Trump Maintains Hard Line On Immigration Despite Leftist Hysteria

Leftists of all stripes have been virtue signalling hard and causing an uproar about the policies of border and immigration services in the US separating families that are being deported.

But Trump is not caving to the leftist pressure. He gave a speech blasting the Democrats who want “open borders”. Listen here:

Trump’s immigration rhetoric is excellent. He’s tough as ever on immigration despite the departure of populist Steve Bannon. An article in Vanity Fair titled “TRUMP EXPLODES AT STAFF FOR NOT DEPORTING IMMIGRANTS FASTER” reported that Trump blasted his own cabinet officials for not deporting illegals fast enough. From the same article:

Kelly’s concerns about “integration,” critics say, give away the game of Trump’s broader anti-immigrant vision. Over the last year, the president has been systematically ending Temporary Protected Status for immigrant groups who were granted amnesty in the United States following natural disasters or political upheaval in their own countries. In past administrations, this temporary status was regularly extended, allowing hundreds of thousands of people to become de facto Americans, with legal status, jobs, and families, if not full citizenship. Many of them have lived in the U.S. for more than a decade. Trump, however, has moved to remove these protections, effectively expelling as many as 300,000 people. In January, the president instructed the Department of Homeland Security to end the provisional status for 195,000 Salvadorans; in November, he ordered out about 46,000 Haitians, giving them only a few months to leave the country.

This is a slap in the face to the open borders globalists, the SJWs, immigrant invaders and their Jewish elite backers. Jewish globalist Chuck Shumer is the de facto leader of the Democrats, and is working overtime to thwart Trump’s valiant efforts to Make America White Again.

Leftist media organs are pushing sob stories about immigrant families being separated to pull on the heart strings of bleeding heart, self-hating whites, rallying them against Trump’s alleged “cruelty”. Yet the countries these people are fleeing from are far more cruel to their own people than Trump could even dream of. Governments in South and Central America routinely murder and rob their own people. Protests in countries like El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua are met with police violence. Protesters are often gunned down by those regimes.

The fact is that these immigrants are coming from failed societies, which is no fault of Americans or Trump. Why should white nations have to pay the price for the ineptitude of non-whites in their own lands? Non-whites want whites to take care of them like nannies, wiping their asses and spoon-feeding them like small children. We’re simply not up for it any longer!

Go fix your own damn societies! It’s high-time white people stopped worrying about the woes of inept non-whites and focused on improving our own countries which are slowly deteriorating thanks to the massive disruption caused by uncontrolled immigration.

21 thoughts on “Trump Maintains Hard Line On Immigration Despite Leftist Hysteria

  1. The Humour Kamaraden (Communist funny-boys – Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, John Oliver) push a more hysterical framing every day. I honestly fear for what comes after Trump in the US. The masses are being openly, aggressively radicalized. This is what Yuri Bezminov described.

  2. The thing about Trump on immigration, like practically every other issue he speaks on, (aside from being pro-Jew), is that he has said many different things, and taken many different stances, and thus his words and WTF he says holds little relative meaning/value. The dude just can’t be taken seriously.

    For example, one obvious question that comes to mind here is simply, why not deport *both* the children and the parents? This is not the toughest he has ever been. Like in this video from a couple years back, he said he vowed to deport *everybody* who came into the US illegally, and when asked, “What are you gonna do with the women and children?” He replied, “They’re gonna go with ’em. It’s gotta be a family unit. It’s gotta be done humanely.”

    At other times, he has talked about deporting two or three million illegals. Whatever he says today can change in the next few months or the next week, etc., and will indefinitely. Aside from him taking much more vocal anti-immigrant stances that other party members at times, you can’t get a straight answer from this fukin clown, lol. And if you do, you obviously can’t take stock in it.

    1. He hasn’t backed off it and seems to be pushing his cabinet to deport more, and faster. His anti-immigrant rhetoric alone is very beneficial for our cause. To have a president like him talking this way against open borders globalism will win over so many people. These nationalist messages are reaching millions around the world. Let’s hope it keeps growing.

      1. How’s that? In the video above from a couple years back, he said that both illegal parents and children should be deported.

        And shit you not, just in the last five minutes I heard on the radio that he just signed an executive order to *stop* separating parents and children at the border, lol. So in the past few days there has been a lot of outrage that these parents and children were being separated, but not anymore, lolz.

        Yeah, he says certain things that are anti-immigration that other party members don’t say at times, and sure, at least this is good, but that’s what a ‘republican’ is supposed to be saying. I mean it’s like getting a cookie for rolling out of bed in the morning, lol.

