt-right are helping them do it.

48 thoughts on “Russia Cucking: Trading Wars for Israel With Wars for Iran & Syria

  1. >The interests of the regimes of Syria and Iran mean little to average Russians

    As for usual Russians current Putin’s wars in Middle East mean serious reduction of government spending on medicine, roads, infrastructure, as well as greater delays in the payment of salaries and job cuts. It virtually means no future for Russians next 6-12 years, taking into account the dominating share of the state and Putin’s oligarchs in economy, and future spending on restoration of Syria, that was declared in Kremlin media. Of course, there are lots of zombies in Russia ready to eat shit and to have african salaries for the interests of Putin, but others are not so optimistic. “Russian” interests in Israel-Syria-Iran hellish region exist in Kremlin TV propaganda and imagination of putinophile cucks only.

  2. Your “russian” leaders dragged you and the Germans in the needless slaughter in the staged event known as Operation Barbarossa. You are doing well not to trust your current leader sir. Let the muslims and the chosen people sort each others differences out. Fuck them.

    1. Well, it’s a sort of mild to say Russians should not trust him. It’s Western nationalists who should never trust Putin, for Russians it’s a duty to hang him up on a tree for the long list of crimes he did since 1990s in politics, even if we’re not talking about modern nationalist issues. If such a moron goes unpunished there is no justice in the world at all.

  3. The Neocon Christian Zionist’s mindless adulation of foreigners finds it’s equal opposite in the Russophile/Duginist queer. One thing that particularly annoys me is these clowns trying hard to generate sympathy for fucking North Korea. How messed up, deranged must a person be to entertain this level of bullshit? Pathetic cheerleaders.
    Reminder that soon prior to losing it’s domain, the site “” (Spencer) published an article basically saying “you gotta be either for the evil West or Russia-China-Iran. Any third position is suicidal and stupid”. This is also pure Dugin.

  4. See you don’t understand that Syria means a lot for Russia historically, because they view themselves as the continuation of Byzantium and the Third Rome. It is not merely an “inter Muslim squabble”. He is trying to preserve Greek artifacts, and Roman ruins! It is for this reason. The Russian central bank can print infinite money just like the US to wage wars. Money is meaningless if their is gain on the other side. How would you know that it means nothing to average Russians? Putin wins with overwhelming majority or do you believe the lie that the election is staged ? “White christian Ukrainians” are from the Western half of Ukraine, Roman Catholic heretics to Russia, of course he could care less.

    1. So you believe that Putin is in Syria to preserve Greek and Roman artefacts?! Lol, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long time. The Russian economy is tanking thanks to Putin’s little adventure in Syria.

      Of course his elections are rigged. There’s no doubt about it.

      Public opinion means virtually nothing in an authoritarian state that controls all the modes of media and communication.

    2. No one can find connection between modern Russia and any pre-historical empire besides some religious sectarians online. Seems it’s a huge cohort of Putin supporters in the West, people who stubbornly say utter pseudo-religious nonsense despite anything they read and hear in answer. As if Brother Nathanael aka BroNat is speaking on their behalf.


          “Vasili III Ivanovich (Russian: Василий III Иванович, also Basil; 26 March 1479 – 3 December 1533, Moscow) was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1505 to 1533. He was the son of Ivan III Vasiliyevich and Sophia Paleologue and was christened with the name Gavriil (Гавриил). “

        2. May I ask you: who gives a fuck about what happened 600 -700 years ago? You can read my statement again: there is no connection between neo-soviet state of Putin and ancient empires, it’s just laughable and naive to think in the way like you. You can see noting Roman or Byzantine in the whole Russia besides few buildings from ancient times in old cities, which were rebuilt many times anyway.
          Ivan III was one of the last representatives of weakening Rurikids dynasty, which disappeared in Russian history quite soon. After Ivan IV and his successors next tsars belonged to the Romanovs dynasty, which de-facto had dissapeared in politics more than 100 years ago.

