The Royal Wedding Was an Organized Attack on White Culture

Libtards around the world are celebrating the “royal wedding” (rather, royal cucking) between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, an American mulatto.

Some cuck beamed on the BBC that “diversity”  was on the march:

The diversity on display at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle represented progress that much of the westernized world has yearned to see.

As an African American, I was happy to see Oprah Winfrey in attendance. She has long been, especially within the black community, American royalty.

Watching her arrive alongside the actor Idris Elba set the tone for the rest of the wedding, and forged a connection to the ceremony that black Americans had never previously had. …

After the vows, viewers were wowed by teenage cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, and by stirring renditions from the Kingdom Choir of “This Little Light of Mine” and “Stand by Me”. #BlackRoyalWedding and #BlackExcellence began trending on Twitter.

Amid all these moments of significance, it was Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon that felt most profound. His modern, unorthodox invocation of love and unscripted reference to American slavery spoke to the very heart of black theology in America.

The organizers of this really went out of their way to trot out as many black people as they possibly could. Black people were everywhere at this wedding. The priest who spoke was black (he mentioned Martin Luther King and pushed an anti-racialist message), they had an all-black musical ensemble, and black celebrities dotted throughout the crowd.

This wedding is being used by the cultural marxists to promote the destruction of white bloodlines. They’re projecting a message that “Europe’s future is mixed, non-white” and that whiteness will be eradicated. This is evil!

Prince Harry is a weak beta cuck bringing shame on his family by marrying this nobody mulatto actress from the US. He must have been given orders by the Board of Deputies of British Jews to engage in this kind of racial treason.

Who can deny that there’s a deliberate attack against the white race in Britain? Earlier this year, ideologically motivated Marxists published a hoax study that the ancient “Cheddar Man” (an early inhabitant of modern day Britain) had black skin, in an effort to “prove” that non-whites were “indigenous” to the island and thus mass immigration is just fine.

As these Marxist anti-white attacks increase in frequency, it will only serve to radicalize more young white men to join the ranks of the nationalist alt-right, as we’re the only force currently defending white interests around the globe.

17 thoughts on “The Royal Wedding Was an Organized Attack on White Culture

  1. You know what, fuck the european royals. They were infiltrated by the chosen people long ago and continuously and you know what? If they have the mentality that they are a distinct, god-given elite, well morally they are equivalent to the chosen people. It is this mideasternish way of thinking of FUCKING differentiating like a fucker, creating alternate DUALITY-styled realities of “royalty” and “plebs”, “evil” and “good”.

    All I am saying is I almost equate them to the chosen people in my mind moraly. Fat little white flashy parasites.

    By the way this mideastern duality-driven worldview is by its nature schizophrenic. That’s why all the fucking ideological religious nutcases come from there. Our white religious/ideological nuts are almost EXCLUSIVELY christians. A religion that also came from the middle east. Go figure… lol

    1. Simple. God-given right to rule instead of being worthy of leadership. Failure should not be a surprise.

      1. Yeah. Imagine how many times in history in all nations that had royalties with this bizarre “God-given” right to rule, had incompetent leaders because of this moronic idea.

        To use God as a CEO of the kingdom that assigns roles. LOL morons. Failure is certain with these shit.

  2. Other royals in Europe are doing this too. Royalty/aristocracy are the enemy though, they represent the system, not the people.

  3. I just don’t look at mainstream media that much, even though I still have to pay the Biased Broadcasting Corporation £147 a year for a tv license.
    And I don’t read the fishwrap they call newspapers.
    The first I knew about the royal wedding was on monday may 14th, looking at an american weather website it had the ROYAL WEDDING FORECAST for Windsor Castle. I thought “what’s that all about?”
    Then by thursday I had forgotton and somebody asked me “are you going to be here for the wedding?”.
    I answered “what wedding?”
    I know the royals are popular in america.
    Anyway good luck to him . . . too late now but has he not heard of MGTOW?

        1. You missed the point. He suggested she is a female because she didn’t make a logic argument at all. Something that women tend to do.

    1. Still much more than the number of comments you will ever get on your opinion pieces, of course I’m assuming here you are even able to write anything of value which is pretty dubious considering your stupidity…

        1. Fox.
          Azov fan is criticizing BlueEyed Boricua not Brandon, I think.
          The layout of the posts and the fact that people are not always specific with defining names, leads to misunderstandings sometimes.
          I could be wrong.

  4. We must love those who hate us, so that’s what I will do.

    May God bless you and hopefully one day you will be transformed by his words, “Love everyone as love always conquers hate”.

  5. Cheddar man bride probably is a man. That would send liberals into a feeding frenzy orgie. That sermon was about “free love between races” not about the true meaning and ramifications of biblical love! That nigger would have given the same speech if it were between two faggots!

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