Southern & Pettibone Board the Russophilia Gravy Train

Attention mongers Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone have officially boarded the Russophilia gravy train, filming numerous videos from Russia where they favourably interview satanist Alexander Dugin, and other pro-regime Russians, giving no air-time to Putin critics besides showing some minor footage from an anti-Putin protest where they don’t appear to have interviewed anyone.

In this video below Pettibone gushes over some Russian woman and asks her a bunch of softball questions about “what it means to be Russian.” The Russian woman glorifies the rapist communist Red Army in World War II, a war fought by Russia largely for the interests of International Jewry.

Russophiles in the alt-light and alt-right are endeavouring to glorify and heroize Russia and Russians, portraying them as the “chosen people” who will lead the world to a utopian salvation. Similar to the insane narrative preached by Christian Zionists about the chosen-hood and infallibility of Israel and the Jews, the Russophiles have deified Putin and the Russian mafia state as the second coming of Christ. This hoaky narrative is especially pushed by Orthodox Christians linked with the Russian Church, many of whom operate as Kremlin mouthpieces in the West.

For example, kooky internet pundit Jay Dyer is a bible-thumping Orthodox Christian convert with ties to the Russian Church (itself a KGB front). He uses his YouTube channel soapbox to forward rancid Kremlin propaganda 24/7, supporting Russia’s wars in Syria, Ukraine and Kremlin narratives about NATO “encirclement” of helpless, innocent, dovish Russia. His “geopolitical analysis” is merely a carbon copy of official Russian government talking points. He’s connected to and heavily promoted by 21stCenturyWire, a website run by Patrick Henningsen who is a frequent guest contributor on Russia Today parroting Kremlin spin, and a website called Soul of the East, run by American Russophile Mark Hackard. The latter website’s about section identifies itself as

Mark Hackard’s online project to ensure that valuable aspects of Russian political and religious thought are made available to English speakers. While Russia has an extraordinary treasury of statesmen, philosophers, theologians and other authors, many of their writings have not been translated.

In other words, it’s a site dedicated to brainwashing Westerners in Russian political and religious ideology, so they become good little drone-bots for the coming Eurasian empire.

Dyer pimps the Russian Church routinely on Twitter, although I am blocked so I can’t see his posts unless I’m logged out:

This comment says it all:

A commenter on my YouTube channel pointed out that Dyer blocked him for criticizing Lauren Southern on his social media accounts. Is it any surprise that just following her trip to Russia and interview with Dugin, Dyer is protecting Southern from scrutiny on his networks? Dyer is literally some kind of religious missionary for Russia’s version of Orthodox Christianity and is probably getting paid by Russians to shill for the Putin regime against the West. He spends most of his time these days (apart from the cheesy conspiratard rants about predictive programming in Hollywood) trying to discredit other Western forms of Christianity as part of his broader Orthodox Russian religious war against the West. So the traitorous subversive is not only against atheists, liberals and other perceived leftists in the West, he’s also against Christians who he claims are “heretics” to the Russian Daddy Church. This is proof that Russia’s war on the West is total, and not limited to “liberals,” “leftists” and “globalists” as these Kremlinist hoaxers love to claim.

Dyer spends no time actually identifying the Jewish-Zionist roots of our current malaise and much of the corruption in the West, and instead takes an Alex Jones-style conspiratard line, blaming “globalists”, the Bilderberg Group and other boogeymen for Jewish evolutionary strategies to collapse the West and eradicate Western culture and the white race. Russia and the cultural Marxists are actually on the same team here, as they both seek to bring the West to ruin. Naturally, Russia doesn’t want cultural Marxism for its own nation, nor does Israel, but they’re content to see these Marxists ravage the West, allowing Russia and Israel to take the reigns of global power.

Like most of the online Russophiles, Dyer pushes a demoralization agenda which states that the West is decadent, corrupt, morally debased and thus irredeemably evil, and must therefore die off. On that objective he is simply following Dugin’s lead, who wrote:

Therefore, the first task to gain victory would be real fully-fledged company to create the entirely negative, monstrous, satanic image of the United States and the West in general. Therefore, the West is a place where the devil resides. It is the center of the global capitalist tentacles. It is the matrix of ​​rotting cultural perversion and a vice grip of falsehood and cynicism, violence and hypocrisy.

Dyer promotes KGB-style demoralization on a religious and also political level, as he depicts all shootings and terrorist attacks in Western countries as “staged hoaxes” and all Western media coverage of major events as “fake news,” all the while lending supreme confidence to the veracity of coverage by Kremlin networks like RT. Yet attacks in Russia, like the dubious 1999 apartment bombings which have KGB/FSB fingerprints all over them, are never brought into question. This is meant to make Westerners feel hopeless and desperate for a foreign “saviour” to bring them out of this sorry state, which the Russophiles inevitably present as Putin, the Russian mafia state and the Russian Church, making us all vassals of the Kremlin. Dyer is an extremely dubious character driven in his treasonous Russophilia by a mixture of opportunism and religious zealotry. One wonders why, if Russia is a paradise as these hoaxers claim, Dyer and the other Russophiles haven’t moved there yet? Most likely because they subconsciously know life is a lot better in America, that Russia is manifold more corrupt and difficult to live in than any Western state, and because they’re functioning as Trojan Horse Duginist operatives within the West.

While he fronts as an anti-occultist, Dyer exposes himself as a fraud as he ignores completely and seeks to hide the rampant occultism in Russia and the occultist background of his idol Dugin. An article by Marc Bennets revealed Dugin’s roots in occultism and chaos magic:

Although these days he refuses to speak publicly about such matters, Dugin has a long and documented involvement in the occult. In the 1980s, he is reported to have been a member of the Moscow-based “Black Order of the SS”, a group of intellectuals fascinated with both mysticism and Nazism, as well as – according to former members of the circle – experiments with drugs and sex magic. Later, Dugin took his interest in the occult to a new level. In the early 1990s, he became editor of the Eurasian magazine Elementy. The front cover of the magazine’s second issue featured a portrait of Baphomet, the goat god who is also the symbol of the US-based Church of Satan. Dugin frequently wrote about the occult within the pages of Elementy, as well as praising the “spiritual and transcendental side of fascism”.

In 1995, during an unsuccessful attempt to get elected to parliament, Dugin took part in a pre-election concert – described as a “black mass” by participants – in memory of the British occultist Aleister Crowley, notorious for his sex “magick”. During the performance, Dugin’s supporters read aloud from Crowley’s Book of the Law (“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”). Dugin is also reported to have met with figures from the Ordo Templi Orientis, a worldwide occult organisation that once boasted Crowley among its ranks.

