Broadcast: Why Anti-Zionism is a Pitfall & White Nationalism is Needed

I reflected on the Adam Green interview, the pitfalls of anti-Zionism, and the need for white nationalism. Technical glitch cut out the broadcast from 12:30 to 16:35…just skip ahead.

20 thoughts on “ Broadcast: Why Anti-Zionism is a Pitfall & White Nationalism is Needed

  1. That will please a lot of duped christian zionists and the israelis and zio-cucks and it will also probably upset a few white nationalists who have sussed out the jq and israel’s deceptions.
    You said before Brandon that you are not a christian, although you do prefer christianity to other religions, and you proposed that probably it would be better for us if jews all go to israel and stay out of our countries, then if they want to squabble between themselves or with arabs as they have done for centuries then let them get on with it and we should not get involved . . . especially we should stop fundiing israel.
    Well your proposed scenario would be very difficult to achieve because not all jews want to go to israel.
    You are being pragmatic and are trying to cut through the spiritual and religious end times nonsense and focus on establishing physical borders to keep troublesome foes and subversives out of the west.
    Certainly wasting time and vast amounts of money and effort and getting sucked into foreign wars and squabbles, is unproductive for our cause and misdirects our energies.
    When you say you are reflecting on the pitfalls of anti-zionism Brandon, does that mean you think maybe indifference towards zionism and even maybe promotion of it, would be a good thing? I would be careful with promotion of it. Indifference and tacit approval might be the best option.
    Reflecting on the need for white nationalism . . . I don’t need to reflect on that as I am a white nationalist.
    I am also a christian in as much as I try make a daily effort to follow that faith (follow jesus etc).
    We are all on a journey and the paths and pitfalls we take in life are often a choice we make.
    Whilst in prison John Bunyan wrote the “The Pilgrim’s Progress”

    1. With many old books, hugely influential in their time, the modern versions are more than often abridged and pared down versions of the originals.
      Certain interested parties take it upon themselves to edit and remove parts of the original text so it fits in more with their own message.
      They don’t only do the editing to modernise the language, often they also twist the meaning or censor by omission.
      Look at all the different versions of the bible . . . critically highlighting the differences between them gives you an insight to the different agendas.
      Book publishers hold great power, just like the TV media moguls and newspaper owners.
      Now internet is becoming more and more influential.
      Social media is probably where a lot of people get their ideas from . . . unfortunately. I don’t post on social media and I try to stay away from it.
      I do look at twitters of local newspapers or notable people and that is about it.
      Ideas can go viral especially when orchestrated or helped along by trolls and algorithms and compromised software and technology.
      Israel has long been acquiring expertise and strategic advantages in the technology arena.

  2. I have just finished listening to (and watching the screenshots of) the above broadcast.
    Brilliant, brilliant . . . and keep up the good work Brandon.

  3. The dominant paradigm is Classical Liberal Zionism vs. Communism (or watered down Classical Liberal progressivism). Both financed and controlled by the same people, and leading towards similar endings. If people (especially whites) don’t offer a new alternative, this rotten paradigm will consume the world.

  4. What a beautiful flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    José Antonio Primo de Rivera on Catholicism:

    “The preeminent aspect of the spiritual is the religious. No man can stop formulating the eternal questions about life and death, about creation and the afterlife.
    These questions can not be answered with evasiveness; you have to answer with the affirmation or with the denial.
    Spain always answered with the Catholic affirmation.
    The Catholic interpretation of life is, in the first place, the true one; but it is also, historically, the Spanish one.”

    “Eternity worries me deeply. I am an enemy of improvisation, the same in a speech as in death. Improvisation is an attitude of the romantic school and I do not like it. “

  5. The first Latins were white and unfortunately today it is associated with muds from South America.

    Even the “nationalists” from the Basque country are going full civic allowing African blacks to be Basques.

    DId you ever watch Alerta Judiada on youtube? I don’t think he’s around anymore but he used to upload good videos on the jewish influence in Catalunya.

    1. Yes, Alerta Judiada, they are very funny.
      Regarding the Basque Country: Basque nationalism and Irish nationalism were totally coopted by Marxism. Now we can see the result in both cases.

