Women Themselves Post 50% of “Misogynistic” Tweets

It appears that women themselves are pretty woke on the WQ (Woman Question). A new study says that 50% of “misogynistic” tweets are from women:

Half of all misogynistic tweets posted on Twitter come from women, a study suggests.

Over a three-week period, the Demos think tank counted the number of uses of two particular words as indicators of misogyny.

It found evidence of large-scale misogyny, with 6,500 unique users targeted by 10,000 abusive tweets in the UK alone.

Twitter boss Jack Dorsey has said that tackling abuse is a priority.

The research comes as UK MPs – Yvette Cooper, Maria Miller, Stella Creasy, Jess Philips – alongside former Liberal Democrat minister Jo Swinson, launch their Reclaim the Internet campaign, in response to growing public concern about the impact of hate speech and abuse on social media.

It’s not really surprising. Women know best just how nasty, annoying and unpleasant women can be. Women are mostly surrounded by other women all the time. Being women, they obviously know the ins and outs of the female brain better than most men. And thus they know that a high percentage of females have unbearable habits and personality traits. Unfortunately most of them keep secret the inner workings of female psychology as part of the Sisterhood Pact to deceive men about female nature and hypergamy. Even the ones who hate other women won’t totally spill the beans. The problem is that even these “misogynistic” women can’t escape their female nature and at times act just like the cunts they’re critiquing.

So in response to this online “misogyny” some miserable leftist lesbians in the UK government are trying to push for more censorship. They’ve launched a foolish campaign called “Reclaim the Internet” in order to silence voices critical of female behaviour. Who could’ve predicted it!? When aggressive females get into power they use the state to crush their critics and enforce their gynocentric tyranny over men. No way Jose! I thought women were so kind and gentle, though?

Dumb, weak males – Manginas and White Knights – actually support this kind of thing. They think that bowing and genuflecting to women will get them more pussy. But they don’t know that their “feminist” girlfriends are screwing Don Juan alpha males behind their backs. It’s just female nature. They use weak beta males for their resources and tough alpha males for sex. That’s the sexual strategy of females to secure resources and pleasure at the same time. Most men don’t understand this because they’ve been raised in a Gynocentric Gulag which teaches males that women are the most benevolent creatures on the earth who deserve to be treated like “princesses”.

51 thoughts on “Women Themselves Post 50% of “Misogynistic” Tweets

  1. You’re putting a lot of faith in ‘demos’, just another Jew propaganda outfit. It doesn’t say what the two indicator words were – something easily mentioned. They could be ‘bitch’ and ‘adultress’ for example.

    1. I’d never heard of them until now.
      They look like a left-leaning, liberal, marxist, pro-multi-culti outfit.
      It seems that their function is to help smooth the way for and help promote all the engineered unwanted social changes.
      I might be wrong, but I very much doubt it.

            1. Interestingly there are websites that state Max Keiser is Jewish. Well that would not surprise me.
              When I look at all his bizzare showmanship techniques and the topics he covers on his RT show, I think he knows more than he is saying and he is doing a propaganda job..

      1. OK, thanks. @ ‘whore’ ‘slut’ which may or may not confirm their claim.
        Let me try to explain what I think your piece misses out. The fact is that careers, established tracks and routes, official approval is, by now, jewish-controlled. You’re looking at women who are living in a deforrmed environment. Whether it can ever be reformed, I don’t know. But to switch sexes here, you might say you hate American men because they have bombed, raped, and shot people in Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. So they are all shit. And it’s perfectly true, but it’s under Jewish hegemony. Men will for example spend their whole lives doing something they hate just to make money – contemptible, eh? Women may marry someone they hate just to live – contemptible, eh? You’re assuming a free choice in decisions, whch is in fact not the case. That’s why I’m less concerned with the issue the way you look at it.

        1. Rae, those are some poor arguments, man.

          Lotta lefties, especially blacks, like to blame the evil white male demon for all those American wars. They just say, ‘look at all the countries America has waged war on… how evil n sheeeit.’ We know those wars were preceded by attacks on America or Americans, (according to the official narratives). Of course they were false flags, but it’s really stupid for them to leave that out. Of course if someone gets hit first, they should fight back. And if people from one country attack another country, the attacked country should fight back. Inter-tribal conflicts and wars all over the world have been happening since humans have existed. It’s not like without Jews there’d be no wars… there sure would be.

