Did They Get the Message? Alex Jones Censored

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

In a previous article, I pointed out the fact that Mark Zuckerberg took a $16 billion dollar hit to his stock holdings, after defending the right of Holocaust revisionists to express their opinions. There was a great deal of collateral damage to other like companies. Perhaps, Zuckerberg should have investigated whether or not any deliberate or illegal practices occurred which caused the value of his stock to nose dive.

At about the same time as the stock market crash of 26 July 2018, the press announced on 27 July 2018, that Facebook was considering censoring Alex Jones. The day before the crash, on 25 July 2018, it was reported that YouTube had censored Alex Jones videos, but Facebook had not. And on 15 July 2018, the press reported that Facebook was “taking heat” for not censoring Alex Jones.

But it wasn’t until now, not long after the stocks began to tumble one after another, that an apparently orchestrated move was made to obstruct Alex Jones’ access to public forums. The press is reporting that this is a free speech issue, which it is–but it is more than just that.

This censorship, which is broader than that of Alex Jones, crosses State and International lines. It inhibits free commerce between States. It discriminates against political, religious and racial views, issues and groups. It creates a monopoly that inhibits free access to the marketplace of ideas, books, videos, etc. The internet is the movie theater of the modern age. It literally transmits movies shown in public theaters. It is illegal to discriminate in such public forums, and blocking providers of content also of necessity blocks viewers of content from that content.

I wonder what impact, if any, the drop in stock values had on the decision to engage in this massive censorship. It is a symptom of the creeping and creepy Bolshevism that is taking place all over the world. And the censorship in Soviet Russia, Red China and Bolshevik North Korea is even worse than it is in the West.

7 thoughts on “Did They Get the Message? Alex Jones Censored

  1. here in mexico the censorship is very strong,but also the people is very silly and easy to manipulate,by the jews.these use social networks, with armies of bots, “hasbara”to influence and attack everything this against israel.the government of lopez obrador is plagued and controlled by jews, the majority fled like cockroaches,from the usa. when you succeed trump. but now they control the congress. here it means jews of communication, we are bombarded constantly with the idea that trump is the devil, but when he was obama. praised him. well I say goodbye. and I send greetings.

  2. What they were doing before was already censorship, they didn’t outright ban it, but they were still censoring things.

  3. Great article. I just listened to a highly entertaining YouTube vid. It’s an unabashed Russophile/Dugan/Putin worshipping white nationalist, Eric Striker versus a brutally honest Russian geopolitical analyst/real politik operator.

    Basically you got the impression that Putin sent this guy to Striker to tell him that, “we aren’t pals”. Have a listen. It gets down right hostile. I like it because the Russian guy is a totally accurate rep of V. Putin. He’s being honest and telling this Russophile white naionalist(Striker)that “mutha Russia” wants nothing to do with euro and American nationalists.

    Heel Turn: The Saker vs The Striker

    1. I haven’t listened to it but The Saker is also a major Russophile and Putin worshipper. Unless he’s changed his tune I would assume his differences with Striker are on the issue of White nationalism.

      1. Yeah, seems that way. He Wants to tell Striker that the Kremlin doesn’t want any of his his icky white nationalism associated with it.

  4. So literally every news station in the world is talking about Alex Jones? That’s some pretty good publicity, and considering his income is all through selling products/subscription (and not Facebook,Youtube)…. he’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

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