Ezra Levant Confirms: Peterson’s “Closest Allies” Are Jews

In one tweet, Canadian Jewish supremacist Ezra Levant, an early supporter of Jordan Peterson, named the Jewish conspirators behind Peterson.

That’s a handy list of alt-light Jews backing Peterson, helping give him publicity as the “acceptable face” of rebellion against the cultural marxist (Jewish-led and fostered) left. Among this coterie of Jewish enablers of Peterson is Levant himself, the head of Rebel Media which was one of the outlets that most publicized Peterson in the early days of his rise of fame. Levant also helped Peterson with fund-raising.

In another tweet, Levant defended Peterson from a silly article written in the Jewish Daily Forward which labelled Peterson an “enabler of Jew hatred.” Rebuffing his co-religionists, Levant said Peterson is a “philosemite” who lectures on the Jewish Torah.

In response to shrill Zionist Deborah Lipstadt, who piled on in denouncing Peterson as an enabler of anti-Semitism, Peterson affirmed his pro-Jewish credentials, writing that he’s “been teaching students … about the horrors of the holocaust with extreme diligence for thirty years” and has “lectured about the dangers of fascism and its attendant antisemitism for almost four decades.”

He informed Libstadt that she has “confused a friend with an enemy.” So there it is. Peterson wants us to know that he’s been brainwashing students with Holohoax and anti-fascist propaganda for decades, and is an ally of our Zionist enemy.

This recent denunciation of Peterson is a double-fake by various factions of Jews. Far-left Jews will label Peterson far-right, alt-right, a “Nazi enabler,” etc., which gives him some street cred among genuine alt-righters. This distracts attention from the fact that Peterson is philosemitic controlled opposition surrounded by Jews, hence why he fiercely defends the Jews and their hold on power.

There are two possibilities here: the Jews surrounding Peterson are there to make sure his discourse doesn’t stray outside of Jewry’s approved parameters; or he was bought from the beginning and these are his Jewish managers.

In any case this is an example of Jews controlling all sides of the debate with their hand-selected spokesmen who, following their Jewish script, dutifully avoid any discussion of Jewish influence and its negative impact. 

2 thoughts on “Ezra Levant Confirms: Peterson’s “Closest Allies” Are Jews

  1. Trawling friend/foe twitter feeds is one way to get alerted to current topics.
    Use twitter as a spring-board or use just use it to get “worked up and wound up”.
    Useful nuggets of information are lurking there.
    Of course, if you are brave you could also set up your own twitter feed.

  2. The problem I see with a lot of you hardcore anti-establishment people is you do not realize that people have to PICK their battles. They also have incomplete understandings of reality (like we all do). Our job is to support and teach each other, not look for one flaw in someone that’s spreading good messages and now dispose of them. Rather pick and destroy the really fully bad people, not these predomininantly good people.

    You should read and look at the key philosophies those people are spreading. THAT Is impost important. Peterson has spread good stuff about not allowing evil, and a lot of the feminist hate-think we are seeing. SUPPORT that. You can’t just hack down and attack some good people because they associate with people you don’t like.

    You MUST be a litte more mature about this or your side will never win. We’re already got the weaker hand.

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