Trump At War With Leftist Media

Donald Trump continues to vigorously blast the “Fake News Media” for biased reporting and use of anonymous sources to sow discord among White House staff.

It really is unprecedented to see a US President rail this hard against the leftist press and its talking heads. The Jewish-owned and operated American news media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his presidency. Why? Because Trump is an anti-globalist nationalist who wants to end mass immigration into America and Europe.

The hostility towards Trump from the Jewish and liberal establishment stems almost entirely from that basis. Trump invoked the “America First” slogan of the 1940s American right-wingers who sought to keep America out of the European war between Hitler’s Germany and Britain/France. The Jewish elite associate that slogan with Jew-wise White patriotic elements in America during World War II and thus recoil in horror at its mention.

America was brought into World Wars I and II at the behest of Jewish elites who sought to eliminate German power and establish a Jewish state in Palestine with British backing. The “Balfour Declaration” and the 1941 Weizmann letter to Winston Churchill demonstrate conclusively that elite Jews played a significant role in igniting and exacerbating both wars for their own Zionist benefit.

Even though Trump is regrettably pro-Zionist, he’s also implicitly pro-White, pro-Christian, and pro First and Second Amendments. His implicit White identity scares the hell out of anti-White, anti-Christian Jews who want to transform America into a third world dump full of low-IQ slaves doing Jewish bidding. Trump continuously nails the radical left Democrats for their open borders policies and has stayed true to his nationalist agenda despite intense pressure to submit to supremacist Jewry’s plans to make Whites a despised and persecuted minority in America.

Trump is not perfect and has much to improve on, especially when it comes to the Jewish question. But Feminists, SJWs, antifa, and leftist libtards of all stripes absolutely despise him because he stands in the highest position of power in the White House as a straight, White, Christian male who doesn’t bow to minorities and women. That’s good and that’s what we need to emphasize in this protracted culture war with the anti-White radical left whose ultimate goal is to achieve White Genocide.

42 thoughts on “Trump At War With Leftist Media

  1. The following highlights some possible pressures that exist for Trump.

    Well Donald Trump has to be very careful, if the above conspiracy idea is to be believed. He has fingers in many pies. He could:
    1. Try to fight against the powers that be . . . ultimately very dangerous for him.
    2. He can go along with them . . . ultimately very safe for him.
    3. He is very clever and experienced so he might be able to out-maneuver the lot of them and save the world.

  2. Saying Trump is implicitly pro-white and pro-Christian is terribly subjective. It’s like saying with certainty that chocolate milk is implicitly white.

    For examples on the topics, including feminism:

    Feminism: He said he’s not a feminist because he’s for everyone (meaning neither pro-female or pro-male). He also has talked about the need for women’s progress/empowerment in his speeches (pro-female because women are the privileged sex in America).

    Christianity: He is all for defending LGBTQs from Muslims… much like the Tommy Robinson line. He also probably has said the same thing for women’s right in regards to Muslims. He also claims he needs no forgiveness from God, lol. He sure didn’t seem like a Christian earlier on in life until it came time to run republican and get evangelical support. He has said he’s very pro-choice, but took the exact opposite stance presumably right before running: anti-abortion. There are late-term abortions that Christian-leaners like myself are against because the babies are alive, human, and can feel pain… if killing a one-day-old is murder, so is killing a late-term baby. His use of masonic imagery is another obvious red-flag.

    We can go on and on about implicitly anti-white things he has said. He’s a politician who will say things to certain groups of people to rally their support, but only follows through on certain things and does 180s on many others.

    Trump has said he’s a nationalist *and* a globalist… they’re obviously antithetical to each other (typical fukin Trump):

    I mean for example, he’s pro-Israel/Jew, and is also friendly with the Saudi royals and did a $670 million arms deal with them.

    The Jewish elites are anti-white. And it always comes down to the same old question: If they were scared of Trump (let’s say hypothetically that he slipped through the cracks because organized Jewry was ‘confused’ on him being their man), they “can’t” take him out JFK-style if they want to? Like the Warren Commission was just some kind of joke and there was no cover-up? Lol.