          Before modern, radical feminism, women were still petulant, dishonest, and exhibited hypergamy and hypoagency; obviously just not to the degree they have today. We’re not just blaming women for being cunts, etc., but we’re also blaming men for being white knights and manginas.

          So yes, women have a degree of brainwashing going on, but so do men. Comparing those wars under Jewish hegemony to women’s and men’s brainwashing under Jewish hegemony is not a great comparison for many reasons. One of the differences is that there was no way for US soldiers to know those were false flag attacks. And as for the rapes, was it a high number of US soldiers percentage-wise who raped? Of course not.

          Today, you can explain to women why being entitled, deceiving, demanding cunts is bad, and many just don’t care. Some have a sense of justice and catch on, but many others don’t. They wanna have their cake and eat it, too; they demand “equal rights”, when in reality, they want special rights and no responsibilities. That’s why us black knights give them equal lefts. If a bitch slaps me, I slap her ass back. If a bitch kicks me in the balls and laughs about it, I cunt punt her ass right back and laugh about it. No free passes.

          A big part of the reason these broads act out the way they do and why they’re such low quality is because white knights and manginas don’t do their parts in checking these hoes. They make endless excuses for them and give them endless free passes. These bitches sure ain’t gonna be getting better by having a bunch of white knights and manginas around them.

        2. Of course I should say all those were preceded by false flag attacks, with the exception of Germany. We know Hitler was Time Magazine’s man of the year and Americans had a rather favorable outlook on Hitler and the Nazis until it was time to manipulate the American public into going to war with Germany. The script was suddenly flipped and the next thing you know, the Nazis were the epitome of evil, raping women, etc., and had to be stopped.

        3. You know, Rae, feminism, gynocentrism, and misandry take a heavy toll on society; including financially, productivity-wise and in terms of the overall mental and emotional health of the society at large. One thing you could do is study the topic more by watching documentaries like this below, help spread awareness, and fight against the demonization and disenfranchisement of men, and injustices they face.

          It also includes children. You know, for example, when a female has an abortion, many of their significant others didn’t want them to have an abortion and it hurts them emotionally. You know if you kick a pregnant female in the stomach and kill the baby, you’re gonna be facing serious charges, but a female can get an abortion no problem. Or, as other examples, women will be initiating divorces around 75% of the time, and when they do, they often intentionally remove the dad from the equation. They make it so the father can’t see the child. (Happened to me as a youngster and it was terrible). These children grow up with the mother dating various, often weird/strange men, and they’re also significantly more likely to be criminals. We can go on and on.

          I saw this British-made documentary back in 2011; it was a great piece and one of the very first of it’s kind. It’s broken into a lot of different parts though because it has been deleted on YouTube countless times because of censorship. Well worth the watch for anybody:

            1. Dana said

              Don’t be reading any of these articles or sites like the Unknown History of Misandry or A Voice for Men now, white knights and manginas out there. It’s “not” important. I think it’s cute that you dudes are doormats and slaves on the plantation.

              Very witty – it sums them up.

              1. Thanks Dorset 🙂

                I’m not for sure if that documentary was made in 2011, that’s just the year I first saw it. If not though, it probably wasn’t made too much before. My FB account got deleted at a good time, because I didn’t have the resources to be able to strongly debate feminism then, but I was able to put all my time into it, and I sure did eventually accumulate them. It was a time where people were coming on board with all kinds of new ideas and information and we didn’t know how the movement was really gonna look when it became full-fledged. Well, MGTOWs finally took over, but it was a serious battle. Many of the admins for anti-feminist groups were purple-pilled pussies, and I got kicked out of many, lol. Dudes like us were seen as extreme misogynists, lol. The more red-pilled dudes banded together over time and formed their own groups, and now we have MGTOW exploding and it won’t be stopping. 🙂

                1. Dana
                  I think I am going to add a new audio/video media page to my website, with all the best videos and audios I can find.
                  It will need to be easy to use with everything categorized and searchable.
                  Another job to add to the long list of unfinished projects.
                  I will definitely be including some of the best ones I find posted here, also Rerevisionist (Rae West) has a media page at:

                  So I might add some of those too, I will add courtesy links indicating where I found each video or audio.

