Another Top Jew Goes Down From “#MeToo” Allegations

Longtime CBS chief Leslie Moonves, a top Jewish media mogul, has resigned after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct.

From the New Yorker:

Members of the board of the CBS Corporation are negotiating with the company’s chairman and C.E.O., Leslie Moonves, about his departure. Sources familiar with the board’s activities said the discussions about Moonves stepping down began several weeks ago, after an article published in the TheNew Yorker detailed allegations by six women that the media executive had sexually harassed them, and revealed complaints by dozens of others that the culture in some parts of the company tolerated sexual misconduct. Since then, the board has selected outside counsel to lead an investigation into the claims.

According to the same article CBS’ board of directors said they’d donate $20 million to “organizations that support the #MeToo movement and workplace equality for women. The donation will be deducted from any severance payments that may be due to Moonves.”

Amazing. All it takes to unseat a powerful media mogul is a couple broads alleging – not proving – sexual harassment. The only good side is that a top media Jew is gone, but he’ll just be replaced by another Jew most likely.

How is this not female extortion against men on a massive scale? The #MeToo feminist scam movement just cashed in $20 million from the Moonves accusations. And they’ll be banking more in the future.

This video shows part of a hidden camera video of Harvey Weinstein touching and flirting with a woman who was trying to get him to invest in her company. The video clearly shows that the woman was also flirting with Weinstein and even initiating some of it. She trotted out a cheesy porn-style line, “data is so hot, right” and agreed to let him touch her.

She later claimed that Weinstein raped her. It’s doubtful. The skank was clearly willing to sleep with Weinstein to get some of his money like every other ambitious skank in Hollywood. The fact that she secretly filmed her meeting with Weinstein in itself shows extortionist intent on her part. What probably happened is that Weinstein banged her (with her full consent) and then didn’t invest in her company. To get back at him she cried “rape.” She looks like she’s gained at least 30 pounds since then. She’s hit the wall hard. She’s probably still single, or a single mom, and decided to use her blackmail video to cash in even though it simply proves she’s a money-grubbing whore.

These women are absolutely shameless gold diggers who prostitute themselves out to sleaze ball Jews like Weinstein and Moonves to get a little piece of Jewry’s wealth and privilege in Tinsel Town.

This #MeToo bullshit is simply a female racket to illegitimately acquire the resources of men. It shows that women are so uninventive and lazy. They have no real entrepreneurial talent, so instead of actually working hard and building a successful business like men do, women have conceived the ingenious criminal racket of making up false sexual assault and rape allegations against rich men. How inventive of them!

It all makes me sick to my stomach.

One thought on “Another Top Jew Goes Down From “#MeToo” Allegations

  1. Jews busting Jews for “sexual misconduct”? lol Are you serious? It’s all a charade to make the dumbass goys think rich Hollywood, Media and Wall-Street Jews are still accountable for their actions. They do this self-witch-hunt periodically to fool the farmed cattle and put them back to sleep. The people humiliated need not necessarily suffer the consequences of their “outing” as predators and perverts by predators and perverts higher up the power ladder than them. Since there are no “nuke doomsday weapons,”
    it’s obvious that guys like Vanunu never did any real prison time (which Jew reporter did they send to check on the conditions of the “solitary confinment” of this Jew “hero” for 18 years? And which non-Jew did they allow in to contradict their story? Wouldn’t it be easy enough to put Vanunu’s ass in jail while the reporters were there and then release him after they left, Vanununu being nothing but a lifetime actor and agent?) and this guy and Madoff and Weinstein and Polanski and all the rest are just part of the gatekeeping.

    Basically people need to be kept brainwashed in thinking they chose freely the mediocre slave lives they lead and part of this, as they keep seeing Jew power everywhere, is being re-assured that “big-time” Jews are also held accountable for their actions by a little acting performance and/or direct humiliation and disciplining of one of their lower-level mafia members who have maybe not followed orders the way they were told to or made too many mistakes. Most likely the former. They humiliate these guys for a while, then give them a different identity and even more printed-out-of-thin-air mono-eye to live on. Meanwhile, their former identity does ‘jail time” or suffers humiliation and ostracism. Who’s going to check to make sure Madeoff did all this jail time? Did you? Did I? Nope. If you and I didn’t, we have no right to assume anybody else, never mind any whore in the mainstream media, did check to make sure. With loopholes that big in “checks and balances,” it’s easy enough for a bunch of banksters to act out any scenario they need to induce fear and false hope and keep the farm androids in line.

    Simultaneously, looking at these “sexual misconduct” witch hunts as psychological operations. They’re obviously a way for Jews to castrate men in general (while killing two birds with one stone by making them Jews and reassuring those getting more and more Jew-wise to relax and go back to sleep) by beating them over the head with their own women and white-knight betas (the enforcers among the goyim, the losers who get to “serve justice” by taking their guns out of their weasely pockets and forcing only the exact “criminals” and “perverts” pointed to by their Jew bosses between four walls).

    Women have no power and feminism is worthless unless a bunch of Jews get a bunch of stupid goyim to enforce the laughable white-knight beta culture on the alphas (since mentally and physically inferior betas united are more numerous and powerful than alphas divided and brainwashed by propaganda), the alphas of the goyim that is, since the alphas of the upper-class elite Jews (and their freemasonic lackeys) sit untouchable behind a wall of psychological obfuscation thicker than any fortress made out of bullshit stories like “planes and 3000 victims on 9-11” and “real kids dying at Sandy Hook” and all the rest of the endless FAKE PsyOps they have inflicted which all work through inducing fear and lower-level emotional states of non-logic.

    alternate link in case you tube deletes it:

    99% of the “truth movement” is still pushing “planes and 3000 victims” on 9-11 which is complete bullshit. Not only that but they fiercely and actively gatekeep their fear and ego investments in that scenario. Unless this fear-induced mind-control ends, especially in the alt-media, NOTHING will ever change and you’ll see endless fake PsyOps being repeated just like you did in the last few years.

    9-11 Show Full Immersion 2011, completely dismantles and buries “planes and victims” on 9-11:

    The only answer to that audio and the following one, since they can’t logically argue against it, least of all gatekeeping shills like Bollyn, is to censor it.

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