Russia Cuck Eric Striker Gets Vulgar in Debate With Fellow Putinist

In a debate with Putinist The Saker, Putin cuck and Russophile Eric Striker flew off the handle and began name-calling when Saker disagreed with him about the distorted “white man’s paradise” view of Russia so common in Duginist-coopted white nationalist circles. The debate is here:

Striker, who writes for the Daily Stormer, tows the typical kook line that Russia and Putin will save the white race, and that most Russians are “based racists.”

While I don’t much agree with Saker on his Putinism and anti-Westernism, Striker is just as misguided with his Putin/Russia worship based on fairy tales and distorted information.

Russia has between 15-20 million Muslims living in its territory, more than any European country. Putin himself is pro-Islam and inaugurated the biggest ever mosque in Moscow in 2015.

Putin is also philosemitic, pro-Israel and has forged tight relations with the Netanyahu regime. To please his Jewish oligarch friends, Putin banned Holocaust denial and “anti-Semitic” hate speech against Jews. Russian nationalists are routinely thrown in jail for criticizing non-white foreigners and Putin’s immigration policies.

All of this flies by the heads of Eric Striker and other Russia cucks that infest the American white nationalist scene.

59 thoughts on “Russia Cuck Eric Striker Gets Vulgar in Debate With Fellow Putinist

  1. I don’t typically listen to these debates, because everyone is just playing to their own audience and nobody’s arguing in good faith.
    RE: Striker. He’s usually pretty good (for a pagan/atheist type) and i haven’t heard him shill too hard for Putin in the past.
    As for those muslims, they seem to be ethnically russian/Eurasian), rather than immigrants from Senegal, so it’s hard to stop their growth. If it’s a contest between Islam and a weak Russian Orthodox Church, Islam will probably win. They lost Constantinople in a similar fashion.

    1. A lot of those Muslims are from Central Asia. The rest are from the Caucasus and are not fully ethnic Russian (white slav). Maybe they’re a mix of slav and other regional groups like Chechens, Tatars, Circassians, etc. Muslims of any stripe are bad because Islam is an anti-racist globalist faith so the more Muslim Russia becomes the more non-white it will likely get as they seek to convert and bring anyone in who will join the Muslim cult.

      1. Putin is in the same position as Trump. That is, he has the guns of thousands of Jewish neo-bolshevik oligarchs aimed at him. There is no way you can play completely open about your agenda, or show your cards in this kind of situation. Russia can and should be allies. We should be encouraging team-work between the Anglo-sphere, the Eurozone countries, Russia, and the former soviet bloc states.

  2. Hola, Brandon!

    Are you Spanish?

    A fellow Spaniard here.

    What about an article on the cuck axis Merkel-Sánchez?

    Zombie invasion in Spain should be stopped using anti-zombie methods: shoot them in the head! LOL!

    1. Yes, half-Spanish from my father’s side.

      Lol, Sanchez and Merkel. Cucks of a feather flock together, eh?

      Can you write an article about traitor Sanchez for this website? Could be in Spanish or English, whatever you prefer.

      1. That would be fab, thanks. I will do it in English.
        Sometimes I write in the online newspaper “El Manifiesto”. It is the official organ of the Nouvelle Droite in Spain. We are studiying the possibility of establishing an NGO to help Ukranian refugees to come over to Spain. And Russian economic migrants, and South African refugees and Christian Arabs, Venezuelan refugees (they tend to be white, by the way)
        White Christian is beautiful!!

        1. I just looked up your website, “El Manifiesto”. Don’t think I can’t read Spanish.

          Your disgusting website openly supports Zionism and Israel. It is not even crypto-Zionist, it is plain Zionist. Needless to say, if this is typical of the Spanish Right I wish my Communist comrades had won the Spanish Civil War and massacred all you Jew-loving fascist cucks in the most barbaric way imaginable. I wish they had mercilessly tortured anyone less Marxist than Pol Pot to death. When the Nazbol Imperium violently invades and takes over Spain, anyone involved with “El Manifiesto” is going to die, brutally.

          Also, viva ETA.

          1. Bloody hell! LOL!!!

            I think that Jews in their homeland is a good solution for the JQ.
            I am not anti Islam neither.I just don´t want Islam in Europe, but I think it is OK in Islamic countries. I love Morocco and I travel there almost every year. I guess in a few days I pack for holidays to the Atlantic side of Morocco.

            Commies, during Spanish Civil War were friends of the Jews.