                  It will all help to spread certain messages that are currently not widely known about.

                  1. That’s good, Dorset. Having compilations of all the best vids, pods and articles that can be easily found is one of the best ways to be an activist.

                    There are so many out there that can be found just
                    by entering simple words into YT and Google (like anti-white, or anti-male, or misandry, or gynocentrism, etc). And then one thing leads to another.

                    1. Well I am merely going to embed the video and audio on my site and so people will already have to be on my site to find them.
                      Google do everything they can to hide sites like mine and even web archive cannot work out to how to do proper screen shots of my site. I am sure it is deliberate.
                      Web archive have algorithms and often rigidly stick to them, however they are probably like google and are selective with what bits of web code they comply with and what bits they ignore, if they don’t like the site. It seems so.

                    2. Yes there is such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for people who like to get drawn into and becoming a slave to playing their games. I tried all that once and then realised it is not worth all the effort, because you get obsessed with being seen and being top of google searches.
                      Now I don’t care about all that and the less people the better.
                      I don’t like google and I don’t trust them, I closed all my google accounts and ditched all my android devices.

                2. Dana said

                  My FB account got deleted at a good time, because I didn’t have the resources to be able to strongly debate feminism then

                  Mini-disasters can be for the better sometimes . . . helping us to learn from mistakes and ultimately they can be blessings in disguise.
                  You can’t keep a good man down.

                  1. That’s right, Dorset, they can’t keep a good man down. 😉

                    Mini-disasters can be good sometimes. It really pissed me off to get my account deleted like that and to lose so much information and so many contacts, but I was still only working with limited paradigms at that time and was given the proper opportunity and desire to break free. It’s amazing to see people from years ago on FB talking about basically all the same shit they were talking about then. That’s a serious lack of increase in knowledge and realization. Often a form of cowardice too, unfortunately.

              2. I should say, because people like Rae likely don’t understand where I/we’re coming from, but an important distinction that should be made for clarification when I call so many women cunts is that I’m doing it from a panoramic view.

                For example, I can have good convos and vibe well with a good portion of American women. It’s not like they’re coming straight at you to attack you or anything. However, let’s just say that a large number of these women whom I can get along well with under certain circumstances I absolutely cannot under others.

                Like if we’re gonna talk politics or about feminism, we’re not gonna get along (so I rarely talk about them). Other situations are with female coworkers and bosses: many are lazy and/or dumb cunts. You often wouldn’t know otherwise if you just randomly encountered them on the street.

                An even bigger problem arises when dating or in ‘relationships’ with them. These women really do have double standards and they often become very controlling and cunty. For example, if you’re the type who puts in a lot of hours at work or something, many of these women who seemed nice in the first place will start getting very jealous and demanding and turn into toxic cunts on you. Many of them will instigate drama and other problems, e.g., cheating on dudes on deployments, etc. These all are things you wouldn’t know unless/until you get involved with them.

                Another issue is if you’re jacked and shredded and women think you’re handsome/hot, they’ll treat you differently up front than the average, or below average, dudes. After all, women objectify men much more than men objectify women. If they think you’re very handsome, it helps to get into their pants and even to get into ‘relationships’ with them, but it hurts when it comes to them getting insecure and jealous about a dude they really like and thus subsequently become controlling and demanding on you.

                So it’s not like the average female is a cunt when you randomly encounter her, but a large number of those same females absolutely are cunts under different circumstances and I/we call them as such. They’ve sure earned it, lol.

                A lot of research and experience tells me though that UK women aren’t quite as bad as American women. If American women are a 10 in degeneracy on a scale of 1-10, British women are probably something like an 8.5, give or take a little bit.

                1. Sitting quietly in the park to enjoy the wildlife and scenery, it is never usually too long before an arguing couple appears.
                  Well not really an argument . . . often just the woman screaming at the man as he calmly walks across the open space.

  2. Speaking of misogynistic women, somewhere in this long list of female serial killers, it’d take me time to find again, but there are women who only killed other women. They must have had some special insights into women most everybody else doesn’t, lol!

