Negress Omarosa Writes Gossip Book Claiming Trump Used N-Word

The wily negress and opportunist attention whore Omarosa has written a book in which she claims that during outtakes of his reality show The Apprentice, Trump used the N-word multiple times.

During her brief stint as an advisor in the White House under Trump, the broad had nothing but good things to say about her boss because she was undeservingly making nearly $200,000 a year to do basically nothing. But now that she’s been fired from the Trump administration, she’s engaged in typical female betrayal and backstabbing, seeking to profit from gossip tales about her dealings with Trump. Omarosa and others are now claiming that there are secretly recorded tapes of Trump being “racist” and using slurs.

Trump is undoubtedly an implicit white nationalist who distrusts other races. And that’s what makes him good! That he sometimes uses racial slurs against the greedy third world races trying to gut and rob America from its traditional white Christian folk makes us like him even more!

The tape of Trump stating that he grabs hot broads “by the pussy” came out just before the 2016 vote, but Trump still triumphantly defeated evil globalist Hillary Clinton. I suspect this new “racist” scandal will have no effect. They’ve been calling Trump a racist and fascist all along, so what exactly will change with this? It’s not like you can impeach a president for using racial slurs.

But it’s certain that the radical anti-white, anti-Christian left will use this to further their insurgent terrorist war against the Trump presidency and White America.

Here on this website, our main misgivings about Trump are that he’s too closely hooked in and influenced by various corrupt Russians and Zionist Jews. He needs to break free from their influence and take America back for the whites.

7 thoughts on “Negress Omarosa Writes Gossip Book Claiming Trump Used N-Word

  1. Westernized blacks as a collective love doing shit like that. They love calling whites as a collective and including random whites “racists”, “cracKKKers”, “KKKavebeasts”, “genetically recessive and inferior”, “devils”, “closet/suspected white supremacists”, “full-on white supremacists”, etc. Given that blacks “can’t be racist”, that doesn’t count though, nor does it count when blacks physically assault, rape, and/or murder whites in racially motivated fashion (far more often than whites do to blacks). It also “doesn’t count” when they file hate crime hoaxes and other false claims of ‘evul white demon raycism’, sue whites, and/or get whites’ reputations destroyed, and/or get them fired.

    But just because Trump has for instance been more vocal on certain immigration issues than untold numbers of other republican candidates in the last few decades, and has even made reference to certain Muslim bans, doesn’t mean he hasn’t maintained so many other civnat, including even pro-black, views and this is a saying he’s an ‘undoubted white nationalist’ is a false statement. Has he ever even used racial slurs in the last few decades? I know he loves to shoot his mouth off and talk shit that he changes his mind completely on many things he has said within hours, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t.

    I thought it was hilarious for Trump to have all these die-hard, ‘mind-reading’ supporters of more well-known people in the ‘alt-right’ like Richard Spencer, David Duke, and countless others, and then to have Trump not only disavow the alt-right, but disavow Spencer and Duke, and even say Duke is a bad person and that there are certain democrats he likes more than Duke, lmao. It was also hilarious seeing Trump on Oprah from decades back and saying that if he ever ran for president, he’d run republican because republicans are stupid (yet he has all these republican supporters, lol). It was also hilarious seeing even Steve Bannon say ethno-nationalists are a collection of clowns and losers. Even after it all, their die-hard sycophants still kept/keep supporting them by and large, like the doormats and struggling-IQ chumps that they are.

    1. Animals are there to be farmed, heh. Wanna see the mass that put Trump in office? Look at “Q-Anon” stuff. The Spencerite Alt Right with its young, energetic cocksuckers might think it had a crucial part in it – harmless fantasy. His propaganda strategy was crafted – from beginning to end – even now, since this Q-Animal shit is the continuation of the campaign – to middle-aged burnout chimps with a messianic lust, the “boomer” archtype.
      These animals are so desperate that if some “leader” spat in their faces in public they’d say it was “4D chess”. If you don’t respect yourself – including your intelligence – no one will. This is a Golden Rule for the elite.