Dugin’s press secretary declined to forward my request for an interview with her boss on the theme of the occult when I contacted her. “He is a devout Orthodox Christian,” she told me, who had only become interested in the occult out of “intellectual curiosity”. This may well be so – after all, Dugin also has a well-known interest in Chaos Magic, the post-modern, technology-friendly magical tradition that inspired writers such as William S Burroughs and musicians such as Genesis P-Orridge of the British band Psychic TV. Nevertheless, it appears Dugin’s occult studies continue to have an influence on his apocalyptic thinking: just two years ago, this hardline Russian nationalist thinker lectured in Moscow on the necessity of curtailing the “illusion” that is the planet Earth by bringing about the “end of the world”.

The Kremlinist fraud Dyer preaches that occultism, satanism, and other odd cults only exist in the “debauched” West, and that pure and holy Mother Russia is untouched by these degenerate trends. Well, that’s what his KGB Church paymasters require him to say.

So with the entry of Southern and Pettibone into the Russophilic fray, which part of the “alt-media” is not currently under Kremlin control?

66 thoughts on “Southern & Pettibone Board the Russophilia Gravy Train

  1. I friend-requested Jay on FB after seeing him on a Red Ice episode. Not long after, I went to his page and told him he had done some good research on some topics and I posted Sean’s article on Dugin asking him to check it out, being polite about it when I don’t have to be, and the fool insta-blocked me like the chump and/or paid stooge that he is.

    Lol, one cannot be a “devout Orthodox Christian” and simultaneously be into the occult; the Bible explicitly forbids sorcery and any contact with demonic entities. Augustus Invictus is another, occultic, Crowleyan disciple who has way too many friends in the “alt-right” which tells you so many people consider themselves “alt-right” when they absolutely are not, but instead are worthless, stupid fucking buffoons.

    1. Dugin is the main pilar of Russian foreign propaganda strategy right now. Any scratch on him threatens the whole scheme – that’s why the hysterical reaction.
      There are secondary clowns everywhere though- France has Alan Soral and his ridiculous friend “Dieudonné”, Britain has Griffith. US “alt-groups” are full of russophiles. I think “Generation Identity” is compromised as well – never heard anyhting skeptical of Russia from them. They also have a growing presence in Latin America. The cancer spreads.

  2. A Jewish guy (of all people) using the name “Frame Game Radio” is providing the best content at this point by far. Yeah he might sound kinda too soft at times, but he’s very smart, balanced (most others are whackjobs and thugs) and delivers the info, in many cases against his own people’s interests. I highly recommend.

    1. I saw him on Red Ice not long ago. He’s pretty aware of the JQ in certain ways and Zionism, but he is weak and/or just wrong on certain things. One of the things he’s incorrect about is calling Jews ‘white’, when they’re collectively anti-white and will call themselves white at times for deceptive purposes but then say they’re aren’t white at other times when it suits them. Unfortunately it’s hard to really know if people like him aren’t controlled opposition. I can definitely rifle off far more anti-white Jews than he can and it’s ridiculous of him to say they’re ‘white’.

  3. Where do all these pro-russian clowns come from in the West? Seriously, the Western alt-right movement needs its new McCarthyism. As for southern, pettibone, mccarthy and other tradhots, then about them well said Roosh V:
    These bitches just feel Russophile tendencies among the alt-right and alt-light and adapt to them for the sake of new attention and money. Sadly, that among alt-right so many pro-russian useful idiots as well as blue-pilled white knights and betas, ready as Pavlov’s dogs to drool to their “alt-right godesses”.
    And yet, what kind of russian girl with a terrible accent? How can, being western right, glorify this “holiday”, which has become the greatest catastrophe for white Europe?

    1. Spencer attached the Alt-Right to Russophilia from the beginning with his butch bitch “Nina Byzantina”, who’s a Duginist fanatic. Strange relationship by the way, probably arranged.

  4. It is a ridiculous premise that Russia poses any threat to Western civilization. This is one of the numerous contradictions of the whole anti-Putin crowd, including “Brandon Martinez.” On the one hand, they insist Russia is a Third World, Potemkin Village house of cards that can collapse at any moment. At the same time, they insist that Russia has the ability to conquer the West. Islam, radical or not, poses a far greater threat to the West at this moment than Russia ever will. Degenerate Hollywood poses a far greater threat to the West than Russia ever will. The cultural Marxist-dominated university and school systems pose a far greater threat to the West than Russia ever will. Unrestrained Latino immigration poses a far greater threat to the U.S. than Russia ever will. Where in the West are Russian Orthodox churches being built at a pace as rapid as Islamic mosques or Latino settlements (so much so that they are changing Midwest accents)?

    1. and yet this is no reason to alt-right (and western right common) support Russia and the Russians and hope on them.

    2. Nobody says Russia currently has the ability to conquer the entire West. But they do have the ability to conquer Eastern Europe and are already occupying parts of it and scheming against the rest. It’s an idiotic fallacy to say that because the West faces other threats, like immigration and Islam, that Russia is therefore not a problem on its own. Islam is a threat within Russia too, doesn’t mean that Russia itself is not also a problem for us. You’re an admitted Russian shill pandering for money from the Kremlin, so obviously nobody expects hacks like you to admit any of this.

      1. For me to be a “shill,” I would have to be an activist with a website or organization. I have no website or organization. And I haven’t requested money from any Russian sources. But I respect those Alt-Right organizations that are smart enough to form alliances and seek financing to defeat our common enemy, which is Western globalist establishment.

        1. No dummy. You’ve got poor comprehension and critical thinking skills. Anyone can look up the definition of “shill”. Nowhere does it say you have to have a website or organization. A shill publicly helps or gives credit to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with person or organization; like if a person is being paid to support a person or organization, they’re a shill. If the Kremlin pays alt-right people and/or organizations to spread pro-Putin and/or Dugin propaganda, then these people and/or organizations are shilling for them.

          And any dummy can figure out that Western governments, politicians, MSM, etc., are very corrupted, but one is really dumb, slow, foolish to think that this kind of corruption stops in the West. As of organized, Luciferian Jewry and all their various organizations and intentions “only operate in the West”.

          Go comment on some basketball games or something, Holmes.

          1. “Brandon Martinez” accused me of being a shill. And based on the definition that you provided, I am not a shill for Russia. I have no connection or interaction with any Russians, whether a janitor at McDonald’s or any Kremlin agents. As for commenting on basketball games, your website has so little traffic (because your positions are so unpopular and unrealistic among the AltRight) that my comments are among the few that are stimulating any debate or discussion. (I would have said “intellectual debate,” but your use of insults eliminated that possibility.) Perhaps the entire AltRight has allied itself with Russia because they’re wise and savvy enough to form pragmatic alliances rather than cling to some quixotic idealistic ideas that won’t go anywhere beyond this website.

