Europe’s Big Cities Sinking Into Perilous Third World Dumps

With the advent of massive third world immigration, Europe’s biggest cities like London and Paris are sinking into uninhabitable, perilous dumps, literally stinking of piss and sewage as uncivilized third world cultures take over.

Watson covers the rapid decay of Paris here, thanks to immigration:

Europe is no longer Europe. It is now Africa. It’s simply amazing how the Kalergite elite have managed to transform our cherished European cities so quickly into third world dumps. How have we let it get this bad without taking action to stop it? How much shit will people put up with before they openly revolt and start chasing these migrants back where they came from?

The Kalergite elite is openly spitting in our faces. They’re intent to humiliate the White race by allowing brazen third world dregery to take over our city streets. Paris and London are basically lost to the dregs. The elite are directing us dangerously towards civil war in the near future. What other option does the White race have to save our civilization?

26 thoughts on “Europe’s Big Cities Sinking Into Perilous Third World Dumps

  1. The bourgeoisie will never fight back. They don’t have to live around diversity. They benefit from a having a source of cheap labour, and they force my class to live around it. What I really hate is hearing that mass immigration is a form of “atonement” for colonialism. While colonialism was indeed an abominable crime, it was not the fault of the working class at all. It was the fault of the same capitalist class that now promotes mass immigration, and had the same (((profit))) motive. In fact the capitalist class continues to be neocolonial today, supporting puppet dictators in Africa while assassinating all of the Nationalist, Socialist and Marxist-Leninist revolutionary African leaders.

    There are elements among the working class White population that are fighting back but most are undisciplined and unorganized. They need to unite in an organized army, drop the lumpen mentality and form a revolutionary consciousness that not only drives out the invaders but leads a revolution against the ZOG government and installs National Bolshevism.

      1. That dude “Jijcf” is a clown, mindlessly repeating the same dumb shit every time he talks.

        There’s obviously such a thing as misfortune and many poor people are poor because of bad luck, (and a lot more people are gonna be poor in the not-too-distant future), but he absolutely can’t comprehend that many people are poor because of their own actions. Like in his case, you can bet he’s gonna be poor all his life. Why? Because he’s arrogantly fucking stupid and entitled. Stupid people are poor for a reason. As the saying goes: If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough. There are many poor people who just can’t be helped (like Frank Shamrock’s homeless brother, for example, if you ever watch the documentary he did about his life). Blacks are always gonna be poor as shit, and no, I/we don’t “owe” them.

        1. There is a good example of a succesful Nazbol State: Belarus.
          Most of the industry, the agricultural, the mines, the infraestructures and the Energy is owned by the State. Most of the service companies are private.
          Good public services, too.
          Extremely pro white, pan Slavic, pro Christian Orthodox, nationalistic, pro army, pro family.
          Extremely anti LGTBI, anti non white inmigration, anti feminist.

          1. The Bolsheviks weren’t pro-male though, they were anti-male. They weren’t anti-gay, but pro-gay, and not pro-white but anti-white and pro-Jew. Not pro-Christian but anti-Christian. Pro-proletariat and pro-big government, too. The Bolsheviks were pieces of trash.

            Also out of Wikipedia:

            “The NBP believes in the national bolshevik ideas during the Russian Civil War, such as those from Professor Nikolai Ustrialov, who came to believe that Bolshevism could be modified to serve nationalistic purposes. His followers, the Smenovekhovtsi, who then came to regard themselves as National Bolsheviks, borrowed the term from Ernst Niekisch who was a German politician initially associated with mainstream left-wing politics and later proponent for the National Bolshevik ideology.

            The NBP has denied any links to fascism, stating that all forms of antisemitism, xenophobia, and racism were against the party’s principles.[10]

            The NBP has historically defended Stalinism, although later on the party said it did not wish to re-create that system.[10]

            The NBP was highly critical of the Putin government and argued that state institutions such as the bureaucracy, the police and the courts were corrupt and authoritarian.[12]”

            The article goes on to talk about how Alexander Dugin was a founder of the NBP in 1993, but left in 1998 after conflict with other party members. Well, obviously Dugin is pro-Putin today.


            1. Yeah, being pro-proletariat is so horrible. You are really one of the most disgusting, despicable psychopaths I have ever encountered and that’s saying a lot. I hate a lot of people but you are one of the absolute worst. Of course you are all for big government to repress the poor, just not to help them.

              1. I hope you hate me with an absolute PASSION. I sure hate the SHIT out of you. You’ve got TWO options: Either come GET me, COWARD, or go DIE for the Palestinians already.

                You won’t be doing EITHER, you worthless piece of vaginal bacterial yeast infected DOUCHE.

                This all really isn’t your fault. Your dad just did a TERRIBLE job impregnating a mother like yours. I’d be REALLY pissed off at my dad if I were YOU.

              2. Clown say, Well, my mangina daddy impregnated a stupid cunt like my momma, and it’s all YOUR fault.

                NO douche, it’s your daddy and mommy’s fault. I/WE’RE not RESPONSIBLE for dummy daddy and mommy’s MISTAKE.

                You’re very correct about one thing though: I OWE you. I OWE your daddy, mommy, and YOU, a real FOOT up the ASS. It’s a foot shaped like a bullet.

                Have you told them yet about the incredible value of eugenics? Prolly not, I’m presuming.

                1. Who said autism couldn’t be funny? This guy here’s hilarious, making threats on his keyboard and feeling so tough.

                  He’ll be taunted with his idiocy when he is begging for mercy from the Gulag after the Revolution.

                  1. Uh oh, I’ma ‘keyboard warrior’ in da house! I’ve “never” heard clowns online say anything like that n sheeit. Is that like I’m “clearly a baby boomer”, courtesy of your “genius”?! Is that like your IQ is “very high” and you know what the “final red pill” is?!