    Quick excerpt:

    ” “Female serial killers … haven’t received anywhere near the same amount of attention from the media or from criminologists as males have. Even researchers on psychology have tended to focus on male populations. There’s a common erroneous assumption that because females are “nurturing,” they won’t be violent. But we’ve had female serial killers who have shot, stabbed, smothered (with her enormous weight), and even used chain saws and ice picks.” [D. P. Lyle, MD, “Forensic Psychologist Dr. Katherine Ramsland Talks About Serial Killers,” The Writer’s Forensics Blog, June 25, 2009]”


  3. Don’t be reading any of these articles or sites like the Unknown History of Misandry or A Voice for Men now, white knights and manginas out there. It’s “not” important. I think it’s cute that you dudes are doormats and slaves on the plantation.

    “The following article from 1912 is one of the more complete documents of the old established “woman’s license to kill” phenomenon that plagued much of the United States, especially and most notoriously in Chicago, in the early 20th century. It was a time when there was no need for an Elizabeth Sheehy to prompt the naive chivalry of the masses into assisting every spoiled brat princess whose talent for Olympian-scale resentment-hoarding gave her license to act on impulse and expect to use her talent for story-telling, self-pity and flirtatiousness get her off scot-free.

    The most notable thing about this article are the quotations collected by its industrious author, who provides us with the defendants’ opinions regarding the desirability, or its reverse, of the institution of female jurists, for the purpose of overriding the chivalrous instincts of the male citizens who, in the vast majority of jurisdictions, provided the only available jury pool from which a prosecutor could select. As you will see, the accused killers had a decided preference for being judged by members of the more malleable and more pro-woman sex — the male. This period — the early 20th century — was one in which the false narrative of ubiquitous victimization of women was not prevalant but who, according to today’s mythology, are always too petite, too frightened and too sensitive to initiate unwarranted violence. Indeed, it was not until the 1970s that the myth began to be promulgated that female serial killers — who had been for the preceding century been featured in newspapers regularly, numbering in the hundreds — “do not exist.””


  4. Just for the record, the only reason I came here was after finding Dorset Patriot listed in my access logs. He seems OK, but surrounded by trolls. In case anyone thinks I take this site seriously. I don’t.

    1. Rae
      I agree with you about the trolls . . . they come and go and so yes . . . I think that there are maybe a few trolls here.
      I must be used to chaos I think.
      If it seems like a waste of time for you, then that’s a shame.

      For me, this site is useful, as it uncovers some of things that are not talked about on most English Nationalist sites (not many of those anymore).
      It lifts my spirits here as it is always entertaining every day, in some respect or another.
      I think Brandon’s topics are important and he does his research and his writing style is very readable.
      I like your website too Rae and I have recommended it and linked extensively to it in the past.
      I think you are more of a serious professional type and that clashes somewhat with the younger and anything goes appearance of this website.
      I think both of your websites, Rae’s and Brandon’s, are both worth my time and effort to read and promote via Dorset Patriot.
      They make my website more interesting with links to Rae’s articles which are very educational and thought provoking.
      Brandon’s are more of a magazine format and are regularly updated so there is always something new, with comments to read.
      I have often wondered why big-lies.org does not have comments, maybe Rae if you were on wordpress you might consider doing that. Although you would have your work cut out maybe, dealing with spam and trolls.
      I see your point Rae, however at the moment I am enjoying the ride.
      Thanks for your supportive comments and I have taken note of your cautionary words. All the best and thanks for doing a great job at big-lies.org and on your rerevisionist video channels.

    2. Quite frankly, Rae, you’re like a low-IQ troll to me. I don’t know what your IQ is, but I doubt it’s much over a hundred. You’ve acquired a decent understanding of Jews over time, but that shit ain’t hard to do for anybody paying attention. Meanwhile, some of the shit you say about Jews in plainly incorrect, like Jews invented Christianity. And you’re saying some anti-white shit and acting like a white knight. You claim you’ll “debate anybody here” but you don’t debate and many of your arguments are weak and pathetic. You’re kind of a loud-mouthed pussy, if you ask me.