    NOT the entirety of the American Jewish media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his presidency. Rupert Murdoch/FOX News is PRO-Trump. FOX also gets lots of viewers compared to many other ‘leftist’ media outlets (FOX is very Marxist and cucked-out itself, just a ways ‘right’ of the other media channels). But all anybody has to do is watch FOX on a day-to-day basis to quickly realize it’s pro-Trump. There are other pro-Trump Jewish media influences in America like Breitbart as well. It’s not like Trump has been out there like some kind of ‘lone wolf’, lol.

    1. Dana
      That’s very concise and to the point.
      Brandon might disagree on some of that, however I do think your points all ring true.
      Thanks also for the DollarVigilante youtube video.
      Obviously in his self promotion Trump will highlight his own successes (and there are and will be some) . . . I think Brandon was focusing on Trump’s ‘apparent’ successes.
      You are probably correct Dana, pointing out that it is “all smoke and mirrors”.

      1. Trump does say a lot anti the leftist media.
        Trump does say immigration is very bad for Europe.
        So for people who only absorb the sound bites, they like him.
        Actions speak louder than words and so he needs to be judged on his record.
        Has he performed with regard to his promises, if not why not.
        It is complicated.
        Finally Mr Trump . . . trying to please too many people and you can end up pleasing no-one.
        I am sure he knows that.

        1. If you Google ‘Trump’s lies’ and ‘Trump’s flip-flops’ you’ll find untold numbers of times he suddenly, unpredictably shifted positions and/or has lied. I’ve lost track of how many fukin times. But if you throw enough shit at a wall, some of it’s gonna stick, and that’s what I chalk up any successes he’s had to while president. The dude has an incredibly forked tongue and there’s just no way in hell he can lie that many damned times by ‘accident’. The dude is some kind of sociopath who cares not about the millions of people he affects.

          If I met somebody like Trump in person and had to interact with him over a period of time, I’d be thinking either this dude has no idea WTF he’s talking about and is very arrogant about it while he’s at it, or he just has absolutely no morals and is some kind of socio/psychopath on a mission. In his case, it’s some kind of combination of both. All of these more recent presidents have had this ability to lie straight to people’s faces with absolutely no qualms or remorse about it whatsoever; whether Bush Jr., Obama, Clinton (including Hillary), Bush Jr., or Trump. It’s like they’re all Satanic… must be a ‘cohencidence’, lol.

          1. Not to mention that any of his supposed ephemeral “successes” can be easily dismantled by a future Democrat president in three months or so. And even with the euphoria about the economy, the deficits (therefore national debt increases) keep going. “The Wall” (heart of his campaign) is now QAnon-tier talking point. Won’t happen.

              1. The evolving bullshit of AMTV/Christopher Greene
                Seems to be a run of the mill expoiter of the latest trends hyperbole. He jumps on whatever bandwagon will make him the most money. might also be part of the jewish disinfo and chaos movement.
                We know there is a crash coming, we don’t need a loudmouth self promoter to tell us that.
                Best to stay away from all crypto and all such computerized scams.
                Even spread betting on it you will probably lose money to the dealers and brokers.
                If you do dabble then don’t risk large amounts, only what you are prepared to lose (most likely outcome).
                We discussed crypto a while back, before it tanked (went down).
                In this thread in January I was warning against it.

              2. “The evolving bullshit of AMTV/Christopher Greene” is a youtube title from RebelAgainst the ThePuppetShow

                Seems to be a run of the mill expoiter of the latest trends hyperbole. He jumps on whatever bandwagon will make him the most money. might also be part of the jewish disinfo and chaos movement.
                We know there is a crash coming, we don’t need a loudmouth self promoter to tell us that.
                Best to stay away from all crypto and all such computerized scams.
                Even spread betting on it you will probably lose money to the dealers and brokers.
                If you do dabble then don’t risk large amounts, only what you are prepared to lose (most likely outcome).
                We discussed crypto a while back, before it tanked (went down).
                In this thread in January I was warning against it.

