Bonehead Bono Says Blond-Haired, Blue-Eyed Swedes Are “Boring”

Leftist bonehead musician and anti-White activist Bono told his fans at a recent concert that the typical Swedish look –predominantly golden blonde-hair and blue eyes – is “boring” whilst mocking them as “Nazis” for voting in large numbers for the semi-nationalist Sweden Democrats party in the last election.

Red Ice covered the scandal:

So Bonehead Bono is basically a satanist, often playing a demonic alter-ego on stage. And the satanist Bono wants the blonde-hair and blue eyes of the Swedes to disappear from the earth, which explains his ceaseless pro-African “activism” and “charity” work. Bono and other rancid celebrities are tools of globalist Jewish power, pushing anti-White messaging at every turn, with the aim of fulfilling the age-old revenge fantasy of their Jewish masters to make Europeans extinct.

Hollywood, the music industry and celebrity pop culture is run nearly exclusively by Jewish moguls like Leslie Moonves, Steven Spielberg and Haim Saban. These powerful Jews hate Whites because of the “Holocaust”, Inquisition, pogroms and other exaggerated atrocities inflicted on them over the centuries. Paranoiac Jewish victimhood mentality mixed with their tribal narcissism and religious dreams of world domination has given birth to the monstrous globalism and cultural marxism that we see today eating away at Western culture and civilization.

Overcoming this monster, this multi-headed hydra of subversive power, is an arduous and often fruitless task that has brought financial ruin to hundreds of warriors for our people. But we persevere. We don’t have nearly the resources of these globalist pigs, but we’ve managed to challenge their hegemony like never before thanks to dedicated activism and modern technology.

The globalists and anti-White haters can’t stop the tidal wave of truth that has been red-pilling so many people and bringing them over to our side. That’s why they’re now engaged in dirty campaigns of censorship and de-platforming. Our message is just so powerful and convincing that the only way to keep people away from it is to have it all shut down and airbrushed from the internet entirely.

But they will fail.

3 thoughts on “Bonehead Bono Says Blond-Haired, Blue-Eyed Swedes Are “Boring”

  1. What a imbecile!
    Oh, memories, I remember my blonde blue eyed Swedish girfriend in the 90s… Cecilia… If you read this: I still missing you, baby. XXXOOO. You were the most fun gal on Earth!
    I lost contact to her but I am pretty sure she has voted for SD. yes, she was a typical Swedish socialdemocrat back then, but she was very patriotic, and she was a chuchgoer Lutheran.

    Regarding Bono… something happened to him, something strange. Not the same Bono of the 80s. Something strange happened to a lot of musiscians from the 80s such Madonna.
    A few of them are free from this evil shit, like Morrisey. I guess even Depeche Mode are semi-aware about what is going on, thanks to fans such Richard Spencer.
    A lot of Irish people are blue eyed, dark haired and they are chatterboxes, beerdrinkers, funny, fun, and sweet. Truly leppercons. Not boring at all.
    This Bono is out of his mind.

  2. “Bono” is a prostitute who serves his German-Jewish masters that run his whole industry. He’s ridiculously well-paid as a whore, mind you, so expect him to continue with this shit even when on wheelchairs.

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