        1. The executive order doesn’t let the kids stay in the country does it? I thought that was just to keep the families together while in detention awaiting deportation, whereas before they were being separated in different detention centres. They will still be deported, kids and parents, if I’m informed correctly.

          1. I didn’t catch all the details on the executive order yet, but all the rage I’ve seen in the last few days has been due to Trump’s policy being so “mean” with regards to this familial separation, and this EO eradicates it.

            Will look more into it, but the friggin dude is here one moment and there another moment, lol.

    2. Yeah the guy is way too much of an entertainer – impossible to take him seriously. There’s a line between *image savvy* and *total clown* and this guy crossed it long ago. I really can’t help but consider the possibility that he was put there to really agitate the US into some pre-revolutionary frenzy . Leftists are chimping out and anything might happen in the near future. The media machine throws more gasoline on the fire everyday.
      What most have to understand is that yeah you might have Trump in there right now, but the Left still has ALL the big Media, Academia, Cultural industry, agents in the police forces, Army, the State bureaucracy, both parties (GOP is a bunch of cucks and weak CivNats) etc, etc. Trump is just one guy. And he’ll leave in a couple years. US will be a fucking mess and the next Democrat candidates will be hardcore abominations, guaranteed. Obama will look “based” compared to them.

      1. So how do we change things then? Sounds like you’ve given up already. We can’t just kill all the leftists. We somehow need to change their minds through the culture war. Trump is helping in that respect. He was voted in on an anti-immigration platform. That’s a good start towards real nationalism. Rightists just need to start beating the leftists at their own game. We are the ones who need to start infiltrating all those big institutions and move them in our direction.

        1. I don’t know. Hard to come with alternatives – maybe a third, overtly nationalistic party with a clear manifesto. What I do stand for is recognizing reality at all times. And much of Trump’s following is celebrity-worship and Boomer fascination, a la Bill Mitchell – Disneyland crap. He doesn’t seem to be “changing minds”; his campaign surgically appealed to Boomer enthusiasm – the young “netizens” just projected their fantasies on him (God-Emperor). And when he leaves the country will be a powder keg.
          No, I didn’t give up, but it’s not looking good.

          1. “What I do stand for is recognizing reality at all times.”

            Precisely. And even if he is good at some points, Trump is a boomer, old NY-beast with all that it entails….

            God-Emperor bbwwwhawawhawhawhawhawhawhahwhahahwhAHHAhHhAHahhahAhahHAhHAhahHAhAhAhHHA. Richie Spencer used to call him that. Lolololol fuckin aspreger moron Richie.

        2. Many lefties can and will learn. I was rather lefty once myself on just about every issue across the board, like just about everybody else, lol. Others absolutely can’t and won’t. The spreading of awareness, organization, and preparation with the intentions of segregation and impending conflict is the order of the day. All anti-Marxist movements are rapidly growing, it just takes a while for everybody to get on the same deep pages on many different issues.

          Trump isn’t anywhere even close to unleashing what he could unleash on anti-immigration policies. Controlled opposition agents are made to look genuine, but only for deceptive purposes. Is there really much difference between Trump and Alex Jones in stance? Not a whole lot that I can think of. Trump has way too much support to be removed via coup d’etat, so the average American in the know has to bide their time as things on the whole continually get worse. If Trump were hypothetically in for another 50 years, at this rate, he’s still easily on course for spiraling out-of-control national debt, massive economic collapse, race wars, gender wars, etc. The dude is outspoken on immigration policies compared to his counterparts but still is a cuck on them. I think he’s weak AF on them and there’s no need for me to say what I think about the others, lol, He sure doesn’t speak for me on immigration or any other issue for that matter, lol.

  3. Yeah, dude is a great, constant bullshitter.

    I look at these US presidencies from a pattern-perspective. For many decades, each president has served back-to-back ‘elections’. This is a major feat in itself in a country of over 300 million people. It’s like saying nobody else in the country out of all these people is any better than this president was over an entire four-year time-span. So they’re not just getting ‘elected’ which is hard enough to do, but “re-elected”. Then, over the same period of time, it has always been alternating republicans and democrats in office… one party will serve 8 years, then the other party, then back to the first party, etc. This also would be very hard to do. The chances of this all mathematically are incredibly, incredibly slim. *Too slim* are other words to describe it.

    Trump being in office now is like a sure-fire sign that he’s gonna be there again for the next four years. The dude also loves to use Masonic, pyramid imagery and has to be a Freemason.