                1. I did it again I wrote my email address 🙁

                  instead of my website address

                  when I posted the above comment.

                  I made sure the link is correct here, the red link that says Dorset Patriot.
                  Too much time tapping away at the keyboard.
                  I probably need to get out more.

                2. Goddammit, Dorset, don’t give me a no-shit-Sherlock moment, lol. I didn’t forget, and I didn’t put the vid up to promote crypto or this ‘Christopher Greene’ character. But yes Dorset, you’ve been against crypto long ago. Before me, but I hadn’t been really studying it up till then.

                  The reason I put the vid up was because even this senior analyst from JP Morgan, Marko Kolanovic, is predicting bad things on the horizon.

                  “If markets weren’t bouncing because of presidential tweets, global debt, trade wars, coming elections and Senate hearing circuses, then they got another push this week from a top JPMorgan Chase & Co. analyst who says a stock crash spurred by electronic trading could unleash social upheaval not seen since 1968.

                  Marko Kolanovic, a senior analyst with JPMorgan, said in a report released Tuesday that an “autopilot” sell-off of passive mutual funds by super-fast computers could convulse markets, causing a precipitous decline similar to a “flash crash” with the potential to snowball.

                  “We will call this hypothetical crisis the ‘Great Liquidity Crisis,’ ” he said in the report.

                  “This is a possible scenario,” Kolanovic said in a follow-up email. “Definitely not a prediction. It is tied to the probability of a recession. We believe it will coincide with the next recession. We do think this is unlikely to happen this or next year.””


                  1. Ain’t like we needed the dude to say anything: anybody paying attention to the economy and how Marxism works knows they’re not on an escalator but a descalator. And anybody who has been paying to Trump knows he’s full of shit with a very high frequency; way too much to be even close to trusted by a rationale mind. I just thought it was interesting that even that dude is saying so.

                    1. BTW, anybody who doesn’t know Trump is full of shit about MANY of the things he says either has SERIOUS cognitive dissonance, OR they’re a moron.

                    2. From Henry Makow’s Twitter:

                      Trump lied about arresting Hillary, lied about peace with Russian and Syria, and lied about investigating 9-11

                  2. Sorry to twist the core message of your post, I simply did 5 minutes research on Greene, to confirm my suspicions about him, that was all.
                    Yes you are correct there are serious events just around the corner.
                    Eric King at kingworldnews has writeups every day from trend predictor and financial experts.

                    1. Dana said:

                      I didn’t put the vid up to promote crypto

                      goo. . .ood
                      Yes silly me.
                      And your (quick) reactions are (most of the time) spot on and always add extra information.
                      Thanks for that. 🙂

                    2. No worries.

                      Yes, and Trump is knowingly lying about the economy. He criticized Obama (and rightfully so) for falsely claiming how “great” he was making it under his administration, using doctored stats/data, but then when he gets in office, he proceeds to do the same shit Obama did, knowing that there are far more intricacies and details involved in those stats/data than what they portray on the surface.

                      Peter Schiff points those out in detail on his podcasts. He has all kinds of great shit on economics. And the dude is sounding like he’s coming along and becoming rather pro-white, noticing and speaking out a bit about the agenda against whites. He even is saying some pro-male things too. Some of his other views aren’t very great, but the dude is very smart when it comes to economics. He’s kind of like Tom Leykis when it comes to women and the anti-male agenda: a genius on it, but not great or red-pilled on many other topics.

                      Trump is *not* on the people’s side. Just because he might say some things that some people might like doesn’t mean he’s not a wolf in sheep’s clothing leading the sheep to the slaughter. He’s a great example of somebody people need to raise their standards with. He cannot be trusted and absolutely *should not* be.

                3. As far as Trump goes, ignorance this all CANNOT be. It’s much, MUCH more like how can this NOT be the work of a willing accomplice?

                  Boyz, I do feel the need to go unless anybody wants to debate on anything. I know Rae West’s punk ass won’t be debating because this is OVER his head. But if NOT, I really gotta get outta dodge.