        2. Also those Based Christian Arabs you are talking about hate Jews and Israel just as much as the Muslim Arabs so I don’t see why you think they are all right-wing Zionist Islamophobes just like you. The vast majority of Arab Christians are not Kataeb scum – in fact many of the most radical, anti-Zionist Palestinian Marxist heroes like George Habash and Nayef Hawatmeh are Christians. The Syrian Social Nationalist Party, a very based and Marxist-leaning group that hates Israel, also has many Christian members.

            1. OK then that site is confusing. How can it publish articles from Nazbols supporting Belarus and then support VOX, a party whose economic agenda is to punish the poor with even greater austerity, in the typical Conservative Reagan/Thatcher tradition?

              Generally any European website proclaiming itself “politically incorrect” should be avoided at all costs. I’ve seen it again and again, look at “PI-News” for instance. All of them are SOOOO “edgy” that they repeat the mantra “Islam is evil, socialism is evil, Palestinians are fake, save liberal democracy” as if this is not exactly what the establishment has been telling us for decades. Racial nationalism, anti-Semitism and Marxism-Leninism are edgy and politically incorrect. Would these “politically incorrect” sites ever promote anything like that?

              1. VOX is not a a hardcore capitalist party. That ideas are in the Partido Popular: the cuckservative party. And not in all Partido Popular, just certain areas. The pro harcore capitalism people thgey call themselves “liberales” in Spain.
                VOX is more like Social Doctrine of the Church. It is pro re-nationalising the Energy, for instance.

              2. Hardly you will hear in Europe the speech of “socialism is evil” because in Europe most people identify “socialism” with socialdemocracy or Social Doctrine of the Church, not with “communism”. That is more in the US.
                Just a cultural thing.
                But our local “liberales” they copy that so American speech and try to import it here. It does not work, of course.

                1. In some countries there has been an Americanization of political discourse. In Australia during the White Australia policy, there is a long history of “right-wing socialists” who defended White Australia and also defended unions, the working class and socialism. Now, all of the far right in Australia are extreme capitalists and Americanist puppets who think Thatcherism is “based”. The only thing greater than their hatred of socialism is their love of Israel.

                    1. Nah I a guinea and
                      I live in the hills of North Carolina. I have many Australian contacts though.

              3. What’s confusing is how you can promote ‘anti-semitism’ and at the same time ‘Marxism-Leninism’, when BOTH Marx and Lenin were JEWS! The Soviet Union was disproportionately LED by Jews, and OUTLAWED anti-semitism!
                I’m also aware of the fact that Jews have been expelled from Communist nations as they took a more Nationalist stance, and Fascists have supported Jews at times in Latin Nations.
                It’s complicated.
                However, most Fascists are counter-semitic and anti-Capitalist, and most Communists are philo-semitic.
                Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.
                Why can’t we quit fighting each other and all get along first so we can form a unified front against the Zionists, and then we can sort out our differences later?

        3. What do you think of Democracia Nacional and Pedro Varela?
          I met Pedro Varela in Barcelona a few years ago, he knows a lot.

          1. We are no so much of antisemite in the ND/El Manifiesto. In fact, some of us, including mysef, we are pro Israel. Our political party would be VOX, Equivalent of Marine Le Pen, or Casa Pound, in Italy. But some people on the side of Pedro Varela write comments in El Manifiesto and they are very welcome. I think he is very courageous for keeping his bookshop and editorial in very hard times and facing jail for it. He is a pyoneer, indeed.
            To say the truth, I am a former socialdemocrat, but I walked away from socialdemocracy in the late 90s (I was in my 20s back then) after watching the first signs of the Great Replacement in Sweden. I saw a lot f black and brown people in Stokholm, mostly Muslims, then I wonder why so much Africans and Asians there when Sweden never had a single colony overseas. Then, I started thinking… That was my Red Pill time.

              1. I wiil read it with plasure.
                Falange is my ideal party but, sadly, Falange is not very operational today. VOX is a more possibilist option present day.
                Also, José Antonio was never anti Semite.

            1. Trajano, besides Brandon’s book, I’ve also compiled hundreds of articles on anti-white Jews. These aren’t things I’ve written, just what I’ve dug up over many weeks of research. Many of these Jews the average pro-white has never seen because they’ve either never looked or just aren’t great at research. It’d probably take me about 6 hours or more to upload them all on a site like this. But Jewry is the core reason whites are being demonized, attacked, disenfranchised, and dwindling in numbers.