      1. Perhaps Rae knows something we don’t, could be.
        Maybe jews just exploited christianity or helped in the making of christianity.
        We know they infiltrated and brainwashed christians with zionism.
        Just up to their old tricks, misleading and deception.
        I can see that Rae picks up on obscure clues that others miss.
        Often christian songs and hymns ‘innocently’ tell christians to not hanker after gold and silver.
        Now I wonder how that came about?
        Leaves more for the jews maybe?
        I think you are quite harsh on Rae, I doesn’t help when the 2 of you won’t compromise on a debating platform and treat each other as trolls or fools.
        Common ground is sometimes better than differences?

        1. Rae knows very little that I don’t compared to what I DO know that he DOESN’T know. While he’s at it, he talks a lot of shit and REFUSES to debate it here. Fucking clown is a white knight who’s also rather anti-white while he’s at it. The dude is ‘re-revising’ certain history that is quite pointless. Was the JFK assassination faked? EVEN if it was (which I seriously doubt), it means very little to people who already believe there was a cover-up. IT WOULD be relevant if Americans could get control of their government. If NOT, it doesn’t mean shit to people who already think the US government is corrupt.

          Yeees, Jews have exploited, manipulated, and subverted Christianity… this takes NO “rocket scientist”. But, NO goddamnit, the Christian God is entirely OPPOSITE of the god of the Kabbalah. We’re talking GOD and LUCIFER here.

          Not to hanker after gold and silver? Must be Jewish “genius”, right, lol. Or maybe it had something to do with context.

          1. I agree that people do waste a lot of time looking into historical conspiracies.
            I say leave them to do it provided they do not interfere with our activism for the present and future.
            Problem with that is . . . potentially useful activists are tied up in historical conspiracy dead-end trails, that won’t help us dealing with current problems.
            However it is true that to understand the present we need to lokk at the past.
            Also as Mark Twain once said something about history, if it does’nt repeat it sure does rhyme.
            So yes, if we have already checked out that flat earth and moon landing and even 911 suff it is now irrelevant to our efforts.

        2. I’m ‘quite harsh’ on Rae because I don’t fukin LIKE Rae. BTW, who do you suppose he was referring to when he said you’re surrounded by trolls and that he doesn’t take this site seriously? Wouldn’t be “me” in the equation would it? The fukin dude comes over here claiming he’ll debate “any of you” but doesn’t. Just because I don’t want to do audios and have never done audios doesn’t mean written platforms like this “AREN’T” LEGIT. They sure ARE.

          SERIOUSLY, does the dude even have an IQ over 110??? He sure ACTS like he does.

          1. To repeat part of my above comment

            . . . potentially useful activists are tied up in historical conspiracy dead-end trails, that won’t help us dealing with current problems.

            And that is an important point.
            Stuff in the past is very difficult to prove and verify.

            1. Focus on the present and where it could lead if things don’t change.
              Identify propaganda and false trails and don’t waste time going down false trails.
              Instigate change through activism.

          2. Dana
            Rae has very gently tried to put me off this site and I have very gently and politely explained to him why I like this site and why I think that Dana and Brandon and others do have important things to say.
            So don’t worry Dana, I am on your side as far as topics here go.
            If Rae wants technical help or advice on websites, then I can help him there with that.
            I am friendly to all, where I can be.
            I hope you stick around, I think that Rae might bow out (retire) from here very soon.

            1. Dorset, me sticking around or not has *nothing* to do with anybody here. I’m not so much of a pussy that I haven’t been called countless names and attacked countless times that I “can’t” take it anymore, lol. I REALLY have to get the f’ outta here. I’m not retired, lol, and I’m decently under 40. I have SERIOUS issues I do have to take care of though.

              I know you’re friendly to everybody, but from the macro-perspective, not everybody can or will get along by any means. It’s a mistake to think they can. Really, this all is gonna come down to numerous different groups of people who’ll be forming all kinds of different groups in the end. Moreover, being friendly to everybody has some big drawbacks, like having to hold their fukin hands hoping they can understand you when they may never be able to.

              The REAL key thing is that if a group CAN’T debate and WIN any position they’re taking, they’re fucking WRONG. If WRONG, I mean that opens up all kinds of potential cans of whoop asses on that ass, for all kinds of reasons. People who can’t debate their positions and are too cowardly to do so deserve everything they’ve got coming.