                    1. I don’t need a vacation, Dorset. I’ve got many serious commitments and issues I need to take care of that I’ve been postponing. I’m also in the prime money making years of my life. It’d be strategically moronic of me to ignore and forego it. It also means reducing as many distractions as possible. I’m not retired or anything man; far from it.

                      I need to reiterate this, but being friends with everybody or trying to be is a very bad idea. There are so, so many dummies and clowns out there. When you befriend them, many times they will cost you; sometimes seriously, but at the very least cumulatively. And trying to make people be friends when they’re not naturally predisposed to be and/or are unequally yoked will backfire too. It hurts the people who have more to offer than those that don’t. In politics, If the mofos can’t back up or successfully argue WTF they say, they fit into this dummy, clown, chump, and/or d-bag category and need to be discarded. There’s only so much goddamned time in a day or in life.

                    2. Good Advice Dana, regarding the low IQ – thick as 2 short planks – time wasters who are not worth helping.
                      We can all see you have a lot of energy, so if you use that on your career and focus on your work and commitments then you will do great. I honestly wish you all the best.

        2. I said

          . . . trying to please too many people and you can end up pleasing no-one . . .

          Also it is difficult to know who to trust, so you could expend a lot of effort pleasing and helping people, only to find out they wanted you to waste all that time and effort, that was their plan from the start.

          As Trump outlines in one of his books . . . when you become successful, people who shunned you before, sometimes come to you scrounging . . . Trump tells them to get lost.
          Trump said (Think like a billionaire)

          Life at the top is exactly as it seems – wonderful!

          1. Trump on “how to know whether someone is loyal”.
            This is what he says in one of his books:

            By the way, almost all of the people who were not loyal to me in the early nineties have called me since then to try to get together. My response to them is very simple: F___ you!
            One thing I have learned in life is that if someone is disloyal to you once, they will be disloyal to you again.

            from “think like a billionaire” book

    2. He’s wishy-washy on everything – he’s a decadent, philosemite nihilist. And on the big scheme of things, he was probably put there to throw gasoline on the fire of social division in America, as well as sowing “disregard for the institutions” (KGB textbook, and part of Duginist subversion). When Americans don’t trust/passionately hate their own government, chances of foreign subversion are much higher. This guy married a daughter of Soviet apparatchik, and spent years washing money for the Russian mafia through his apartments.
      But yeah, if this kind of sweet fantasy is what encourages people to wake up in the morning and “keep believing”, so be it. By the way, lol, that QAnon faggotry just took some serious hits: .

    3. Saying Trump is implicitly pro-white and pro-Christian is terribly subjective. It’s like saying with certainty that chocolate milk is implicitly white.

      He’s made plenty of comments about how immigration is bad for Europe and America, how France is no longer France, how Sweden and Germany are being destroyed by immigration, etc. The “shithole countries” comment. The thing about the Mexican judge. He only normally dates blond Eastern European women. It’s pretty obvious he’s got a White identity going on and he cherishes the West.

      He sure didn’t seem like a Christian earlier on in life until it came time to run republican and get evangelical support.

      I don’t really care as long as he’s anti-immigration, implicitly pro-White, and fights the radical left. I’m not a believer myself so religious beliefs aren’t important to me. Christianity won’t save the West and most Christians these days are either libtards or Ziocucks. Christians are usually “religion before race” cucks as well who want us to forego race realism in favour of Bible thumping nonsense.

      Trump’s flip-flopping doesn’t really matter now either. What matters is what he’s doing now. He continues to push for the wall and make anti-immigration the centrepiece of his agenda. The radical left is reaming against him. They think he’s satan.

      NOT the entirety of the American Jewish media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his presidency. Rupert Murdoch/FOX News is PRO-Trump.

      Fox is pro-Trump but probably only because of his pro-Israel stance. If Trump wasn’t pro-Israel even Fox would dump him. There are some legit conservatives and even alt-light people that have gotten in there so it’s definitely not the worst network besides the Jew cucking. Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter are pretty close to alt-right at this point and stand up for a White America. They’re both Jew cucks but unfortunately that’s the only thing keeping them on the airwaves it seems.