              BTW, if you’re anti-Marxist, you should be aware that Jews are the core reason behind any Marxist movement, whether it’s anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual, anti-gun, anti-free speech, anti-capitalist, etc. I’ve also compiled loads of Jews behind all these movements and to upload them all would take me like three or four days. Being pro-Israel/pro-Jew is terrible…. they’re not for you, but against you.

              1. I don´t deny the JQ for a second. But many Jews are in our side. The orthodox Jew living in Europe has nothing to win about the islamization of Europe neither the liberal Jew living in Europe.
                Besides, almost no Jews in Spain, so hardly we can be anti Semite. No Jews to hate!!! All of them were expelled in 1492.

                1. There are no Jews “on our side”. They are only ever on their own side which competes with our side for resources and power. Spain is still plagued by Jewish-influenced Marxist ideology. While there are not many Jews in Spain, the ones that are there are rich and able to influence politics in their favour. All it takes is one Jew to bring down the whole ship.

                2. Lol, you know that sounds like Ken O’Keefe saying “I’m not a liberal”, and then proceeding to tell you in other words why he is a liberal; or like a female saying “I’m for men’s rights” but then she proceeds to tell you in other words why she’s really for women’s rights, lol.

                  Dude, Jews as a collective are anti-white, not “pro-white”. And the small number of Jews who claim to be “pro-white” are largely watered-down “pro-whites” (more like pseudo ‘pro-whites’) who aren’t even very ‘pro-white’ to begin with and they’re also promoting other agendas of their’s… like Milo promoting homosexuality, pedophilia, and Zionism, for instance.

                  Yes, the average Jew in Europe does have something to gain from the Islamization of Europe and it’s why they’re forming these alliances with Muslims and why there’s such a prevalent Jewish force behind mass immigration into Europe for reasons like societies divided are easier to conquer for Jews and they can use these other minority groups against the host population of Europeans.

                  You heavily deny the JQ. Do you want to see these articles or what? It sounds like you’ve been vociferously pro-Jew/Israel for awhile and like these articles and vids might hurt your feelings though, lol. That’s too bad… you’ve gotta fact-check and question things and research more before jumping on bandwagons man… jumping on bandwagons prematurely hurts us all.

                  1. What about the Jews who are in Front National?
                    I think the average Jew is not the problem today. Soros is, of course. The Jew as concept, maybe. But not the Jew next door. As said: we have not the Jew next door in Spain. In this county Judaism is seem as an Historical thing from the Middle Ages. Most of people never met a single Jew in his entire life.
                    But I understand Christian people in the US they see Jews on daily basis. I guess if I would be American I would be very anti Semite too.

                    1. You sound like alt-lite r_theDonald from MM. Trajano, Jews as a biological group present in the white habitat are the problem. You mention Orthodox Jews (who are mostly right-wing) have nothing to do with Islamization, that is wrong, Jews side with Muslims in Europe to unban circumcision, kosher/halal food, burqa legislations, etc.
                      More than 2,000 rabbis sign a petition to accept refugees in the US at HIAS, and among them are orthodox jews too.

                      I agree with Israel being the solution for them.

                    2. I’m not familiar with Front National and so I don’t know what they’re like in that group.

                      That said, this is a very long and intellectual journey and with all the new information that has come out in say the last ten years and all the shit there is to know, it’s very hard to know whether Jews who take a more pro-white stance than the average person are genuinely just ignorant about certain things they talk about, or if they’re some kind of controlled opposition. Like Ben Shapiro, I like a lot of what the dude says and I think he’s a good debater on certain topics, but there are things he doesn’t say (like he never talks about race and IQ differences… at least not that I’ve seen… or satanic Judaism like the Kabbalah and the Babylonian Talmud). As a conservative, I’d smoke him in a men’s rights debate too, lol. He’s pretty civnat in the US, and/but is also a Zionist. I don’t know if he’s controlled or just genuinely ignorant. There are just so many things to get on the same pages on… whether it’s the Holohoax, Jewish Bolshevik crimes, Jewish expulsions throughout history, Jewish crime in general… it’s really hard for the average Jew to face and acknowledge this stuff.

                      I have non-practicing Jewish friends I personally know who are cool people. I’ve never talked with them about politics though, and we might have some big disagreements if we did. As far as I can tell though, they’re not any more anti-white than the average person. I can tell they also don’t buy into Jewish victimhood.

