Video Game Industry Run by Globalists & Leftists

Mark Collett has analyzed the latest Battlefield video game, showing that the game’s creators are anti-White leftist cucks who have made a disabled female the protagonist, even though it’s set in World War II.

The video game world is apparently also under the jackboot of the radical anti-White left. Like Hollywood, they’re attempting to write White males out of our history, replacing us with non-Whites and females.

Collett argues that all forms of visual media are under the control of pro-diversity liberals, which explains why commercials, movies, ads, and even video games are noticeably featuring non-Whites instead of Whites.

3 thoughts on “Video Game Industry Run by Globalists & Leftists

  1. I am glad I grew up in the era of tree climbing, long walks in the countryside, 35mm (and 127) roll film photography and AM radio building.
    I completely missed the electronic games era – luckily..
    Violence and bloodshed in video games is supposed to be fun?
    Video war games are brainwashing young people.
    Then as Mark says, the developers and companies such as EA are blackwashing and feminising history to fit their anti-white, anti-white-male agendas.
    TV in Britain is unwatchable nowadays.

    1. It was always dehumanizing crap for the military, shooting up human silhouettes “but it’s OK because they’re Nazis, right?” And now, as graphics get more and more realistic, games become more and more communistic. Because realistic violence can only be justified if coated with a thick layer of bullshit GloboHomo idealism. Else it would actually scare some folks and cause strong reactions – normal people wouldn’t want their children seeing mutilation/gore everyday like it’s nothing.
      This is all part of the Holocaust magic, by the way. By creating/enforcing stupid notions of the “ultimate evil” (“racism”) and the “good vs. evil war” they carved a hole in the human psyche to dehumanize the masses like never before. Now “good” can be extremely brutal too, you see? Immanent morality/satanism.

  2. this is ridiculous and very pathetic, but at the same time very serious because it shows us the magnitude of control of the masses, that the jews, for the execution of the plan kalergi.

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