Germany Rising: Nationalists Take to Streets After Migrant Murder

After an Iraqi migrant allegedly stabbed to death a German man, thousands of Germans have taken to the streets to protest the migrant invasion facilitated by the treasonous anti-White government of Angela Merkel.

It’s about time Germans woke up. The Merkel regime is intent on replacing the ethnic German population with savage races from the third world. Merkel is the quintessential Kalergite who has enacted a policy of White genocide against Germans, on the orders of the Jewish elites behind the Kalergi plan itself.

Jewish elites want to erase the German people as a race and culture, largely as “revenge” for the disputed “Holocaust” of Jews by Hitler. Even before Hitler, Jews had it out for Germans, seeing them as a strong competitor race in Europe that produced many geniuses in the fields of science, art, technology, and philosophy.

Breaking down the Goyim races is a key objective of Jewish supremacists. Nationalistic Germans are seen as a threat to Jewish supremacy in Europe. Germany is the preeminent economy in Europe, and if nationalists managed to commandeer this ship, it could quickly turn sour for the leftists and Jews behind mass immigration. That’s why they’ve focused on flooding Germany with as many refugees as possible during the last few years.

But their time is up. Europeans are awakening to the threats of leftism, Islam and Zionism. It’s only a matter of time before right-wing parties take over Germany and ignite a nationalist revolt across Europe. When the nationalists come into power in Germany, they could lend serious support to other nationalists across Europe, and form a united front against the anti-White forces ruining our continent. Take the example of Hitler during the Spanish civil war, supporting Franco’s nationalist brigades against the forces of International Jewry and Communism. That could easily happen again.

What we need to do is amplify our efforts. We need to write more articles, do more videos, and make more propaganda advocating a White Europe. The pieces will quickly fall into place after that.

10 thoughts on “Germany Rising: Nationalists Take to Streets After Migrant Murder

  1. It’s funny how it is always ”far-right”. I’ve asked people to define the political spectrum on the right, starting from center. They can’t. It seems like there is nothing in between, because they can’t explain to me what are the basic non-far right politics or parties. The brainwash has had an effect on normie brains.

    Although these normies are supposed to be the sheeple. They naturally are. There won’t ever be ”based and redpilled” population at large. The radical minority of any political stripe define policy and norms when in control of state institutions and law. Brainless masses will obey and follow even the ”far-right” fascist government as well as communist dictatorship. This is just the phase of struggle.

    The 10% rule – the most hardline wins

    1. I’d define the far-right like this:

      Pro-small government

      There are all kinds of shades/degrees of the above though. For instance, if you’re against affirmative action, many people will call you things like ‘raycist’ and ‘misogynistic’, but further right is racial separation/segregation and MGTOW. So, you can find a lot of people who are against affirmative action, but they’re not in favor of racial separation or MGTOW (these are more extreme versions of being pro-white and pro-male). The more you study each subject, the more and more red-pilled you become on that subject.

      It’s very hard to get a lot of agreement on what left, center, and right are, though, because lots of people from all sides of the spectrum view each one quite differently. For example, lots of blacks will think you’re “racist” for, as an example, pointing out a black crime; Lots will also think you’re “extremely racist” for pointing out a black-on-white crime. Same type of thing for women, just in terms of gender. Quite a few females out there will call you a ‘misogynist’ if you don’t like Hillary Clinton. Quite a few will also call you ‘extremely misogynistic’, and an asshole and douche bag for refusing to date single mothers. Etc.

      Up to a certain point, you know you’re far right when you’ve been called all the following many times:

      White supremacist

      I know I’m missing some above, but if you haven’t been called all these many times, you’re just not putting the fuck out, and you need to do more research and/or debate more, lol. I don’t think I’ve ever been called ‘transphobic’, but I haven’t taken the time to find and debate pro-transgender people on the topic. I sure have been called homophobic by die-hard fukin pro-gays many times though, lol.

      1. My nuance on your first list:

        Pro-white. YES
        Pro-male. YES
        Pro-heterosexual. YES
        Pro-cisgender. YES
        Pro-gun. it DEPENDS. In Europe is not in the culture to wear a gunbelt, like in the US, BUT considering the current situation, would be OK for Native Europeans to wear a gunbelt and preventing the orcs and the zombies to do so. Then, chasing zombies and orcs.
        Pro-Christian. YES. And pro European Pagan, too.
        Pro-capitalism. YES. But pro public healthcare, transportation, education, infraestructures, national Heritage, water, power, social housing, pensions, too.
        Pro-small government. YES. A small government does not mean an ineffective one. General Franco´s regime was extremely supportive to the working and middle class, with a good welfare State, and ZERO taxation to the individual. How the goverment got the money? Profitable public industries, Energy owned by the State, indirect taxation, luxury products taxation, and a small (5%) taxation to private companies. That is called NationalSyndicalism.

        1. Almost nobody in the US wears a gun-belt unless they’re a cop. Many people do have concealed carry permits but it’s much more acceptable to openly have guns in certain parts of the country than others, and the guns are carried in holsters that are often inside a pocket or anywhere else concealed. In libtard cities like San Francisco or New York, many people would have cosmic, emotional meltdowns if they saw you carrying a gun, but it’s not as big a deal in places like Texas, Wyoming, etc. You can have one openly even in Vegas, but it’s a bad idea to carry it that way because all kinds of misunderstandings can and will occur. America is far, far more anti-gun today than it was 60 years ago. More and more native Europeans are gonna be wishing they could legally carry guns in the near future.

          I like many of the ideas Franco had.

          Pagans aren’t ‘right-wing’. Just because some of these newly-born pagans in the alt-light have been hijacking paganism and pretending like it’s ‘pro-white’ and all this other happy horseshit doesn’t mean it is. I mean, it’s a religion of things like tree-worship and sorcery that any degenerate and/or full-fledged Satanist can join. I can see why Christians overtook pagans, and it wasn’t because Christians were some “evil” demons or some shit… it was because Christianity is far more sophisticated than paganism and made much more sense. The recent rise of paganism has been because it has been being promoted by various globalist organizations, while Christianity has been being disenfranchised and demonized for a long time.

        2. When it comes to the word ‘public’ and others like ‘socialized’, ‘privatized’, etc., nuance has to be added between America and Europe. America hasn’t been approximately 88% white since 1960… down to approximately 60% today (the drop of almost 1/3rd of it’s white population). This means that public education works better in Europe than many places in America (although this is obviously quickly changing in Europe). If you live in a black community, it’s just a given that your public education is gonna suck because blacks are the lowest GDP per capita race there is and won’t be paying into it like whites. They want to go to white schools because whites naturally pay more into schools and have far nicer, better things. Public education in a black area is shit (not only poor, but high crime, and very undisciplined, unruly students and even teachers), and there’s next to nothing you can do about it.

          1. Yes, at the end of the day is always a racial issue.

            For instance: a very white conservative and Christian American community could have a mass inmigration of socialdemocrat Pagan Scandinavians, and everything would be very OK in that community.
            The same community would face a mass inmigration of conservative Christian blacks… and would be a disaster.

  2. it is necessary to clean all the mass-media, because these news are not,YOU SHOULD DO a MEDIA MANAGED BY order to counteract the nefarious influence of jewish.

  3. German government is pathetic (and so is the EU parliament) . . . they should listen to the people.
    Enough is enough . . . people rise up!

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