Hail Trump! Tells Shitlibs It’s “Scary Time” for Young Men in America

It’s a “scary time for young men in America” because of false sexual assault and rape allegations from vengeful females, Trump told a gaggle of shitlib reporters.

This is great. Trump is hitting back in a major way against the feminist insurgency gripping America and the West. They’re going absolutely bonkers at Trump’s latest truthful statements.

The shitlibs and feminazis will probably launch a violent revolt if Trump continues to skewer the leftist agenda publicly. They’re already protesting wildly in front of capital buildings and aggressively confronting “privileged white male” politicians.

These whack, blue-haired lesbians will stop at nothing to topple the non-existent “patriarchy”. The US government is anything but a patriarchy, it’s a gynocracy dominated by feminist women and manginas.

All Western governments bow to the childish whims of women, yet these hoes can’t stop complaining. That’s because females are never, ever satisfied. Once they’ve achieved one “victory” for female supremacy, they move on to the next, and the next and the next.

It never ends because women don’t know when to stop. Their brains are truly dysfunctional in that way.

But Trump is putting an end to gynocentrism in America. He’s appointing white, heterosexual males to lead the country, as they should. And the anti-white, anti-male left is up-in-arms seeing their precious utopian dreams quashed by a strong, white alpha male.

This is just beautiful.

Hail Trump!

30 thoughts on “Hail Trump! Tells Shitlibs It’s “Scary Time” for Young Men in America

  1. I don’t know why any right-wingers would be anti-Trump and call Trumpians Trumptards. If they just took a moment of silence and objectivity and stared deeply, deeply into his eyes, they could easily extrapolate his true thoughts and intentions via telepathy and flat-out soul-reading. Clearly he has the best of intentions. Like when Bush said, for example, he was anti-abortion and anti-immigration, you could tell he had the best of intentions too.

    Instead of doing something like rightly rejecting a biased, anti-male act like VAWA, he merely proposed some grant cuts to it. VAWA has to be reauthorized by the president, and how do I know Trump is gonna reauthorize it? I’m “psychic”.

    Trump just so happens to be friends with Kabbalist Kanye “I sold my soul to the devil” West and his satanic wife Kim KarTrashian. As a favor to Kim, Trump commuted this black female drug dealer’s life sentence. I mean, if Kim wants to help her, she’s “good people” and should be helped n stuff.


  2. Trump: “I respect women incredibly. I love women. I cherish women.” “I have given women more opportunity than virtually anybody in the construction industry.”

    1. He owned that femcunt. Of course he has to say nice things about women, he’s a politician after all and needs their votes. But his actions speak louder than words, and he hasn’t done anything to cater to women thus far.

      1. That’s now owning, that’s kow-towing. There are countless other things he could’ve said that are still PC instead of coming up with the typical white knight retorts about how much he values women. Some random examples:

        What’s your criteria for being a “friend to women”? What if they might simultaneously be unfriendly to men? Are you a friend to men? What have you done for men?
        Does telling women the truth mean I’m “not their friend” or actually am more so than somebody who lies to them?
        Are women happier raising children or working corporate jobs?
        Who puts in the vast majority of the overtime? Who makes up 93% of deaths on the job? Who pays the vast majority of the taxes?
        Don’t you know about the gender wage-gap myth and the fake news contrived “war on women”?

        Brandon, somewhere along the line you’ve started assuming the dude has “good intentions”. When he says things that are pro-female because he “supposedly has to” yet at other times he can say “grab her by the pussy”, you’re assuming he’s playing 3D chess with them. You’re mistaken man. The deal is the dude has no qualms constantly lying and flip-flopping and hence can’t be trusted.

        1. It’s obvious that what Trump says publicly and privately are two different things. Privately he says he “grabs them by the pussy” and publicly that he “cherishes them”. It’s pretty obvious that his real attitude is what he says in private. He must say nice things about women publicly to earn their vote. I don’t like it but that’s how politics is played. I’m not assuming anything. We have him on record speaking about women as sexual objects and he treats them as such with his many Eastern European trophy wives that he simply uses for sex. He’s the closest thing we’ve seen in a long time to a red-pilled alpha male in high office. Of course he could be stronger and pose those questions, but he was trying to win an election so saying even what he did say, which was pretty mild, took some balls. Seems like you’d only be satisfied with yourself as president and everybody else doesn’t live up to the extremely high standard you’ve set. Right now the evil leftists are dead set against Trump and he’s saying some good things, so it makes no sense to just rag on him.

    2. The only problem those so called female protesters against Trump and his nomination for the Supreme Court were nothing more than paid activists from that far left freak George Soros. That is not how real women behave anyhow those protesters are freaks!

    1. Ever seen Trump come to the aid of any left-wingers accused of sexual assault since he announced running as a republican? I haven’t done too much research on it but I’m presuming not. For instance, Trump thinks Bill Cosby is ‘guilty as hell’; said he has known Weinstein for a long time and isn’t at all surprised to see it; I haven’t checked to see what he said about Moonves (Google connection is too slow ATM) but I doubt he said anything in favor of him; he said Epstein was a ‘terrific guy’ (like he said Queen Elizabeth is ‘absolutely a terrific person’ lmfao), but that was quite some time ago. Since announcing he’s republican, he sure seems to definitely favor republicans when it happens to them and not nearly so much democrats.