              1. I think Ukraine Trump is an advocate of “political correctness as a propaganda tool”.
                Like this . . . advocating only listening to the nice polite people on BBC radio 4 and not those ghasly foul mouthed types over at alt-right.
                The devil is in the detail folks, look beyond the pretty facade and the pretentious “intellectual debates” from the mainstream.

            1. You’re saying that alt-righters should take money from the Kremlin and/or Kremlin assets, whether directly or indirectly, to support Putin and Dugin, aren’tcha? That means you’re pro-shill. And that also means you’d take money to spread pro-Putin/Dugin propaganda if offered, meaning you would shill for them. You may not technically be a shill, but you’re close enough to it.

              I don’t know what the traffic to this website is, but if you had been paying any attention in logic and critical thinking class, you’d know that just because a website, idea, piece/s of obscure information, etc., aren’t popular or well-known by the general public, for any myriad of reasons, that this doesn’t mean it/they must be “unrealistic”, “untrue”, etc. Thinking they must be is a total fallacy. All anti-Marxist movements are small AF to begin with because the public has been fed endless lies about them for untold periods of time.

              How large do you suppose MGTOW was when I started men’s rights activism back in 2011? It was small as a mother fucker. Very, very few people knew what it was and at first glance thought it was “unrealistic”, “crazy”, “misogynistic”, yada, yada. Look at it today… about a million mofos are MGTOW now and it’s gonna keep growing like wildfire, just like the pro-white movement is.

              Hey dummy, if I call you a dummy (which you are), this doesn’t make it “untrue”, and don’t try to act like you’re having some kind of “intellectual discussion” over here because you aren’t a fucking intellect; you’re a fucking clown wasting our fucking time. I sure am not learning anything from you, and you should be smacked upside the goddamned head for stupidity. Stupidity should be a crime punishable by severe punishment because when it’s not, we get people like you who don’t care about accuracy or veracity, but just wanna insert your worthless thoughts and opinions about them. C’mon dawg, you should be over on some YouTube videos of basketball games teaching people how to play basketball and talking strategy n sheeeit because you’re probably an “intellect” on dat too n sheeeit.

            2. And you can stop putting my name in quotes, big boy. And start using your real name instead of the idiotic moniker of “Ukraine Trump”. We want to know if you’re a Petrov or Markov, and how much vodka you consume daily.

        2. You have openly advocated subordinating ourselves to Russian interests in exchange for some rubles. Thus you are advocating that we all become Russian stooges in exchange for money. If that’s not a shill, then nothing is.

      2. I can’t believe these claims. Russia does not pose a geopolitical threat to Poland or Hungary. Russia will never be able to occupy the Baltic States. Russia is occupying Ukraine because Ukraine is largely a failed state. The majority of Ukrainians speak Russian and embrace Russian culture and the Moscow Patriarchate. Ukraine’s future is largely irrelevant to the West, except for geopolitical control of the Black Sea coastline.

        1. @Ukraine Trump

          1) Return Konisgberg (“kaliningrad”) the land of Immanuel Kant to Germany moron. Why is Russia still occupying it? Not because it’s just a port with a relatively mild climate compared to their other ports in Europe right? There has to be some other reason right? hmmm

          2) The Alt-LIGHT like these empty useless clitorises fantasizes about Russia. We, the real whites over here, don’t give a shit about Russia. We don’t want saviors. We don’t want their bullshit New Cold War narrative that they are pushing.

          3) In my other post about these whores (below), I just SHOW very clearly that this is Soviet Empire speaking. Russia of today = SOVIET EMPIRE. What do you (Ukraine Trump) think about that blonde russian brothel whore talking to the american whore and saying ““The victory day is important for all over the world, because…. During our common forces with also America with the Europe and Russia, we liberate our world from the… …fasshhcist and nazzzzzzi forces. Something that was pla-nned to deshtroy… …our world”.



        2. Russia does not pose a geopolitical threat to Poland or Hungary.

          Yes it does. Both countries were once under Russian/communist control, and Russia has a strong network of organizations and businessmen in both countries influencing politics.

          These links demonstrate Russian “soft power” in Poland


          The Jobbik party’s financial officer was charged with spying for Russia in Hungary:

          Russia will never be able to occupy the Baltic States.

          I’m sure that’s what the commies were saying right before Stalin decided to annex them. Not only can Russia conquer them, but they’re actively moving towards that goal. This doc shows how Russia is mobilizing the “Russian speaking” minorities in the Baltics as a fifth column and openly delegitimizing Baltic sovereignty in Kremlin media:

          Russia is occupying Ukraine because Ukraine is largely a failed state.

          Pfft, classic Kremlin disinfo. Ukraine isn’t a “failed state”. Even if it was, why would that give Russia a right to move in? Syria is a failed state, so America/West has a right to occupy it by your own logic.

          he majority of Ukrainians speak Russian and embrace Russian culture and the Moscow Patriarchate.

          Russian is considered a minority language in Ukraine, and most Ukrainians hate Russia and resent it for past occupation/oppression. The same goes for the rest of Eastern Europe. It just so happens that the most Russia-skeptical populations are all the ones that were behind the Iron Curtain. You’re completely full of shit.

          Ukraine’s future is largely irrelevant to the West, except for geopolitical control of the Black Sea coastline.

          Ukraine is part of the West, so what happens there is not “irrelevant”. You’re speaking as a isolationist Ameritard who doesn’t give two shits about other European Whites. So much for whatever fake “brotherhood” you portend as a white nationalist. It magically disappears when speaking of Europeans on Russia’s borders, because you’re a Russian shill. We all know that.

          The Intermarium movement is growing, which seeks to create political/cultural a bloc of Eastern & Central European countries, opposed to both Russian domination and the EU.

          1. I’ve been trying over and over again to make this same comment for the last 40 fucking minutes due to a shitty internet connection, and no thanks to this DOUCHE BAG “Ukraine Trump”. Maybe this one will finally go through.

            But didn’t Dorset already show this piece of shit before with links that Russian isn’t the majority language in Ukraine? Or was it somebody else he showed? Either way, if this worthless shit bag had actually been READING anything over here, he’d know this shit, but since he doesn’t like to fucking READ, you have to hold his wittle, wittle hand and SPOONFEED the stupid motherfucker like it’s Gerber baby food.

            Wouldn’t you agree “Ukraine Trump” that if you like to waste my fucking TIME that I should be able to waste your fucking HEALTH in return? You’d agree that’d be an equal proposition right? What’s your real name, old man? And wouldn’t you agree that it’d only be fair if I bent your cane over your worthless skull as a reimbursement for you shamelessly wasting my fucking time?

