Radical Left Now Rejecting White Feminists As ‘Racists’

This video came out awhile ago, but it’s worth posting here to show just how far off the deep end the radical left has gone in its pursuit of white hatred and ultimately white genocide.

The leftist maniacs at AJ+, an outlet ironically funded by the Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship/monarchy of Qatar of all countries, tells it’s viewers that white feminist women are ‘racist’ and don’t acknowledge the more formidable plight of non-white women.

The struggles of non-white women are way worse than those of ‘privileged’ white women, the video says, and ‘privileged’ white feminists don’t sufficiently acknowledge their own privilege and the worse oppression of non-white women.

This insanity demonstrates two things:

1) The infantile nature of women who are prone to extreme infighting, internal jealousies and rivalries.

2) The radical anti-white disposition of the radical left who will reject people on their own team simply for being white.

This was bound to happen. The radical left has been taken over by viscerally anti-white non-white activists hell bent on dethroning and displacing whites in our own countries. Even white feminists are on their hit list because having any whites around will lead to ‘oppression’ and the exercise of ‘privilege’ over the poor, downtrodden, helpless non-whites living amongst us.

Feminism is bullshit on every level, whether it’s practitioners are whites or non-whites. It’s nothing more than a collective temper tantrum utilized to obtain special rights, privileges, and benefits simply for having a vagina. It’s akin to the spoiled, overfed child who cries, moans and stomps around in a rage that he/she can’t have another ice cream after having five already.

The truth is that in modern Western society, women are already a privileged and pampered class who are given mounds of special government handouts, goodies, and support. They are not paid less than men, but are in fact artificially empowered over men through ‘diversity’ hires in big companies. When women candidates aren’t as qualified as the men they’re competing with for a job, often the woman will be hired to fulfill a ‘diversity’ quota.

So feminism is hogwash, like I said. It’s a female scam to illegitimately acquire the resources of men. Now that women are as fat, ugly and insufferable as ever, they’re having a harder time seducing their way into men’s bank accounts. So they’ve resorted to infiltrating the government and passing laws that allow them to ‘legally’ take resources from men and give it to undeserving women.

Not only is it unnatural to elevate women over men in society, it’s downright dangerous. Women don’t have the same capacity as men to order and structure a functioning society and civilization. They lack the intellectual and creative capacity to do so. We don’t entrust children important tasks in the household, and likewise we shouldn’t entrust women with important roles in society either, unless they are truly qualified and capable, which is a rarity.

9 thoughts on “Radical Left Now Rejecting White Feminists As ‘Racists’

  1. Good article Brandon.
    Recently I found an interesting feminist blog called “language: a feminist guide” linked from the twitter feed of self-proclaimed feminist, liberal Lisa Watson @Lisafalkalnds, the editor of Penguin News (Falkland Islands newspaper).
    “language a feminist guide”
    Her twitter feed sometimes has tweets quoting feminist ideas or links to outrageous feminist articles which she thinks are cool or “hilarious” (they are outrageous to people like us).
    Anyway that is one for the radar.
    The other option is to ignore all their BS, but the trouble with that is feminist BS directly affects everyone, because it has become so mainstream.

    1. For british nationalists you are better to follow @falklands_utd on twitter as it is more traditional and “in the british nationalist spirit”.

  2. Feminist female thinkers were always white. Some of them extremely clever women such Simone de Beauovoir, some of them extremely hot such Shere Hite.
    Black, brown, Arab, Native American, Aboriginal, Mestizo, Mulato feminism is not a thing.
    White woman can be a housewife or can be a “strong independent woman”, non white woman only can be “pregnant, barefoot in the kitchen”.

    1. Sometimes I think you’re smokin’ some jimson weed Trajano, lol. šŸ™‚

      Per capita, Jewish women have far outnumbered white women or any other women as leaders and “intellectuals” of the feminist movement. I’ve compiled all kinds of articles on it that I’m sure you haven’t seen, and I can put them up here if you’d like to see them. And if you’ve ever seen black American women, they are the worst women America has to offer. I mean the average Ameriskank is bad, but black American women are a cut even above them.

  3. Most white feminists are lazy frauds and they will be exposed. Trust me, people of color will not give them a free ride.

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