      Sidenote: there was incentive for the establishment to frame Cosby because he began speaking an anti-pro-black message telling blacks things like they need to start taking responsibility for their actions (which is a no-no, because all their problems are supposed to be because of the white, male demon).

      It’s like we’re to believe Trump was just “confused” all those years he was a democrat, said republicans are ‘dumb’, and but then his transition from democrat to republican wasn’t really an evolution but who he has always been?

      Trump is also talking like the lack of ‘innocence until proven guilty’ for men accused of false allegations, including sexual assault, is some ‘new phenomenon’ these days in America when it’s many decades old at least and has been rampant.

      1. Like the Democrats, Trump is playing partisan politics in only believing female sexual assault allegations when it’s against the other side. The alt-right is doing this too as they believe women who accuse left-wing men or Jews, like Weinstein and Moonves. I mentioned that in a recent video. Nobody is quite as red-pilled and consistent as us on this issue, but Trump deserves some credit for his recent pro-male statements. He’s being attacked by the left as a misogynist, racist and Islamophobe: all things we like. Obviously there are things about him that are alt-rightish and we need to promote Trump’s candidacy as a means to an end for a right-wing revolution. We should ride this momentum to greater exposure and power for right-wing nationalism. Trump is bringing credibility and acceptability to anti-immigration and anti-feminist views and that’s good.

        1. His good points are the bait for the many more bad points that will come attached as hooks and will far outweigh them after all is said and done during what will probably be an 8 year stretch. Just like Lubavitch douchy-boy Putin in Russia. To be a good puppet, you have to be a convincing puppet.

          The ultimate thing, of course, that the Jews behind Trump want, is not so much hate speech laws as holohoax denial laws. They know that the “hate speech” laws will be a hard-sell under the Trump script since his character is presented as an old-school alpha male who’s not afraid to offend people’s feelings and speak his mind and ruffle feathers, but the holohoax denial laws will be his concession for the hate-speech laws that he didn’t pass.

          All they need is a couple of fake PsyOps where some actors playing heil-Hitlering WN retards, maybe even with a fake background of having been Daily Stormfart and Dukey Dave followers, fake-shoot up a synagogue full of actors playing “victim” Jews, which they can churn out like nobody’s business, if the endless media-fakery PsyOps we saw in the years after Sandy Hoax and Boston Legless Marathon is any indication. This is why exposing media fakery and crisis actors is so important. They are faking damn-near all of these “events” from scratch and calling them real and most of the lemming masses believe them. The media? They own the media. The media might as well be the entertainment arm of the CIA and Mossad, nothing but enemy propaganda presented as “news.”

  3. Look at that Jew Kushner behind Trump, Come on Brandon, you know Trump is a zionist controlled puppet who pander to white nationalists and alt-righters in a subtle way to get more approval.

  4. A day for History

    First national rally of VOX (neo-falangist party in Spain).

    Make Spain Great Again
    It is OK to be a Spaniard.
    It is OK to be European.
    It is OK to be children of Greece and Rome.
    It is OK to be Euro Latin.
    It is OK to be Catholic.

    1. I wouldn’t call them neo-falangist. They’re basically alt-light conservative from what I’ve seen. They’re pretty good on immigration and economy issues, but they don’t come close to Democracia Nacional and the Falangist party itself in terms of truth telling.

      1. Let´s be operational, camarada.
        Trumpie knows better.
        Democracia Nacional and the several little Falange´s party (13 parties!!!) have no options.

        1. I was going to ask you about DN, They’re Russophiles too but what other option do Spaniards have?
          Aqui la voz de Europa is a grat podcast.

      1. A lot of falangists says so. And a lot of falangists believe that, although Franco didn´t achive the entire Falange program (the “27 Points”), he achived most of them. My granddad was an “old shirt” (he joined Falange in 1933, when the party was founded), he fought in war with Franco and after the war he was a francoist all his life. Many “old shirts” such Serrano Súñer, Girón de Velasco, Utrera Molina, Sánchez Mazas, etc. were faithful to Franco all their lives. Some “old shirts” such Manuel Hedilla, Dionisio Ridruejo, or Narciso Perales, ended up in jail (but there they were handled with extreme care and respect).
        I think Franco was not a traitor at all but a very pragmatic achiever. I recomend the lecture of the essay on Falange by British Historian Sheelag Ellwood. She explains it quite well. She supports the theory that Franco gave Falange the opportunity to fulfill itself.

    1. Maybe now that the Supreme Court has added a good judge the president will have a better chance to put a stop to the out of control illegal immigration problem. Voters also need to vote. The immigration problem has got to end. http://www.NumbersUSA.com

  5. A few last things I need to say before I’m on my way.

    Economics will become an increasingly important matter in the near future. Even if you’re not American, it still pays to know what’s going on in the US economy because:

    1) The US dollar is still the world reserve currency and what happens to it affects many other countries’ currencies as well as the global economy; and there are many parallels between what happens in America in the rest of the West.