                      Yeah when it comes to encountering Jews, it really depends on what circles you operate in. Plenty of people rarely if ever meet any Jews, and some meet many frequently.

                      When it comes to Jews as a collective, they’re at the top of the victim-hierarchy and every other minority group is below them. There are numerous Jewish organizations working on their behalf, and there are all these Jews in media, government, the entertainment industries, banking, academia, etc., and they’ve got a massive, massive influence. Jews are also vastly, vastly over-represented in radical Marxist politics per capita.

                      Brandon just wrote an article on the George Soros’ anti-white son. How about I throw these articles in under that article. There are shitloads of them man and you’ll get a more clearer and complete perspective of where I’m coming from on the issue.

                    3. I’m not familiar with Front National and so I don’t know what they’re like in that group.

                      That said, this is a very long and intellectual journey and with all the new information that has come out in say the last ten years and all the shit there is to know, it’s very hard to know whether Jews who take a more pro-white stance than the average person are genuinely just ignorant about certain things they talk about, or if they’re some kind of controlled opposition. Like Ben Shapiro, I like a lot of what the dude says and I think he’s a good debater on certain topics, but there are things he doesn’t say (like he never talks about race and IQ differences… at least not that I’ve seen… or satanic Judaism like the Kabbalah and the Babylonian Talmud). As a conservative, I’d smoke him in a men’s rights debate too, lol. He’s pretty civnat in the US, and/but is also a Zionist. I don’t know if he’s controlled or just genuinely ignorant. There are just so many things to get on the same pages on… whether it’s the Holohoax, Jewish Bolshevik crimes, Jewish expulsions throughout history, Jewish crime in general… it’s really hard for the average Jew to face and acknowledge this stuff.

                      I have non-practicing Jewish friends I personally know who are cool people. I’ve never talked with them about politics though, and we might have some big disagreements if we did. As far as I can tell though, they’re not any more anti-white than the average person. I can tell they also don’t buy into Jewish victimhood.

                      Yeah when it comes to encountering Jews, it really depends on what circles you operate in. Plenty of people rarely if ever meet any Jews, and some meet many frequently.

                      When it comes to Jews as a collective, they’re at the top of the victim-hierarchy and every other minority group is below them. There are numerous Jewish organizations working on their behalf, and there are all these Jews in media, government, the entertainment industries, banking, academia, etc., and they’ve got a massive, massive influence. Jews are also vastly, vastly over-represented in radical Marxist politics per capita.

                      Brandon just wrote an article on George Soros’ anti-white son, Alex. How about I throw these articles in under that article. There are shitloads of them man and you’ll get a more clearer and complete perspective of where I’m coming from on the issue. Kinda sucks though that my internet connection is slow as shit at the moment and this could take me who knows how long.

                    4. I’m not familiar with Front National and so I don’t know what they’re like in that group.

                      That said, this is a very long and intellectual journey and with all the new information that has come out in say the last ten years and all the shit there is to know, it’s very hard to know whether Jews who take a more pro-white stance than the average person are genuinely just ignorant about certain things they talk about, or if they’re some kind of controlled opposition. Like Ben Shapiro, I like a lot of what the dude says and I think he’s a good debater on certain topics, but there are things he doesn’t say (like he never talks about race and IQ differences… at least not that I’ve seen… or satanic Judaism like the Kabbalah and the Babylonian Talmud). As a conservative, I’d smoke him in a men’s rights debate too, lol. He’s pretty civnat in the US, and/but is also a Zionist. I don’t know if he’s controlled or just genuinely ignorant. There are just so many things to get on the same pages on… whether it’s the Holohoax, Jewish Bolshevik crimes, Jewish expulsions throughout history, Jewish crime in general… it’s really hard for the average Jew to face and acknowledge this stuff.

                      I have non-practicing Jewish friends I personally know who are cool people. I’ve never talked with them about politics though, and we might have some big disagreements if we did. As far as I can tell though, they’re not any more anti-white than the average person. I can tell they also don’t buy into Jewish victimhood.

                      Yeah when it comes to encountering Jews, it really depends on what circles you operate in. Plenty of people rarely if ever meet any Jews, and some meet many frequently.

                      When it comes to Jews as a collective, they’re at the top of the victim-hierarchy and every other minority group is below them. There are numerous Jewish organizations working on their behalf, and there are all these Jews in media, government, the entertainment industries, banking, academia, etc., and they’ve got a massive, massive influence. Jews are also vastly, vastly over-represented in radical Marxist politics per capita.

