Anti-White TV Programming is Brainwashing White Youths

Check this video. The epidemic of anti-white TV programming is out of control. White youths are being taught to hate themselves, to feel sorry for non-whites and confer special privileges on them. This is absolutely sick. We see there young children parroting anti-white SJW narratives about “white privilege”.

The anti-whiteness of popular media is right out in the open. They literally have entire TV shows about shaming white people for “racism”. Jewish media moguls are in overdrive to push through their Kalergi plan of white genocide, hence the increased focus on anti-white guilt shaming.

This is why we must boycott popular media and call it out for it’s blatant anti-white SJW agenda. The same Jewish moguls promoting anti-white propaganda never put the racialist, hyper-nationalist state of Israel in the crosshairs because that’s not in the plan. The plan is to maintain the Jewish ethnic homogeneity of Israel while breaking down white gentile homogeneity in Western countries so that in the end Jews will rule the world from Jerusalem. Whites will be converted into an oppressed minority in all Western countries living at the mercy of Jewish and non-white overlords.

3 thoughts on “Anti-White TV Programming is Brainwashing White Youths

  1. Destroy your TV!
    Go for red-pilling WHITE ENTERTAINMENT, like Mürdoch Mürdoch, the songs of Mr. Bond, Morrakiu and such.

  2. “Racism is not over”. True: anti white racism.

    Being white is OK.
    Being Med white is the toppermost of the poppermost!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Campbell’s Soup in Camden, NJ was shaken down by black public school teachers to “donate” money for schoolchildren to see Wakandia. Did Campbell’s donate money so white children could see a movie about white pride like, for instance, Christopher Columbus?

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