Journalists Mistakenly Lump In Our Website With Alt-Right Domains Linked to Russia

News has broke that a company with ties to Russia registered alt-right domains in 2016. But among the domains listed as purchased by that company, ours,, was mentioned even though we’re obviously not connected to that company nor to Russia and have been strong critics of the pro-Russia/Putin cult from within the alt-right itself.

Left-wing site Think Progress wrote:

However, the revelations aren’t limited solely to news about a Russia-linked company sending substantial sums to the president’s lawyer. As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”

Among the URLs registered were domains like,,, and Some of the domains, like and, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like, were created in August 2017.

Other news articles on this don’t mention our url, but the Daily Dot mistakenly lists our url as one of the domains purchased by that company:

The firm, Columbus Nova, registered several domains during the 2016 election named after far-right radical groups. These include,,,, and other combinations, which were all established two days after Hillary Clinton denounced extremists, racism, anti-Semitism, and sexist viewpoints in an August 2016 speech.

It’s easy to get our site confused with other alt-right domains since they’re so similar, so I suspect it’s just an honest mistake. Media outlets often confuse our site with Richard Spencer’s

It’s funny that when people go to our website thinking we’re one of these Russia-linked sites only to find our incisive commentary critical of Russia, Putin and the Kremlin cucks in the alt-right.

CNN did a whole segment on the Russia-linked alt-right domains:

There’s no doubt that Russia was maneuvering to influence the alt-right as a fifth-column for Russia, steering it towards their interests. They’ve done the same with Donald Trump himself, using various Russian businessmen with links to Trump to influence him on foreign policy favouring the Kremlin.

I wouldn’t doubt that Richard Spencer himself is getting money and support from Russia through his KGB wife Nina Kouprianova. Andrew Anglin appears to be either a pro-bono ideological operative or on the direct payroll of the Russian government. He’s most likely living in Russia now (that’s where he mailed his 2016 US election ballot from), as is his sidekick Weev. Anglin’s such a Putin cuck that he’s even making excuses for Putin’s links to Jewish billionaires like Viktor Vekselberg, claiming that these Jewish billionaires just “happen to live” in Russia but have no connections to Putin. He wrote:

Firstly, Vekselberg isn’t any more “connected to the Kremlin” than any of the other Jewish billionaires who kidnapped the Russian economy after the fall of the USSR. He isn’t like, some friend to Putin or something. He’s just an ultra-rich Jewish criminal who lives in Russia.

That statement is completely false. Vekselberg has met directly with Putin on multiple occasions and the two are close.

Putin’s two closest friends are Jewish billionaires Boris and Arkady Rotenberg who owe their immense wealth in part to government contracts approved by Putin. Russian Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich literally installed Putin into power in 1999 and has been aiding him ever since. Putin’s in bed with Russia’s branch of Chabad Lubavitch and gives them unique access to his regime. In fact, 25% of the richest Russians today are Jewish.

This kind of whitewashing of Putin, his immense corruption, his links to organized Jewry, etc., is standard fare for the Kremlin cucks in the alt-right. Anglin is a delusional kook who has created a mess for himself in America with irresponsible activity, and now finds himself living in Siberia breaking rocks in Putin’s gulag. But the Stalinist Kremlin will probably throw him in jail under their anti-Nazi laws once he outlives his usefulness, like Stalin did with all his party comrades.

11 thoughts on “Journalists Mistakenly Lump In Our Website With Alt-Right Domains Linked to Russia

  1. The Spencer’s has been shut down recently, so the only site appearing in google searches is this. That could really be a traffic boost. Now normies and others will come here to see that mostly opposes “mainstream” alt-right narratives. Nice subversion there, haha.

  2. The promising new movement loosely termed the alt-right is set to grow exponentially.
    With the help of an uncensored internet.
    I searched the text of the wikipedia page on the alt-right, looking for a mention of, or reconquista and then tried finding Brandon’s name there.
    So according to wikipedia we do not exist.
    Richard Spencer is mentioned and also lots of garbage designed to tarnish even the very idea of the alt-right.
    Probably written and edited by people who don’t like the alt-right.
    To be balanced it should not biased.
    Lying by omission is another tactic they use.
    Rotton lot.

    1. Rotten lot, not rotton lot.
      Also :
      “To be balanced it should not BE biased.”
      Sorry for the typos.

  3. In the beginng i just laughted spencers altright and i could also smell some disinfo because They begane shilling for the Israelis . Now when i look back i can really see THE true meaning of their stupid memes

  4. “There’s no doubt that Russia was maneuvering to influence the alt-right as a fifth-column for Russia, ”
    You never go full Huffpost.

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