          1. Your logic is terrible. It was close to 300 years ago that the USA was founded. So whether it was 300 or 600 years ago, does not diminish what a country was founded on. Russia was founded initially as a Christian theocracy and the US founded as a constitutionally free society from the tyranny that existed in Europe. Even if there is no genetic link to the Czars of old, it likewise doesn’t matter that no current US president is related to the founders. It is the ideology that is timeless. Putin is not a Soviet and the only way people like you will realize it will probably be when you’re 80 years old and see Russia as a theocracy and not a Communist regime. The communists used to put the Sunni Muslims on the front lines so that they were killed first in World War II which is one of the reasons why the US can so easily recruit Sunni’s to do their bidding. This is completely contradictory to the Turanian version of Eurasianism that Putin is pushing that allies with Central Asian Muslims.

            1. >Your logic is terrible.

              You have no logic at all besides your personal fantasies and religious delusions. America always had same state system from the very beginning, despite the changes and eternally growing jewish influence, the basic system is still same. Meanwhile Russia had too turbulent history and any minor impact of Byzantium had disappeared too many centuries ago under pressure of Asian influence and after Jewish bolshevism lately. If you look for connection with ancient empires you will more likely to find out similarities with Golden Horde, because Moscow principality as the center of “Russia” state started as an obedient and anti-Russian serve of Golden Horde.

              >Putin is not a Soviet and the only way people like you will realize it will probably be when you’re 80 years old and see Russia as a theocracy

              You don’t live in Russia to make such arrogant statements. Orthodox Church in Russia has been replaced after the Bolshevik revolution by pro-communist elements and usual KGB infiltrators, i.e. it is not an independent institution but an ordinary ministry fulfilling the will of its bosses whether they are Bolsheviks, Yeltsin or Putin.

              I simply don’t understand weirdos jerking off on Purinism and living in “morally degrading” EU/US. You know nothing about Russia besides vodka, Orthodoxy, tsars, Putin, cossacks and probably few words in broken Russian, but you’re arrogant enough to impose on Russians your own ignorant opinion.

    1. And Slavophilic cucks like you are actually going to embrace this new Russian empire, because you want to be slaves breaking rocks for another Stalin in the gulag.

      I don’t know what you’re doing here Bob, other than to inject your pro-Kremlin propaganda into our discourse. Nobody here buys the Putin/Russia worship and we’re at the forefront of exposing it for the fraud that it is.

      You’re wasting your time here. But perhaps you’re being paid to do it and work out of a Russian troll factory.

      1. I’m here because I was a fan of your work and books before all of these Russia articles. I still enjoy reading your non Russia stuff

        1. How OLD are you, Bob? Would you expect me to read your non-Russia stuff? If not, why not?


    On page 10, PWC finds that by 2050 Russia economy will be larger than Japan and Germany. So It is my belief that the reason for the US and NATO’s aggressive behavior is simply to slow down that inevitable process. By allowing Sunni Islam under Eurasianism ideology, Putin is positioning to be allies with Central Asia and Indonesia which will be the 4th largest economy.

    1. More like a muslim-ridden, fragmented, multi-kulti shithole, a kind of Brazil. By the way, Russian fertility tanked again, and mosques are opening everywhere. Russian “economy” is oil, raw resources and it’s military-industrial complex – all run by corrupt Barons in bed with “thieves by law” (prison training program for gangsters), the Mafia. Russia spent the last century devouring it’s own, it’s betters – Trotsky successfully, as he said, turned them into a bunch of “white negroes” by eliminating the intelligentsia – and the only future they can aspire to is going out in a blaze of glory by attacking the Baltic States and/or starting a nuclear assault on the West. Duginism is their spiritual kamikaze move – no wonder, since Dugin is a Satanist.

