Canadian Politician Calls Out Diversity Cult & Cuckservative Weakness, Vows to Start New Populist Party

Quebec conservative politician Maxime Bernier has been compared to Donald Trump after he let out a barrage of tweets sharply critical of Canada’s failed multiculturalism and diversity cult.

“Last week, Conservative member of Parliament Maxime Bernier posted a series of tweets on Twitter espousing his opposition to “extreme multiculturalism” and the “cult of diversity” in Canada. According to Bernier, diversity will “destroy” the cultural identity of Canada, and worse, will result in “cultural balkanization” that leads to social conflict and even ‘violence’,” wrote one leftist rag, decrying Bernier’s “white supremacy”.

After Bernier’s anti-diversity rant on twitter, cuckservatives from his party denounced him and basically pushed him out of the party. So he’s pushed back by publicly lambasting the cowardice of Canada’s cuckservatives on the question of the radical demographic displacement of White Canadians.

Here’s his press conference:

Populism and nationalism are growing rapidly throughout the West, and even some weak conservatives are coming over to our position on this. Bernier is floating around in alt-light territory right now. He’s certainly nowhere near our level of understanding, but has at least smashed the diversity cult from his position of high standing in Canadian society.

Libtard SuperCuck Justin Trudeau is coming under increasing scrutiny for his radical leftist policies. A woman in Quebec recently heckled him about it, and he responded defiantly by declaring that anyone in disagreement with his anti-white multicult policies has “no place in Canada.”

This is how tolerant leftists are. If you don’t go along with their agenda to inflict White genocide on the founding peoples of the West, they demand that you leave. We cannot under any circumstances surrender our countries to these radical Marxist malcontents. We cannot let them drag our civilization to ruin. We must fight back with everything we’ve got, and put them to shame.

4 thoughts on “Canadian Politician Calls Out Diversity Cult & Cuckservative Weakness, Vows to Start New Populist Party

  1. I am afraid Britain is lost.

    Last night I talked to a couple of women in their late 20s in an Irish pub Madrid. They didn´t look like hardcore leftists. Just two regular British girls from Newcastle. Very nice and friendly. Drinking a lot of beer and wearing upskirts. I never start any conversation about politcs but they started: “What do you think about Brexit?”. I told them I think Brexit is a mistake. They agreed. “Nevertheless, I think you shoud remain in the EU the way Visegrad countries wants to remain.”
    They were, of course, anti Brexit, but they disagreed about Visegrad. They thought all the islamophobic speech is just “paranoia”, and “in Newcastle we have not the kind of problems they have iin London”. It seems Newcastle is not heavily islamized. And they don´t give a fuck about what happens in the capital.
    So, after the conversation, I had the inpression this girls were just “normies”. But this days, being a slept normie is extremely dangerous. The worst thing is that, probably, for most people their age in Britain, what is going on is something totally “normal” and “acceptable”. I mean;: the terror, the invasion, the building of mosques, the acid attacks, the rapes, the tons of welfare for non whites… They can deal with that perfectly. Probably even they know that Britain is going to become soon oficially an Islamic State. And they are OK about that. I told them that in case of Britain becomes an Islamic State “no more upskirts, no more women going out (but the prostitutes to hook clients, like happens in Morocco), no more beer, no more bacon for breakfast, etc”.
    They didn´t seem very worried about that.
    How is that possible? How far goes the brainwash?
    I think they live in the dream of a feminist islamic multicultural multiracial utopia, they same way many people in Catalonia.
    Maybe it is even worst: what if most British women WANT secretely and deep inside to be taken by black and Arab Muslims? Maybe it has an deep Freudean sexual masochistic explanation. I suspect so.
    In the case all this mess has such an explanation there is nothing more to do. They deserve to fall. We deserve to fall.

  2. It seems that most of the younger generation are pro EU.
    There has been a concerted effort to indoctrinate them through the education system and via their preferred media channels.

    This is how tolerant leftists are. If you don’t go along with their agenda to inflict White genocide on the founding peoples of the West, they demand that you leave.

    Meanwhile . . . in Britain, we voted to leave the EU.

    Brexit The Movie

    1. A good find #654.

      Microchip on GAB said:
      “I’m here to WARN you that Bernier is a snake who is in league with much bigger snakes. . . .
      Beware putting your faith and hope in false idols.”

      Of course, we need to watch this one carefully and also do further research.

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