                1. Sorry I missed your comments here, Dorset. Then disregard some of the things I just said in my previous comment on the other article.

                  When I say I’m not retired, I mean I have serious things I need to take care of… some of these involve putting in insane hours because I’m highly competitive and strategically trying to take advantage of certain opportunities while they still exist. It means I’ve sacrificed a lot of time in the short-run that I need to make up for in other areas.

                  Rae may retire from his site, you mean? Well, I don’t think he has the guts to be able to swallow many more red-pills he needs to swallow (maybe not the intelligence either). I think it’s best for him to either retire, or seriously study up on logic and critical thinking so he doesn’t jump to so many dumb ass conclusions, and/or just stick to the shit he does know without getting in way over his head by arrogantly telling people the things he THINKS he knows for a “fact” but DOESN’T.

                  1. No I meant Rae may retire from HERE soon (Brandon’s site) because he doesn’t like it (Rae said himself he doesn’t take Brandon’s site seriously).
                    No, Rae will keep his own site going for ever, maybe even after he is ‘gone’ it might be carried on by someone else (I am guessing).
                    You can see he is very into all his historical information and it is almost his life’s work.
                    He must be very proud of it all.
                    Even if you don’t agree with him you have to admire his dedication and single-minded determination.
                    Lots of people would not be able to produce output on the same scale he does.
                    His newest project is to upgrade is website to more of a wordpress type format.
                    I hope that works out for him, even though I think his existing website is fine.
                    I do not ‘befriend’ everyone, I simply try to have mostly friends and not enemies.
                    It is true though, what you say, and for example some of my worst enemies are those I was once friendly with and have helped a great deal.
                    Familiarity breeds contempt . . . you only find out what someone is really like once you get to them really well . . . and by then it is too late.
                    So caution with strangers is what I have learnt.

                  2. I have known about Rae’s site for several years and I am interested in the subject matter there.
                    When he appeared here, I thought “well this should be interesting”.
                    You two disagreed on a number of topics, I knew that from your comments about Rae months ago before he ever landed here.
                    A debate would have settled things somewhat.
                    I kept trying to encourage a debate of some kind, my efforts failed.
                    Rae will now carry on over at his own site, you will continue to point out where you disagree with him.
                    So no real harm done, except for the wasted time.
                    The debates might have wasted even more time and effort . . . to eventually end in the same way (badly).
                    So try to look at it positively and now move on to more important things.

                    1. Dorset, lol, it’s not like Rae’s site is ‘1 in a million’ or something. He happens to have made a site that is kind of elaborate, but:

                      1) Some of the material is completely false
                      2) Many people can make an elaborate-looking website if they were trying to make one.

                      I’d say his site was a serious work in progress, but I don’t know how much “progress” he’s gonna make. It’s more like a site with a lot of random time put in, and quite a few dumb ass conclusions jumped to and some jumbled, in-congruent thoughts, lol.

                    2. There was little “debate” here because he HAS no debates. It’s like debating white knights, anti-whites, or atheists/evolutionists. These topics are COMPLETELY over his head. It’s the same as debating fembots, anti-whites, and evolutionists. You know what they’re gonna say, but they don’t know what you’re gonna say.

                      And when it comes to socialism, the fool can’t debate that either.

                      One of the major problems is people operate in very small circles of information, sources, and paradigms which become echo chambers and then they get cocky, thinking they “KNOW” WTF they’re talking about or like they’re some “gurus” when they AREN’T and DON’T.

                      Rae is way out of his league here.

              1. The REAL key thing is that if a group CAN’T debate and WIN any position they’re taking, they’re fucking WRONG. If WRONG, I mean that opens up all kinds of potential cans of whoop asses on that ass, for all kinds of reasons. People who can’t debate their positions and are too cowardly to do so deserve everything they’ve got coming.

                . . . and I hope you solve your issues.

  5. It’s well-known for anybody very experienced with women that when they’re around each other, they’re highly critical of each other and highly competitive with themselves. And yes, many women hate large numbers of other women.

    Women are like blacks in the sense that when left to their own devices, many really hate each other, but when it comes to women banding together against men for self-interest, they’re great at it, just like blacks are great at banding together against whites.

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