Faith Goldy Teams Up With SuperJew Laura Loomer

While posturing as alt-right for several months after being fired from Rebel Media, Faith Goldy has circled back to her Judeophilic roots, teaming up almost exclusively with Jews to push half-baked nationalism that privileges Jews over whites.

During her campaign to become the mayor of Toronto, Goldy was pictured with her “good friend” Meir Weinstein of the risible Jewish Defense League. Notice Weinstein behind Goldy at the protest in the above video. Weinstein is a sadistic anti-Gentile Jewish supremacist who spearheaded a harassment and terror campaign against Ernst Zundel in the 1980s and 1990s when Zundel was publishing pioneering research refuting central claims of the official Holocaust story. The documentary below details some of the atrocities that Weinstein and his gang of poisonous Jewish tribalists inflicted on Zundel and his associates.

Goldy has clearly shown her true blue and white Zionist colors over the past few months, aligning herself with the loudest, fringiest Jewish supremacists in the world. I’ve noted before that her entire media career has been a shill act for Jewish interests, and it continues today.

Jewish infiltrators have tried to subvert the alt-right by inserting their agents in our midst to steer the discourse away from the Jewish Question and onto issues that partially align with Jewish interests, like the anti-Islam counter-jihad. While it’s certainly in our white interests to oppose Islam and Muslims from entering our countries, we must recognize that embracing fringe Zionist Jews in that fight is fruitless and will lead to our subordination to their interests.

Fringe Zionist Jews like Weinstein and Loomer push anti-Islamism but only in the furtherance of Jewish interests. They view Muslims, and not cucked Israel-worshipping Christian whites, as a greater threat to Jews right now so they attack them more regularly. But these subversive Zionists care nothing for the West and ultimately harbor extreme hatred and envy towards our civilization and people, just like their leftist counterparts. While certain Zionist Jews pretend to be “allies” against Islam and the Muslims invading us, their elite brethren are the ones bringing them here and teaming up with them to silence criticism of Islam, Judaism and immigration. This is just another example of Jews playing both sides to manage the discourse to their liking, keeping it far away from investigations of the central Jewish role in the crisis we face.

8 thoughts on “Faith Goldy Teams Up With SuperJew Laura Loomer

  1. Most Americans are so dumbed down they take WW2 propaganda films as fact and believe NASA (CIA) landed a man on the moon. These Khazarian fraud “Jews” have a free for all with most of the population here.

    1. As expected, bitch lost – the botox and tanning didn’t work. Hope her “social experiment” (mostly hysterical “Loomering” and sucking Jewish cock while pretending to be subversive) is over and she fades into insignificance.

  2. This cunt can team up with the worst (((enemies))) of our race imaginable, including those who have literally terrorized white nationalists, but somehow I’M the bad guy because I would die for the Palestinians.

    Let’s face it – it is necessary to counter-signal this alt-kike Israel loving shit and vociferous support for Palestine is the only way to do it. Counter-protest their Proud
    Boy and counter-jihad rallies with Palestinian and Nazbol flags. Or whatever else would trigger these Ziocon Snowflakes.

    Say what you want about Nazbols, but if we took over, we would go FULL POL POT on these scumbags. Zionist neo-con filth must be dealt with using the only language they understand. And it’s gonna hurt. A lot.

    1. The fact that you would die for Arabs proves you’re useless to the cause. If you would die for Palestinians, then why wouldn’t you also die for Blacks in Africa? You’re with Team Brown against Team White. Goldy and company are with Team Jew. The battle lines have been drawn.

      1. No, I’m with Team Goy against Team Jew. I would die for Africans under certain circumstances, such as a communist revolution, though I don’t know if those exist right now. White Nationalism should consider Arab Nationalism and Arab Socialism as allies, not enemies.

  3. Very good piece. Many of us dislike anti-white-woman, and anti-white-man, tirades, because they don’t take account of the way Jews have infected and corrupted both women and men. If the Jewish influence is clearly isolated, things become simpler. And imho much the same is true of third worlders: they are also victims of Jews, and that influence ought to be isolated and analysed as its own sphere. Consider for example the viciousness of Kissinger and Soros in their different spheres. And of course their collaborators have to be exposed.

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