            If this were my site, I would BAN your stupid fucking ass on the SPOT. You are HOPELESSLY fucking stupid and a STAIN on humanity.

        3. Ukraine Trump said:

          …Russia will never be able to occupy the Baltic States.

          It won’t if NATO stays intact. Yes, it won’t attack yet, but in case of destabilization Russia has plans of action ready:

          1. The ‘’opressed russians’’ narrative, which they would use to justify their invasion.

          2. Seperatism by creating –People’s republics. The Ukraine scenario.

          3. Leaving Baltic states intact, but cuck their governments even more so to give a completely free hand for russian mafia and oligarchy essentially making Baltics puppet states of Kremlin just like in Soviet times.

          On seperatism in Latvia:

          From page 50-51:

          „This process has been strongly intertwined with Russia’s discourse on its compatriots in Latvia.It emphasizes that ‘Russians are not Soviet immigrants but the basic nation’of Latvia (Kudors 2012) and that the restrictive language and citizenship policy towards the Russian-speaking population represents a violation of their human rights (Muižnieks 2006).This ideology is represented by different pro-Russian political forces in Latvia focusing on the differences between Latvians and Russians, especially the radical-left party Par Dzimto Valodu (‘For the Native Language’).While still having the status of an organization, at the beginning of 2011 it initiated a petition that lead to a referendum in 2012 on making Russian a second official state language in Latvia, but currently it is propagating the idea of an autonomous Latgale, while incorporating the Latgalian activists’ claims as an important part of its rhetoric. One of its ideological leaders,
          a non-citizen, Aleksandrs Gapoņenko*, argues that Latgalians are the ‘ethnic group’ that is most oppressed by Latvians in Latvia and that Latgalian struggles for linguistic and cultural rights are creating sympathy among Russians, who would like to help due to their own attempts to ‘solve similar problems’. He is certain that the survival of Latgalians is only possible in an autonomous Latgale (Avotiņš 2013, Gaponenko 2011).”

          * Aleksandrs Gapoņenko – One of the dozen pro-Kremlin jews working as subversives.

          Russia uses different, non-military strategies to undermine The West. They couldn’t sustain a direct war against NATO now and they don’t have to. They spread disinformation and propaganda to confuse and demoralize target populations, buy up politicians and work with foreign sympathizers. Russia fund their brand of Islamic terrorism in The West and then create right-wing movements in response to that which both harm the stability of society.

          Remember that China is a solid ally to Russia and their combined military and economic power is enormous. They would strike The West as they’d get a chance and occupy Eastern european regions leaving western part of Europe Finlandicized client states. Alternative scenario would be economic domination and influx of russo-chinese (Eurasians) immigrants „as workforce”. Chinese are already buying up businesses and properties here. Slowly for now. Russian riches – oligarchs have their share of properties and money laundering schemes in Baltics.

          1. Great info. These are the kinds of soft-power campaigns that Russia is running in Eastern Europe, playing up the “oppressed minority” card for Russians there to justify their annexations. Meanwhile, in Russia and Crimea, Ukrainians are rifle-butted if they show any signs of pride in their own culture/heritage. Most alt-righters are completely in the dark about these things because they do no actual research beyond Richard Spencer’s Duginist blog, and those “fashy” podcasts on YouTube.

      3. Why would Russia want to “conquer” Eastern Europe? They grow their own prostututes. Kiss Crimea and Donbass good-bye.

    3. Clown, I’m anti-Putin and Dugin, but I don’t predict the future of Russia to be better, but worse for many reasons, including it’s eventual and inevitable coming loss of influence and power in the region, unlike China’s or Turkey’s. I find it funny how pro-Putin groupies such as yourself ignore some of the very fucking obvious. For one, Russia’s economy sucks. And while it’s middle class appeared to be increasing for a brief period of time circa 2013, it has been on the decline. For two, Russia is losing almost 500 thousand people per year: a rapid-fire rate of loss. As with all demographic declines, this means the working-age demographic will be shrinking and it will continually be an aging population. Life expectancy also sucks in Russia, just like the number of abandoned children has been on the increase as well as the number of out-of-wedlock births. I find it very comical how pro-Putinists think Putin is working some kind of silly magic to get anywhere even close to stabilizing Russia’s economy or demographics. More or less, Putin, Dugin, RT, and the KGB are helping to demoralize and confuse Westerners, partly by being just another bastion of blue-pilled propaganda to influence Westerners who’ve figured out that the Western MSM and politicians are a scam and are looking for potential alternative sources of “truthful information”.

      1. Being an educated observer of history and politics and having a cold view of realpolitik does not make someone a “pro-Putin groupie.” If Russia’s economy “sucks,” if it has a low quality of life, and if its population is plummeting, then why are the anti-Putin AltRighters at all threatened by Putin’s Russia and warning about the threat he poses to the West? You are essentially making my argument. GIVEN THAT RUSSIA IS WEAK AND PUTIN POSES NO THREAT TO THE WEST, the AltRight should align with him pragmatically (and milk his resources such as mass media and public speaking outlets) to defeat our common enemy, which is the Western globalist establishment.

        1. Stop keep saying the main enemy is the “Western globalist establishment”.
          Please correct it to “globalist establishment” . . . internationalists.
          We here, support and love the West.
          By using the word Western all the time you are using language as a propaganda tool to undermine the west and this is easily absorbed by the uncritically thinking low IQ types who jump to conclusions (russia good – west bad).
          I don’t think you are deluded, I think you know exactly what you are doing.
          Putin’s kremlin propaganda tool RT (russia today) is a threat to the west it is sowing seeds of discontent and it is targeting westerners who might be looking for an alternative to the also corrupt western globalist media.
          Mainstream media everywhere is mostly run by organized, international jewry BTW, they OWN most of the media, everywhere and they OWN the politicians and they play a leading role in destroying and undermining the traditional culture everywhere generally.

          1. He says “Western” because he is anti-Western, and refuses to identify specific elements within the West which are causing us harm. He’s pushing the Duginist narrative to a T, which seeks the total collapse and death of “the West” as a whole, not just “globalists”. Russia has proven itself to be hostile to nationalism when it conflicts with THEIR version of Eurasianist globalism and Russian imperium.

            1. True, he’s anti-western.
              Now I have NOT noticed any grammatical slips that would suggest he is from a non-western, non-english speaking country.
              You can make certain assumptions from a person’s written comments, usually if their english is very good.
              If it is not so good they might be faking their grammatical errors.
              So he is probably from the west, or was well educated in the west.

