Cover Your Eyes: Trump Appoints Woman as CIA Chief

Delusional leftists have exaggerated Trump’s “racism,” and also his “misogyny.”

Disastrously, Trump just appointed a woman, Gina Haspel, as CIA director.

Just look at the kooky broad:

Women are not suited to lead a church choir, let alone America’s chief spy agency.

Appointing a woman as the head of the CIA is a big, fat kick in the balls to all men. Intellectually inferior women can’t make rational decisions under pressure. It’s questionable whether they’re capable of making rational decisions at any time. So placing a woman in charge of anything important is a death wish.

There’s a direct correlation between the rise of women’s rights and empowerment over the past century and our civilization’s rapid decline. When you allow women to dictate the direction of society, it inevitably begins its free-fall downward, like dropping a bowling ball off a tall building.

Two women are leading two of Europe’s leading countries, the UK and Germany, and both nations are spiralling downwards towards utter catastrophe with massive non-white immigration, brutal crackdowns on “hate speech” and radical feminism entering the halls of government. Sweden’s government is riddled with women and officially calls itself a “feminist government” – and that country’s a complete mess.

America almost died when the dangerous feminist witch Hillary Clinton nearly got elected.

Women suck at maintaining order and civilization. They are genetically incapable of doing so. Their only contribution to Western civilization has been giving birth to males who kept it all going with our fortitude, creativity and ingenuity. White females simply rode our coattails. They were coddled and protected by us. And now they repay us by tearing down everything we built.

Women are ungrateful little brats that need to be controlled, disciplined and punished to keep them in line. They’re children with larger bodies, plain and simple.

The rise of women to political power is a sign of the collapse of our civilization.  It seems that most Western men have been so cowed and cuckolded by the feminist anti-male virus that they’ve just given up, abdicating the throne to the inferior gender.

Not even Trump, who has some masculine alpha male qualities, is man enough to stop a woman from becoming the CIA chief.

The reality is that Trump is not nearly racist – or misogynistic – enough. He can do a hell of a lot better than this.

3 thoughts on “Cover Your Eyes: Trump Appoints Woman as CIA Chief

  1. All “powerful” wymmin in politics can be are front-puppets for the Communist destroyers of societies. Their attachment to tear-jerking sentimentalism and shitty moralizing slogans makes them perfect toys for the invisible force behind the scenes. Feminism in the US was financed by Rockefeller and other oligarchs – for this exact purpose.
    Either the West revirilizes itself and controls its bitches or it’s going down fast. Caliphate or Brazil, if not some horrendous dstopia.

  2. She looks to be Anglo Saxon, so she’s equivalent to a liberal what male cuck. Close but no cigar.

  3. Women are laughable as a social force. Their old (pre-feminism) form was simple social inertia. Slowing down spiritual rise or decrease. But their new form is even worse than being an inertia. They are actually quite the reverse now, they act like catalysts for the absolute collapse. It is probably a decades (but not centuries) old psyop on western women to make them from a social inertia (slowing growth and decline) to some kind of devilish catalytic mad creature.

    Basically I would argue that they were
    v1.0) Morons with social power. and they became v2.0) angry and crazy (in the real sense) morons with social power.

    P.S. Social power is somewhat they have because of base male insticts. Because of a lot of pure animals we have in the males that either over-hit on them or do other moronic shit that I won’t even grace with thinking right now.

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