      1. Oh yes, ‘4D chess’, lol. I really don’t even like thinking about the dude. He’s such a clown and so are his acolytes.

        Like here he is at this ‘African American museum’ (blacks like Tommy Sotomayor don’t even like being called ‘African American’ because they’re aware that they have no cultural ties to Africa and that there’s a rift between black Americans and many black Africans who come to America), talking about “anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community” and how they’re “a reminder to root out hate, prejudice, and evil”. Not a *single* mention of Jewish hate crime hoaxes, including any of the virulent anti-white hate crimes and hate in the country. He promotes HUD, which in-turn promotes more integration and moving blacks into white areas at white tax payers’ expense (50 billion a year being spent on the shit). He then goes on to quote the dead commie, Martin Luther King Jr., and then talk about bringing this ‘divided country together’ (meaning racially divided between blacks and whites) and his die-hard, “mind and soul reading” pro-white fans think he’s some “closet white nationalist”, lmao:

      2. Or like his dance with the Saudi royals. Our expert mind and soul readers either say he’s just putting his mask on, and inside he’s gritting his teeth and hates every moment of this… or they might even say, well since Trump is such a “good guy”… these ‘elections’ “aren’t rigged or anything” and he “slipped through the cracks and fooled da establishment”, the Saudi royals must be “good guys” now too n sheeeit. Lolz.

  2. Shit like this is a straight-up mockery for any thinking individuals. How in the flying fuck does Trump have friends like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Don King? Anyone who knows anything about them knows they’re devious, lying, racist (against whites) scumbags…

    ““We did business together, and we revolutionized Atlantic City, bringing in the biggest events that could be put forth,” King tells NR, describing the mogul as “dead set on building Atlantic City.” King recalls how Trump would fly him in on a helicopter to negotiate deals that were “done on a handshake.”

    King was also close with Sharpton, and he decided to introduce him to Trump, both King and Sharpton say.

    At the time, King says, “I was the one who subsidized [Sharpton], to give him that ‘F-you money,’ so that you don’t have to worry about going out there.” He continues: “I wanted Sharpton to meet this guy because he was a giant in the business community and a giant in the human community.” King says he thought highly of Trump then, just as he does now, and he realized that Sharpton needed white allies. “Trump was a white ally — and he was one of distinction and renown in the business world,” King says.

    The relationship worked, King says, because Sharpton and Trump shared core values, among them commitment to the rights of women and minorities. But other sources have suggested that Trump was more calculating: Supporting Sharpton would cement his relationship with King, which would allow Trump to continue booking major stars for Atlantic City events.”

    ““I know [Sharpton] very well, and I’ve always gotten along with him, to be honest with you,” Trump said at the time. “There are those who say [Sharpton] likes Trump a lot. . . . Al’s a con man. He knows it. I know it. Don King knows it, his friend, who I go to with fights with — with Al. And they all know it.””

    “In the summer of 1989, Sharpton was arrested and named in a 67-count indictment, which alleged, among other charges, that he had stolen at least $250,000 from the organization, using the money for himself. Records of the court case were sealed after a jury in 1990 acquitted Sharpton of all counts, even after 80 witnesses testified against him. But news reports at the time suggested Trump donated to the National Youth Movement.

    After reviewing the indictment, the Washington Post in July 1989 listed Trump and King — along with CBS, Coca-Cola, Warner Communications, and Miller Brewing Co. — as National Youth Movement donors.

    RELATED: Al Sharpton Empowered

    And an April 1990 report on the trial by the Philadelphia Inquirer claimed that Sharpton had raised $70,000 at a 1986 fundraising dinner “by selling $300 seats to record companies and organizations headed by boxing promoter Don King and entrepreneur Donald Trump.” The prosecutors alleged that only $4,500 went to the National Youth Movement’s anti-drug campaign, the article says, with the rest diverted elsewhere by Sharpton.

    One source close to Sharpton estimates that over the years, Trump gave him anywhere between $20,000 and $150,000 for the National Youth Movement and his activism.”

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