              It’s great that you can get these hecklers to ‘incriminate’ themselves Brandon.
              They reveal their true motives by their ‘incriminating reactions’ to your statements and questions.
              Fictional detective Colombo could catch people out like that.

          2. Dorset Patriot said (to Ukraine Trump): “I don’t think you are deluded, I think you know exactly what you are doing.”

            He could be an agent because he is very “calm” (in reality prepared) facing like 3, 4 people who speak truth.

            Usually when you are deluded, you are more let’s say ‘spontaneous’. ‘Spontaneous’ also includes micro-corrections etc. No. He seems prepared.

        2. Pragmatism is not going to work when you are dealing with sly and conniving types.
          Best to remain independent and not take money from anyone, especially from untrusted entities in other countries.

        3. Why are anti-Putin alt-righters at all threatened by Putin (and Dugin for that matter) you ask?

          If you had been reading any fucking thing over here instead of putting your head in the sand, ignoring the shit out of what’s being said over here, and responding like I trained, Pavlovian dog, I wouldn’t have to repeat what has already been said numerous times on these articles ad nauseum, and I wouldn’t have to waste my time explaining any of it to you. And no, you’re not stimulating any useful debate, just trolling. I hate trolls with a mother fucking PASSION. I believe trolls deserve severe payback for taunting, annoying, harassing, and stealing from others.

          First of all, Putin is not fucking “pro-white”. I’m a pro-WHITE activist, in case ya DIDN’T notice. That means I will do what I can to help other whites when faced with various anti-white situations and scenarios. And don’t get it fucking twisted that just because a white person doesn’t live in the West that I “won’t” help them in any way you pro-Putin fucking fool. And NO, you are NOT an “educated observer”, you are a STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. When Putin does anything anti-white, which he has a long history of, I will help bring it to others’ awareness. He has not only been undertaking many anti-white activities in Russia, but also Ukraine. And in case you haven’t noticed, and I KNOW you HAVEN’T, RT is very Marxist (anti-white) too, and OBVIOUSLY serves as a major propaganda arm in the West. Fuck RT as well. And NO, you don’t just “milk his resources” and shill for the fucking clown. You’re too goddamned dumb to know Putin, Dugin, his oligarchs, his vast other connections including other Jews, and RT are all corrupt as fuck. Anyone with any brains or morals doesn’t support corrupt, evil fucking people, fool.

          Now go teach people how to do some windmill-basket-dunks because I bet you’re also an “educated observer” on the sport of basketball, too. Tell them what the coaches should be doing that they aren’t n stuff. I can tell you’re an “expert” on all kindsa things, (more like NONE), lol.

    4. “RUSSIA’S population, economy and influence is all set to fall sharply in the next 25 years, according to new predictions.

      Not only will the global power player lose friends and influence, but Russia will also be forced to re-evaluate its role in several regions, according to private-intelligence firm Stratfor.

      In its Russia and the West: A 25-year Forecast, it predicts Vladimir Putin’s beloved nation is in for one bumpy ride.

      Stratfor, which successfully predicted Europe’s inability to cope with the financial crisis and the US-jihadi war, also predicts new allegiances will be made and Russia won’t be part of them.

      So which countries will fill the power vacuum and how will Russia cope?

      According to Stratfor, Russia will fall from being as powerful with its leaders forced to look at other ways to ensure its survival in a new world order.

      Among the other predictions are:


      By 2050, Stratfor predicts, based on current UN demographic projections that Russia’s population will fall by around 10 per cent from 143 million to 129 million.

      In comparison the population of the United States will jump by almost 20 per cent, from 322 million to 389 million while the rest of Europe will fall somewhere in between.


      With a loss of people comes a decline in other areas, Stratfor predicts.

      “Russia’s relatively steep demographic plunge can be expected to undermine its ability to influence its former Soviet neighbours,” it warns.

      Both the cultural and social bond tying Russia to its neighbours will also further weaken with each year that passes since the Soviet Union’s collapse.

      According to Stratfor, the biggest challenge Russia faces will be “tyring to maintain its position and advantage in the former Soviet periphery as its resources decline and the cultural and political ties underpinning its position erode.””

      1. The fact that you’re relying on (((Stratfor))) for your data throws into question your Alt-Right positions altogether. But again, if Russia is so weak, why are you so concerned and threatened by them? So far, Russia has only invaded Georgia and Ukraine, both countries of the post-Soviet sphere. Russia poses no threat to countries beyond the post-Soviet sphere, which is an argument that you yourself is making by pointing out Russia’s declining economic, demographic and racial situation.

        1. Why are you, a Russian agent, any more trustworthy than Stratfor? You’re an admitted hack pandering for Russian rubles. You’ve discredited yourself by admitting your motives.

        2. DISPROVE WTF it’s SAYING then, FOOL. I guess YOU think the OPPOSITE and that Russia is gonna be “excellin” in the future n sheeeit then, right? EXPLAIN how you see this coming about, you low-IQ douche bag.

          I’ve explained in previous comments that Putin is anti-white. AND, IF this is true and Russia is gonna be doing significantly worse in the future, as you’re asking, WTF is PUTIN doing about it to make things BETTER, is the OBVIOUS QUESTION old man. You tell ME WTF he’s doing. Don’t act like Russia isn’t an industrial shit-hole and like Putin has been “helping them” you scumbag of the earth.

          And what’s your REAL NAME old man?

    5. “Yet in post-Communist Russia, there are unambiguous indications of a worsening of social well-being for a significant proportion of the country’s children—in effect, a disinvestment in children in the face of a pronounced downward shift in national fertility patterns.

      School enrollment is sharply lower for primary-school-age children—99 percent in 1991 versus 91 percent in 2004. And the number of abandoned children is sharply higher. According to official statistics, as of 2004 over 400,000 Russian children below 18 years of age were in “residential care.” This means that roughly 1 child in 70 was in a children’s home, orphanage, or state boarding school. Russia is also home to a large and possibly growing contingent of street children whose numbers could well exceed those under institutional care. According to Human Rights Watch, over 100,000 children in Russia have been abandoned by their parents each year since 1996. If accurate, this number, compared to the annual tally of births for the Russian Federation, which averaged about 1.4 million a year for the 1996–2007 period, would suggest that in excess of 7 percent of Russia’s children are being discarded by their parents in this new era of steep sub-replacement fertility.

      A third implication of the past decade and a half of sharply lower birth levels in Russia will be a drop-off in the country’s working-age population, and an acceleration of the tempo of population aging in the period immediately ahead. Barring only a steady and massive in-migration, Russia’s potential labor pool will shrink markedly over the coming decade and a half and continue to diminish thereafter.