      Like I said Trump is not our saviour but he has enough good points/policies that are worth defending/highlighting in our fight against the radical left.

      1. Fox is the “right-wing” branch of American news media, but it’s still very Marxist. On a spectrum of very left to very right, America only has very left (CNN, etc) and quasi-center (Fox). Fox is pathetically weak on all Marxist issues. People who only watch Fox are pretty much pro-Jew to the max, and really only know a few tidbits about feminism, anti-white racism, mass-immigration, and on down the line. They’re really a bunch of egalitarians with really weak arguments for anything ‘to the right’ of what Fox covers. Fox is in total denial of things like race realism, gender realism, and even commonly repeats lines like America is a “melting pot” and a “nation of immigrants”. There might be kind of OK anchors on there like Tucker Carlson who deal with some black crime, but that’s really weak too; if they wanted, they could be covering black-on-white attacks all day, but instead make it appear as though there really isn’t much difference in racism between whites and blacks… like there’s anti-white bias ‘too’, lol. They waste a bunch of time covering national cases in unison with the left, like the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case, where they spent a bunch of time on speculative information while simultaneously withholding a bunch of damning information against Trayvon. The make so many things seem like “no objective truth can be found” and like they’re “up for debate” when they’re really not. Marc Rudov did some segments on Fox, but Marc isn’t even MGTOW, and everybody treats him like some ‘conspiracy theorist’.

        Fox of course happens to be very pro-Trump while they’re at it. With the exception of a small number of their anchors who haven’t liked Trump, everybody else is pro-Trump and defends him no matter WTF he says or does on every issue. It’s a goddamned cult. Trump is not only a compulsive liar and bullshitter, but Fox just doesn’t give a shit.

        Even if there was no JQ issue, Trump is not an edgy dude in terms of the information he talks about or his stances in the conservative realm, and thus would fit in well with every other quasi-‘hard-line’, ‘anti-Marxist’ stance they have. Since running as a republican, all he has done is repeat cuckservative lines, with some possible exceptions I haven’t researched like where the idea to build a wall came from. But people in the conservative realm have been complaining about mass immigration for a long damned time. He’s not the type of guy you to go for information because he’s way behind, doesn’t talk about a lot of shit, and is very cucked on so many things. Not to mention, he can’t make up his mind for shit. He will say one thing one day about something, and often conveniently swap that shit right around shortly after he said it, and people trust the goddamned clown lol. He has a large number of people in America who’d proverbially follow his ass right off a cliff, and they’re gonna.

        1. Yeah, Fox News is not on our level and is a limited hangout, like Breitbart, Rebel Media, etc., largely due to the Jewish/Zionist influence. But that doesn’t mean it’s totally worthless. A few hosts like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham stand out as defending White interests at the moment even if they suck on the JQ. There’s virtually only a handful of people on the planet that have our level of understanding so expecting everyone to be up to speed is unreasonable.

          Point is that Trump is pro-White enough to ignite the fury of the radical left. The alt-right did a good job of riding that wave to become a household name across the world, putting our arguments in people’s faces. Trump has helped launch the alt-right into mainstream discourse even if he didn’t intend to. So good things have come from his presidency, intended or not.

          1. Well Brandon, I do agree with that, and Trump does seem to at least be more pro-white in his rhetoric as of more recently. Of course it’s highly subjective because pro-white to me is very pro-white and many things people might consider pro-white, I don’t; I often consider them very centrist, or even anti-white, lol. He has said many things before that were anti-white, but it’s probably true that overall, he’s more pro-white than anti-white in what he’s saying. The dude is filling the republican position which is supposed to be more pro-white in stance than the opposing Marxist position. To me, the dude is still a big-time cuck though, lol. 😉

            1. You are both right.
              Brandon focusing on Trumps positive points and Dana (and others) quite rightly focusing on the undeniable negatives.
              Like I read somewhere Trump is pals with Sheldon Adelson and others of that ilk.

