Shock & Horror: Spain Swears in “Feminist Cabinet”!

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse in Spain, this happens. Spain’s new socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has moved quickly to open Spain’s borders, accepting a migrant boat and now attempting to remove razor-wire fencing on the Spanish border with Morocco.

And now he’s just installed a “feminist cabinet”. From BBC:

Spain’s King Felipe VI has sworn in a new Socialist government with a record number of 11 women in 17 cabinet posts.

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said his new team “shared the same vision of a progressive society that was both modernising and pro-European”.

The cabinet is in marked contrast to the male-dominated executives of centre-right ex-PM Mariano Rajoy, who was ousted last week.

As a minority government, it will rely on other parties to enact legislation.

Including the prime minister, the 18-strong government is 61.1% female – the highest proportion in the country’s history. Only a handful of countries currently have governments where at least 50% of ministers are women. They include France, Sweden and Canada.

Women have been given some of the biggest jobs in the new Spanish cabinet, including the defence, economy, finance and education portfolios.

This is an absolute disaster. Now we have women controlling all of the important posts in the Spanish government.

… The new prime minister, who says he is a feminist, said his government marked a watershed moment in Spanish society.

…In a televised statement on Wednesday evening he spoke of Europe as “our new homeland” and said he saw his cabinet as a faithful reflection of a change in Spain that had emerged on 8 March through a feminist movement. An estimated five million women across the country staged a “feminist strike” on that day against wage inequality and gender violence.

Sanchez has also already reinstated the Orwellian “equality ministry” to ensure that women, gays and non-white minorities can rule the roost in Spain, and that white males get the short end of the stick.

You can expect things will get even worse for straight, white males in Spain. It’s already bad enough. Immigration and feminism was already out of control under the cuckservative Rajoy regime, but now it’s like we’re walking towards death row. “Man spreading” and the “gender violence law” make life for white males in Spain almost intolerable, with women lording it over males in every facet of society. Now, these feminazis are in complete control of the government!

Spain has now joined Sweden, Canada and France as the most cucked nations in the West where women, homosexuals and non-white immigrants are in charge.

This is getting fucking scary!

7 thoughts on “Shock & Horror: Spain Swears in “Feminist Cabinet”!

  1. The “Eternal Feminine” of the Masons comes to the front, full force. Womyn are the perfect puppets for invisible forces, and they’ll be used to the max. “The future is female”, as every psychologist/psychiatrist/New Ager hustler that goes on Oprah has said for the past couple decades.

  2. Well we can officialy classify Pedro Sanchez as a cuck/fag. Presumably that’s how he got pussy in his life, play it a feminist, not unlike a lot of leftist men. He is pretty decent looking too so I guess the combination fares well in vag… eer female cricles. They called him “europe’s most attractive leader” or something in Greece. Seems like I am getting a pussy ‘wetness odor’ from somewhere… lol

    “An estimated five million women across the country staged a “feminist strike” on that day against wage inequality and gender violence.”

    Across the border is Morroco. They can easily go there, where manspreading and all this stuff doesn exist right? Of course. The noble muslim savage doesn’t do ‘manspreading’ etc. No. They are highly advanced people….

    It is a pity, fellow men. The chosen people have long tried to cuck our societies out of existence. Unfortunately the most astute chosen observers figured out in the 60s that the Stupid Sex can be used to completely destroy the West. It makes up half the west. And they are the nazicops who decide who’s gonna fuck (this is a very important social variable and It’s gotten out of the hands of men at this point: Women do decide who fucks (woman or man). Because they have more of a delayed gratification ability ON THIS SPECIFIC THING: sex).

    This leaves men with only two options: To either bullshit them, lie to them. Or to find women with MUCH LESS $$ than you (that’s not very hard, depending on what job you do as a man) so that you can control them 100%, not unlike Turks (islamists in general).

    Total lies, or total fascism. The chosen people, the women themselves and God knows who else, have reached the West to this point: Women can be tolerated and fucked but only if you lie to them or totally control them. Otherwise: go looking for exceptions… If you find any, give me a whistle, european man.

      1. I call them “chosen” ironically because that’s what they think of themselves.

        Interesting…. you think white christians are “chosen”? by whom?

        And to what extent are “white christians” “chosen”?

  3. Saludos desde está degradada España. Como siempre sigo con sumo interés los comentarios que haces. Totalmente de acuerdo con toda su lógica. Aquellos posts que los redactas en español, los divulgo entre conocidos y amistades, por su lógica incisiva y su carácter vehemente. Es un verdadero placer tener mentes tan valientes y despiertas como la tuya. En España sufrimos de la mano de estos repelentes socialmaricas toda una serie de ataques de ingeniería social. Más dosis de feminismo, de sensibleria pro invasores (aka inmigrantes), de reescribir el pasado, etc, etc. Tanto lo del nefasto efecto feminista como las oleadas masivas de negros incultos y abusones está llegando a unos límites insoportables. Tal es el grado de deterioro social, que se echa en falta asociaciones políticas o sociales que enarbolen una alternativa racional y viril. Todo el entramado de poder globalista, se felicitan por no haber en España movimientos de eso que con desprecio catalogan de xenófobos, racistas y de extrema derecha. Más que haber motivos de júbilo, es todo lo contrario. Es una pena y desgracia. Así nos va! Confiemos que un día vislumbremos un nuevo amanecer. Gracias por tenerte ahí. Es siempre un estímulo.

  4. Spain is one of my favourite countries…
    Love the place…I hope this government doesn’t last long.

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