                      Brandon just wrote an article on George Soros’ anti-white son, Alex. How about I throw these articles in under that article. There are shitloads of them man and you’ll get a more clearer and complete perspective of where I’m coming from on the issue. Kinda sucks though because my internet connection is slow as shit at the moment and this could take me who knows how long.

                    5. Man I’m having a helluva time commenting here as my connection really sucks.

                      I put in another comment but it’s not showing up. Something I didn’t say though is that Jews are culturally and religiously very different than whites; meanwhile they’re most privileged “minority” group out there and they’ve got all kinds of organizations and propaganda working on their behalf, and so they’re outsiders, to say the very least.

                      Let me put up these articles under Brandon’s recent article on Alex Soros. This shit might take me a very long time with my connection the way it is though.

                    6. Marine Le Pen may be the best that France has at the moment, but her decision to compromise on principles and side with Zionists is quite disgusting.
                      It’s a disgrace to her father’s legacy.
                      In the same way, Orban is a disgrace to the memory of Ferenc Szalasi and the Arrow Cross Party.

        4. Immigration is war. “White”. Gotta be kidding me. As if there is no difference between a Spaniard and a Slav frrom Ukraine.

          From the article: “Odioso racismo y odiosa xenofobia. ¡Combatámoslos!”

          You are an enemy.

  3. I disagree with your assessment of what happened in the livestream. Striker is not a “Putin cuck,” as you claim. If anything, Saker is the one schilling for Putin (both of them being civic nationalist cucks). Striker is a “Russophile” in the sense that he is advocates for preserving the white, Slavic Russian identity in Russia and is willing to set aside nationalist grievances among European nations (Russia included) for the sake of uniting on the basis of a greater racialized Western identity, presenting united front against liberalism. It is the nationalist groups in Western Europe that are pro-Russian, and for Saker to dismiss that on the basis of his interpretation of so-called Western imperialism and antagonism against Russia (going so far to include Crusaders attacking Byzantium, the latter not even being Russia at the time) shows he’s ill-informed. Striker did the right thing to kick off Saker, who became too big-brained in quibbling over ethnic categories in order to advocate for a kind of civic nationalist conception of Russian identity that embraces different ethnic categories. And regardless of whether or not Russia is “white paradise” (which is most definitely is not), Striker’s sentiment is closer to the Russian people, who would not want the white, Slavic, Orthodox Christian identity deconstructed. And Saker repeatedly conflates Zionist elites with the native populations of different countries, muddying the waters and creating a confused understanding of the situation. A prime example would be the Nationalist Socialists, who attacked the Soviet Union in order to overthrow the Bolsheviks, which was heavily dominated by Jews. It was not a manifestation of some on-going “Western” antagonism against Russia. And power struggles between Russia and other European countries are no different from struggles between France and England, England and Spain, etc,etc – that is, they are only part of inter-ethnic struggles for political and economic interests of the countries in question but not representative of some kind of “Western imperialism beating up on Russia” dynamic. And wars based on theological differences and struggles happened in Western Europe, as was the case with the 30-years war, in the same way such theological disputes underlied the conflict between the Roman Catholic church and the Easter Orthodox church.

    1. I agree with your criticism of The Saker, who I labelled a Putin cuck as well. I support that for Russians as well, but the tendency to worship Russians in the manner of Jewish “chosenites” on the basis that the environment is “more conservative” in Russia is dumb. We want to save Europe, not deliver it on a silver platter to foreign Bolsheviks like Putin. The narrative of endemic “russophobia” in the West is typical of these Russian neobolsheviks who mimic Jews in their victimhood mentality. Anyone who questions Russian actions and the Putin regime is called “Russophobic”, like the Jews label their critics “anti-Semitic”. Putin even said that blaming Russia for its misdeeds is analogous to “anti-Semitism”:

      1. You’re not wrong, but sometimes you have to choose the ‘least bad’ option, and at least Putin is countering Zionist interests in the Middle East.
        But of course Russia itself has huge problems with alcoholism, heroin and other drug addictions, and a very high rate of abortion.
        At least they don’t allow rampant homosexual propaganda.

        1. It’s questionable that Russia is even doing that in the Middle East, but is playing more of a “manager” role to reign in and control Israel’s enemies so as to inoculate Israel from harm. In any case, why do we praise Russia for sending its sons to die for the benefit of Semites and Towel Heads in the Middle East, meanwhile Putin is murdering thousands of White Christian Ukrainian patriots. Doesn’t make sense.

