“Libertarian” Putin Cuck Ryan Dawson Exposes Himself in Fuentes Debate

In a debate with Nick Fuentes, “libertarian” huckster Ryan Dawson exposed himself as a Russia shill (something I’ve noted years ago), defending the Russian annexation of Crimea with bogus Kremlin talking points, while simultaneously complaining about Israel annexing territory from Arabs. This shows the extreme commitment of Russia’s controlled operatives in the “alt-media” to that state’s Bolshevik/Eurasianist imperialist cause. American libertarians, working with anti-white self-hating “anti-imperialist” leftists, want Russia and China to rule the world, and will do anything in their power to both weaken the West and empower Russia and China.


7 thoughts on ““Libertarian” Putin Cuck Ryan Dawson Exposes Himself in Fuentes Debate

  1. Dawson is an insufferably smug figure. Martial arts teacher os something – should stick to his juice. His criticism of the holocaust ingratiates him with the Left/Islamo-Left and some lolbertarians, not to mention the overall CHAOS strategy (remember Richie Spencer himself was groomed for a long time in lolbertarian/Ron Paul circles – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAozR_FDFb8).
    Many of these people who attack Jews are New Ager/Leftist/Globalist agents themselves, as I always say.

    1. Thanks for Richard Spencer / Ron Paul video at the Robert Taft Club.
      Also made me read some basic info on Senator Robert Taft.

  2. What, is that supposed to be bad? Wish Russia had seized more than just Crimea, ended the “ukraine” for good by March 2014 instead of freezing the conflict with those Minsk treaties.
    The “ukraine” would not have lasted days back then and would not last a week today, being even more piss weak than the 1940 Italian army. Have Putin ordered the impalement of Poroshenko and other Oligarchs on the kremlin walls? Immigrant caucasians to be skinned alive and salted? Vivisected pedophiles? Cuz only then would he get true Alt-Right support.

    Death to the EU! Assad did nothing wrong! Read Siege and the Turner Diaries !!

    1. You wily Eurasianists will fail though. The Russians couldn’t even defeat tiny Chechnya and Georgia in those wars. Ukraine is far stronger than both those regimes, and has US/European support, so Bolshevik Putin won’t succeed in subjugating the proud Ukrainians.

      Death to Putinism, Dugin and Nazbol scum.

  3. ” This shows the extreme commitment of Russia’s controlled operatives in the “alt-media” to that state’s Bolshevik/Eurasianist imperialist cause. ”

    Straight out of Washington or Huffpost. Not just the Muh Rasha part but how OPs concept of what is “extreme” really isn’t, typical “normie” mistake. -)

    1. Brandon’s right.
      And many ‘normies’ have brainwashed, tunnel vision and a blinkered view not helped by watching daily doses of RT.

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