      In addition to its daunting fertility decline, Russia’s public health losses today are of a scale akin to what might be expected from a devastating war. Since the end of the Communist era, in fact, “excess mortality” has cost Russia hundreds of thousands of lives every year.

      The 1960s and 1970s witnessed an increase in mortality rates for key elements of the Soviet population. But Russia’s health patterns did not correct course with the collapse of the USSR, as many experts assumed they would. In fact, in the first decade and a half of its post-Communist history the country’s health conditions actually became worse. Life expectancy in the Russian Federation is actually lower today than it was a half century ago in the late 1950s. In fact, the country has pioneered a unique new profile of mass debilitation and foreshortened life previously unknown in all of human history.

      Like the urbanized and literate societies in Western Europe, North America, and elsewhere, the overwhelming majority of deaths in Russia today accrue from chronic rather than infectious diseases: heart disease, cancers, strokes, and the like. But in the rest of the developed world, death rates from these chronic diseases are low, relatively stable, and declining regularly over time. In the Russian Federation, by contrast, overall mortality levels are high, manifestly unstable, and rising.”

    6. Ukraine Trump said

      It is a ridiculous premise that Russia poses any threat to Western civilization

      No it isn’t.
      And by using the word Western all the time you are using language as a propaganda tool to undermine the west and this is easily absorbed by the uncritically thinking low IQ types who jump to conclusions (russia good – west bad).
      I don’t think you are deluded, I think you know exactly what you are doing.
      Putin’s kremlin propaganda tool RT (russia today) is a threat to the west and it is sowing the seeds of discontent, reinforcing a “russia good – america bad meme”.
      It often highlights and amplifies anything bad about america and at the same time ‘talks up’ leftie regimes and revolutions in other countries.
      Putin’s RT targets westerners who might be looking for an alternative to the also corrupt western globalist media. RT is available in several languages, targeting different cultural and regional audiences.
      So to get an idea of RT’s total output you need to periodically check their spanish and arabic channels too.
      Mainstream media everywhere is mostly run by organized, international jewry BTW, they OWN most of the media, everywhere and they OWN the politicians and they play a leading role in destroying and undermining the traditional culture everywhere generally.

  5. Disgusting, but revealing at the same time. Good to see these shills (Pettibone & alt-media) exposing themselves for what they are. But if i was thinking in ”conspiratorial ways” : what if they do it intentionally to make it easier to smear all right-wing reactionaries in The West as ”russian agents”? Now it seems MSM doesn’t even have to make stuff up. It’s not like most people will research these new political trends (alt-right etc.) in depth.

    1. what if . . .

      They might be (they might know exactly what they are doing) . . . every little helps (from their point of view) . . . as they say.

  6. Aside from Dugin and the deep stuff about alt-right and alt-light connection to him…

    …It’s disgusting to see these pathetic prostitutes having this absolutely stomach-churning despicable kind of smug faces while they are on their mi$$ion to Russia. Presumably someone is paying them. I don’t know who.

    But it is absolutely pathetic to see these paid whores (Southern and the other bitch which I don’t know very well, but she has a yet even more annoying face and aura than Southern has) doing their business.

    Then the other (blonde) russian whore starts the blahblah about victory against Fascism. The russian says “The victory day is important for all over the world, because…. During our common forces with also America with the Europe and Russia, we liberate our world from the… …fasshhcist and nazzzzzzi forces. Something that was pla-nned to deshtroy… …our world”.

    Despite the obvious fact that this whore has a dick in her mouth (like a good russian whore who works in a brothel) and can’t speak properly, What she says is SO SCHLOMOISH!!! This pathetic “simplification” of major events of human history like WWII reminds me of what the chosens say/do. Propaganda and bullshit matters!!!!!! Reality, truth and history dont… That’s Soviet Russia for you people. Enjoy alt-light fags/cucks/

    Why doesn’t this pathetic american prostitute (Pettitbone) doesn’t react when she listens to the fuckin Shlomo stinkin bullshit about WWII? Wasn’t the alt-light supposed to be nationalistic?

    What a bunch of pathetic clitoris-es talking nonsense. Put a veil on them, and fuck them all day like the 72 virgins. Islamists are better than us on the WQ (woman question). DEPORT SOUTHERN AND PETTITBONE TO KAZAKHSTAN OR KYRGYZSTAN. Let them get Genghis-Khan descend ant dick all day and be thrown in a fuckin YURT to do their lame bullshit with little dolls and decorations. That’s all they were born for. WAKE UP EUROPEANS. THE BITCHES BELONG IN THE KITCHEN. NOT IN THE SOCIETY. TAKE AN EXAMPLE FROM ANCIENT ATHENS YOU CUCKS. All men should realize that simple fact. YOU BETAS LET THIS HAPPEN by giving them value (hitting on them, but most importantly making “compliments” about their personality, which should be VERBOTTEN, because you fuck up the society, you inflate the value of these vaginas/clitorises.

    The yurts await FUCKING WHORES. Immediate deportation to Kyrgyzstan. Islam is what you need you dripping pussies. I found the best places for you, Lauren and Brittany. They are in the soviet empire so you will be close to your Dugin. Go to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

    1. Yeah, this Pettibone is even more annoying because she has a “princess” attitude. Southern (real name Simonsen, Jewish) dirties herself more – she’s really into this shit. Pettibone’s boyfriend is some Austrian dude that leads a chapter of that suspicious “Generation Identity” group – which I think might be just another Moscow-run/funded operation.
      The Russian bitch is just a mass-produced drone.

      1. There are two main forces behind western females (I am NOT speaking about non-whites, i am EXCLUDING them) are

        A) “Family-ism”. This is a natural tendency for home-making and baby-raising plus the propaganda they have heared (I am not saying any of this is “bad”) from the older generations about families etc. Most contemporary (modern) relationships are broken from the late20’s and on USUALLY (thought not always) because the female is more “famylist”. This might be annoying if you are a male, but is completely natural (in tune with Nature).

        B) “Identity-ism”. This is a bizarre and unnatural tendency, should be open to serious philosophical discussion but no one cares (academiciaaaans boo). This is basically this thinking “I am mediocre, so I should go there (X), where my “talents” (bullshit thought) are more, oh my god, deeply appreciated…”. Women fake being metalheads, alternative-rockers, reggae-listeners, interested in alternative lifestyles, vegans etc. Usually these groups have some “idols” and “ways of behaving” that are so pathetically simple that even these WOMEN can get it and act accordingly and fake stuff, and bullshit everyone. The more “alternative” the group the woman makes her entry into, the more likely it is that it would have a strong male majority. That’s also a huge bonus, that if you think about it, might be even the reason the whole thing is happening……………

        These are not categories. These are two forces that are dominant in Greece and in every Western nation inside the white female psyche. Now here’s the point:

        We have to kick B) out of the question. Somehow suppress it through some means. A) is just the natural tendency of women (and even some men) and it should be JUST ACCEPTED. But ABSOLUTELY NOT idolized and worshipped (some alt-right types like to think of women as ‘sisters’ to be ‘defended’ like the Golden One muh-muscles poseur). We are NOT at this point the warriors who defend the princesses. We do it because we have to. There is no magic in it after even the FIRST wave of feminism lol, not to mention the others. We have to get over it as western men. It’s over folks! No Magic in the pussy.