      1. Hi, I wish I could, but I’m just a fan and don’t really know Striker personally. If you guys could debate, that would be awesome.

        Please remember that part of saving Europe includes saving Russia as well. I have to admit, I’m a little bit confused as to your definitions here, especially “neobolsheviks” or “Russian bolsheviks.” When you use those terms, I typically think of the radical Zionists and Jewish racists who overthrew the tsar. When you use it in the context of Putin and his cronies, do you mean it in the sense that the oligarchs surrounding Putin (e.g. Abramovich,etc.) are of that ilk? In that case, I would agree with you. Or do you mean it ideologically?

        I think there are two senses of thew word “Russophobia” here. There’s the “Russophobia” in the sense of Jews pushing a false narrative that Putin meddled in the election, Russia is a threat to the US, etc,etc. That narrative is basically intended to demonize the Russian people and mislead the American public. Also, I think I heard you say on a podcast or interview that the alt-right will betray Trump when Trump is perceived to be diverging from Russian interests (e.g. the bombing of Syria). But in that situation, the alt-right was not so much critical of Trump because he diverged from Russian interests as they were upset that Trump engaged in unnecessary overseas adventurism at the behest of Zionist neocons. They are upset that Trump caved into pressure from the globalists/Zionists/deep state at the expense of American interests.

        The “Russophobia” you are talking about (I suspect) is that of alt-right figures critical of other people with alt-right sentiments who are skeptical of the “based Russia” meme. If that is the case, I think you’ve mischaracterized the alt-right’s view of Russia. Spencer and friends did a whole podcast basically refuting the “based Russia” meme and the idea that eastern Europe is some kind of utopian, conservative, white ethnostate. The said podcast may not be available anymore though.

        I think that when the alt-right calls out someone for “Russophobic,” they typically do it in the context of calling out Jews who are pursuing tribal interests on the basis of ideological pretexts (e.g. “Putin is a dictator,” muh-democracy, muh-human rights, etc). They only do this as an expression of solidarity with the Russian people and in order to distinguish themselves from “Russophobia” promoted by Jews.

        On a final note, if anyone is remotely familiar with Russian youth culture, they will be horrified to discover how anti-white and “poz”-ed it really is. It makes me sick, to be honest. So victory over globo-homo and the neoliberal world order ultimately depends on activists in the United States (IMO).

        1. Please remember that part of saving Europe includes saving Russia as well.

          And saving Russia means removing Putin.

          I have to admit, I’m a little bit confused as to your definitions here, especially “neobolsheviks” or “Russian bolsheviks.” When you use those terms, I typically think of the radical Zionists and Jewish racists who overthrew the tsar. When you use it in the context of Putin and his cronies, do you mean it in the sense that the oligarchs surrounding Putin (e.g. Abramovich,etc.) are of that ilk?

          It would include the Putin regime, his cronies, and those oligarchs around him. Putin’s regime is neo-bolshevik. It’s not fully capitalist or communist but has maintained much of the Bolshevik censorship and state terror apparatus to suppress its internal opposition.

          I think there are two senses of thew word “Russophobia” here. There’s the “Russophobia” in the sense of Jews pushing a false narrative that Putin meddled in the election, Russia is a threat to the US, etc,etc. That narrative is basically intended to demonize the Russian people and mislead the American public.

          That’s not a false narrative, nor is it exclusively promoted by “Jews”. Russia did attempt to meddle in the election. The Don Jr. meeting with the Russian FSB-linked lawyer and the Manafort connection to Russian oligarchs is proof of that. The alt-right is in denial about that because they’re just cucking for Putin.

          But in that situation, the alt-right was not so much critical of Trump because he diverged from Russian interests as they were upset that Trump engaged in unnecessary overseas adventurism at the behest of Zionist neocons. They are upset that Trump caved into pressure from the globalists/Zionists/deep state at the expense of American interests.

          I don’t think so because they don’t seem to be against foreign adventurism when it’s targeted against Assad’s opponents, the rebels and ISIS, which tells me they’re following Russia’s script about that conflict and foreign policy in general.

          . If that is the case, I think you’ve mischaracterized the alt-right’s view of Russia. Spencer and friends did a whole podcast basically refuting the “based Russia” meme and the idea that eastern Europe is some kind of utopian, conservative, white ethnostate.

