Cuckservative Ben Shapiro Works for Israel

Cuckservative commentator Ben Shapiro is an agent of Israel deceiving Americans, telling them that the “browning of America” is fine so long as they believe in the US constitution. Meanwhile, the Jew supports Israel as a Jewish ethno-state and has called for the ethnic cleansing of all Arabs from Israel and the Palestinian territories.

This is why no Jew claiming to be “right-wing” can be trusted. Ultimately, their loyalty lies with Israel and their true subversive Zionist colors come out when they denounce ethno-nationalism for whites in our countries.

All the cuckservatives, even the Goy ones, engage in this deception. Steven Crowder, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones all support Israel to varying degrees while vehemently denouncing white nationalism in the West.

They’re upholding the key tenets of the Jewish global plan to weaken Goy nations with multiculturalism while strengthening the Jewish nation through highly restrictive immigration policies.

4 thoughts on “Cuckservative Ben Shapiro Works for Israel

  1. Ben is a clown in many ways. It’s just that it’s hard to tell if people like him are merely still dumbed down because there’s a shitload of stuff to know and it takes time to figure out, or if they’re willingly controlled opposition. He has said other shit like the reason education is so bad in the inner cities is because of unions, lol. It “couldn’t” have anything to do with the fact that fukin blacks are unruly, make terrible students, low-IQ, and can’t muster much money for schools without getting if off the white demon. He’s a trad in many ways as well, which is stupid. At least he’s anti-Trump though, lol, just not for the right reasons.

    Milo is half-Jewish last I checked. He could debate some things well, but again, some of the shit he has said has been totally false and/or far from the truth, the omission of many truths, including degenerate shit like pro-pedophilia statements. He hasn’t made any more vids on his YT channel in about 5 months and has pretty well disappeared. He did a disappearing act just like it’s starting to look like Ken Clown O’Keefe is doing a disappearing act. Joe Rogan said he had something like 1.3 million subscribers, but since the pro-pedo statements, he has under 900K subscribers now. At least some people still have some morals it seems.

    The dude in the first vid is saying ‘capitalism is partly to blame’ without pointing out the obvious that socialism/Marxism is to blame here. No dude, corporations don’t benefit from affirmative action and having to hire less-qualified people for the same pay; that’s a substantial net loss. They don’t benefit from having to pay high taxes because the highest individual earners up to 500K per year pay the highest tax rates percentage-wise (except those corporations the government favors, which is either socialism or crony capitalism), and they don’t benefit from facing multi-million dollar lawsuits due to alleged/supposed “racism”, “sexism”, “homophobia”, and “religious discrimination”. They don’t benefit from heavy regulations either. Must be a “capitalist conspiracy” n sheeeit, lol.

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