        Women are less ‘Godly’ than men. Everyone regardless of religion sees some astonishing act of brilliance and says “oh my god” or “wow, he acted like god (we greeks say “he is God”). Women are less astonishing than men. MUCH LESS creative and much more boring. They are just more animalistic in nature. They are just breeders of thinkers, soldiers, politicians etc.

        They should not get out in society because what they do is counter-productive at best. They are masters of puppets. They just ‘know’ (or think they know, but certainly LIKE) to play the dolls, manipulate characters, create bullshit stories, spark meaningless jealousies over pussy. This is a behavior that IF IT’S NATURAL, we have to accept it. But, something rings my bells here. Something doesn’t feel right.

        They have to AT LEAST stay at home.. at least… Maybe after that a lot of irrelevance, randomness and bullshit in white society might dissipate for a while. Because it’s being created by them. They (women) have MANY things in common with the chosen people.

        1. The current, Masonic legal system favors them, not to mention the cultural (communist) system.
          That Golden One is ridiculous – yeah strength is good, but there’s an homoerotic element going on (Bronze Age Pervert, not to mention “Jack Donovan”) that’s just fucking bizarre. Be strong with clothes on.

        2. Unfortunately a whole bunch of “alt-right” types like to think of Westernized skanks as “sisters”. The last thing the bitches are, are “sisters”. If that’s what da “Golden One” says then he’s a white knight clown too. Somebody like me should smoke his punk ass in a powerlifting competition, lol… bench, squat, deadlift, weighted-pull-ups, and weighted situps. There are plenty of mangina types in the alt-light who aren’t even good pro-white activists and/but virtue signal to these cunts to try to get laid and talk shit about MGTOWS, lol. I see them like I see these white anti-whites who need to be sent to the lion’s den, non-white no-go zones to “make peace” with these savages (both Westernized non-whites and Westernized women are like savages, lol).

          These alt-light white knight types are about as stupid as old-man “Ukraine Trump” over here. I mean, he could be some clown working for the government, but I’ve encountered way too many people online who aren’t working for anyone and are just that disgracefully goddamned dumb, including old personal friends. I mean look how dumb Joe Sigur is, and I don’t think anybody is paying him. He’s “95% sure” Brandon is an “op”, but still loves to copy shit from over here all the time.

          I’ve gotten good vibes off of Brittany and her sisters in the past, but like a lot of these more well-known broads, they don’t have much of a clue about WTF is really going on. And on social media, they don’t like to respond or debate. I know a dude who seemed like a good dude who was also experienced in the marketing and media field and he was looking for a job with Red Ice but Lana would never respond to him. It’s like she only responds if she perceives something as an insult. Pretty cunty of her, lol. I still like Brittany’s personality more than Lauren’s and Lana’s because the last two are outspoken about certain things that they’re completely fucking wrong about and that are way over their heads, with Lauren who could easily know what’s going on but not care, and/but obviously Brittany doesn’t know WTF is going on either. Of the 3, I could see Lauren as being the most inclined to be willing to shill for dinero.

          1. @ Dana

            What a bunch of useless people. It’s like a cats trying to conversate and exchange ideas about why the master was fired, became unemployed, and is unable to buy cat food. They can’t. They won’t. And it’s a waste of resources, time and thought to even try to explain to them why cat food was cut down. That’s how these identity-ist women behave. They assume an identity (that is on us to either believe that they assume it seriously or just think of them as speaking vaginas) and then they assume that they know how to behave and what to do, to become high-status in the identity group they have chosen (alt-light nashionalishhhts). Then they think they carry an alt-light ID with them. They are deluded. We could care less about their deluded, fake, bullshit form of “nationalism”.

            In my post above I mentioned “strong male majorities”. That might have been misunderstood by someone who might have read it I presume. Because I said: “The more alternative the group (the woman joins), the more likely it is to have a strong male majority”. What I was trying to say is the more OBSCURE the group is, the more likely it is for it to have a strong male majority. THE ALT-RIGHT (or light) is a very good example. If you take SOCIETY as a WHOLE, then certainly white-identity/nationalism etc is VERY obscure. And it ‘was’ extremely man-infested (before let’s say 2014? or something like that). You cannot FUCK or DATE as a man because you are an ‘alt-righter’. But you can certainly FUCK, DATE, get $$, get worship (muh Golden Muscle morons), get attention, get psychological validation, be DEFENDED etc etc etc etc ETC….. IF YOU ARE A WOMAN.

            These women belong in the confines of the HOUSE. They should be allowed to go outside and buy groceries and meat. Maybe interact with other women in female, short-term oriented groups (for example that cooking bullshit Lana does). But not anything far reaching. Because ‘far-reaching’ like politics is way over the heads of the Stupid Sex. Some women are exceptions. But I should repeat ‘ad nauseum’: Exceptions don’t change the rule. Especially when they are so rare.

            Other relatively ‘obscure’ groups that specialista, identy-ist Greek women enter BECAUSE it is male-majority:

            Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Indie Rock, Trotskyism (unlike Stalinism, it is obscure and male majority in here), Maoism, Golden Dawn (petty greek nationalism), Mountain Climbing Groups, Engineering, Football (soccer) fan groups, Surfing (or other sea sports) groups and MOREEEEeeee….

            When they enter these groups they are immediately greeted with frantic welcomes etc. They find DICK and MONEY in that groups. Dick translates to money in the long term. I think everybody KNOWS what I am referring to here…. Long term relation$hips, the in$titution of marriage etc…

            The Stupid Sex must stay in the house to play with decorations and other girly shit. They don’t belong in SOCIETY, which should be a MALE SPACE. A lot of needless irrationality and bullshit would vanish if society was Male dominated.

  7. “Southern (real name Simonsen, Jewish) dirties herself more – she’s really into this shit. ”

    Is that right? Simonsen? That explains some things… Thanks..