          I didn’t hear the podcast but it makes sense that Spencer wants to depreciate Eastern Europe in terms of the white question since Eastern Europe is still highly Russia-skeptical and Spencer is in the pocket of Russia. He doesn’t want us to make friends with Eastern Europe because he wants Russia to conquer in for Dugin’s Eurasian Empire.

          I think that when the alt-right calls out someone for “Russophobic,” they typically do it in the context of calling out Jews who are pursuing tribal interests on the basis of ideological pretexts (e.g. “Putin is a dictator,” muh-democracy, muh-human rights, etc). They only do this as an expression of solidarity with the Russian people and in order to distinguish themselves from “Russophobia” promoted by Jews.

          It’s a fallacy to say Jews are promoting “Russophobia”. Some neocon Jews are hostile to Russia on the basis that its a geopolitical competitor to the US but they’re also hostile to Islam and Arabs who aren’t our friends either. Putin has so many Jews around him and Russia is one of the safest countries for Jews thanks to Putin’s laws against Holocaust denial, hate speech and anti-Semitism. Putin even urged Jews who are “persecuted” in the West to “come to Russia” where they will be protected. It’s simply a myth that Jews “hate Russia”. They don’t “hate Russia” anymore than they “hate America” or any Western country. Jews hate Gentiles universally there is noting special about Russia in this regard.

  4. Striker is by far the best figure in American White Nationalism. Though he is not as far left as I am, he is the only one with balls to say that WNs should have backed the USSR in the Cold War and to defend Venezuela and Socialism.

    Putin is a capitalist and an anti-Communist, so, not surprisingly, he is philosemitic and pro-Israel. He is however not nearly as pro-Jew as Azov, Pinochet, Trump or any other “based” hero of this website. It is disgustingly hypocritical to support GLADIO anti-Communist scum and then condemn Putin for being too Zionist.

    1. Though he is not as far left as I am, he is the only one with balls to say that WNs should have backed the USSR in the Cold War and to defend Venezuela and Socialism.

      Lol, defend the failed state of Venezuela and socialism? Only crackhead leftists would do that.

      If Striker says we should have sided with the USSR during the Cold War then he’s even more of a commie entryist than I thought. The guy is full-commie!

      1. He certainly was pro-Soviet (i.e. sane) when I remember him. I thought he got banned from the (((Daily Stormer))) for supporting )))socialism(((.

        1. The Soviets killed, enslaved and tortured millions of Europeans. Only a manic far-left nut job would support the bloody USSR. Striker has convoluted opinions as he’s pro-Nazi and pro-Soviet yet the Soviets defeated the Nazis and made a religion out of anti-fascism. Guy is just one of these fetishists looking to piggy back on a big power a little less ZOGed than the USA.

          1. What if, during the civil rights era, White Southerners had resisted the government by aligning with the USSR and sought Soviet aid for a second Confederate secession? Loyalty to “American patriotism” and insane fear of communism kept White racialists from recognizing that the enemy of their enemy is their friend. If we had allied with the USSR due to a common opposition to the genocidal, anti-White US government, we would not be in this mess.

          2. Brandon, I don’t like how Putin holds “anti-fascist” rallies and constantly demonizes the Nazis. But for Russians, victory over the Nazi’s is more of a tribal and ethnic thing rather than an ideological one. Putin just wants Russians to own their history and find something to be proud. If you told the Russian people that it was a totally pointless endeavor where blood was spilled for their Jewish-Bolshevik overlords, then it would be pretty disheartening. It’s not so much about counter-signaling the SS, Nazi’s, or fascism as it is about instilling pride in Russians for something they accomplished. It’s analogous to the way Chinese talk about socialism with Chinese characteristics and do historical revisionism with regard to the Cultural Revolution. Even though Mao was a communist and internationalist who arguably did great harm to Chinese culture and Chinese people, the CCP has re-interpreted from the standpoint of Han Nationalism so that people can “own” their history in a way that saves face. That’s what Putin is doing too.

            1. Putin not only holds anti-fascist rallies, he’s outlawed Nazism, Holocaust revisionism and criticism of the Red Army’s actions in WWII. That’s a lot more than just playing up Russian history to give Russians “pride”. So by that same token why shouldn’t Americans glorify the Iraq war even though it was a Jewish war fought for Jewish interests?

          3. Striker is a socialist/nationalist type that will stand for the locals/populists, even if they are natural commies like the people of Venezuela, and he’s heavily anti-imperialist. Pointless to pick a fight with him when he’s probably one of the more principled alt-righters, even if i disagree on some things.

