Crowder Owns Dumb Broad on ‘Rape Culture’

Cuckservative Steven Crowder owns a dumb broad on the myth of ‘rape culture’ in this video:

Watch at around the 14:00 mark, after Crowder logically deconstructs the female’s bogus emotion-based “arguments,” the low-IQ broad becomes hysterical, begins crying and screaming, and then begs the police to remove Crowder from the campus.

This is female “intelligence” for you. When women lose a debate, their immediate response is to become emotional and demand that their opponent be silenced. What utterly typical female bullshit this is.

The other losers who spoke to Crowder were the biggest emasculated mangina cucks in the universe. One dumbass said that we should ‘believe all women’ who accuse men of sexual assault and rape, and that an “accuser” is equivalent to a “victim.” I look forward to the day when that fool is falsely accused of something by a woman. Will that finally change his mind?

It’s amazing how low our culture has gone to have grown men bowing down to child-like women like this. Females have weaponized sexual harassment/rape allegations to neuter and control men. It is a clever little scam to castrate the male gender and force us into servitude to inferior females who otherwise can’t survive without us.

Self-serving, narcissistic females are not complaining about “discrimination” in male-dominated job fields like mining, construction work, and other highly dangerous manual labour that makes our society functional. Where are the broads crying that there are not enough female ditch diggers or fishermen? They only whine about mythical “pay gaps” in comfy corporate and government office jobs because that’s all these privileged, entitled shedevils want to do for a living.

It’s just sad that we let them get away with this.

3 thoughts on “Crowder Owns Dumb Broad on ‘Rape Culture’

  1. I’ve recently read an article based on a 90s study (, that shows that 1.4% of sexual crimes involved a white offender and black victim. There’s no way this report could be produced today. ‘Rape culture’ is just another scam to collapse western civilization by exploiting females’ natural stupidity and inferiority complex.

  2. SJW lefties are retarded because most of them are Vegans or try to be. Veganism is a death cult that starves your body and your brain of cholesterol and slowly kills you. These people are actually mentally retarded and deficient and have to lash out, since they are in constant mental and physical pain through malnourishment. Eating raw meat is the natural human diet and the one with the most proven health benefits. This German guy who made the following video documentary almost died from veganism. He says he was 95 pounds and in the emergency room. Now that he’s eating raw veal hearts and testicles and rotted 10 month old “high meat” (called that by the American Indians because it gets you naturally high from the rot or fermentation) and drinking pig’s blood.

    Do not fall for this vegan nonsense or even vegetarianism. Carbs cannot produce any nutrition for you, they turn straight into fat if you don’t use up the energy right away. They don’t “build” anything. The energy you use from the carbs might build you muscle and tendon, string you into a strung person, if you have enough protein or HGH (human growth hormone, activated by high intensity intervals training; sprinting uphill for 20 minutes rather than jogging for miles, etc. anything that gets you out-of-breath fast, as in nature when humans needed to escape from predators constantly in the stone age) available. Otherwise forget it. Animal protein, the rawer you can eat it, is the way to go.

    Also, anyone who wants a good high-intensity-intervals routine, especially guys past their 40s who think they’ll never regain the glory of their youth, should follow this guy’s advice:

    That video is 9 years old . This guy was the lead singer, keyboardist, saxophonist and french-horn player in Frank Zappa’s 1980s bands.

    Here he is in 2015 at 67 years old and he can still sing almost as well as he did 30 years before.

    You don’t need Viagra, Deer Antler Velvet and testosterone supplements when you can just activate a flood of testosterone within your body any time you need to by doing SHORT high-intensity intervals training. Nothing that drains you, tires you out, injures, maims and kills you faster but is promoted as “healthy” to waste your time, but what is actually proven to be healthy and not that hard to to do.

    The maxim for retards is “no pain, no gain,” the maxim for their ascended betters is “no brain, no gain and fug unnecessary and retarded stress or pain” When you do exercise right, when you follow the proper ritual of the rite, balance becomes motion and never a motion is made out of balance when you move, and never a move in a “straight line” for squares. You can go climb a mountain with low-profile, almost barefoot shoes, you can even go fully barefoot and let your callouses be your sole and still feel no major soreness or pain. It’s all about balance and the way you process the energy force through your body. You don’t allow it to get all bunched up, tensed and tangled up in one area. When that happens, you make sure you do full body stretches that gets that knot of tensioned energy-force untangled and flowing.

    People are so screwed by multigenerational hoaxes and false narratives, it’s unbelievable. Most people have not even learned how to walk properly! They walk on the balls of their feet, tense up and shift the weight! They are never at a full balance point the way a person that puts their foot flat on the ground with every step, does. Their structure is never solid. It’s always leaning this way or that and can be pushed out-of-balance and into a fall with just a finger’s worth of pressure.

    The natural stride guy, on the other hand, can stop in the middle of his stride at any time and at almost any velocity of movement and have perfect balance, just like a good dancer. Therefore, in nature, the best dancers are also the best fighters. It is only in our retarded societies that the ability to move well and fighting ability have become yet another false dichotomy, where dancers are called “sissies” and “gay” by the handicapped, unbalanced macho retards on the sidelines who will otherwise lose out in terms of female selection, since no female in her right mind will ever choose a masculine man who can’t dance over a masculine man who can. That’s because men might have deluded themselves to save their fragile egos but few women have no illusions as to what the ability to dance represents.

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