                    Here’s something more original: WHEN are you going to DIE for the Palestinians, COWARD? Did you tell your daddy and mommy that they raised a low-IQ, douche bag, coward, and that they’re ALSO responsible for their actions? That it’s not ALL your fault?

                    And speaking of keyboard warriors, what’s your real name, pussy?

                    1. Listen, guys, regarding the Soviet communism: it changed dramatically with Stalin.
                      Stalin was no sister of mercy, OK, but he kicked out the Jews out of the Kremlin and the KPSS. And killed Jewish psycho Trotskyi.
                      Stalin made kind of PanSlavic NationalSocialism in the USSR. He signed peace with the Orthodox Church in 1943.

            2. Ok, maybe “NazBol” is not a good term to describe Belarus, perhaps “Soviet patriotic”. Not so Soviet since they have private property and private companies, too.
              Let me remind you Stalin purged the Jewish elements from KPSS and purged Jewish psycho Trotsky in Mexico DF.
              Besides, he signed peace with the Orthodox Church in 1943.

              1. Stalin only eased up on the Church when he needed more public support for Russia’s war with Germany. It was a political ploy, not a serious ideological shift. Stalin was a mass murderer of principally White Christian Russians and Ukrainians. Any attempt to glorify that monster for token things like that is crazy.

  2. @Trajano

    That’s not true. Stalin kept Jews around him, like Kaganovich, until he died. There were just so many Jews involved in the Soviet regime that it was inevitable that some of his internal rivals were Jews. He did not purge those Jews for anti-Jewish reasons but political reasons. Moreover, Stalin couldn’t have been a “nationalist” as he expanded the USSR’s borders in Eastern Europe and communized them, installing mostly Jews into power in those satellite states. He funded and supported the communists during Spain’s civil war. Any attempts by right-wingers to glorify aspects of Stalinism is cringeworthy.

    1. Regarding Stalin´s expasionism… he was not so interested in Internationalism. He wanted the “Socialism in one country”.
      The problem was the Historic dynamics: the Spanish communits asked him for help (and they paid a lot of gold for it), the USSR was invaded by Germany, he defeated Germany, and once he had half of Europe, he was not going to let the booty go, normal.
      The invasion of Finland is a more complex issue. And so the invasion of Poland.
      Of course, I am not saying you are not right, you are, but things are more complex. After travelling across Russia, meeting many people there, and watching the heritage from the Soviet Union… I understand that what today is known as “Russian Conservatism” has its root not only in the Tsarist Russia but in the Soviet Union.
      OK, you are against Russian Conservatism, I know.

      1. So why was Stalin paying communists in the UK and America to destabilize and undermine those countries? Stalin was true to internationalist aims of communism. He spread communism to all of Eastern Europe and helped spread it throughout Asia. If he were for “socialism in one country” he wouldn’t have touched Eastern Europe and he wouldn’t have been paying revolution-mongering communists abroad. He had plans to colonize/communize Eastern Europe long before the German attack in 1943. He moved into Poland, Finland, Ukraine and Central Asia before that. Any “conservatism” in the Soviet Union was a hangover from Czarist times. The Bolsheviks slaughtered the Czar and his family, burned or converted all the churches, executed and enslaved millions of Russians, while giving Jews special privileges and enforcing “anti-Semitism” laws. There was almost nothing good about the USSR from a nationalist POV, so Nazbols must straw-grab at small concessions that Stalin made in his later years to deceive people into not revolting.

        1. You are bloody well right. But I encourage you to take a trip to Russia and watch many things there which fits into AltRight worldview.

          Just a point about Soviet art, for instance.

          Socialist Realism paintings

          NationalSocialist paintings


          1. Russia has seized on the “more conservative” meme to set itself up as the New Rome saviour of Christians, white nationalists, and many other groups. The propaganda is similar to the old communist line of “workers paradise,” but now it’s the “conservative paradise.” Putin plays footsies with Muslims, Jews and non-White Russian races at the same time. He pushes White Guilt when it suits the Kremlin to bash America and Europe (example, but he also throws out nationalist/conservative type feeler statements to win support from Western Whites at the same time. He’s simply a sly KGB manipulator playing all sides against the middle. Putin has made it unequivocally clear that his vision of Russia is multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multicultural. He specifically blasted White nationalist Russians and puts many of them in jail under the extremism and anti-Nazi laws, while at the same time he does many things to empower and support Jews in Russia and Israel. Putin is not our friend. Now, I differentiate Putin from Russian nationalists who he persecutes. I support Russian White Slavic nationalists who recognize the borders of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Those true Russian patriots are severally persecuted by Putin because they’re not expansionist Eurasianists, they want to restrict Russia’s borders to the Slavic ethnic group which is against Putin’s agenda.

            You would benefit from reading my articles on Putin:

  3. It won’t be a civil war. It’ll be brutal genocide. The migrants who constitute a minority wouldn’t stand a chance against a thoroughly disillusioned, indigenous population who constitute the overwhelming majority, and who justifiably feel invaded, trod upon, and marginalized in their own home, with a significant proportion growing ever-ready to deliver a brutal payback once the circumstances become conducive enough to such a mass-reprisal that would allow shedding years of pent-up hurt i.e. mass-genocide.

    The satanic elite at the helm of world affairs are not stupid at all. On the contrary, they know exactly what they are doing. A host Goyim population massacring a smaller set of parasitic goyim, is exactly where the elite are steering us towards, slowly as possible, but surely. We’re all guinea pigs for their little experiments which’s process facilitates, whilst also buying time to further, their globalist agenda.

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