            And beware these Russian Orthodox larpers like Saker bringing up the Crusades lol. Ask them how many Russian Orthodox were helping at the fall of Constantinople? Basically none. It was only Latin catholics helping out at the end. The reason you hear the term “Third Rome” is because they were quite happy for 2nd Rome (Byzantium) to fall to the Muslims.

          4. Every psychopath out there has a hard time choosing between Hitler and Stalin. Authoritarian fetishists, masochists.

    2. Putin is not a Capitalist. He was director of the KGB-turned-FSB and has joined with his KGB comrades to create a Bolshevik Kleptocracy. That is not by any standard definition, nor overreaching stretch of the imagination, Capitalism; but it is quintessentially Bolshevik. Putin has maintained dictatorial State control over media and has imprisoned those who dissent against Bolshevik attacks on free speech. Not only does he suppress the free market of goods and services, he suppresses the free market place of ideas. The first laws of the Bolsheviks proscribed “anti-Semitism” and Putin sustains that Bolshevik method of control. It is not hypocritical to support the defense of Western Civilization from the Communists. Doing so is not an endorsement of any pro-Israel stance. We oppose Israel and Bolshevik Putin for one and the same reason. They are both destined to annihilate humanity and make the Jews sole inhabitants of planet Earth, if we do not defeat them. Bolshevism sponsors and enables the Jewish internationalist messianic mission to enslave mankind and steal its property, while genociding the best Gentiles under the guise of exterminating the Bourgeoisie. Zionism forms the other arm of the arch of Jewish control by giving the Jews Israel and Jerusalem in fulfilment of their messianic mission to rule the world from Jerusalem, judge the Gentiles and exterminate them. The two forces compliment, rather than oppose, one another. The Jewish bankers financed, led and controlled both Zionism and Bolshevism. Putin serves both and is a puppet of the Jewish power structure. Forming a defense against Putin is not the same as defending our enemy Israel. We can and should do both in order to save ourselves and establish our self determination. We do not under any circumstances want to submit to our enemy Putin as if our savior.

      1. Putin is absolutely a capitalist. Communism and socialism are GOOD things. If Putin were not a capitalist there would not be any homeless and starving people in Russia. Putin stands for extreme Jewish, dog eat dog capitalism.

        1. I find it hilarious that both you and Chris Bjerknes can’t agree on economics, so you identify Communism and Capitalism, alternately, with ‘Jews’.
          The truth is that you’re BOTH right!
          Capitalism AND Communism are BOTH Jewish.
          Two sides of the same shekel.
          NATIONALISM is the way.
          Time to quit fighting each other.
          When we do, the ONLY winners are the Jews!

        2. State control and Kleptocracy are Communism, not Capitalism. Putin corruptly awards contracts and companies to his KGB comrades at home and abroad in an abuse of his State powers. That in no sense signifies open market Capitalism. Putin is running a mafia State, like all Bolsheviks. This is exactly how Bolshevist Communism has always functioned in Soviet Russia. Lenin and Trotsky (Bronstein) deliberately starved to death and rendered homeless tens of millions of Eastern Europeans in their first years in power. Kaganovich and Stalin deliberately starved to death and rendered homeless tens of millions more. North Korean Communists have starved to death many millions. The Communists always kick the bourgeois out of their homes and turn over all property to the State. Communist leaders live in grand palaces, while the proletariat rot in crowded decaying buildings and the Bourgeoisie are exterminated. I suggest you read “The Black Book of Communism”:

          Communism is a horror beyond all others. Communist China always had a lower standard of living than Taiwan and Hong Kong. Communist North Korea always had a lower standard of living than South Korea. East Germany always had a lower standard of living than West Germany. Where is this “good” Communist worker’s paradise you speak of? Putin is just another Trotsky, raping the wealth of Russia for himself and his Jewish oligarch masters.

          1. That dude “Jijcf” is a die-hard, delusional commie, lol. We had some heated debates over here not all that long ago about it and anything you say that is anti-communism, he dismisses as “spam”. For example, I was asking him to *show* me how higher income earners are paying “less” percentage-wise in taxes than the poor. He kept repeating that tired, total bullshit Marxist line that the poor are the ones doing all the hard work and paying all the taxes, but had absolutely zero proof. He refused to answer and still is, even though I can easily prove taxes get incrementally higher and higher in the US all the way up to 500K per year and that the lowest tax bracket pays the least in taxes, and far less than the 500K bracket. He’s a real mentally dysfunctional tool, lol.

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