      2. “He’s made plenty of comments about how immigration is bad for Europe and America, how France is no longer France, how Sweden and Germany are being destroyed by immigration, etc. The “shithole countries” comment. The thing about the Mexican judge. He only normally dates blond Eastern European women. It’s pretty obvious he’s got a White identity going on and he cherishes the West.”

        He has obviously said those things, but like I said, why leave out all the implicitly anti-white things he has said? What would you say he’s said that is implicitly anti-white? Or nothing?

      3. Brandon said:

        If Trump wasn’t pro-Israel even Fox would dump him.

        Yes Trump is pro-Israel alright and Fox would dump him if he wasn’t pro-Israel.
        You could probably write a whole book about his connections with Israel . . . and other dodgy places and people.
        I think it is a tough job (not as easy as it looks), I think most people if asked whether they would like to be president and then they seriously thought of the responsibilities involved . . . they would quake in their boots and run away.
        The president is not only a front man and an ambassador, he does other stuff too.

  3. Trump is a stand up comedian. I would love to drink some pints with him (I know he is teetotal) 🙂
    I always hold that Trump has no ego. He has a strong self respect, but ZERO ego.
    I ilke the fact he loves hookers and pornstars.
    His Christian views are very laid back, kind of Episcopalian (maybe casual Catholic) although he is a Presbyterian. BUT he is a strong defender of Christendom.
    Great motivational speaker.
    Yes, absolutely pro white, pro European and lover of Slav female beauty.
    He is very pragmatic and into “realpolitik”.
    And he has a lot of “cojones”.
    He is the providential man.

    1. Even though his vocabulary might be very limited, he does have the capacity at times to say some funny, off-the-cuff shit in an uninhibited way. He definitely has his own degree of charisma. But just because somebody seems uninhibited and says things that appear down to Earth in certain respects (like Trump sometimes uses self-deprecating humor), doesn’t mean they have ‘ZERO’ ego or that they’re ‘pragmatic’. He wasn’t joking about the lies and flip-flops we’re talking about here.

      Given that he claims to be a Christian, don’t you think it’s quite odd to see somebody who claims to be so, say these things?

    2. When asked about any crude or raycis remarks he may have made in the Oral office about immigrants from Haiti and from Africa, he said, “No. No, I’m not a racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed.”

      I mean, any dummy can see he’s obviously trying to be taken seriously, but you can’t take that shit seriously. “ZERO” ego here, lol. Obviously Trump has no idea how many people she has ever interviewed; he’s just talking out his ass, and somehow people buy the endless spur-of-the-moment, arrogant shit he says.

    3. Bullshit. He’s pure ego, a degenerate psychopath who cares about nothing more than his own image, hedonism and profits. I’m curious to see what comes after his mandate – US won’t survive much longer.

  4. Trump is totally playing a facade of being a “Christian” to appeal to and influence barely-studied, easily swayed, normie Christians. Large numbers of Christians know very little about the religion. He has claimed that the Bible is his “second favorite book”, lol. Well you’d presume he’d know a lot about it, if so, wouldn’t you? Some other things he has said:

    When asked what his favorite verse was, he has said, ‘All of them’.
    He said he really liked the book of “TWO Corinthians”… lol, NOT “Second Corinthians”. Lmao.
    He said there are so many things you can learn from the Bible… “Proverbs, the chapter, Never bend to envy”. Lmao. There is no Proverbs chapter about never bending to envy; he took it out of context.
    He has said he’ll be the best representative for Christianity people have seen in a long time, lol.

    Other things he’s said:

    I’m better for LGBT people than Clinton. I will do everything I can to protect our LGBTQ citizens.
    I’m better for women than Clinton.
    I’ll be the greatest job producer God has ever created.
    I’ll be the greatest president God has ever created.
    Gary Cohn may be a globalist, but I like him… he could come back to the administration.

    1. Trump just a cultural Christian.
      Her mom gave him the Bible expecting him to read it. How sweet!!
      Of course he is anti racist: anti non white racism towards whites.
      Yes, he plays the catch-all-party: “leftists for Trump, faggots for Trump, empowered women for Trump” and so on,

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