    1. Dana said: ” The dude also loves to use Masonic, pyramid imagery and has to be a Freemason.”

      They are ALL into that. And I am not sure that even JFK was ‘real’. There are conspiracy theories (never looked into them) that question the -use- of his assassination even from the prespective of the ELITE. I don’t buy the line that ANY US president was EVER against any kind of “deep state”.

      Of course the winners are Woodrow Wilson, Franklin -da hitler will conquer panama canal- Roosevelt and of course the honorary chosen person, the chieftain Lyndon B (bullshit) Johnson. Hero of the USS Liberty affair (and the way it was handled, they (the US) even let them (chosen people) lawyer the situation to pay less money to the USS Liberty survivors lol).

      The Great old Faggots Party is dead at least since the Obama time. It is very weird that Trump won. But ok I agree with Brandon that we can at least appreciate that we have (AT THIS POINT OF TIME, because it will CHANGE) a usual sold out moron US president who AT LEAST didn’t completely cuck on immigration.

      Aside from the masonic shit, his family stinks of irregularities and oddities. The youngest kid seems insane. His sons seem like Lionel Messi. High power but anxious. The daughters are Kosher Pro$titutes. What a bunch of sold out fuckers. Even God vomits when he sees these faces. Pure filth.

      1. @ Dana and Dorset

        Do that yourselves. The upside down with your hands. It isn’t the most comfortable thing to do is it?

        A ‘spontaneous’ (as we’re led to believe) handsign like this is neither spontaneous (how can you spontaneously do that unconsciously?????????) and neither comfortable (you wouldn’t just FORGET your hands and wander with your mind with that handsign on simoultaneously).

        This leads to this conclusion: They do it INTENTIONALY.

        Then one wonders: ‘what the heck is going on? if this means something, AND they are doing it intentionally, then they are probably into the meaning as well.’

        The meaning is something that is for everyone to investigate. However, it is absolutely evident that high profile people that are actually currently ruling the world belong to secret societies. Secret societies should be either banned, or closely monitored. But what’s wrong here? Oh! There is no one to do that. There is no good intentioned intelligent agent involved. We have no leaders. The ones we have neither want nor are capable to address the problem.

        What I obviously proved here is that everyone that addresses me in any point in my life ass a conspiratard will get an obvious fact-based aggressive revenge har har har

        1. Indeed Fox, I wouldn’t call the inverted triangle natural body-posture. More public speakers have been doing it intentionally the last five years or so as kind of a posing or default body-language, but I still wouldn’t call it natural.

          The thing is, people who do it because they’re Freemasons also inevitably display many other Freemasonic/Illuminati hand-signs. The most telling and accurate ones I’ve noticed are either the El Diablo, or the one-eye symbolism. I mean, do you play for the Texas Longhorns? Are you a Texas Longhorn fan? Are you a rock musician or heavily into metal? If not, then WTF are you doing flashing around the horned hand-sign. It’s not natural to hold the index and pinky fingers up. Even Ken O’Keefe’s occultist cunt of a girlfriend flashes the El Diablo hand-sign. And the one-eye symbolism you often find with some celebrity covering one eye, and/or their photo is taken where that side of their face is in the dark and the other side in the light. Ken’s broad does this too, lol. But there are thousands of these photos people can find. Not noticing any patterns here is extreme coincidence-theorism. There are many others though and the Freemasonic handshake is not a natural handshake for men either because it’s so feminine. There is the 666 symbolism of the hand that looks like the ‘ok’ sign that Trump also loves to make, and some people cover an eye with it like Lady Gage, or they use the pyramid hand-sign to cover an eye like Jay Z. There are MK-Ultra signs as well like the ‘shhh’ sign or covering the mouth/lips. Luciferians like Lebron James have flashed three symbols all within a few seconds right before games; in his case, the pyramid, the 666 hand-signs, all followed by the El Diablo hand-sign. Then people like Shaquille O’Neal openly admit to being Masons, but many others don’t.

          Secret societies and their members either need to be banned, put on trial for myriad crimes, and/or, and I’m much more militant, just burned at the fukin stake like they used to do with witches because they were evil bitches. They come as wolves in sheep’s clothing and fool so many people. They come as normal good people but are highly devious, subversive, evil, and have no concern for your interests but only for promoting Lucifer’s interests.

          1. And one of these secret societies is the religion of the chosen people on earth. Dana’s comment plus this thing I said right now about sums it up about the conicidence-theorists and the normies out there…. boo…

    2. I do not see any evidence that Trump is a Freemason. His cabinet is however dominated by Jews who are constantly encouraging him to cuck for Israel and moderate on his pro-white policies.

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