    2) You can save yourself from making bad investments and/or even make money on certain investments with the knowledge of certain recent and future trends. Examples: a) The US housing-market is sitting on a bubble and has been for awhile, meaning people can’t afford the price of these houses, which in turn means the prices of housing is going to decrease. b) Oil is looking really good right now, at least temporarily. c) I have buddies in the real-estate field my age who knew other older, wiser real estate investors who knew what was coming to the US in 08′, due to simply recognizing economic cycles/patterns and having experience that my young whipper-snapper buddies didn’t.

    It takes extra time and effort to try to attain a good grasp of economics as an activist because much of your time is dedicated to keeping up with current events in your field/s of activism. The leading economists in the red-pill community are doom and gloomers because they’re aware of simple things like central banks create fiat currency with interest, and they’re also aware that the West has been sliding into socialism and away from capitalism. Like any objective person, it pays to diversify your sources when studying economics because for one, there’s a lot to know, and for two, when various different economists have been studying these things for years, a natural and necessary question that needs to be asked is what does economist A know that economist B doesn’t, and vice versa. I’m not interested in attaining a somewhat good grasp, but a very good grasp for many reasons.

    So back in 09′, along with finding Tom Leykis, I also found people like Peter Schiff and Gerald Celente and started listening to them. Given I was a total newb in red-pill communities then, my mindset was much different and much more uneducated then. Schiff has a great understanding of economics and there’s a whole lot to learn off the dude. I didn’t keep up with the dudes much because I quickly became involved in other things, but one thing I have to say is I’ve been surprised the US dollar has done as well as it has. One thing I’ve noticed about Peter is that he focuses a whole lot of his time on the US economy but not much on the rest of the world by comparison. So Peter has long had an anti-dollar stance, but what other red-pilled economists say about global currency is that many are in big trouble. So the dollar has done well, not because it’s “strong”, but because so many other currencies are so bad, and it’s one of the things Peter just doesn’t delve much into; maybe due to cognitive bias or other reasons. He still has great knowledge overall about economics and the US economy though.

  6. Concerning Trump… at the *very least*, one has to conclude it’s *impossible* to know he has good intentions given all the odd, shady things he has done. When people tell me the dude has good intentions, a somewhat similar analogy would be like someone telling you that a rock they’re holding in their hand is actually a piece of paper. At first, you might think they’re joking; but if they persist, it starts to become an issue of ‘How goddamned stupid do you think I must be to believe that shit’ and it starts to become insulting because it insults your intelligence that this person could so arrogantly tell you such a falsity. You could at least maintain some respect for the person if they said ‘I *think* this is a piece of paper’; but when they start telling you they “know” it’s a piece of paper and you know they’re not trying to be funny, it’s impossible to maintain a lot of respect you might have had for them.

    When it comes to Trump and the US economy, he’s aaaabsolutely full of fucking shit. He can’t be that stupid, which means he can’t be doing anything else but *knowingly lying*. The economy is going to continually get worse, it’s just that the timing of so many things is extremely hard to know. You can see where the arrows are pointing, you just don’t know when they’ll release.

    There are many good, highly red-pilled economists out there besides Schiff and Celente, like Mike Maloney and YT channels like ITM Trading, for examples, and I’m finally going to take my time to develop a great grasp of economics on a global level because it’s right up my alley. That said, one of the things I like about Peter he spends a good deal of time covering what US presidents are currently doing. As you can imagine, when he was criticizing Obama for all the things he was doing, libtards were attacking him. Now that he’s criticizing Trump for all the things he’s doing, those same libtards now vouch for Peter, lol.

    Actually take the time to listen to his fukin podcasts on his channel, like this recent one. You’ll learn *infinitely* more about the economy from people like Schiff than you will off Trump:

  7. Some months back, there was actually a heads-up (one-on-one) no-limit poker grudge-match between Cate Hall (one of the few professional female players) and a dude named Mike Dentale. The reason they got into it was over politics, lol. Cate apparently is some kind of libtard; Mike a Trumpian; and he started responding to some political tweet she had made. It turned into a challenge on the felt, lol. Even though Cate isn’t a great player, Mike is very poor (but has a big ego about it), and if you know what you’re doing, you can read much of what Mike does in this match like a book (not just Cate, but especially Mike). Even though Cate did have a pretty good run of cards, she still played better than Mike, and it goes to show that while Trumpians might be a little smarter than their libtard counterparts in regards to cultural Marxism, they’re very often still dummies, especially given that Trump is such a cuckservative and so flimsy and weak and full of shit. On the whole, they can’t be much smarter, lol.

    Next time I surface in the political realm, I’m gonna make NL poker cash-game challenges for ANY and ALL Trumptards who believe they *know* the dude has “good intentions”. Those who do most certainly are NOT the mind-readers they delude themselves into THINKING they are. Not that anyone is, but some people like myself are actually HIGHLY accurate when it comes to reading people at the felt, and it’s a big part of the reason why I just crush cash games and they do NOT.

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