      1. “he only future they can aspire to is going out in a blaze of glory by attacking the Baltic States and/or starting a nuclear assault on the West. Duginism is their spiritual kamikaze move – no wonder, since Dugin is a Satanist”

        That is the West’s only hope of survival since they are outpaced in terms of math/science students and economic growth

        1. Nonsense. A minority of autists won’t solve their woes – they’ll probably end up immigrating to the West.

        1. You’re ’45 years old’ and haven’t noticed yet that economic predictions are very complex? Very, very complex. Many, many factors involved that go right over the average person’s head.

          You must have a real good understanding of all this that we’re not really close to ascertaining, right? Maybe you’ve been retired for five years or something and are just top dawg on this stuffz in dat hizouse n sheeeit.

        2. “Thanks” for answering my question ‘punctually’, BTW. I’m a ‘big believer’, you know.

          Do you know what debate looks like? Joe Navarro (retired FBI) has written on this, and I knew it long before I ever heard of Joe, but there’s a reason it takes certain people so long to answer simple questions. You wouldn’t have any ideas at all as to why it would take anybody so long to answer simple questions, would’ja?

          1. Know why it would take anybody so long to answer simple questions? It very often comes down to construction. Either the person is thinking about constructing some elaborate explanation to fit their bullshit lies, or they just flat-out dodge simple questions because they know how arduous and tricky it’s gonna be to fool anyone who’s actually perceptive and has a well above average IQ about their BS.

            Of course one could also be like a typical female and be able to give elaborately detailed lies right on the spot, but a big part of the reason these females can do it so easily is because they’re really not too afraid of getting caught because they know their punishment is going to be something like a slap on the wrist. If their punishment was something like a bullet in the head, they might think two or three or four or more times before bullshitting, right?

            1. yes I understand. I am confident in the view that Russia will be a major economic player because I am fx expert, able to predict things far in advance. It was a long journey for me in mastering fx. First, Rob Booker’s tfl365 stuff, then Ashraf Laidi subscription stuff, then I invented my own 30 minute system which worked for years but then stopped after the Chinese crash caused the eur/aud to intraday move from 1.5 to 1.65, and finally a 1 minute system that is impervious to all of the bullshit, and news events. Not a millionaire yet but am getting there.

            2. You are an fx expert who can predict things far in advance? Can you predict really quick who’d win between you and I in a blindfold chess game? Or just a quick chess game online?

    1. Yes I do. I don’t know how good your internet connection is but many people’s isn’t too good and playing 15 minutes for each side or longer are the best way to play for these issues. Let me know what your waking hours are. I just woke up not long ago myself.

      Bill Gates is smarter than Nakamura? Lolz, I don’t know about all that, man. Gates is a globalist Luciferian, much like Mark Zuckerberg and so many others. These folks sign Luciferian contracts for fortune and they promote Lucifer’s agendas and get paid handsomely for it. It ain’t like Gates just “thinks for himself”, lol. And I don’t know what Nakamura’s IQ is, or Magnus’s or any other top-10 player in the world, but Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov had/have very high IQs, around 190. The thing about chess is that you can’t be a great player without great pattern recognition skills, and you can bet that Naka, Magnus, and the rest are really good in that area on IQ tests. And if you’re good at chess, it means other things, like you have the ability and discipline to be able to think far ahead, and you’ll be better at things like making accurate predictions far in advance, lol. It’s also a great strategy game, and when you’re good at one strategy game, the chances are you’re gonna be good at every other strategy game. Those are some of what’s great about chess, although just because somebody is a good or great chessplayer, it doesn’t mean they aren’t total morons in certain other areas, and these top 10 to top 100 chessplayers in the world spend so much time playing and trying to improve that they could be using and improving in other areas of life.

      You haven’t yet recognized that Putin is extremely corrupt, man? Or are you possibly implying that even though he is, that the Russian economy is gonna keep getting better, and for example that the wealth disparity gaps are gonna start lessening instead of lengthening, for example, despite this?