      Let me say that I, as a Spanish nationalist, I am totally pro Basque and Catalan nationalism, as long as the Basque Country and Catalonia remain within the Spanish State. So, both nationalisms can work as strong regionalisms and that is OK. The Spanish State is very old (1492), with the same borders (except the brief time that Portugal was part of Spain, too). Basque Country was never an independent State. In the Midle Ages, it belonged to the Kingdom of Navarra, then the Kingdom of Navarra joined the Kingdom of Castile, and then, the Kingdom of Castile joined, via royal marriage, the Crown of Aragón, making “Spain”. Catalonia belonged to the Crown of Aragón, so it was never and independent State, neither.
      To me, the solution is very old: giving special privileges to both territories (medieval “fueros”) but they already have such a “fueros” as autonomic regions, with their own parliaments, cops, inmigration policy, etc.
      Anyway, today, they are in a suicidal mode. Basque goverment importing tons of Subsaharians, and Catalan goverment importing tons of Arabs. The same for Irish: they prefer importing hordes of orcs instead of geting along with the Brits.

  6. You’re absolutely right that Spain was and maybe is hugely influential. In England, it is often taught as a once-great empire that weakened itself by expelling Jews and Moors! And as a source of gold, by capturing treasure ships, themselves laden with stuff from the Incas etc and from silver mines. There are some accounts of Conquistadors, imputing something like magical powers to them. And ‘El Dorado’. And of course the Inquisition, traditionally maligned in e.g. Victorian England. We also have the geography – I’m guessing Spain was somewhat bypassed because it has few inlets of the Thames/ Bristol Channel/ Clyde etc type. I detect from some of the comments here that Roman Catholicism has followers – surely a prime case to a revisionist makeover. I do wonder if in fact evolution may have been thought up by Spaniards, faced with such things as cacti. To this day e,g, Cuba seems to be run by Marranos – enabling frauds like the Cuba Crisis and maybe other such things.
    And there’s Portugal – why is it separate? And its racial history when it was mixed at the insistence of Jews. And the secrets of its South American and African empires.
    May I suggest that you write/edit/whatever a guide to the Hispanic Peninsula? And make it revisionist. It’s a terrific subject . And an important piece of the whites vs Jews jigsaw.

    1. Spain is often overlooked in world history, Spain can boast of two of the greatest achievements of the West: Discovering America and expelling the Moors. Unfortunately, the conquistadors were not as race conscious as the English and mixed with the natives of the New World. Plus the Catholic doctrine adn catholic priests (many of them conversos) told the Spanish settlers to mix with the natives and integrate them.

      And alas today’s Spaniards are making the same mistake their ancestors did in the colonies: race-mixing.
      The latino problem is not only present in the US but also in Spain; Colombians, Paraguayans gangs, latin kings, ms13, etc.
      Trajano won’t like it but Catholicism is race-blind and universalist, not good for white countries.

      1. The ugly and dumb race mix you see widely in Latin America is not Spaniard-Native American but black-Native American.
        The examples of Spaniard-Native American mix are a few and tend to be, in many cases, quite attractive and smart result, such Jennifer López, Bianca Jagger, Barbara Carrera, Mario Vargas Llosa, Juan Domingo Perón…

  7. To add more controversial history.
    From Wikipedia.

    A Canadian Broadcasting Company documentary in January 2018 was widely criticized by scientists and Native Americans for its uncritical presentation of the Solutrean hypothesis.

    Boils down to Europeans populated America LONG BEFORE the current native american Indians, who migrated in from Asia after the European Ice Age Glacial migrants came from what is now France and Spain.
    Then of course there are other stories of the Welsh British landing in the 12th century, which is unproven and was probably simply the British trying to lay claims there to override the real Spanish claims.

      1. From the above linked wikipedia article.

        According to 2012 the USA Global Leadership Report, 34% of Spaniards approve of U.S. leadership, with 33% disapproving and 34% uncertain.[2] According to a 2013 BBC World Service Poll, 43% of Spanish people view the USA influence positively, with only 25% expressing a negative view.[3]
        A 2017 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center showed 60% of Spaniards had a negative view of the USA, with only 31% having a positive view.[4] The same study also showed only 7% of Spaniards had confidence in current the USA leader, President Donald Trump,[5] with 70% having no confidence in the current US president.[6]

        I reckon that RT en Español had a part to play in that rapid change of opinion. and the rest of the mainstream media in Spain.

        1. Spain needs a more right wing leadership and media.
          The leftist socialist government are pro-immigration anti-razor-wire.
          Bye bye nice orderly society . . . hello multicultural nightmare.

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