    1. There’s a whole long list of high profile people influencing the right wing, alt-right, alt-light and in white nationalism in general, who do not publicise the fact that they are jewish.
      Jews do have ‘skin in the game’, not least financial incentives but also race related political agendas too.
      They play by their own rules to benefit themselves and to advance their agendas, so it is no wonder that they keep popping up all over the place.
      Some openly state they are jewish and they appear to be acting altruistically for the good of everyone.
      Therein we have another possible deception, a few high profile jews seemingly doing good things whilst advertising for all to see, their racial identity.
      Then the ‘show stopper’, we find out they never criticize israel or putin and that gives us clues, as to their allegiancies, ideologies and their motives.
      Always have your ‘jadar’ switched on.

      1. And of course they own and run many social media platforms.
        They write the rules and they censor the content to their liking.
        They are involved in anything that might go viral and anything that might be the next manic craze.
        Crypto currencies and similar related schemes provide ample opportunty for them to set up goyim fleecing platforms.

        1. Well it was surely interesting when I saw that Simonsen’s Wikipedia entry is strangely friendly towards her, calls groups she works with “white identitarian”, etc. If an unauthorized girl did the same they would lambast her as “Neo-Nazi” and the group “supremacist”.
          The Israeli editors’ group over there (“be bold” – Masonic motto by the way) seems to support Lady Simonsen.

          1. Interesting. She doesn’t seem too sneaky. Chosen people are usually sneakier. But I guess that she, Goldy, and some others are certainly in my J-dar.

  8. Yes they (Ruski-alt-righters) have an advantage because they tie their movement into the Ortho church, which gives it a religio-philosophical overlay. The alt-right in the west has none of this overlay and looks/is empty in comparison. This site banner says ‘reconquista’ but the Spanish knew exactly what they were religiously, as men, as warriors etc

    Hopefully soon, we get an alt-right faction that is explicitly Catholic (at least metaphysically, since we know politically its a bit of a mess), and then we’ll have a meta-view going forward, that is neither stuck with braindead neo-nazis, or materialist nihilists… but with our own organic view on race/ethnic relations.

  9. As far as I remember, once Pettibone was posting in her accounts in social network this primitive hoax about non-existent “racist” Putin’s speech to state Duma, which is based on a real speech of Australian PM:

    Such a lie says a lot about her views and level of intelligence of her followers.
    Either she has no clue, or she is just being paid, both options are equally possible.

    1. Pettibone also put up an article pertaining to how ‘evil’ it was that a Saudi Imam said women shouldn’t drive because they only had something like half a brain, lolz. I had to go and tell her that even though Islam is a messed-up religion, that he was indeed partially correct about what he said, lol, and I had to show her a bunch of female-driver compilations, wrecking shit and doing the dumb shit behind the wheel they so notoriously do, lolz. There’s a reason there are almost no women in NASCAR, almost no female pilots, etc., lol. Chucky said it best in Child’s Play: “Daaaaamn women drivers!” Lol. I had to tell her that it was also messed-up that the misogynists in movies are always the evil villains and that they should be the heroes in the movies, lol. 🙂

      1. It’s no surprising, most women in “WN” and “far-right” circles pretending to be normal are latent feminists. Like for example when someone posts typical Putin’s congratulations to “8 March International women day” (the communist holiday celebrated ion Russia, Zimbabwe, Laos, Cuba) – most female users in SF do support it, as if “we women must have our own day”. They all pretend to hate “Zionist feminism” and support the main feminist leftist holiday at once. I think most women and far-right idea simply incompatible.
        However in this case we may witness something paid. From $ trillions stolen from Russian people it’s not difficult for Kremlin to find few shekels to pay for dumb and unscrupulous like these two to promote freaky Dugin.

  10. I got one paragraph in and decided this was garbage. Nobody is worshipping Russia, we are trying to de-villianize these fellow Whites in the eyes of the normie, whos Boomer parents told horror stories of evil KGB spies. Also a US-Russia alliance would be an unstoppable global force. Stop treating Slavs like Niggers just because they had to endure years of Communism.

    1. I got one paragraph in and decided this was garbage.

      “Garbage” that you can’t refute.

      Nobody is worshipping Russia, we are trying to de-villianize these fellow Whites in the eyes of the normie, who’s Boomer parents told horror stories of evil KGB spies.

      So by “de-villainizing” Russia, you seek to whitewash Putin’s crimes against fellow whites in Ukraine and Russia? And are you denying the horrors of the KGB?

      Also a US-Russia alliance would be an unstoppable global force. Stop treating Slavs like Niggers just because they had to endure years of Communism.

      As you can see from the Russian nationalists who comment on this site, Putin does not = Russia, nor do most Russian White nationalists support Putin. Putin is our enemy and the enemy of racialists in Russia. We need a nationalist Russia without Putin that respects the sovereignty of Eastern Europe, which Duginist scum and Nazbols absolutely do not. I’d be more than willing to make an alliance with genuine nationalists in Russia that want to form a united block against the non-white invasion of white countries.

      1. That DeusVult dummy said in another post on another comment that white christians are “the chosen people” so Brandon you might imagine what kind of Orthodoxophilia and Putinophilia hides behind this “Deus Vult” nickname.

        I will call the doctor, I smell a schizochristian “we are the chosen people not the Jews” delusion.

        Fatboy Matt Heimbach is that you?

        Da hospital awaitz.

        Putin is someone that has as much relevance for me as Lady Gaga. I am not a schizo-orthodox christian maniac. AND EVEN IF I WAS. PUTIN IS NOT CHARACTERIZED BY specifically CHRISTIAN identity.


        1. Putin pays lip service to all the Abrahamic faiths, and gives them special status in Russia, meanwhile he’s a mafia thug who kills, blackmails and steals for a living. Very clever ruse.

          1. putin licks muslim arse and then helped open the new grand mosque with erdogan in moscow and then claims to be pro-christian but hes a liar and its all a big facade. they have high abortion rates average 7 white ethnic russian babies murdered per women
            russias population would be around 240 mil if they didnt continue butchering the next generation of russians
            another interesting fact the native siberian populations collapsed because of communist extermination progroms theres less than 1000 people in most of the tribes. which they then tested on prisoners in the gulag systems
            and the european polish,german etc gulag descendants and the deported population were booming in siberia until communist era family planning came along same crap has been now implemented in our west.
            they also let in millions of central asians immigrants to as a cheap workforce in shite conditions and then have them islamized in saudi built mosques.
            southern and shittybone are big alt media shills.

        2. “Schizo-orthodox Christian maniac” – defines “Bro. Nathanael” pefectly. NazBols are an abomination – the most grotesque type of useful idiots. “Conservative Communists” – these people belong in either mom’s basement making edgy memes (that they’ll evenutally grow out of) or mental asylums. National-Leftism is Satanism.

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