      1. ^Not saying that Bill Gates isn’t very smart, because he easily could be, just obviously also that sometimes you’re just in the right place at the right time; although I don’t really consider anything Bill has done to be morally righteous, lol.

        1. And it’s a very safe bet that not only are the IQs of Naka, Magnus, Caruana, and any other of the top ten, including the top hundred chess players in the world, well above average, but also that they’re even quite high. I’m sure there are many geniuses in that list as well; far more than you’ll find in the random hundred people you’ll come across. I seriously doubt any of them have as low of even an average IQ of a hundo or so.

  6. Chess is not really related to intelligence though it’s a special skill. Nakamura is not more “intelligent” than Bill Gates lol

  7. @Bob

    So what if Russia will be a major economic power? China is already. Are you going to join the communist party and start worshipping Mao to please your Chinese masters?

    1. I guess Bob is using psychic powers or something (more like cognitive bias and blocking out all contradictory information, lol) because I’m just not feeling the economic future of Russia is going to be getting much better, if any at all; and not that it ever has been under Putin anyway. Their GDP per capita is only around 11.5k and it fluctuates quite a bit around that range; that’s a low number, though. And plenty of sources say things like this:

      “It is actually commonly understood that the future of Russia’s economy does not look so great, and a 2.7% increase over the next 30 years may seem quite optimistic, but I digress.”

    2. not unless they give Buddhism it’s fair place in society and China becomes a Buddhist theocracy like Myanmar.

      1. and I don’t like China because they are too anti-Arab and tend to equate Arab with Muslim in their police state; they don’t appreciate the beautiful Arabic language and music

        1. Bob, this might be news to you but but people from different races, cultures, and religions who all don’t like Arabs and Muslims are worldwide. It’s called – multiculturalism doesn’t work. It isn’t just China or certain people in the West or modern Zionism that caused it; it’s everywhere and always has been. Since the beginning of Islam and Arab/Muslim expansion they’ve had problems with all kinds of people.

          I definitely do *not* prefer Arab or Muslim culture because it’s far different than what I’m used to and what I like, and I can deeefinitely do without it. Even playing poker is haram in Islam; fuck that. I don’t care to see them in any white area either. Maybe you do. If that is the case, you can always relocate to Arab lands, if you know what I’m saying. Or maybe you already live in Arab lands?

        2. There are loads of ex-Muslims out there these days and there are gonna be lots and lots more. Islamophiles can’t bring themselves to notice the double standards against whites in society and totally dismiss the reality of anti-white racism and the laws that favor Muslims but are against whites because they think Muslims are “holy” and “vastly superior”; the most “superior people on the planet.”

          1. they’re is just to too much I disagree with you on here so we’ll just have to agree to disagree. My views can be summed up by this video though

            1. However, if a country is small in area like Myanmar, and they are founded as a theocracy, they don’t need to tolerate radical or violent Rohingya; they have legit concerns about demographics and radicalism; again though, this stems from the spread of Wahhabism into Bangladesh from the House of Saud not Syria, Iran, or Lebanon

            2. Lmao man. Agreeing to disagree is a cop out. No, we don’t have to agree to disagree on anything. It ain’t like we’re “friends” or something, lol.

              Bob, you’re slow as molasses and you’re wasting our time over here. This is old news. Yeeeeeah, we’ve heard gender is a “social construct” from birth, dude, just like race. The only problem is that men and women do *not* have the same fukin abilities, just like races do not. And yes, certain races are superior at certain things. This dude is way behind. And this isn’t just about certain whites waking up to these things, but multiculturalism doesn’t work aaaanywhere. Yes, there are Asians who think they’re superior, just like there are those in every race who think they’re superior.

              And noooo, Islam is not a “religion of peace” goddamnit. Just because there are peaceful Muslims and just because there are Wahhabists doesn’t mean that Islam hasn’t always been violent and expansionist. If we were on FB, I’d block you now, man, lol. Bon voyage and best of luck with your future Russian economic prediction.

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